- March 2025
- Adding client-to-server sync to PissueTracker React, Bun, JavaScript
- Useful GitHub.com trick I learned today: l GitHub
- Starting a side project: PissueTracker 2 comments React, JavaScript
- February 2025
- Announcing: Spot the Difference React, Bun, JavaScript
- get in JavaScript is the same as property in Python Python, JavaScript
- Use 'key' in React components to reset them React
- How to send custom headers in a loader in react-router v7 React, JavaScript
- January 2025
- TypeScript enums without enums JavaScript, TypeScript
- How I run standalone Python in 2025 1 comment Python
- December 2024
- My 2024 golf goals Golf
- How I built an index of my blog posts on my GitHub profile page 1 comment Node, GitHub
- Run TypeScript in Node without extensions Node, JavaScript
- November 2024
- An ideal pattern to combine React Router with TanStack Query 1 comment React, JavaScript
- brotli_static in Nginx Nginx, Linux
- October 2024
- Object.keys to return the known strings of an object in TypeScript JavaScript
- How I make my Vite dev server experience faster React, Node, JavaScript
- How to extend a function in TypeScript without repeating the signature types JavaScript
- Trying out the new Bun "Compile to bytecode" Bun, JavaScript
- The performance benefits of code-split an SPA React
- Rate my golf swing (October 2024) Golf
- September 2024
- The 3 queries I use with pg_stat_statements to analyze slow PostgreSQL queries PostgreSQL
- How to handle success and failure in @tanstack/react-query useQuery hook React, JavaScript
- August 2024
- swr compared to @tanstack/react-query 2 comments JavaScript
- Add a lazy getter, that is a function call, on a object in JavaScript JavaScript
- Wouter + Vite is the new create-react-app, and I love it React, Node, Bun
- Default environment variables in Bash Bash
- Comparing Deno vs Node vs Bun Bun, JavaScript
- July 2024
- Trying out (and liking!) MeetingBar for macOS macOS
- Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit round-up Go, Node, Python, Bun, Ruby, Rust, JavaScript
- Node watch mode and TypeScript Node, JavaScript
- Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with Rust Rust
- Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with Crystal Ruby
- Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with Ruby Ruby
- Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with Go Go
- Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with TypeScript Bun, JavaScript
- Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit with Python Python
- In TypeScript, how to combine known and unknown keys to an object JavaScript
- Rate my golf swing (June 2024) Golf
- June 2024
- Simple object lookup in TypeScript 2 comments JavaScript
- May 2024
- Search GitHub issues by title, only GitHub
- March 2024
- How do you thousands-comma AND whitespace format a f-string in Python 1 comment Python
- Leibniz formula for π in Python, JavaScript, and Ruby Python, JavaScript
- Notes on porting a Next.js v14 app from Pages to App Router React, JavaScript
- February 2024
- How to avoid a count query in Django if you can 1 comment Django, Python
- How to restore all unstaged files in with git 1 comment GitHub, macOS, Linux
- January 2024
- How slow is Node to Brotli decompress a file compared to not having to decompress? 3 comments Node, macOS, Linux
- December 2023
- Search hidden directories with ripgrep, by default macOS, Linux
- fnm is much faster than nvm. 1 comment Node, macOS
- October 2023
- Comparing different efforts with WebP in Sharp Node, JavaScript
- Zipping files is appending by default - Watch out! Linux
- Introducing hylite - a Node code-syntax-to-HTML highlighter written in Bun Node, Bun, JavaScript
- September 2023
- Shallow clone vs. deep clone, in Node, with benchmark Node, JavaScript
- Pip-Outdated.py with interactive upgrade Python
- Parse a CSV file with Bun Bun
- Hello-world server in Bun vs Fastify 4 comments Node, JavaScript, Bun
- August 2023
- ts-node vs. esrun vs. esno vs. bun Node, JavaScript
- July 2023
- Switching from Next.js to Vite + wouter React, Node, JavaScript
- Benchmark comparison of Elasticsearch highlighters Elasticsearch
- May 2023
- How I used Parcel to "manually" bundle CSS files in a Remix app JavaScript
- Be careful with Date.toLocaleDateString() in JavaScript 4 comments Node, macOS, JavaScript
- April 2023
- How to run a GitHub Action workflow step if a file exists 2 comments GitHub
- Automatically 'npm install' Node, JavaScript
- February 2023
- Benchmarking npm install with or without audit 1 comment Node, JavaScript
- How to intercept and react to non-zero exits in bash 2 comments Bash, GitHub
- January 2023
- The technology behind You Should Watch You Should Watch, React, Firebase, JavaScript
- Announcing: You Should Watch 3 comments You Should Watch
- First impressions of Meilisearch and how it compares to Elasticsearch 1 comment Elasticsearch
- December 2022
- Pip-Outdated.py - a script to compare requirements.in with the output of pip list --outdated Python
- How to change the current query string URL in NextJS v13 with next/navigation 4 comments React, JavaScript
- How much faster is Cheerio at parsing depending on xmlMode? Node, JavaScript
- November 2022
- Programmatically control the matrix in a GitHub Action workflow GitHub
- First impressions trying out Rome to format/lint my TypeScript and JavaScript 1 comment Node, JavaScript
- October 2022
- How to count the most common lines in a file Bash, macOS, Linux
- September 2022
- Find the largest node_modules directories with bash Bash, macOS, Linux
- Spot the JavaScript bug with recursion and incrementing JavaScript
- Create a large empty file for testing Linux
- Programmatically render a NextJS page without a server in Node 1 comment Web development, Node, JavaScript
- August 2022
- Join a list with a bitwise or operator in Python Python
- July 2022
- Comparing compression commands with hyperfine Bash, macOS, Linux
- May 2022
- How to know if a PR has auto-merge enabled in a GitHub Action workflow GitHub
- Auto-merge GitHub pull requests based on "partial required checks" GitHub
- April 2022
- How to sort case insensitively with empty strings last in Django 1 comment Django, Python, PostgreSQL
- March 2022
- How to close a HTTP GET request in Python before the end Python
- Introducing docsQL Web development, GitHub, JavaScript
- February 2022
- Preemptive grocery shopping list item suggestions That's Groce!
- Tips and tricks to make you a GitHub Actions power-user GitHub
- Make your NextJS site 10-100x faster with Express caching React, Node, Nginx, JavaScript
- Command-Enter to submit a form when focus is inside textarea with React (TypeScript) 1 comment React
- December 2021
- My site's now NextJS - And I (almost) regret it already 8 comments React, Django, Node, JavaScript
- Sort a JavaScript array by some boolean operation 2 comments JavaScript
- Brotli compression quality comparison in the real world 2 comments Node, JavaScript
- October 2021
- How to string pad a string in Python with a variable 1 comment Python
- September 2021
- How to bulk-insert Firestore documents in a Firebase Cloud function 1 comment Node, Firebase, JavaScript
- I'm a GitHubber now 1 comment Work, GitHub
- TypeScript generic async function wrapper function JavaScript
- From photo of ingredients, to your shopping list Web development, That's Groce!, Firebase
- TypeScript function keyword arguments like Python Python, JavaScript
- How to use letsencrypt-acme-challenge.conf in Nginx 1 comment Nginx
- How I upload Firebase images optimized JavaScript, Web development, Firebase
- August 2021
- 10 years a Mozillian, always a Mozillian 2 comments Web development, Mozilla, MDN
- How to fadeIn and fadeOut like jQuery but with Cash JavaScript
- Shut the door! How to automate getting the kids to close the door Family
- How to submit a form with Playwright JavaScript
- July 2021
- How to install Python Poetry in GitHub Actions in MUCH faster way Python
- June 2021
- An effective and immutable way to turn two Python lists into one 7 comments Python
- How to get all of MDN Web Docs running locally 1 comment Web development, MDN
- May 2021
- The correct way to index data into Elasticsearch with (Python) elasticsearch-dsl Python, MDN, Elasticsearch
- What English stop words overlap with JavaScript reserved keywords? 2 comments JavaScript, MDN
- April 2021
- My contribution to 2021 Earth Day: optimizing some bad favicons on MDN Web Docs Web development, MDN
- March 2021
- How to simulate slow lazy chunk-loading in React React, JavaScript
- Umlauts (non-ascii characters) with git on macOS Python, macOS
- In JavaScript (Node) which is fastest, generator function or a big array function? Node, JavaScript
- February 2021
- How MDN's site-search works 3 comments Web development, Django, Python, MDN, Elasticsearch
- What's lighter than ExpressJS? Node, JavaScript
- The best and simplest way to parse an RSS feed in Node Node, JavaScript
- Sneaky block-scoping variables in JavaScript that eslint can't even detect JavaScript
- useSearchParams as a React global state manager React, JavaScript
- January 2021
- Fastest way to turn HTML into text in Python 4 comments Python
- December 2020
- Gcm - git checkout master or main 1 comment Python
- sharp vs. jimp - Node libraries to make thumbnail images 3 comments Node, JavaScript, Firebase
- downloadAndResize - Firebase Cloud Function to serve thumbnails Web development, That's Groce!, Node, JavaScript
- November 2020
- Default food shopping items isn't for everyone That's Groce!
- Popularity contest for your grocery list Web development, Mobile, That's Groce!
