4 different kinds of React component styles

April 7, 2016
4 comments JavaScript, React

I know I'm going to be laughed at for having misunderstood the latest React lingo and best practice. But guess, what I don't give a ...

I'm starting to like React more and more. There's a certain element of confidence about them since they only do what you ask them to do and even though there's state involved, if you do things right it feels like it's only one direction that state "flows". And events also only flow in one direction (backwards, sort of).

However, an ugly wart with React is the angle of it being hard to learn. All powerful things are hard to learn but it's certainly not made easier when there are multiple ways to do the same thing. What I'm referring to is how to write components.

Partly as a way of me learning and summorizing what I've come to understand and partly to jot it down so others can be helped by the same summary. Others who are in a similar situation as I am with learning React.

The default Component Class

This is what I grew up learning. This is code you most likely start with and then realize, there is no need for state here.

class Button extends React.Component {

  static propTypes = {
    day: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    increment: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.props.increment}>Today is {this.props.day}</button>

The old style createClass component

I believe this is what you used before you had ES6 so readily available. And I heard a rumor from Facebook that this is going to be deprecated. Strange rumor considering that createClass is still used in the main documentation.

const Button = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    day: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    increment: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  render: function() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.props.increment}>Today is {this.props.day}</button>

The Stateless Function component

Makes it possible to do some JavaScript right there before the return

const Button = ({
}) => {
  return (
      <button onClick={increment}>Today is {day}</button>

Button.propTypes = {
  day: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  increment: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

The Presentational Component

An ES6 shortcut trick whereby you express a onliner lambda function as if it's got a body of its own.

const Button = ({
}) => (
    <button onClick={increment}>Today is {day}</button>

Button.propTypes = {
  day: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  increment: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

Some thoughts and reactions

  • The advantage with the class is that you can write a shouldComponentUpdate hook method. That's applicable when you have an intimate knowledge of the props and state and you might know that deep inside the props or the state, there's differences you don't need to consider different enough to warrent a re-render of the component. Arguably, if you're in that rabbit hole and need some optimization hack like that, perhaps it's time to break things up.

  • The Stateless Function pattern and the Presentational Component are both functions. Here's what they look like converted to ES5: One and Two. Basically no difference.

  • The Stateless Function and the Presentational Component both suffer from the ugliness of that propTypes guard hanging outside the code. That makes it the opposite of encapsulated/bundled. You have to remember to copy two things.

  • A lot of smarter-than-me-people seem to indicate that classes in JavaScript is a bad thing and I haven't personally understood that argument yet. What I do know is that I kinda like the bundling. You have the whole component in a little package under one name and inside you can put little helper functions/methods that support the render function. Also, having a state in one of those classes is optional. Just because a component doesn't need state, doesn't mean you have to use a functional component. Also, the class is great for putting in side-effects in the componentWillMount and cancel side-effects in componentWillUnmount.

  • Supposedly with React.createClass() you can use mixins, but I've never used that. Is mixins something that's rapidly going out of fashion? I think I need to go back and properly read Mixins Are Dead. Long Live Composition.

  • Boy I wish there was only one way to do things and only one single name. In Django you used to only have view functions. Then class-based views came along and the diversion caused a lot of strain, anger and confusion. "Why should I use which?! I hate change!" was a common noise. However, JavaScript is what it is and React is newfangled stuff.

  • I kinda like the "statement" you make when you write a stateless/presentational function component. Just by seeing its signature you can tell that it won't mess with state inside. But if your needs grow over time and you realize you need a bit of state solely for that component, you have to rewrite it entirely, right?

  • I love plainly writing down the props I need as argument and not have to write this.props.myPropthing. Makes it easy to debug what the code does.

  • Is there not a way to put that Button.propTypes thing in the first React.Component style into the class?? UPDATE There is! Thanks Emiliano for showing me how.

  • If you're prepared to remember more terminology; the class component style is called a Container Component. I like that name!

