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Examples of mozjpeg savings

September 1, 2015
5 comments Web development, Mozilla

I'm currently working on a Django library that uses mozjpeg to optimize thumbnails that are generated from stored images. I first wanted to get a feel for how good mozjpeg really is.

In my ~/Downloads directory I have all sorts of "junk" from all sorts of saves and experiments. It'll work as a good testbed of relatively random JPEG images of all sorts of sizes and qualities. Without further ado, here's the results:

FILENAME                                          OPTIMIZE   ORIGINAL     SAVING  PERCENT
180697_1836563311933_3364808_n.jpg                  45.2Kb     50.4Kb      5.1Kb    10.2%
2014-03-20 17.35.39.jpg                           2040.1Kb   2207.8Kb    167.7Kb     7.6%
2015-03-04 21.18.16.jpg                           1521.5Kb   1629.2Kb    107.7Kb     6.6%
2015-03-04 21.19.16.jpg                           1602.4Kb   1720.0Kb    117.6Kb     6.8%
2015-03-04 21.23.16.jpg                           1181.7Kb   1272.1Kb     90.4Kb     7.1%
2015-03-05 06.03.00.jpg                           1426.7Kb   1557.7Kb    131.0Kb     8.4%
20150626_200629_001.jpg                           1566.4Kb   1717.3Kb    151.0Kb     8.8%
20150626_200631.jpg                               2157.6Kb   2319.6Kb    162.0Kb     7.0%
Boba_Fett_by_RobD4E.jpg                             96.2Kb    104.3Kb      8.1Kb     7.8%
Horse_Play.jpg                                     170.4Kb    185.2Kb     14.9Kb     8.0%
Image (107).jpg                                    344.9Kb    390.6Kb     45.7Kb    11.7%
Misc Candle Holder NECA FOTR Balrog Dec2002.jpg     37.1Kb     37.7Kb      0.6Kb     1.5%
Mozilla_Lightbeam.jpg                               55.1Kb     79.7Kb     24.6Kb    30.8%
Photo on 12-17-14 at 5.55 PM.jpg                   168.5Kb    187.7Kb     19.2Kb    10.2%
dev.jpg                                             17.5Kb     30.8Kb     13.3Kb    43.2%
dev2.jpg                                            41.1Kb     54.3Kb     13.3Kb    24.4%
dev3.jpg                                            35.3Kb     49.0Kb     13.7Kb    28.0%
dev4.jpg                                            42.0Kb     56.0Kb     14.0Kb    25.0%
dev5.jpg                                            24.6Kb     37.9Kb     13.2Kb    35.0%
dev6.jpg                                            28.9Kb     42.8Kb     13.9Kb    32.4%
hr_0570_220_135__0570220135006.jpg                3124.3Kb   3467.8Kb    343.5Kb     9.9%
hr_0570_220_158__0570220158006.jpg                3010.0Kb   3319.1Kb    309.1Kb     9.3%
hr_0570_220_175__0570220175006.jpg                2245.5Kb   2442.6Kb    197.0Kb     8.1%
hr_0570_227_599__0570227599006.jpg                2561.7Kb   2809.8Kb    248.1Kb     8.8%
hr_0596_622_701__0596622701006.jpg                3238.8Kb   3453.6Kb    214.7Kb     6.2%
hr_0596_623_849__0596623849006.jpg                2902.9Kb   3102.1Kb    199.3Kb     6.4%
hr_0622_219_873__0622219873006.jpg                 985.3Kb   1066.9Kb     81.7Kb     7.7%
logo.jpg                                            43.5Kb     51.2Kb      7.7Kb    15.1%
mvm-header.jpg                                       8.5Kb     12.4Kb      3.9Kb    31.6%
mvm-postcard-picture.jpg                            72.2Kb     73.4Kb      1.3Kb     1.7%
overhang_pixels.jpg                               3014.3Kb   3370.8Kb    356.4Kb    10.6%
peterbe copy.jpg                                     4.2Kb     10.4Kb      6.2Kb    59.7%
peterbe.jpg                                         36.7Kb     44.3Kb      7.5Kb    17.0%
pjt-mcguinty-2.jpg                                  96.8Kb    101.6Kb      4.8Kb     4.8%
sl1.jpg                                             28.7Kb     35.4Kb      6.7Kb    18.9%

That's an median of 9.3% (average of 15.3%) savings.