- October 2020
- Generating random avatar images in Django/Python 1 comment Web development, Django, Python
- That's Groce! Web development, Mobile, Preact, That's Groce!, Firebase
- September 2020
- Progressive CSS rendering with or without data URLs Web development, Web Performance, JavaScript
- Quick comparison between sass and node-sass 3 comments Node, JavaScript
- Lazy-load Firebase Firestore and Firebase Authentication in Preact Web development, Web Performance, JavaScript, Preact
- August 2020
- <datalist> looks great on mobile devices Web development, Mobile
- July 2020
- Test if two URLs are "equal" in JavaScript 3 comments JavaScript
- June 2020
- findMatchesInText - Find line and column of matches in a text, in JavaScript Node, JavaScript
- hashin 0.15.0 now copes nicely with under_scores Python
- ./bin/huey-isnt-running.sh - A bash script to prevent lurking ghosts Python, Linux, Bash
- May 2020
- Check your email addresses in Python, as a whole Python, MDN
- Benchmark compare Highlight.js vs. Prism Node, JavaScript
- Throw JavaScript errors with extra information Node, JavaScript
- April 2020
- How to use minimalcss without a server Web development, Node, JavaScript
- How post JSON with curl to an Express app 2 comments Node, JavaScript
- How I added brotli_static to nginx 1.17 in Ubuntu (Eoan Ermine) 19.10 Nginx, Linux
- How to install Node 12 on Ubuntu (Eoan Ermine) 19.10 Node, Linux
- February 2020
- Build pyenv Python versions on macOS Catalina 10.15 9 comments Python, macOS
- redirect-chain - Getting a comfortable insight input URL redirects history Python
- How to resolve a git conflict in poetry.lock 8 comments Python
- "ld: library not found for -lssl" trying to install mysqlclient in Python on macOS 1 comment Python, macOS
- Performance of truth checking a JavaScript object Node, JavaScript
- January 2020
- How to pad/fill a string by a variable in Python using f-strings 9 comments Python
- JavaScript destructuring like Python kwargs with defaults 1 comment Python, JavaScript
- How depend on a local Node package without npmjs.com JavaScript
- How to have default/initial values in a Django form that is bound and rendered 11 comments Web development, Django, Python
- How to split a block of HTML with Cheerio in NodeJS 2 comments Node, JavaScript
- December 2019
- A Python and Preact app deployed on Heroku 2 comments Web development, Django, Python, Docker, JavaScript
- November 2019
- MDN Documents Size Tree Map MDN, Web development
- October 2019
- Avoid async when all you have is (SSD) disk I/O in NodeJS 1 comment Node, JavaScript
- September 2019
- Update to speed comparison for Redis vs PostgreSQL storing blobs of JSON 2 comments Redis, Nginx, Web Performance, Python, Django, PostgreSQL
- How much faster is Redis at storing a blob of JSON compared to PostgreSQL? 65 comments Python, PostgreSQL, Redis
- uwsgi weirdness with --http 2 comments Python, Linux
- Fastest Python function to slugify a string 4 comments Python
- August 2019
- NodeJS fs walk() or glob or fast-glob 3 comments JavaScript
- Train your own spell corrector with TextBlob Python
- function expandFiles(directoriesPatternsOrFiles) JavaScript
- July 2019
- A React vs. Preact case study for a widget Web development, React, Web Performance, JavaScript
- Find out all localStorage keys and their value sizes Web development, JavaScript
- SongSearch autocomplete rate now 2+ per second Django, Python, Nginx, Redis
- June 2019
- From jQuery to Cash 4 comments Web development, JavaScript
- Build an XML sitemap of XML sitemaps Django, Python
- Generate a random IP address in Python Django, Python
- May 2019
- How I simulate a CDN with Nginx 1 comment Python, Nginx
- WebSockets vs. XHR 2019 Web development, Web Performance, JavaScript
- April 2019
- KeyCDN vs AWS CloudFront 3 comments Web development, Web Performance
- I think I might put my whole site behind a CDN Web development, Nginx, Web Performance
- Whatsdeployed rewritten in React Web development, Python, React, JavaScript
- KeyCDN vs. DigitalOcean Nginx Web development, Nginx, Web Performance
- Optimize inlined SVG on developer.mozilla.org Web development, Web Performance
- March 2019
- Best way to count distinct indexed things in PostgreSQL 3 comments Django, PostgreSQL
- Format numbers with numberWithCommas() or Number.toLocaleString() 1 comment Web development, JavaScript
- February 2019
- Django ORM optimization story on selecting the least possible 16 comments Web development, Django, Python, PostgreSQL
- Experimenting with Nginx worker_processes Web development, Nginx, macOS, Linux
- create-react-app, SCSS, and Bulmaswatch 2 comments Web development, React, JavaScript
- Optimize DOM selector lookups by pre-warming by selectors' parents Web development, Node, Web Performance, JavaScript
- Hooks tip! Avoid infinite recursion in React.useEffect() 1 comment React, JavaScript
- Displaying fetch() errors and unwanted responses in React Web development, React, JavaScript
- Format thousands in Python 9 comments Python
- January 2019
- hashin 0.14.5 and canonical pip hashes Python
- How to encrypt a file with Emacs on macOS (ccrypt) macOS, Linux
- variable_cache_control - Django view decorator to set max_age in runtime Django, Python
- An example of using Immer to handle nested objects in React state 1 comment React, JavaScript
- Use vars() to send an argparse Namespace into a function in Python 1 comment Python
- Number.prototype.toString() is incredibly useful to display numbers JavaScript
- December 2018
- Concurrent download with hashin without --update-all Web development, Python
- elapsed function in bash to print how long things take macOS, Linux
- How I performance test PostgreSQL locally on macOS 2 comments Web development, macOS, PostgreSQL
- November 2018
- hashin 0.14.0 with --update-all and a bunch of other features Python, Linux
- How to JSON schema validate 10x (or 100x) faster in Python 9 comments Python
- React.memo instead of React.PureComponent JavaScript, React
- October 2018
- React 16.6 with Suspense and lazy loading components with react-router-dom 7 comments Web development, JavaScript, React
- How much HTML is too much for optimal web performance 4 comments Web development, Web Performance
- Switching from AWS S3 (boto3) to Google Cloud Storage (google-cloud-storage) in Python 1 comment Python
- Fancy linkifying of text with Bleach and domain checks (with Python) 2 comments Python, Web development
- The ideal number of workers in Jest Python, React
- Inline scripts in create-react-app 2.0 and CSP hashes Web development, JavaScript, React
- An awesome snippet to web performance test a page programmatically Web development, JavaScript, Web Performance
- September 2018
- Comparing KeyCDN and DigitalOcean's new Spaces CDN 2 comments Web development
- Merge two arrays without duplicates in JavaScript JavaScript
- A darn good search filter function in JavaScript 8 comments Web development, JavaScript
- August 2018
- Replace an item in an array, by number, without mutation in JavaScript (ES6) 1 comment JavaScript
- django-pipeline and Zopfli Python, Web development, Django
- Django lock decorator with django-redis 4 comments Python, Web development, Django, Redis
- django-html-validator now supports Django 2.x Python, Web development, Django
- Quick dog-piling (aka stampeding herd) URL stresstest Python
- HTMLMinifier in use on this blog now 3 comments Web development, JavaScript, Web Performance
- June 2018
- To defer or to async JavaScript tags. That's the question. Web development, JavaScript, Web Performance
- A good Django view function cache decorator for http.JsonResponse Python, Web development, Django
- The best grep tool in the world; ripgrep 3 comments Linux, Web development, macOS
- How to unset aliases set by Oh My Zsh 5 comments Linux, macOS
- How to NOT start two servers on the same port 2 comments Linux, Web development
- GeneratorExit - How to clean up after the last yield in Python 7 comments Python
- May 2018
- Writing a custom Datadog reporter using the Python API 2 comments Python
- To CDN assets or just HTTP/2 3 comments Web development, JavaScript, Web Performance
- Rust > Go > Python ...to parse millions of dates in CSV files 10 comments Python
- Webpack Bundle Analyzer for create-react-app JavaScript, React
- Always return namespaces in Django REST Framework 1 comment Python, Django
- How I found out where a bash alias was set up Linux
- Real minimal example of going from setState to MobX JavaScript, React
- gtop is best Linux, macOS, JavaScript
- Fastest Python datetime parser Python
- April 2018
- The impressive first-meaningful-paint improvement of using minimalcss 3 comments Web development, JavaScript
- Best EXPLAIN ANALYZE benchmark script Python, PostgreSQL
- Efficient many-to-many field lookup in Django REST Framework 1 comment Python, Django, PostgreSQL
- March 2018
- hashin 0.12.0 is much much faster Python
- Worlds simplest web scraper bot in Python 1 comment Python
- filterToQueryString - JavaScript function to turn current filter into a query string 1 comment Web development, JavaScript, React
- Now using minimalcss Python, Web development, JavaScript, Node
- Docker gotcha with building a Dockerfile in sub directory 1 comment Docker
- How to throttle AND debounce an autocomplete input in React 18 comments Web development, JavaScript, React
- February 2018
- csso and django-pipeline Python, Django, JavaScript
- Items function in JavaScript for looping over dictionaries like Python 1 comment JavaScript, React
- Run something forever in bash until you want to stop it 6 comments Linux
- Be very careful with your add_header in Nginx! You might make your site insecure 17 comments Linux, Web development, Nginx
- Show size of every PostgreSQL database you have PostgreSQL
- Component, component function or plain function in React 1 comment React
- Convert web page to PDF, nicely Misc. links, Web development
- January 2018
- Fastest way to unzip a zip file in Python 15 comments Python
- Make .local domains NOT slow in macOS 19 comments Linux, macOS
- Even more aggressively trying to preload your next page load 2 comments Web development, JavaScript
- minimalcss 0.6.2 now strips all unused font faces Web development, JavaScript, Node
- Conditional aggregation in Django 2.0 4 comments Python, Django, PostgreSQL
- When Docker is too slow, use your host 3 comments Web development, Django, macOS, Docker
- Understanding Redis hash-max-ziplist-entries 2 comments Python, Redis
- Display current React version 1 comment JavaScript, React
- Whatsdeployed facelift Python, Web development, Mozilla, Docker
- How to rotate a video on OSX with ffmpeg 5 comments Linux, macOS
- December 2017
- Fastest way to uniquify a list in Python >=3.6 7 comments Python
- CSS selector simplifier regular expression in JavaScript Web development, JavaScript
- Msgpack vs JSON (with gzip) 17 comments Python, Web development
- Another win for Tracking Protection in Firefox Web development, Mozilla
- How's My WiFi? 2 comments macOS, JavaScript, Node
- Really simple Django view function timer decorator 2 comments Python, Django
- Synonyms with elasticsearch-dsl Python, Web development, PostgreSQL
- November 2017
- Unzip benchmark on AWS EC2 c3.large vs c4.large 18 comments Python, Linux, Mozilla, Go
- How to create-react-app with Docker 31 comments Linux, Web development, JavaScript, React, Docker
- Yet another Docker 'A ha!' moment 2 comments macOS, Docker
- How to use django-cache-memoize Python, Django
- To enable Tracking Protection for performance Web development, Mozilla
- October 2017
- django-cache-memoize 3 comments Python, Django
- Concurrent Gzip in Python 11 comments Python, Linux, Docker
- Simple or fancy UPSERT in PostgreSQL with Django 7 comments Python, Web development, Django, PostgreSQL