Please Please Share your thoughts and reactions and I'll try to collect it and incorporate it into this blog post.

Web performance optimization's dark side

March 16, 2016
0 comments Web development

See this comment on Yoav Weiss's article on Preload: What Is It Good For?.

Xe (He or she) is being a bit of a jack ass and not respecting the fact that latency is still a big problem and the simple fact that a LOT of people still have slow Internet speeds. Even in the USA (which for the record generally sucks at broadband compared to many other western countries).

But the point being made here is that obsessing over saving milliseconds here and there drains the fun in web development.

I remember back in the days I used to love the web. Development was fun, entertaining, and provided many levels of enjoyment. To some extent it still is today. But it’s getting so obsessive that maybe it’s not me the one who needs counseling.


That’s how it feels with all these obsessive new techniques and tricks. Just to get that page loaded by an extra 6 milliseconds faster.

Can't think of a good defense to these comments. It's not going to stop me from trying to shave milliseconds here and there. Having a fast web app doesn't just make it faster. It makes it "better". When something feels fast, it feels like higher quality. And I think users of fast web apps have a more positive attitude towards features/bugs.

But xe is right. It does zap some of the fun of web development. It used to be about adding content and features. Now it's about this constant "dieting". We wouldn't have this problem if the sites didn't weight 2-3Mb of PNGs, 100Kb CSS and massive font files.

I too feel the blues sometimes especially since a lot of performance improvements are so hard to notice with a human pair of eyes. The point is. Uh. The point is.... Hmm.

The point is; the more advanced we make the web the harder it's going to be to keep up and every time a speed-freak blogs about some millisecond shavings, the beginner developers are going to think "Oh shit! I have to learn that too?!" But then again, pushing the envelope is just so much fun!

Ctags in Atom on OSX

February 26, 2016
0 comments Web development, macOS

Symbols View setting page
In Atom, by default there's a package called symbols-view. It basically allows you to search for particular functions, classes, variables etc. Most often not by typing but by search based on whatever word the cursor is currently on.

With this all installed and set up I can now press Cmd-alt-Down and it automatically jumps to the definition of that thing. If the result is ambiguous (e.g. two functions called get_user_profile) it'll throw up the usual search dialog at the top.

To have this set up you need to use something called ctags. It's a command line tool.

This Stack Overflow post helped tremendously. The ctags I had installed was something else (presumably put there by installing emacs). So I did:

$ brew install ctags

And then added

alias ctags="`brew --prefix`/bin/ctags"

...in my ~/.bash_profile

Now I can run ctags -R . and it generates a binary'ish file called tags in the project root.

However, the index of symbols in a project greatly varies with different branches. So I need a different tags file for each branch. How to do that? By hihjacking the .git/hooks/post-checkout hook.

Now, this is where things get interesting. Every project has "junk". Stuff you have in your project that isn't files you're likely to edit. So you'll need to list those one by one. Anyway, here's what my post-checkout looks like:


set -x

ctags -R \
  --exclude=build \
  --exclude=.git \
  --exclude=webapp-django/static \
  --exclude=webapp-django/node_modules \

This'll be run every time I check out a branch, e.g. git checkout master.

Whatsdeployed on only one site

February 26, 2016
0 comments Python, Web development, Mozilla

Last year I developed a web app called "Whatsdeployed". It's one of those rare one-afternoon-hacks that turns out to be really really useful. I use it every [work]day. And I've heard many people say they use it too.

At the time I built it, it only supported comparing multiple instance. E.g. a production and a dev site. Or a test, stage and production. But oftentimes, especially for smaller projects, you might only just have your one deployed site.

So I've now made it possible so you can compare just 1 site against your github.com master branch.

For example: whatsdeployed.io/s-Sir

Or whatsdeployed.io/s-J14

What these do, is simply comparing what git sha revision is deployed on those side-projects, compared to the latest git sha on the master branch on github.com.

