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One hot ear

October 28, 2003
1295 comments Kung Fu

One hot ear Yesterday Sunday I went to one of Dennis Kung Fu camps in St Albans. It was a beautiful day with a chilled breeze.

We practised a two-man-pattern that I've never even seen before and it was great fun.

Just as it was getting dark I was just about the only one left in the field practising my patterns. (A pattern is a combination of movements you perform on your own to remember and learn your kung fu principles.) After a few runs I notice a strange thing. One of my ears got really hot. My forehead was normal and the other ear was really cold as normal. It was just like when you're about to get a fever except it was only the ear.

Strange but interesting since I've never experienced this. And no, there is no simple geometric explanation for it. It's got to be internal; or?

Last grading result

July 12, 2003
1 comment Kung Fu

A couple of weeks ago I graded my third pattern of Fujian White Crane Kung Fu. That pattern is called SHI ZI (The Cross).

So today the grading results came out and I find to my great happiness that I passed it. This means that I can now start learning the fourth pattern (...surprisingly :) which is called SHI SAN TAI BAO (Thirteen Wonders). Interesting!

This does not mean that I get a different sash like they do in Japanese martial arts. No, you get a sash when you've passed your first grading and then you keep that until you become a master and get the black sash. However, if you're an instructor you wear a blue sash.

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