- "No space left on device" on OSX Docker 13 comments Web development, macOS, Docker
- September 2017
- cache_memoize - a pretty decent cache decorator for Django 4 comments Python, Web development, Django
- Mozilla Symbol Server (aka. Tecken) load testing Python, Web development, Django, Mozilla
- A neat trick to zip a git repo with a version number 4 comments Linux, Web development
- Ultrafast loading of CSS 3 comments Web development, JavaScript
- August 2017
- Fastest way to match a filename's extension in Python 4 comments Python
- React lifecycle hooks must-have 1 comment Web development, JavaScript, React
- Fastest *local* cache backend possible for Django 11 comments Python, Web development, Django
- July 2017
- Find static files defined in django-pipeline but not found Python, Django
- Why I'm ditching AdBuff on Songsear.ch Web development
- Best YouTube Chefs of 2017 5 comments Misc. links
- June 2017
- How to do performance micro benchmarks in Python 7 comments Python
- Fastest way to find out if a file exists in S3 (with boto3) 9 comments Python, Web development
- Why didn't I know about machma?! Linux, macOS, Go
- May 2017
- Experimenting with Guetzli Linux, Web development, macOS
- Fastest Redis configuration for Django 1 comment Python, Linux, Web development, Django
- April 2017
- Web Console trick to get all URLs into your clipboard Web development, JavaScript
- Best practice with retries with requests 69 comments Python
- Public Class Fields saves sooo many keystrokes in React code 1 comment JavaScript, React
- A decent Elasticsearch search engine implementation Python, Web development, Django
- Fastest cache backend possible for Django 11 comments Python, Linux, Web development
- March 2017
- Fastest way to download a file from S3 5 comments Python
- More CSS load performance experiments (of a React app) Web development, JavaScript, React
- Web Performance Optimization of a Single-Page-App and web fonts Web development, JavaScript, React
- Don't forget your sets in Python! 4 comments Python
- crontabber now supports locking, both high- and low-level Python, Mozilla, PostgreSQL
- February 2017
- Podcasttime.io - How Much Time Do Your Podcasts Take To Listen To? 3 comments Python, Web development, Django, JavaScript, React
- January 2017
- Autocompeter is Dead. Long live Autocompeter! Python, Web development, Go
- ElasticSearch 5 in Travis-CI Python, Linux, Web development
- 10 Reasons I Love create-react-app 4 comments Web development, JavaScript
- December 2016
- Using Fanout.io in Django 1 comment Python, Web development, Django, Mozilla, JavaScript
- November 2016
- Cope with JSONDecodeError in requests.get().json() in Python 2 and 3 6 comments Python
- How to deploy a create-react-app 2 comments Web development, JavaScript, React
- Optimization of QuerySet.get() with or without select_related 1 comment Python, Django, PostgreSQL
- October 2016
- Django test optimization with no-op PIL engine 6 comments Python, Django
- August 2016
- hashin 0.7.0 and multiple packages Python
- django-html-validator - now locally, fast! 1 comment Python, Web development, Django
- How to identify/classify what language a piece of text is Misc. links, Python
- json-schema-reducer Python
- June 2016
- Premailer 3.0.0 - classes kept by default Python, Web development
- CSS Bloat Comparison Web development, JavaScript
- May 2016
- hashin 0.5.0 bug fix Python
- Time to do concurrent CPU bound work 3 comments Python, Linux, macOS
- Decorated Concurrency - Python multiprocessing made really really easy 17 comments Python
- gg - A prototype to rule Git, GitHub and Bugzilla Python, Web development
- How to track Google Analytics pageviews on non-web requests (with Python) 1 comment Python, Web development, Django, Mozilla
- April 2016
- .git/info/exclude, .gitignore and ~/.gitignore_global 4 comments Linux, macOS
- Don't that this or bind 2 comments JavaScript
- 4 different kinds of React component styles 4 comments JavaScript, React
- March 2016
- Web performance optimization's dark side Web development
- February 2016
- Ctags in Atom on OSX Web development, macOS
- Whatsdeployed on only one site Python, Web development, Mozilla
- How to no-mincss links with django-pipeline 2 comments Python, Web development, Django
- Bestest and securest way to handle Python dependencies 1 comment Python
- January 2016
- A quicksearch for Bugzilla using Autocompeter Python, Web development, Mozilla, JavaScript
- hashin - a replacement for peepin Python
- How I installed letsencrypt for Nginx Linux, Web development
- Best Atom packages of 2015 7 comments Web development, macOS
- Advanced Closure Compiler vs UglifyJS2 12 comments JavaScript
- December 2015
- Select all relations in PostgreSQL 1 comment PostgreSQL
- Headsupper.io Python, Web development, Django, JavaScript, React
- Django forms and making datetime inputs localized 2 comments Python, Django
- November 2015
- Screenshot-sharing performance comparison 13 comments Web development, macOS
- Whatsdeployed 4 comments Python, Web development, Mozilla
- Chainable catches in a JavaScript promise 6 comments Web development, JavaScript
- October 2015
- Weight of your PostgreSQL tables "lumped together" PostgreSQL
- How to "onchange" in ReactJS 28 comments JavaScript, React
- And bash basics 2 comments Linux, macOS
- mozjpeg installation and sample 3 comments Linux, Web development, Mozilla
- localStorage is not async, but it's FAST! 7 comments Web development, AngularJS, JavaScript
- django-pipeline + django-jinja 2 comments Django
- September 2015
- Using Lovefield as an AJAX proxy maybe 1 comment Web development, JavaScript
- Panasonic Lumix from 2008 or a iPhone 5S from 2014 5 comments Photos
- ElasticSearch, snowball analyzer and stop words 1 comment Python
- django-semanticui-form 2 comments Python, Django
- peepin - a great companion to peep Python
- Be careful with using dict() to create a copy 9 comments Python
- Examples of mozjpeg savings 5 comments Web development, Mozilla
- August 2015
- Crash-stats just became a whole lot faster Web development, Mozilla
- How to test if gzip is working on your site or app Linux, Web development
- Introducing optisorl Python
- News sites suck in terms of performance 5 comments Web development
- Worst performing website of the year Web development
- Some tips on learning React JavaScript, React
- July 2015
- How to log ALL PostgreSQL SQL happening 1 comment macOS, PostgreSQL
- Visual speed comparison of AngularJS and ReactJS Web development, AngularJS, JavaScript
- Premailer.io 3 comments Python, Web development, AngularJS, JavaScript
- Find what indentation your files use Python
- June 2015
- How I git 1 comment Python, Linux
- May 2015
- Python slow-down of exception handling or condition checking Python
- premailer 2.9.0 and new rules for `base_url` Python
- Use closure for your Django context processors 11 comments Python, Django
- April 2015
- Using lazy loading images on Air Mozilla Mozilla, JavaScript
- AngularJS $q notify and resolve as a local GET proxy 1 comment AngularJS, JavaScript
- Benchmarking Autocompeter Go
- Match the whole word in auto complete maybe 2 comments Web development, JavaScript
- gulp-header is the best! 1 comment JavaScript
- Autocompeter 1.1.8 and smooth typing Go, JavaScript
- Autocompeter.com 8 comments Go, JavaScript
- March 2015
- Bye bye httpretty. Welcome back good old mock! 4 comments Python
- How to slice a rune in Go 1 comment Go
- Air Mozilla on Roku 2 comments Mozilla
- Newsletters I enjoy for work Misc. links
- February 2015
- Median size of Javascript libs on jsDelivr JavaScript
- Best non-cryptographic hashing function in Python (size and speed) 11 comments Python
- January 2015
- My favorite Go multiplexer 7 comments Go
- Almost premature optimization Python, Web development, Django
- December 2014
- AJAX or not 1 comment Web development, AngularJS, JavaScript
- Fastest way to take screencaps out of videos 1 comment Linux, Web development, Mozilla
- One-way data bindings in AngularJS 1.3 1 comment AngularJS, JavaScript
- vipsthumbnail Linux
- November 2014
- To then() or to success() in AngularJS 19 comments AngularJS, JavaScript
- A "perma search" in AngularJS AngularJS, JavaScript
- Why is it important to escape & in href attributes in tags? 13 comments Web development
- God, No! by Penn Jillette Books
- Bye bye AWS EC2, Hello Digital Ocean Linux
- uwsgi and uid 4 comments Python, Linux, Django
- October 2014
- Shout-out to eventlog 4 comments Django
- Go vs. Python 42 comments Python, Go
- localForage vs. XHR 9 comments JavaScript
- django-html-validator 2 comments Python, Web development, Django
- Premailer on Python 3 1 comment Python
- September 2014
- Do you curl a lot to check headers? 6 comments Linux
- An AngularJS directive with itself as the attribute 8 comments JavaScript, AngularJS
- August 2014
- set -ex - The most useful bash trick of the year 8 comments Linux
- Highlighted code syntax in Keynote macOS
- How I back up all my photos on S3 via Dropbox 4 comments Photos
- premailer now with 100% test coverage Python
- Aggressively prefetching everything you might click 13 comments This site, Web development, JavaScript
- Gzip rules the world of optimization, often 4 comments Python, JavaScript
- June 2014
- Common names amongst my Facebook friends 1 comment Wondering
- Crontabber 2 comments Python, Mozilla, PostgreSQL
- Optimizing MozTrap 3 comments Web development, JavaScript, Mozilla
- May 2014
- HTML Tree on Hacker News Web development, JavaScript
- April 2014
- Migration of Postgres 9.2 to 9.3 with Homebrew and json_enhancements PostgreSQL
- Do you like angular-classy? JavaScript, AngularJS
- GitHub PR triage across multiple projects Web development, JavaScript, Mozilla
- Wattvision - real-time energy monitoring 2 comments This site
- Grymt - because I didn't invent Grunt here 3 comments Python, Web development, JavaScript
- COPYFILE_DISABLE and python distutils in python 2.6 Python
- March 2014
- Buggy - A sexy Bugzilla offline webapp 1 comment Web development, Mozilla, JavaScript
- My favorite YouTube channels 1 comment Misc. links
- Github Pull Request Triage tool Web development, AngularJS
- February 2014
- Moby Dick (by Herman Melville) Books
- What's the average number of domains a website depends on? 10 comments Web development
- Advanced live-search with AngularJS 12 comments JavaScript
- January 2014
- Sorting mixed type lists in Python 3 4 comments Python
- December 2013
- How I do deployments 5 comments Linux, Web development
- November 2013
- Wish List Granted on Hacker News report 2 comments Web development
- Welcome to the world, Wish List Granted 4 comments Web development, Django
- Credit Card formatter in Javascript 28 comments JavaScript
- A Django base class for all your Forms 2 comments Django
- From Postgres to JSON strings 14 comments Python
- All my apps are now running on one EC2 server Linux
- October 2013
- Lazy loading below the fold 2 comments Web development, JavaScript
- Fastest database for Tornado 9 comments Python, Tornado
- September 2013
- 10 years of blogging 2 comments This site
- June 2013
- In Python you sort with a tuple 9 comments Python
- May 2013
- premailer now excludes pseudo selectors by default Python, Web development
- What stumped me about AngularJS 22 comments AngularJS, JavaScript
- April 2013
- Registration and sign-in by email verification 10 comments Web development
- The Poincaré Conjecture 1 comment Mathematics, Books
- Local jed settings 4 comments Linux, macOS
- Careful with your assertRaises() and inheritance of exceptions 10 comments Python
- Recruiters: if you're going to lie, do it properly 9 comments Work, Web development
- "Did you mean this domain?" Auto-correction for the browser's address bar 4 comments Mozilla