It's not very fast though. Some of the large files take more than a second. In total it took 23.7 seconds to create all of those optimized files. Do what you want with that fact, bear in mind that these are hopefully "once in a lifetime" operations (depending on the ephemerality of your thumbnail storage). Mind you, the really large JPEGs skew that since the median is 72.1 milliseconds and average is 527.0 milliseconds. Also, when I look through the numbers I find that the large JPGs take the longest but had the least benefit in terms of byte savings.


Chris Adams, in the comment below, inspired me to compare my trials with jpegoptim and jpegrescan. So, I took my script that generated a directory of 45 JPEGs and changed it to use jpegoptim and jpegrescan.

The mozjpeg total size of that output directory is 34.1Mb and it took a total of 23.3 seconds (median 76.4 milliseconds).

The jpegoptim & jpegrescan total size of that output directory is 35.6Mb and it took a total of 4.6 seconds (median 32.1 milliseconds).

In other words, roughly speaking mozjpeg is 4.2% more space effective and 58% slower than jpegoptim & jpegrescan.

Crash-stats just became a whole lot faster

August 25, 2015
0 comments Web development, Mozilla

tl;dr Crash-stats is Mozilla's crash reporter dashboard. Simply fixing the static assets made the site 25% faster.



(The "First Byte Time" is still terrible but that's for another discussion. We're working on a re-write of the underlying data model for that particular report.)

  • Note how the SpeedIndex dropped from 2823 to 2098 which basically means, you can see stuff sooner.

  • The Load Time used to be 5.7 seconds on average. Now it takes 3.5 seconds.

  • It used to weigh 717 KB to load the whole thing. Now it weighs 326 KB.

The only thing we changed was a long overdue correction of static asset headers and Gzip compression. Now, files with unique URLs (e.g. /static/CACHE/css/23a811f100bc.css) have maximum aggressive cache headers. And now all .js, .css and text/html is Gzipped.

Was it easy to do? Hell no!
Does it matter? Hell yeah! We don't have a lot of users or traffic on these reports but the people who use them do this for a living and making the site feel snappier for them would make their lives more productive.

How to test if gzip is working on your site or app

August 20, 2015
0 comments Linux, Web development

Suppose that you've enabled gzip delivery of your site and its static assets. How do you test it?

One obvious way is to load the site with the developer tools in your browser and look at the headers there. Like this for example:
Is it gzip'ed? Yes!

Another more hard code and geek-power way is to simply use curl.

It goes without saying, the ideal way to set up Nginx is to make it optional. Don't upload a gzipped file to your server and force gzip down on every client. Instead, let something like Nginx handle it on-the-fly (don't worry, it's ultrafast).

So to see if gzip is working, take your URL and run these two commands:

$ curl -v --compressed > /dev/null

And look for this line:

< Content-Encoding: gzip

Also you should look for this line:

Content-Length: 2403

(number will obviously vary)

Now run the same curl command but without the --compressed. E.g.

$ curl -v > /dev/null

Now there won't be a Content-Encoding header in the response. It defaults to plain text.
Also, now look for the Content-Length and amuse yourself in the profit that this number is likely to be much larger than before.

Here's a realistic example:

With --compressed

$ curl -v --compressed > /dev/null
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
* Server certificate:
* Server certificate: DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA
* Server certificate: DigiCert Global Root CA
> GET /home/products/Firefox HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.37.1
> Host:
> Accept: */*
> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Encoding: gzip
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 18:38:00 GMT
* Server nginx/1.6.3 is not blacklisted
< Server: nginx/1.6.3
< Set-Cookie: anoncsrf=yieBMvzCn4fO4lmMQbjuq0Cibl9s7oxG; expires=Thu, 20-Aug-2015 20:38:00 GMT; httponly; Max-Age=7200; Path=/; secure
< Vary: Accept-Encoding
< Vary: Cookie
< X-Frame-Options: DENY
< Content-Length: 2403
< Connection: keep-alive
{ [data not shown]
100  2403  100  2403    0     0   4734      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  4730
* Connection #0 to host left intact