- Never put external Javascript in the <head> 13 comments Web development
- March 2013
- premailer now honours specificity Python
- HTML whitespace "compression" - don't bother! 4 comments Web development
- django-fancy-cache with or without stats 1 comment Python, Django
- This site is now 100% inline CSS and no bytes are wasted 8 comments Python, Web development, Django
- Welcome to the world django-fancy-cache! 3 comments Python, Django
- February 2013
- mincss version 0.8 is much much faster Python
- mincss now support PhantomJS 3 comments Python
- January 2013
- mincss in action - sample report from the wild 10 comments Python, Web development
- mincss "Clears the junk out of your CSS" 30 comments Python, Web development
- Free business idea: An app for figuring out the best car for you Wondering
- All your images are belong to data uris 12 comments Web development
- December 2012
- Gamification for me as a software developer 3 comments Web development
- My new web marketing strategy: Begging 13 comments Web development
- November 2012
- Introducing: HUGEpic - a web app for showing massive pictures 19 comments Python
- October 2012
- Fastest way to thousands-commafy large numbers in Python/PyPy 15 comments Python
- hastebinit - quickly paste snippets into hastebin.com 9 comments Python, Linux
- September 2012
- How I stopped worrying about IO blocking Tornado 5 comments Tornado
- Introducing: League of Friends on Around The World Web development
- Real-timify Django with SockJS 4 comments Django, JavaScript, Tornado
- August 2012
- django-mongokit now compatible with Django 1.4 Python
- US License Plate Spotter (part 2) JavaScript
- Beach volleyball bums 2 comments Misc. links
- July 2012
- Is Nginx obsolete now that we have Amazon CloudFront? 24 comments Web development
- How to use premailer as a command line script 5 comments Python
- US License Plate Spotter (part 1) 4 comments JavaScript
- Newfound love of @staticmethod in Python 6 comments Python
- June 2012
- Difference between $.data('foo') and $.attr('data-foo') in jQuery 9 comments JavaScript
- How I deal with deferred image loading in Javascript 3 comments Web development, JavaScript
- May 2012
- Postgres collation errors on CITEXT fields when upgrading to 9.1 1 comment Web development
- Secs sell! How I cache my entire pages (server-side) 1 comment Python, Django
- On the command line no one can hear you screen. Or can they? 2 comments Linux
- April 2012
- Are WebSockets faster than AJAX? ...with latency in mind? 25 comments Web development, JavaScript
- I'm running pgFouine right now on my server Linux
- Secs sell! How frickin' fast this site is! (server side) 2 comments Linux, Web development, Django
- March 2012
- Secs sell! How frickin' fast this site is! (client side) 7 comments Web development
- IssueTrackerProduct now officially abandoned 6 comments Zope, IssueTrackerProduct
- How much faster is Nginx+gunicorn than Apache+mod_wsgi? 9 comments Linux, Django
- String length truncation optimization difference in Python 8 comments Python
- When to __deepcopy__ classes in Python 9 comments Python
- December 2011
- Persistent caching with fire-and-forget updates 4 comments Python, Tornado
- Cryptic errors when using django-nose 2 comments Django
- Python file with closing automatically 2 comments Python
- November 2011
- Integrate BrowserID in a Tornado web app 2 comments Tornado, Mozilla
- Trivial but powerful tips for nosetests Python
- October 2011
- Going real simple on HTML5 audio Web development, JavaScript
- New feature on Too Cool For Me: Everyone I follow Web development
- September 2011
- Cateechee golf pictures Misc. links
- Too Cool For Me? Tornado
- Goodies from tornado-utils - part 3: send_mail Tornado
- Goodies from tornado-utils - part 2: tornado_static Tornado
- Goodies from tornado-utils - part 1: TestClient Tornado
- Reciprocal lesson about gender perspectives Wondering
- August 2011
- Title - a javascript snippet to control the document title JavaScript
- EmailInput HTML5 friendly for Django 6 comments Django
- July 2011
- A blog comment spam solution: Retalition! Wondering
- A taste of the Django on inside Mozilla, Sheriffs Duty Django
- Comparing Google Closure with UglifyJS 17 comments JavaScript
- Slides about Kwissle from yesterdays London Python Dojo Python
- June 2011
- Chinese tea sampler pack now on sale Misc. links
- Optimization story involving something silly I call "dict+" Python, MongoDB
- Launching Kwissle.com 4 comments Tornado
- Google teething problems still with duplicated content Misc. links
- Test static resources in Django tests 3 comments Django
- May 2011
- A script tag's type in HTML5 4 comments JavaScript
- maxlength_countdown() - a useful jQuery plugin for showing characters left 6 comments JavaScript
- April 2011
- Mocking DBRefs in Mongoose and nodeunit JavaScript, MongoDB
- TornadoGists.org - launched and ready! 1 comment Python, Tornado
- Strange socket related error with supervisord 7 comments Linux
- Google's new Page Speed Online hard to beat 3 comments Web development
- March 2011
- Bash tip of the day: ff 2 comments Linux
- My AWS CloudFront bill 1 comment This site
- MongoUK 2011 - London conference all about MongoDB 2 comments MongoDB
- QUnit testing my jQuery Mobile site in full swing 1 comment JavaScript
- More productive than Lisp? Really??! Python
- To all Zope developers: Does this sound familiar? 2 comments Zope
- February 2011
- I just ordered tea from the Min River Tea Farm Misc. links
- Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke JavaScript
- Connecting with psycopg2 without a username and password 12 comments Python
- Optimization of getting random rows out of a PostgreSQL in Django 48 comments Django
- Nice testimonial about django-static Django
- How I profile my Nginx + proxy pass server 3 comments Web development, Python
- DoneCal homepage now able to do 10,000 requests/second DoneCal
- EditDistanceMatcher - NodeJS script for doing edit distance 1 matching JavaScript
- DoneCal on MumbaiMirror 1 comment DoneCal
- January 2011
- DoneCal.com international visitors DoneCal
- Fastest "boolean SQL queries" possible with Django 5 comments Django
- django-static version 1.5 automatically taking care of imported CSS 1 comment Django
- RequireJS versus HeadJS 4 comments JavaScript
- ToDo apps I gave up on in 2010 4 comments Wondering
- December 2010
- ssl_session_cache in Nginx and the ab benchmark 2 comments DoneCal, Linux
- Speed of DoneCal API (over 1,400 request/sec) and HTTPS (less than 100 request/sec) 4 comments DoneCal
- To code or to pdb in Python 6 comments Python
- Page here about DoneCal DoneCal
- November 2010
- DoneCal gets a grade A (92) 3 comments DoneCal
- Gmail tip: Searching only for attachments
- Welcome to the world: DoneCal.com Python, Tornado
- jsonpprint - a Python script to format JSON data nicely 5 comments Python
- How to book a ticket on the Royal Academy of Music's website 1 comment Web development
- Worst Flash site of the year 2010 2 comments Misc. links
- Javascript tip: nifty use of the console.log function in Firebug 2 comments JavaScript
- October 2010
- In Django, how much faster is it to aggregate? 5 comments Django
- How I made my MongoDB based web app 10 times faster 1 comment Python, MongoDB
- Why I gave up on JQuery UI's autocomplete 3 comments JavaScript
- Nasty JavaScript wart (or rather, don't take shortcuts) JavaScript
- My tricks for using AsyncHTTPClient in Tornado 1 comment Python, Tornado
- Local Django development with Nginx 15 comments Django
- September 2010
- In jQuery, using the :visible selector can be dangerous JavaScript
- wkhtmltopdf and font size shrinkage Web development
- I just discovered wikiHow Misc. links
- Local NodeJS development environment with Nginx JavaScript
- August 2010
- Musings about django.contrib.auth.models.User 6 comments Python, Django
- Where I live 2 comments
- July 2010
- Hosting Django static images with Amazon Cloudfront (CDN) using django-static 4 comments Django
- June 2010
- People's reactions to Gates and Buffet's $600 billion challenge Politics
- TfL Traffic cameras on a Google map 4 comments Web development
- May 2010
- Correction: running Django tests with MongoDB is NOT slow 1 comment Django, MongoDB
- Muted conversations in Gmail Misc. links
- "Using MongoDB in your Django app - implications and benefits" 10 comments Django
- mongoengine vs. django-mongokit 3 comments Python, Django
- More on What is "pythonic" 6 comments Python
- Review: Django 1.1 Testing and Debugging Django
- Making output stay on stdout Linux
- Upgrading to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and downgrading to Python2.4 and Python2.5 5 comments Linux
- Fish - most important Python package since distutils Python
- April 2010
- My site on the iPad This site
- GlobalExpense doesn't work in Firefox Misc. links
- Spelling differences between British and American English Misc. links
- OpenID, Attribute Exchange, SReg, python-openid and Google 2 comments Web development, Python
- Word Whomp solvers love Crosstips 4 comments Misc. links
- UPPER vs. ILIKE 4 comments Web development
- Who was logged in during a Django exception 5 comments Django
- fcgi vs. gunicorn vs. uWSGI 29 comments Python, Django, Linux
- Cycling across England on Orange Snapshot Photos
- March 2010
- The awesomest way possible to serve your static stuff in Django with Nginx 19 comments Django
- Beautiful photos from the Katrina hurricane Misc. links
- Speed test between django_mongokit and postgresql_psycopg2 15 comments Python, Django
- How and why to use django-mongokit (aka. Django to MongoDB) 11 comments Python, Django
- Ubuntu Cola or Ubuntu Linux Linux
- Importance of public URLs and how enterprisecarsales.com gets it wrong Web development
- February 2010
- How girls/guys rate guys/girls 1 comment Misc. links
- Looking for icons? Web development
- Last.fm Tube Tags Music
- Haiti Earthquake: Who's given what? Politics
- January 2010
- Healing Food Reference Misc. links
- Guake, not Yakuake or Yeahconsole 4 comments Linux
- oplop - How Oplop works, explained in plain English and in technical detail Misc. links
- Tip: creating a Xapian database in Python 5 comments Python
- Bookmarklet to replace the current domain with localhost:8000 1 comment Web development, Django
- LastGraph - visualizing your Last.fm usage Misc. links
- December 2009
- China wrecked the Copenhagen deal Politics
- Migrating with South on a field that uses auto_now_add=True 5 comments Django
- Homer Simpson playing Cry of the Black Birds by Amon Amarth Music
- Orphaned Land - Jewish Muslim Metal 9 comments Music
- November 2009
- Comparing YUI Compressor and slimmer 5 comments Python
- Those Crazy Chinese Django
- Mocking os.stat in Python 5 comments Python
- October 2009
- "Frank Zappa: The Biography" by Barry Miles 7 comments Books
- iPhone push notifications for Twitter with Prowl 1 comment Web development
- What makes my website slow? DNS 14 comments This site, Linux
- What I hate about PIL and Image in Python 6 comments Python
- Messed up columns in Django Admin 1 comment Django
- Automatically strip whitespace in Django forms 2 comments Django
- A user-friendly TinyMCE config 4 comments Web development
- September 2009
- Funnier than Fail Blog: Fail Dogs Misc. links
- London Frock Exchange launched Work, Django
- My first Twitter app - KungFuPeople.com Python, Kung Fu
- Comparing jsmin and slimmer 3 comments Python
- Python Code Dojo London - 17 Sep 2009 Python
- "Hello John. It's Gordon Brown." Misc. links
- 7 of the World's Most Irresponsible Companies 1 comment Misc. links
- August 2009
- Cgunit - Online Gallery Misc. links
- To sub-select or not sub-select in PostgreSQL Linux
- Custom CacheMiddleware that tells Javascript a page is cached in Django 1 comment Django
- What a super user-friendly menu!