$ curl -v > /dev/null
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256
* Server certificate:
* Server certificate: DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA
* Server certificate: DigiCert Global Root CA
> GET /home/products/Firefox HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.37.1
> Host:
> Accept: */*
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 18:38:05 GMT
* Server nginx/1.6.3 is not blacklisted
< Server: nginx/1.6.3
< Set-Cookie: anoncsrf=evG8kmoXjHv5aeyFIQHxNcnGahdxwIOy; expires=Thu, 20-Aug-2015 20:38:05 GMT; httponly; Max-Age=7200; Path=/; secure
< Vary: Accept-Encoding
< Vary: Cookie
< X-Frame-Options: DENY
< Content-Length: 12299
< Connection: keep-alive
{ [data not shown]
100 12299  100 12299    0     0  24314      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 24306
* Connection #0 to host left intact

News sites suck in terms of performance

August 8, 2015
5 comments Web development

These days, it's almost a painful experience reading newspaper news online.

It's just generally a pain to read these news sites. Because they are soooooo sloooooooow. Your whole browser is stuttering and coughing blood and every click feels like a battle.

The culprit is generally that these sites are so full of crap. Like click trackers, ads, analytics trackers, videos, lots of images and heavy Javascript.

Here's a slight comparison (in no particular order) of various popular news websites (using a DSL connection):

Site Load Time Requests Bytes in SpeedIndex
BBC News homepage 14.4s 163 1,316 KB 6935
Los Angeles Times 35.4s 264 1,909 KB 13530
The New York Times 28.6s 330 4,154 KB 17948
New York Post 40.7s 197 6,828 KB 13824
USA Today 19.6s 368 2,985 KB 3027
The Washington Times 81.7s 547 12,629 KB 18104
The Verge 18.9s 152 2,107 KB 7850
The Huffington Post 22.3s 213 3,873 KB 4344
CNN 45.9s 272 5,988 KB 12579

Wow! That's an average of...

  • 34.2 seconds per page
  • 278 requests per page
  • 4,643 KB per page

That is just too much. I appreciate that these news companies that make these sites need to make a living and most of the explanation of the slow-down is the ads. Almost always, if you click to open one of those pages, it's just a matter of sitting and waiting. It loading in a background tab takes so much resources you feel it in other tabs. And by the time you go to view and you start scrolling your computer starts to cough blood and crying for mercy.

But what about the user? Imagine if you simply pull out of some of the analytics trackers and opt for simple images for the ads and just simplify the documents down to the minimum? Google Search does this and they seem to do OK in terms of ad revenue.

An interesting counter-example; this page on is a long article and when you load it on WebPageTest it yields a result of 163 requests. But if you use your browser dev tools and keep an eye on all network traffic as you slowly scroll down the length of the article all the way down to the footer, you notice it downloads an additional 331 requests. It starts with about 2KB of data but by the time you've downloaded to the end and scrolled past all ads and links it's amassed about 5.5KB of data. I think that's fair. At least the inital feeling when you arrive on the page isn't that of disgust.

Another realization I've found whilst working on this summary is that oftentimes, sites that are REALLY really slow and horrible to use don't necessarily have super many external resources from different domains but they just have far far too much Javascript. This random page on Washington Times for example has 209 Javascript files that together weighs 9.4KB (roughly 8 times the amount of image data). Not only does that need to be downloaded. It also needs to be parsed and I bet a zillion event handlers and DOM manipulators kick in and basically make scrolling a crying game even on a fast desktop computer.

And then it hit me!

We've all been victims of websites annoyingly try to lure you to install their native app when trying to visit their website on a smartphone. The reason they're doing that is because they've been given a second chance to build something without eleventeen iframes and 4MB of Javascript so the native app feels a million better because they've started over and gotten things right.

My parting advice to newspapers who can do something about their website; Radically refactor your code. Question EVERYTHING and delete, remove and clean up things that doesn't add value. You might lose some stats and you might not be able to show as much ads but if your site loads faster you'll get a lot more visitors and a lot more potential to earn bigger $$$ on fewer more targetted ads.

Worst performing website of the year

August 7, 2015
0 comments Web development on WebPageTest
The number one rule in the general best practice of web performance is "Minimize HTTP Requests".

Yeah, it's more important than anything else.

So, I took the biggest offender from the collected sites Number of Domains and ran it through WebPageTest. The result is almost comical.

That's amazing! I'm not even sure I could achieve that even if I tried. It's almost like those sickeningly infested Internet Explorer toolbars that are often a joke.