- Table Of Countries Showing Drive Direction Misc. links
- The Secret to SEO Search Engine Optimization Web development
- Calling all kung fu people - kungfupeople.com Kung Fu, Django
- Google Reverse Geocoding vs. GeoNames 3 comments Python
- gg - wrapping git-grep Linux
- Public calendars on Google Calendar Misc. links
- More optimization of Peterbe.com - CSS sprites Web development
- July 2009
- The 4-hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris Books
- Battery life usage on an iPhone 3G(S) iPhone
- gorun.py - Using (py)inotify to run commands when files change Python
- Getting uploadify to work 11 comments Web development
- setuptools usability - not good, what can be done? 12 comments Python
- premailer.py - Transform CSS into line style attributes with lxml.html 9 comments Python
- My first iPhone web app - Crosstips iPhone interface 2 comments iPhone
- June 2009
- My dislike for booleans and that impact on the Django Admin 8 comments Django
- May 2009
- Introducing django-spellcorrector Django
- Crossing the world - new feature on Crosstips 1 comment Django
- Sequences in PostgreSQL and rolling back transactions Linux
- Most unusual letters in English language 11 comments Python
- To JSON, Pickle or Marshal in Python 4 comments Python
- Never seen before Google Server Error 1 comment
- April 2009
- Lizard walk charity for the Claremont project Kung Fu
- Crosstips now has sparklines Web development
- mailto: considered stupid, especially with ?subject 5 comments Web development
- Git + Twitter = Friedcode 10 comments Python, Linux
- Lesson learned: Unicodifying request variables in Zope 3 comments Zope
- Fujitsu FLEPia Books
- TypeRacer Best online game in years Misc. links
- Google Calendar, iCalendar Validator but not bloody Apple iCal 2 comments Web development
- Simple interface for Crosstips Web development
- Shit trailer, awesome way to show it Web development
- March 2009
- Head-to-head movie voting Film
- British or American English or just English 4 comments Web development
- Nginx vs. Squid 3 comments Linux
- Too much Python makes Peter a shit Javascript developer JavaScript
- Sandisk SSD v/s HDD 2 comments Misc. links
- February 2009
- To $('#foo p') or to $('p', $('#foo')) 2 comments JavaScript
- Propeller Island City Lodge Orange Room
- Founder of Islamic TV station accused of beheading wife Politics
- To assert or assertEqual in Python unit testing 17 comments Python
- Female body builder picture galore 1 comment
- Tough Guy Challenge 2009 - Boston.com
- The Albion, Shoreditch 1 comment Web development
- January 2009
- How I Made a 1,474-Megapixel Photo Misc. links
- Acupuncture works for headaches Misc. links
- Rock stars and their parents
- Nasty surprise of Django and gettext 3 comments Django
- Formatting numeric amounts in Javascript 1 comment JavaScript
- Earth, observed - The Big Picture - Boston.com
- Hellsongs 2 comments Music
- Does Semen Have Antidepressant Properties? Misc. links
- Secrets of success from Google co-founder Larry Page
- The Big Storm Picture: November 2008
- The Jesus story - A serious case of plagiarism 66 comments Misc. links
- Ultimate Banksy Art & Graffiti Gallery | WebUrbanist
- December 2008
- "Confused and scared"
- Round trip with Endeavour - The Big Picture - Boston.com
- WUBeee!
- Obesity Not Just an American Problem Anymore | Newsweek Health | Newsweek.com Misc. links
- YouTube - Nigella's XXXmas 1 comment Misc. links
- Towel dog
- My first YSlow Grade A (100)! 6 comments Django
- DianeDancesToHell.jpg
- All My Internet Friends 1 comment
- Wing IDE versus Jed 4 comments Linux
- Nasty surprise of Django cache 10 comments Django
- bool is instance of int in Python 15 comments Python
- November 2008
- Finally got rid of the system beep 2 comments Linux
- domstripper - A lxml.html test project 1 comment Python
- How to unit test the innards of a Django view function 3 comments Django
- Why do you vote for the democrats? Politics
- October 2008
- Comic-Con 2008 photos Misc. links
- Django vs. Java 1 comment Django
- Flash advert hell 1 comment Web development
- World Plone Day here in London, England Plone
- Why bother with MySQL... 2 comments Linux
- When '_properties' gets stuck as a persistent attribute 1 comment Zope
- September 2008
- V8 < TraceMonkey < SquirrelFish Web development
- The importance of env (and how it works with virtualenv) 8 comments Python
- The stupidity of 'id' as a variable name (or stupidity of me) 3 comments Python
- Why we like Obama, short answer: his speeches 1 comment Politics
- Accessible UK Train Timetable 1 comment Misc. links
- August 2008
- Kalle Kappner - Opeth and Pain of Salvation piano tribute Music
- Weird Asia News Misc. links
- Anti-McCain propaganda videos 3 comments Politics
- That should last a couple of weeks
- July 2008
- Python new-style classes and the super() function 5 comments Python
- Use Javascript to prevent spambots 3 comments Web development
- The importance of checking in Firefox 4 comments Web development
- A great thing about Squid: Calamaris Linux
- Interview with Varg Vikernes 10 comments Music
- June 2008
- WestIsEast.co.uk launched 1 comment Misc. links
- Another brownie point for Django 1 comment Django
- Difference between Sweden and UK: renewable energy 1 comment Sweden
- Damn lies and benchmark comparing Apache and Nginx 7 comments Linux
- May 2008
- zope-memory-readings - Tracking Zope2's memory usage by URL Zope
- split_search() - A Python functional for advanced search applications Python
- April 2008
- The importance of the TITLE attribute 2 comments Web development
- What I like and dislike about Grok 2 comments Zope
- Mixing in new-style classes in Zope 2.7 Zope
- pwdf - a mix of ls and pwd 2 comments Linux
- Lesson learnt with creating DOM element with jQuery 6 comments JavaScript
- March 2008
- One thing I hate about Linux: cron 6 comments Linux
- How to uninstall nginx with apt 11 comments Linux
- Tip: Printer friendly pages with Page Templates in Zope Zope
- apple.com/store doesn't work in Firefox (on Linux) 6 comments Web development
- Mocking a Python standard library 2 comments Zope
- See you at PyCon 2008 Python
- File check before delete 1 comment Linux
- "Confessions of a College Callgirl" is the new "My Secret Life As A Prostitute" 2 comments Misc. links
- hostip.info - Look up the location from an IP 1 comment Linux
- February 2008
- CommandLineApp by Doug Hellmann Python
- If Americans knew - An interesting insight into the Israeli Palestine conflict 4 comments Politics
- Chinese New Year and the Persecution of Falun Gong in China 2 comments Kung Fu
- logrotating all my Zope event logs Zope, Linux
- Ocado gets customer service right 8 comments Misc. links
- Why Django and Grok matters 5 comments Web development
- January 2008
- The Official Dilbert Widget Misc. links
- "lost my phone :(" 3 comments Mobile
- Ugliest e-commerce site of the month - Comfy-Feet 2 comments Misc. links
- input/textarea switcher with jQuery 2 comments JavaScript
- jQuery and Highslide JS 5 comments JavaScript
- The Love Mattress Misc. links
- EditArea vs. CodePress 5 comments Web development
- December 2007
- String comparison function in Python (alpha) 7 comments Python
- isArithmeticExpression() in Javascript JavaScript
- Calculator in Python for dummies 17 comments Python
- T-Mobile MMS collection 1 comment Web development
- WSSE Authentication and Apache 1 comment Python
- geopy distance calculation pitfall 1 comment Python
- Kill Ugly Radio - A Frank Zappa blog Misc. links
- November 2007
- Photos from Fuzhou 2007 Photos
- Futurama is back! Misc. links
- Note to self about Jeditable JavaScript
- Back from Fuzhou, China 3 comments
- October 2007
- Now I'm on Last.fm 1 comment Music
- DateIndex in Zope doesn't have indexed attributes Zope
- Piteå, as experienced by Sam Dunstan Sweden
- Islington Kungfu charity fund raiser 2007 1 comment Kung Fu
- Bicycle racing in NYC Misc. links
- Silk icons 1 comment Web development
- Future of Web Apps (quick summary and thoughts) 2 comments Web development
- September 2007
- Linux tip: du --max-depth=1 28 comments Linux
- Spellcorrector 0.2 3 comments Python
- Ugliest site of the month - The Backyard Comedy Club 15 comments Misc. links
- Vertically expanding textarea input boxes JavaScript
- Nasty human error in Zope ZEO setup Zope
- Fun Python error message Zope
- What art is ...according to Don Van Vliet 5 comments Art
- August 2007
- Not just the bikini event Misc. links
- Proud to be a Swedish atheist Sweden
- Printer usability problem 1 comment Linux
- rfc822() vs. rfc1123_date() Zope
- html2plaintext Python script to convert HTML emails to plain text 12 comments Python
- YSlow grade A (96) but not with doubts Web development
- Interesting lesson learnt on shortcut taking in usability 3 comments Plone
- July 2007
- XML header and childNodes Web development
- How did Google do that? 6 comments Web development
- Worst gigolo sales pitch ever
- I'm not a hacker 2 comments This site
- Mac OS X's python binary icons 6 comments macOS
- June 2007
- iPhones review on WSJ Misc. links
- Internet Radio - Day of Silence Misc. links
- Optional input labels 1 comment Web development
- FacebookStatusUpdater Linux
- <button> not supported on Pocket IE 3 comments Web development
- May 2007
- Playing with filestream_iterator Zope
- American foreign policy Politics
- Time in the Stone - Emily Young exhibition Art
- Cutest server error message ever Misc. links
- No, I'm not going to freeze your account 2 comments This site
- Miami Vice party photos Photos
- What does $456 billion buy? 2 comments Politics
- I'm Prolog 1 comment Python
- April 2007
- Guess my age with MOBi Zope
- Spellcorrector 3 comments Python
- Albert Einstein figurine head Family
- What's the fattest Subway sandwich? 4 comments Misc. links
- March 2007
- ZYB - crap name, brilliant app Mobile
- Is peanut butter the proof that evolution doesn't happen? 5 comments Politics
- Learning about ATFolder's security Plone
- Associative arrays 1 comment Web development
- Zope Image to filesystem image 2 comments Zope
- Earl Grey or cheap tea, does it really matter? 1 comment Wondering
- Kung fu in Twickenham Kung Fu
- Aussies in London - What are you doing here? 1 comment Books
- February 2007
- JetBlue a good and bad website Web development
- Sedo.com - any good? 1 comment
- favicon2dots Misc. links
- Vista voice recognition and Perl 7 comments Misc. links
- Comparing REAL values in PostgreSQL Linux
- A Flash interface that doesn't suck 2 comments Web development
- January 2007
- Gzip and Slimmer optimization anecdote 7 comments Zope
- Canon and Sony Ericsson rule Flickr Photos
- New Google Groups design Misc. links
- Ugliest site of the month - CSDC 1 comment Misc. links
- RememberYourFriends.com running jQuery Web development
- Best youtube.com clip of the year? 8 comments Politics
- Mesmerizing pencil art Misc. links
- Flash 9 on Ubuntu Edgy Eft 4 comments Linux
- setAttribute('style', ...) workaround for IE 41 comments JavaScript
- Thuas Trägubbar 1 comment Family
- December 2006
- Find largest directories with du -k 3 comments Linux
- Happy Birthday to me! 2 comments
- ImageMagick conversion comparison 3 comments Linux
- CSS selector bug in IE? Web development
- is is not the same as equal in Python 8 comments Python
- November 2006
- Solar power in the north African desert Politics
- MUnderscorePatch - tired of typing manage_main? Zope
- Entering multilanguage data in Zope
- Bloggers not responsible for comment? Politics
- Food File Online 1 comment Misc. links
- Crazy road in China 1 comment Misc. links
- Memory dump blog recovery 4 comments Linux
- October 2006
- Oxfordtube's website sucks 2 comments
- Sending HTML emails in Zope 3 comments Zope
- Catching a carriage return in bash 2 comments Linux
- New domain name This site
- Ricardo Semler in London Misc. links
- Lion + Tiger = Liger 13 comments Misc. links
- NES Quiz Misc. links
- Zope 3 training blog Zope
- September 2006
- Crazy Egg of IssueTrackerProduct.com Web development
- Comparing Ruby and PHP Zope
- I knew it! You don't have to drink that much water Misc. links
- Bill O'Reilly nailed 2 comments Politics
- Why did RememberYourFriends fail? 6 comments Web development
- Google London Automation Test conference (part II) Work
- Google London Automation Test conference Work
- Steve Irwin (crocodile hunter) dead 2 comments Misc. links
- Redirect stderr into becoming dots in Bash 3 comments Linux
- August 2006
- Web 2.0 logo generator 1 comment Misc. links
- Madonna's birthday party at the Lounge Lover 23 comments Photos
- Fastest way to uniqify a list in Python 92 comments Python
- Unicode strings to ASCII ...nicely 20 comments Python
- More crappy album covers Misc. links
- Sorting transform function in PostgreSQL 5 comments Work
- July 2006
- Exploding Dell laptops Misc. links
- slim in ruby Linux
- slim, a new free web service for white space optimisation 1 comment Python
- Spaceinvaders with real people 1 comment Misc. links
- Trout Mask Replica - Captain Beefheart 5 comments Music
- Nice stats added to RememberYourFriends.com Python
- GMapEZ - Google Maps API too complicated for you? 1 comment Web development
- Oil, gas and stupidity Politics
- Desired Firefox extension 1 comment Web development
- DifferenceFinder (aka. humanreadablediff.py) 4 comments Python
- June 2006
- RememberYourFriends.com beta version 4 comments Web development
- Brick Lane market 3 comments Misc. links
- Tekken with Actual Humans 2 comments Kung Fu
- Wanna be my flatmate? 3 comments
- Pleonasm Misc. links
- Animator vs. Animation 1 comment Misc. links
- TinyMCE + Zope = ZTinyMCE 8 comments Zope
- May 2006
- Weird spam? Or just a weird girl? 4 comments Wondering
- Geeking with tags file for Jed Python, Linux
- isInt() JavaScript function 23 comments Web development
- SVN + ./todo + crontab 1 comment Linux
- Pixoh.com and Instant Domain Search Misc. links
- Watford kung fu club 2 comments Kung Fu
- Mobile-review.com 3 comments Misc. links
- April 2006
- Private functions in Javascript? 3 comments Web development, Python
- type - Writing shell scripts 1 comment Linux
- Helpdeskshow - a quick review IssueTrackerProduct
- Interesting float/int casting in Python 21 comments Python
- Best bicycle locks 1 comment Misc. links
- Date formatting in Python or in PostgreSQL (part II) Python
- Careful when dealing with options in IE 2 comments Web development
- Case insensitive list remove call (part II) 1 comment Python
- Case insensitive list remove call 13 comments Python
- Shark kayak 19 comments Misc. links
- March 2006
- Merrill Lynch's f**ked up website 3 comments Web development
- Teach me about OCR Linux
- To br / or not to br/ 1 comment Web development
- Annoying Safari just ate my blog 6 comments macOS
- Kung fu in East London with Shkar 11 comments Kung Fu
- Carbon XEmacs installed macOS
- Quick PostgreSQL optimization story 1 comment Work
- Squeezebox + Pandora 3 comments Misc. links
- parentElementsByTagName(doc, tagname, classname) 3 comments Web development
- tightVNC and Chicken of the VNC macOS
- Why Linux is better Linux
- February 2006
- Martial Arts by Pen Rance Kung Fu, Books
- Apple Store or Micro Anvika 1 comment
- Dynamic image replacement technique 6 comments Web development, Python
- Google and Python code 14 comments Python
- CSSViewer - new promising Firefox Extension Web development
- waiting for your guidance 2 comments
- How to fold t-shirts, with a "machine" Misc. links
- Jed Tags with ntags (for dummies) 2 comments Linux
- Geeking with Eterm and Tkinter Linux
- tempfile in Python standard library 7 comments Python
- Sexy furniture 3 comments Misc. links
- Size comparison of Zope3, Django and TurboGears 10 comments Python
- Setting security declarations to Zope classes 5 comments Python, Zope
- January 2006
- ReCSS a tool to reload the CSS without reloading the whole page 1 comment Web development
- Northern light photos Photos
- Photos from FWC China 2005 Photos, This site
- IssueTrackerProduct featured on Ajaxian.com IssueTrackerProduct
- Bad spelling a good thing? 2 comments This site
- Are you a web developer? Then VisiBone is for you Web development
- Who do you ping? 9 comments Linux
- Hasselblad's 39 megapixel digital camera 2 comments Misc. links
- Strange language bug in Windows XP 1 comment Misc. links
- An idea for a better timesheet tracker 4 comments Wondering, Work
- My new years resolution 2006 1 comment Wondering
- Don't put title in a <link> tag 3 comments Web development
- Ask Yahoo "What state do the Simpsons live in?" 792 comments Misc. links
- Back from China
- December 2005
- Off to holiday in China
- Emacs on the Palm OS Mobile
- Geek entrepreneurs' reading list 1 comment Books
- ALTER TABLE patch Work
- iWipe - toilet paper and a Mac 2 comments Misc. links
- have or has? 2 comments Wondering
- DOM Scripting Books
- November 2005
- "Groups" search on Google Politics
- CSS code of del.icio.us 1 comment Web development
- Yahoo! Inbound Links API Python
- The Search Engine Experiment Misc. links
- Islington Knuckle Walk 1 comment Kung Fu
- Mvbackupfiles - a script to "delete" back autosaved backup files 1 comment Linux
- createElement('a') with a javascript href 22 comments Web development
- Major performance fix on file searches Zope, IssueTrackerProduct
- Old School Kung Fu Kung Fu
- Filename splitter 4 comments Python, Zope
- Pandora Update Music
- MyMcDiet.com Kevin O'Connor's fast food diet 15 comments Misc. links
- "Clever" date formatting accessibility 14 comments Python, Zope
- Active Reactor watches 1 comment Misc. links
- Screencasting the unix way with Python Linux
- Screencasting test IssueTrackerProduct
- Whitelist blacklist logic 7 comments Python
- www aliases set up 1 comment This site
- October 2005
- Using MD5 to check equality between files 11 comments Python
- Shane's Bit Mountain Linux
- Pandora (followup) Neat error messaging Misc. links
- Pandora - a great Internet radio Music
- "Increment numbers in a string" 2 comments Python
- Playing with Reverend Bayesian Python
- Furious and deprived by 'rm *' 2 comments Linux
- table-layout: fixed 1 comment Web development
- Dream: python bindings for squidclient 3 comments Python, This site
- Best Image Replacement Technique guide Web development
- Gmail catching up with the IssueTrackerProduct Web development
- Wanted: good Javascript for handling key events Web development
- Toggle Zope's debug mode Zope
- September 2005
- Jed looking like Emacs Linux
- R.I.P Palm Treo Politics
- Pimp my COREBlog 5 comments Zope
- Ruby and Python benchmarked 27 comments Python
- Smurl from Python 1 comment Python
- Python regular expression tester 1 comment Python
- 'Cache-Control' or Expires 3 comments Zope
- Misstake or hidden Nazi message? 6 comments Politics
- firstChild.nodeValue vs. innerHTML 15 comments Web development
- Announcing Smurl - a free URL compressor 12 comments Zope
- Amazon bug in shopping basket 2 comments Web development
- Random ID generator for Zope Python
- August 2005
- British English for Americans 1 comment Misc. links
- More street 3D drawings Misc. links
- Insect photography 7 comments Photos
- An ideal company blog tool 4 comments Work
- Back from Djerba, Tunisia 1 comment
- Ricardo Semler's Semco English website 11 comments Misc. links
- Dream Theater - Octavarium 1 comment Music
- Button tag in bloody Internet Explorer 136 comments Web development