Some numbers to blow your mind (on a DSL connection from San Jose, CA, USA)...

  • Time to fully loaded: 85 seconds
  • Bytes in: 9,851 KB
  • Total requests: 1,390 (!!)
  • SpeedIndex: 10028 (my own site's 950)

What's mindblowing about how bad this site is that even on the repeated view, where a browser cache is supposed to help a lot, is that it takes 30.6 seconds and still makes 347 requests. Just wow!

Visual speed comparison of AngularJS and ReactJS

July 20, 2015
0 comments Web development, AngularJS, JavaScript

Last year I put together a little experiment called AJAX or Not? and blogged about it here. The basic idea was to display 1,000 rows in a table. There are several ways of doing it but I decided to compare the following three patterns:

  1. Rendering the whole table in Django server-side and return the whole HTML document.
  2. Rendering a skeleton page, then load the table content as a big chunk of HTML via AJAX.
  3. Rendering a skeleton page, and let AngularJS load all the content of the table from the server as JSON and let AngularJS render it into the DOM.

It was clear as day that the server-side rendering version was hands down the fastest. And the AngularJS rendering the slowest.

Note! AngularJS is amazing and super flexible and powerful because you don't really need to worry about how to re-render once the data changes. This is really useful when you do things like loading more data from a remote endpoint or doing some in-page filtering.

Enter ReactJS

The point of AJAX or Not was not to compare Javascript frameworks but I had some time and I thought I'd write an equivalent version of the AngularJS one with ReactJS (version 0.13.3).

Anyway, here's the code and it's using the GitHub fetch polyfill to do the AJAX query. The AngularJS code is here and here and as you can see it's using track by on the ng-repeat.

To measure the difference I ran a comparison in WebPageTest which I encourage you open and study for a bit. You can watch the video and download the video here.

Also, note that the Django rendered version loads jQuery. That's because the functionality dictates that clicking on a link should show a confirmation box before going to the link. I know, it's silly but it's very realistic that every page needs some Javascript functionality.

Executive summary...

  • Django server-side takes 0.8 seconds, ReactJS version takes 2.0 seconds and the AngularJS version takes 2.9 seconds.
  • The ReactJS version is the fastest to display something. It displays the header and the image first. Only by 0.2 seconds before the Django server-side version.
  • The AngularJS version causes a lot more CPU utilization. This might really matter when you're on a low-end smartphone.
  • The ReactJS causes twice as much CPU utilization than the server-side version. The AngularJS causes twice as much CPU utilization than the ReactJS version.
  • AngularJS is slightly larger than ReactJS + fetch but I don't think this has a huge effect on the total load time.

Some other thoughts...

  • The ReactJS code is all in one place more or less. That's neat! But it's pretty darn big in terms of number of lines. AngularJS code is split half in the Javascript code and half in the HTML.
  • It's clear, if you want a fast loading page, avoid Javascript as much as you possibly can.
  • This experiment is very optimized in how it gets the data to be displayed. In fact, the server-side rendering time is close to 0 seconds because the whole HTML blob is stored in memcached. A more realistic thing is that extracting the data would take a lot longer if the query isn't so easy to cache. That would be a huge disadvantage for the fully server-side rendered version since if the data query takes a long time you'll sit and stare at a white screen longer. Doing the AJAX approach would definitely be a nicer experience.
  • The difference isn't that big. Both fancy Javascript frameworks have amazing features that leave jQuery in the dust but if you want your page to load crazy-fast, do as much server-side as you possibly can.

July 8, 2015
3 comments Python, Web development, AngularJS, JavaScript

Premailer is a Python library for turning a HTML + CSS into HTML with all the CSS embedded as inline style attributes. This is sadly very necessary to ensure that your fancy HTML emails look spiffy across all email clients and email webapps.

So, last week I put together a little site to test the library via a browser:

It's just a simple webapp with a form where you can enter HTML in three different ways; textarea, by URL and by file upload.

You can also override all the possible advanced options that premailer supports.

What's kinda cool is that you can get a preview of how the HTML document will look like in an iframe that is dynamically loaded with the result from the conversion.

The webapp is of course open source and available on The front-end is an AngularJS app and the build system is Lineman.js. The server is a Falcon server running on uWSGI via Nginx.

There's very little fancy here. There's no limitations or protections. I just hope it becomes handy for people to test premailer out.