- Worst album covers (updated) Misc. links
- Jealous of Google stemming 1 comment Zope
- AJAX seach on 404 error pages Web development
- July 2005
- Just Oracle and IBM? Linux
- Release package file size 1 comment IssueTrackerProduct
- \B in Python regular expressions Python
- London bus 26 from Hackney
- Interesting NHS error message 2 comments Web development
- Kung Fu in Clapham with Richard 2 comments Kung Fu
- SmartDict - a smart 'dict' wrapper 9 comments Python
- Rent a chest Misc. links
- Drop down selects that learn 4 comments Web development
- Unaffected by the London blasts 1 comment
- Lisp compared to Python 1 comment Python
- Falling mannequin animation 1 comment Misc. links
- Module dependencies of IssueTracker.py IssueTrackerProduct
- June 2005
- ztar - my wrapper on tar -z 8 comments Python, Linux
- Zope in DevelopmentMode Zope
- AJAX accelerated web widgets 5 comments IssueTrackerProduct
- Zope compared to PHP 2 comments Zope
- Software Patents in the EU (Stallman's explaination) 1 comment Politics
- Authentic Locations Misc. links
- Regular Expressions in Javascript cheat sheet Web development
- Scandinavian Airlines phone booking 16 comments Misc. links
- \b in Python regular expressions 3 comments Python
- My trade salary has gone down, apparently 1 comment Work
- chmod files differently to directories 10 comments Linux
- Good design examples for a non-blog 1 comment IssueTrackerProduct
- window.onload from before 10 comments Web development
- I'm back! Peterbe.com has been renewed 1 comment This site
- May 2005
- Sound of different languages 1 comment Misc. links
- Kittenwar a clever way of voting 5 comments Misc. links
- Cheeky Explore (Dictionary of Everything) 1 comment Politics
- The Brick Testament 2 comments Misc. links
- MOBi phonebook into Excel Work
- Plone.org calls it Issue Tracker 3 comments Zope
- Susan Senator's book Misc. links
- List of casts in PostgreSQL Linux
- Kingdom of Crap 3 comments Film
- London Review of Personals Misc. links
- Jacobian highlighter 2 comments Python
- April 2005
- Better select boxes for issue tracker 5 comments Web development
- The Geeks Revenge Misc. links
- TAL here hack in Plone 1 comment Plone
- Gmail shortcuts 4 comments Linux
- Grep results expanded 5 comments Python, Linux
- Serious flaw in Bose headphones 7 comments Music
- pg_class to check if table exists 4 comments Linux
- Google blogs about their Maps Misc. links
- "Can you help me about ZOPE?" 2 comments Zope
- Nanagram, anagram your name 1 comment Misc. links
- Noise reduction headphones 1 comment Work
- Interior Octopus 25 comments Photos
- Find print statements in Python code 6 comments Python, Linux
- Your webpage in Lynx Web development
- Control comment spam 1 comment Python
- Python Cookbook arrived 2 comments Books
- callable Python objects 8 comments Python
- March 2005
- Ugly one-liner to debug an object in Zope 2 comments Zope
- Searching for the obvious Wondering
- More amazing sidewalk art Misc. links
- Read in passwords with bash 37 comments Linux
- Add links to a text (take III) Python
- U.S. memory championship Misc. links
- Fork Art, up yours Uri Geller Misc. links
- Adminspotting t-shirts 1 comment Misc. links
- Best Hubbles Space Telescope Images Misc. links
- Swedish holidays explained 2 comments Sweden
- All the Seinfeld quotes you can eat Misc. links
- Good usage of drop-downs Web development
- Suspend and resume output in terminal 6 comments Linux
- Encrypted files in Emacs Linux, macOS
- February 2005
- File attachment widget with Javascript 9 comments Web development
- BaconWhores ha! Misc. links
- Audioscrobbler indexes your MP3 usage Misc. links
- Debian popular in Sweden Sweden
- Optimize Plone.org with slimmer.py 13 comments Python
- Python optimization anecdote 4 comments Python
- Gmail account giveaway 45 comments Misc. links
- Combining MOBi and EconoAccount 1 comment Zope
- How to deal with tele-marketing calls 1 comment Misc. links
- Good posture website Web development
- January 2005
- "Snowy Tribute to Calvin & Hobbes" Misc. links
- Top movie deaths Misc. links
- Google Video (beta) Misc. links
- Google is blind 6 comments Web development
- niceboolean() - converts what you say to what you mean 6 comments Python
- parametrize_url() adding parameters to URLs 4 comments Python
- Gmail spam filter 7 comments
- My favorite CSS Zen Garden design Web development
- Running simple SQL commands on the command line 2 comments Python
- December 2004
- Valuble site: Commonly Confused Characters Web development
- Infinitely deep illustration 1 comment Misc. links
- Merry Christmas
- The problem with CSS 1 comment Web development
- __call__ folderish Zope objects Zope
- Ugliest site of the month, plus44.com 2 comments Web development
- Python package path when executed elsewhere 3 comments Python
- Happy Birthday to me! Wondering
- Do you know what safe txt is? Misc. links
- Kung fu competition photos from Sutton 1 comment Photos
- Graduation photos Photos
- CorpCalendar review on ZopeMag.com Zope
- November 2004
- HTML entity fixer 9 comments Python
- Hacking and martial arts 3 comments Kung Fu
- Ugliest site of the month, hernia.org 1 comment Web development
- Make your settings in .Xdefaults come true 1 comment Linux
- Bad Santa Film
- Indent text like email clients do Python
- Add links to a text (take II) 2 comments Python
- XHTML Transitional versus Strict Web development
- Add links to a text with URLs 3 comments Web development
- Do you know about Firefox?
- October 2004
- City & Islington kung fu charity event 1 comment Kung Fu
- Urwid - curses-based UI/widget library for Python Python, Linux
- Massrenaming with shell and python 5 comments Python, Linux
- Bush country Photos
- Reindexing AVI films with mplayer 5 comments Film
- Time Machine Ballistics Photos
- Disable Caps Lock in Linux 30 comments Linux
- I'm back and awake! 1 comment This site
- September 2004
- Findory Blogory, like Google News Alerts but for blogs 1 comment Web development
- Tell me your birthday Wondering
- August 2004
- (Idea) A new anti-spam law 3 comments Politics
- Email-your-friends reminder web application 10 comments Web development
- Ugly footballers Misc. links
- PixelField a game for pixel-lovers Misc. links
- People who really can't think in numbers Mathematics
- Changing the size of a textarea box 5 comments Web development
- Python inspect module 2 comments Python
- Film Music by Alfred Schnittke 1 comment Music
- Classic Movie Scripts 1 comment Film
- Obsolete Computer Museum 1 comment Misc. links
- Psychiatric med student Michelle's story 1 comment Misc. links
- Pretty print SQL script 6 comments Python
- Integer division in programming languages 20 comments Python
- Overcomplicated password requirements on Oystercard.com 1 comment Web development
- July 2004
- Make your own 3-D pictures Misc. links
- Most common English words 5 comments Misc. links
- Date plus years or months or weeks 6 comments Python
- World Oil Depletion and the Inevitable Crisis Politics
- WYSIWYG inline HTML editors Web development
- Intel.com incompatible to Mozilla Web development
- University results 4 comments Mathematics
- Date formatting in python or in PostgreSQL 1 comment Python
- Honesty and advertising on Gizmodo Misc. links
- Paper Wars Misc. links
- On the amount of spam 3 comments Misc. links
- Göta Kanal 2004 holiday photos Photos
- Company loyalty Work
- Life of Pi Photos
- The World's Top 100 Wonders 20 comments Misc. links
- June 2004
- Now I have a Gmail account 186 comments Misc. links
- Evil HTML frames Web development
- Holiday for a week 1 comment
- TBODY tag in a XHTML table 2 comments Web development
- Dan's just been to Sweden 1 comment Sweden
- Underwater MP3 player 4 comments Misc. links
- Afghan national sport photos 7 comments Photos
- Ugliest site of the month, stradbally Web development
- Kung fu photos from Varberg, Sweden 3 comments Kung Fu
- Impressive baby photos website Photos
- SquareOneTV Mathematics
- Corp Calendar 0.0.5 Zope
- Different phone, same number Mobile
- Test your computer secretary skills 2 comments Misc. links
- Accessible Pop-Up script 1 comment Web development
- Washing sense of humour Politics
- Nicking images from our website Web development
- Lost my mobile phone 1 comment Mobile
- 10 reasons for web standards Web development
- "My Secret Life As A Prostitute" 257 comments Misc. links
- Find song by lyrics 27,139 comments Misc. links
- May 2004
- Experimenting with binoculars Photos
- Can you add them all up? 4 comments Mathematics
- McDonalds Calories Misc. links
- "I Am American" 2 comments
- Jaguar cars website Web development
- No more university for me 1 comment Mathematics
- PlogRank - my own PageRank application 2 comments This site, Web development
- Google PageRank matrix calculator (graphically) 2 comments Mathematics
- Bush votes: inverse proportional to education and IQ 1 comment Politics
- Why should I use XHTML? Web development
- Google hardware history Misc. links
- Two done three to go Mathematics
- Krispy Kreme doughnuts store opening 1 comment Misc. links
- Zurich tram service problem Mathematics
- Distributed compiling with distcc 1 comment Linux
- Heil Jed and Dave Kuhlman 1 comment Linux
- Obfuscating C contest running now 2 comments Misc. links
- Outbreak - fight the viruses Misc. links
- Molvania: A land untouched by modern dentistry 3 comments Misc. links
- Windows Noise Becomes Music Misc. links
- April 2004
- Images Misc. links
- Don't bogart that camera my friend Photos
- A whole website about Shallots 14 comments Misc. links
- Food from Sweden 8 comments Sweden
- Throw the penguin 1 comment Misc. links
- Anna and Johan photo modelling Photos
- About Ricardo Semler and Semco 3 comments Misc. links
- Proper wireless computing Misc. links
- Kill Bill flash game 6 comments Misc. links
- Funny Plone quote 2 comments Zope
- Emacs html-mode for .zpt and .dtml Zope
- The importance of being findable 3 comments This site
- LaTeX Word Counter 2 comments Misc. links
- My dissertation report 2 comments Web development, Mathematics
- The 5 most spectacular photos of 2003 17 comments Photos
- How to fold clothes 9 comments Misc. links
- XHTML, HTML and CSS compressor 16 comments Web development, Python
- PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQLite 9 comments Linux
- Challenge Osama with scimitar or sword Politics
- Anti-email-harvesting with JavaScript Web development
- March 2004
- Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka 2 comments Books
- FWC November competition video Kung Fu
- Fat food = fat kids? 216 comments Misc. links
- Pylets, more than just mod_python Python
- EuroPython in Sweden, I should go Python
- Google PageRank algorithm in Python 27 comments Python, Mathematics
- What's so bad about HTML guys? 2 comments Web development
- He must really hate C 2 comments Misc. links
- Virtual feminization 1 comment Misc. links
- The Dead Zone Misc. links
- Finished the bulk of my dissertation 1 comment Mathematics
- The meaning of "hacking" 66 comments Misc. links
- To readline() or readlines() 30 comments Python
- Python UnZipped Python
- Deep sea fish, lots of pictures 2 comments Misc. links
- PSP - Python Server Pages 2 comments Python
- Funniest Volvo advert ever 3 comments Sweden
- How to uninstall LeakFinder in Zope Zope
- Apostrophes in predictive text 1 comment
- Moving Image Contest for Creative Commons Misc. links
- Optimized stylesheets 1 comment This site
- World Press Photo, the winners Photos
- the knife: Pass This On 2 comments Misc. links
- Unusual job offer 1 comment Misc. links
- CPU info Linux
- Lemon - Commodore 64 Heaven! Misc. links
- February 2004
- StreetArt in London on Ploggle Misc. links
- Lots of shit about shit 1 comment Misc. links
- Share Your OPML Misc. links
- What will you not wear today? 2 comments Misc. links
- Anti-spamming email harvesting Web development
- Bugknits Misc. links
- Practical CSS 2 comments Web development
- Best water in the world 4 comments Sweden
- Neon-Brite, a 360 degree theatre play Misc. links
- Future plan for IssueTrackerProduct 2 comments Web development
- Ploggle Web development
- WEBoggle mind bogglingly addictive 7 comments Misc. links
- This site 7 months ago This site
- Why Sun should Open up on Java 1 comment Linux
- C++ templates or not
- Ugliest site of the month, yoyoguy.com 15 comments Web development
- MozillaZine Knowledge Base Web development
- Afghan expressionism in a modern era Misc. links
- RSS 1.0 feed now 1 comment This site
- Getting fired in 3 hours Misc. links
- Memory Test on BBC Science 1 comment Misc. links
- Breaking usability principles for usability 3 comments This site
- DOCTYPE in PageTemplates with METAL 1 comment Zope
- Dan Heller's Photos of Italy 1 comment Photos
- Man mailed himself home 1 comment Misc. links
- Do you know about Wikipedia? Misc. links
- Techie things I want to buy from ebuyer.com 6 comments Wondering
- Adding a year in PostgreSQL 1 comment Linux
- PayPalSucks.com, can't be good for PayPal 40 comments Web development
- Photo.net, Photograph of the Week Gallery Misc. links
- S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine 2 comments Film
- Photofusion in London 1 comment Photos
- January 2004
- The Chinese Martial Arts Film at BFI Film
- I'm a computer nerd, but... Misc. links
- ClearWind.ca a good looking Plone site Zope
- Julien Donkey-Boy Film
- 30 days solid McDonalds diet experiment 78 comments Misc. links
- What Yin-Yang is Kung Fu
- George W. Bush and the $85.2 million ad campaign Politics
- Grep in Jed 1 comment Linux
- Keybinding ALT-F in Jed 1 comment Linux
- Passed my grading! 1 comment Kung Fu
- Dabbrev in Jed Linux
- Labels in HTML forms 2 comments Web development
- Robots.txt Validator 1 comment Web development
- MathML and displaying Math on the web 3 comments Mathematics, Web development
- Hit the penguin 19 comments Misc. links
- SimCity 4 and SimCity Classic 1 comment Misc. links
- Same but new keyboard, lovely change Mathematics
- Photojournalism on the former Soviet block Misc. links
- Effects of LSD on drawing 89 comments Misc. links
- Quick URLs for some pages This site
- Ugliest site of the month Web development
- China, being trained in prosecution by Sweden Sweden, Politics
- Lost In Translation Film
- Pholph's Scrabble Generator 1 comment Misc. links
- So vivid dreams I couldn't get out! Wondering
- Recon - Regular Expression Test Console Python
- Printer friendly and PDF version of every page This site
- Crontab wizard 2 comments Linux
- About page finally written This site
- "It's just a website" by Tom Smith Web development
- eBay and freedom to sell whatever you like Misc. links
- How old is Bettys dad? Mathematics
- PythonPoint Python
- Creating a user for postgresql 2 comments Linux
- Vivisimo - clustered searching 1 comment Misc. links
- Photos from Mars Photos
- US Zip codes 1 comment Misc. links
- Yo-Yo Misc. links
- Back in town and not so ready for exams 1 comment
- December 2003
- Two exams on the same day Mathematics
- A jerk with a good website 1 comment Politics
- Off to Sweden! 1 comment Sweden
- A nice and simple article about Zope Zope
- LOTR - Return of the King Film
- Adaptation Film
- ESI and Squid and Zope This site
- International Snow Sculpture Championships 2 comments Misc. links
- Happy Birthday to me!
- "Historisk Guide till England" 1 comment Books
- Man arrested for spamming Misc. links
- Nintendo emulator online in Java 5 comments Misc. links
- Back online This site
- The Linux Cookbook 1 comment Linux
- Amazon.co.uk Top Reviewers 4 comments Misc. links
- Bad news for Stockholm Politics
- Mr. Picassohead Misc. links
- Case study where Python was the final choice Python
- Moscow Metro 1 comment Misc. links
- November 2003
- The Pentagon is big, very big 1 comment Misc. links
- Py2TeX Python
- More terrible album covers Misc. links
- London underground map in 3D 13 comments Misc. links
- Back from the competition Kung Fu
- Kung Fu competition 1 comment Kung Fu
- New phone, same number Mobile
- 3D Sidewalk Paintings 7 comments Misc. links
- Google search terms This site
- Old motel postcards in the US Misc. links
- SpamBayes and SSL thanks to Stunnel
- Happy Birthday Malin! 1 comment Family
- Matrix ASCII animated! 2 comments Misc. links
- Zolera SOAP Infrastructure 1.4 1 comment Python
- Recipe of creating the best paper plane 1 comment Misc. links
- The worst jobs in science Misc. links
- Amazon Marketplace - an odd update Misc. links
- Amazon Marketplace - great web app Misc. links
- Naughty but very happy
- This Is Broken Misc. links
- Worst Album Covers Ever Misc. links
- Hubbell and Hubbell Misc. links
- The Matrix Revolutions, naive but spectacular Film
- Python for .NET Python
- Parrot; CLR for the poor man Python
- The end of the world, a scenario 17 comments Politics
- Ever wondered how much $87 Billion is? 1 comment Politics
- CSS Zen Garden 3 comments Misc. links
- October 2003
- PLEAC Misc. links
- Kung Foo Misc. links
- Tangram Mathematics
- One hot ear 1,295 comments Kung Fu
- Sand java applet Misc. links
- Search Inside the Book 1 comment Misc. links
- Programmers Block 2 comments
- Man jailed for smuggling eight snakes in trousers Sweden
- Kill Bill vol. 1 2 comments Film
- Sony Ericsson P900 1 comment Misc. links
- Systembolaget under pressure
- Nice date input 8 comments Zope
- My breakfast This site
- New feature: RSS feed This site
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python 1 comment Books
- Who's who in the 'axis of evil' Politics
- Web design practices Misc. links
- Loadtesting this site and compare with static Apache 1 comment This site
- 2 Years later Kung Fu
- Once upon a time in Mexico Film
- Geography: The lost world Misc. links
- "Sweden and Denmark top in quality of life" 5 comments Misc. links
- Trippy photo 1 comment Misc. links
- Cartoons on Aljazeera.net 1 comment Misc. links
- Why You Should Switch to the Mozilla Firebird browser 1 comment Misc. links
- Really really shitty webdesign Misc. links
- First day back at university Mathematics
- September 2003
- Google News Alerts (BETA) Misc. links
- Crazy about Linux Misc. links
- Wow! Latest Plone sprint Zope
- MOHO at Restaurant show photo This site
- Cheer for Swedish coders Misc. links
- Funny Dilbert for mathematicians Mathematics
- Best in Show, really funny 2 comments Film
- Good summary about Ricardo Semler 1 comment Misc. links
- New search feature on this site 1 comment This site
- City of God 1 comment Film
- Perfect parking formula Mathematics
- Great article about writing games with Python Misc. links
- Google as calculator Misc. links
- August 2003
- Photos from Cornwall camp 2003 Kung Fu
- On training camp for a week Kung Fu
- Some new Kung Fu photos 2 comments Kung Fu
- The Seven-day Weekend 12 comments Books
- Whale Rider Film
- Terminator 3 Rise of the machines 1 comment Film
- July 2003
- How to not get any spam
- Squid now working in front of my Zope Zope
- Back from my holidays Sweden
- Fishing photos from last year Photos
- On holiday for a week
- Some new Kung Fu photos 2 comments Kung Fu
- Last grading result 1 comment Kung Fu
- Ang Lee slow motion but not Misc. links
- Exam results arrived today Mathematics
- Lots of little Agent Smiths 1 comment Misc. links
- The "omit-tag" tag 1 comment Zope
- Fry-IT people picture Work
- June 2003
- First news item of the new webpage