The inspiration came from MailChimp's CSS Inliner Tool which is cute but very basic and doesn't allow you the same kinds of input.

If anybody with some AngularJS or highlight.js chops has time I'd love to help fix why the HTML is not syntax highlighted.

Match the whole word in auto complete maybe

April 10, 2015
2 comments Web development, JavaScript

(For context, I released last week and now I'm thinking about improvements)

I posted a question on Twitter about which highlighting formatting people prefer and got some interesting feedback. More about that later.

The piece of feedback that really got my attention came from my friend Honza Král.
He wondered if not the whole word should be highlighted instead of just the beginning of the word.

I've actually been thinking about that too but never got around to trying it out. Until now.





What do you think?

I have the code in a branch and I'm still mulling it over. There's sort of a convention to just highlight based on what you've typed so far. I don't want to be too weird because when people don't feel familiar they don't like what they see even if the new actually is better.

Almost premature optimization

January 2, 2015
0 comments Python, Web development, Django

In airmozilla the tests almost all derive from one base class whose tearDown deletes the automatically generated settings.MEDIA_ROOT directory and everything in it.

Then there's some code that makes sure a certain thing from the fixtures has a picture uploaded to it.

That means it has do that shutil.rmtree(directory) and that shutil.copy(src, dst) on almost every single test. Some might also not need or depend on it but it's conveninent to put it here.

Anyway, I thought this is all a bit excessive and I could probably optimize that by defining a custom test runner that is first responsible for creating a clean settings.MEDIA_ROOT with the necessary file in it and secondly, when the test suite ends, it deletes the directory.

But before I write that, let's measure how many gazillion milliseconds this is chewing up.

Basically, the tearDown was called 361 times and the _upload_media 281 times. In total, this adds to a whopping total of 0.21 seconds! (of the total of 69.133 seconds it takes to run the whole thing).

I think I'll cancel that optimization idea. Doing some light shutil operations are dirt cheap.

AJAX or not

December 22, 2014
1 comment Web development, AngularJS, JavaScript

From the It-Depends-on-What-You're-Building department.

As a web developer you have a job:

  1. Display a certain amount of database data on the screen
  2. Do it as fast as possible

The first point is these days easily taken care of with the likes of Django or Rails which makes it über easy to write queries that you then use in templates to generate the HTML and voila you have a web page.

The second point is taken care of with a myriad of techniques. It's almost a paradox. The fastest way to render something on the screen is to generate everything on the server and send it wholesome. It means the browser can very quickly (and boosted by GPU) render something on the screen. But if you have a lot of data that needs to be displayed it's often better to send just a little bit of HTML and then let some Javascript kick in and take care of extracting the rest of the information using AJAX.

Here I have prepared three different versions of ways to display a bunch of information on the screen:

Visual comparison on WebPagetest
What you should note and take away from this little experimental playground:

  1. All server-side work is done in Django but it's served straight out of memcache so it should be fast server-side.

  2. The content is NOT important. It's just a list of blog posts and their categories and keywords.

  3. To make it somewhat realistic, each version needs to 1) display a JPG and 2) have a Javascript onclick event that throws a confirm() dialog box.

  4. The AngularJS version loads significantly slower but it's not because AngularJS is slow, but because it's able to do so much more later. Loading a Javascript framework is like an investment. Big cost upfront and small cost later when you need more magic to happen without having a complete server refresh.

  5. View 1, 2 and 3 are all three imperfect versions but they illustrate the three major groups of solving the problem stated at the top of this blog post. The other views are attempts of optimizations.

  6. Clearly the "visually fastest" version is the optimization version 5 which is a fork of version 2 which loads, on the server-side, everything that is above the fold and then take care of the content below the fold with AJAX.
    See this visual comparison

  7. Optimization version 4 was a silly optimization. It depends on the fact that JSON is more "compact" than HTML. When you Gzip the content, the difference in size doesn't matter anymore. However, it's an interesting technique because it means you can do all business logic rendering stuff in one language without having to depend on AJAX.

  8. Open the various versions in your browser and try to "feel" how pages the load. Ask your inner gutteral heart which version you prefer; do you prefer a completely blank screen and a browser loading spinner or do you prefer to see some skeleton structure first whilst waiting for the bulk content comes in?

  9. See this as a basis of thoughts and demonstration. Remember the very first sentence in this blog post.