How to no-mincss links with django-pipeline

February 3, 2016
2 comments Python, Web development, Django

This might be the kind of problem only I have, but I thought I'd share in case others are in a similar pickle.

Warming Up

First of all, the way my personal site works is that every rendered page gets cached as rendered HTML. Midway, storing the rendered page in the cache, an optimization transformation happens. It basically takes HTML like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="vendor.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="stuff.css">

into this:

/* optimized contents of vendor.css and stuff.css minified */

Just right-click and "View Page Source" and you'll see.

When it does this it also filters out CSS selectors in those .css files that aren't actually used in the rendered HTML. This makes the inlined CSS much smaller. Especially since so much of the CSS comes from a CSS framework.

However, there are certain .css files that have references to selectors that aren't in the generated HTML but are needed later when some JavaScript changes the DOM based on AJAX or user actions. For example, the CSS used by the Autocompeter widget. The program that does this CSS optimization transformation is called mincss and it has a feature where you can tell it to NOT bother with certain CSS selectors (using a CSS comment) or certain <link> tags entirely. It looks like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="ajaxstuff.css" data-mincss="no">

Where Does django-pipeline Come In?

So, setting that data-mincss="no" isn't easy when you use django-pipeline because you don't write <link ... in your Django templates, you write {% stylesheet 'name-of-bundle %}. So, how do you get it in?

Well, first let's define the bundle. In my case it looks like this:

  # Bundle of CSS that strictly isn't needed at pure HTML render-time
  'base_dynamic': {
        'source_filenames': (
        'extra_context': {
            'no_mincss': True,
        'output_filename': 'css/base-dynamic.min.css',

But that isn't enough. Next, I need to override how django-pipeline turn that block into a <link ...> tag. To do that, you need to create a directory and file called pipeline/css.html (or pipeline/css.jinja if you use Jinja rendering by default).

So take the default one from inside the pipeline package and copy it into your project into one of your apps's templates directory. For example, in my case, peterbecom/apps/base/templates/pipeline/css.jinja. Then, in that template add at the very end somehting like this:

{% if no_mincss %} data-mincss="no"{% endif %} />

The Point?

The point is that if you're in a similar situation where you want django-pipeline to output the <link> or <script> tag differently than it's capable of, by default, then this is a good example of that.

Bestest and securest way to handle Python dependencies

February 1, 2016
1 comment Python

pip 8 is out and with it, the ability to only install dependencies you've vetted. Thank Erik Rose! Now you can be absolutely certain that dependencies you downloaded and installed locally is absolutely identical to the dependencies you download and install in your production server.

First pipstrap.py

So your server needs pip to install those dependencies safely and securely. Initially you have to trust the pip/virtualenv that is installed globally on the system. If you can trust it but unsure it's a good version of pip version 8 and up, that's where pipstrap.py comes in. It makes sure you get a pip version installed that supports pip install with hashes:

Add pipstrap.py to your git/hg repo and use it to make sure you have a good pip. For example your deployment script might look like this now:

git pull origin master
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python ./tools/pipstrap.py
pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt

Then hashin

Thanks to pipstrap we now have a version of pip that really does check the hashes you've put in the requirements.txt file.

(By the way, the --require-hashes on pip install is optional. pip will imply it if the requirements.txt file appears to have hashes defined. But to avoid the risk and you accidentally fumbling a bad requirements.txt it's good to specify --require-hashes to pip install)

Now that you're up and running and you sleep well at night because you know your production server has exactly the same dependencies you had when you did the development and unit testing, how do you get the hashes in there?

The tricks is to install hashin. (pip install hashin). It helps you write those hashes.

Suppose you have a requirements.txt file that looks like this:


You can try to run pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt and learn from the errors. E.g.:

Hashes are required in --require-hashes mode, but they are missing from some requirements. 
Here is a list of those requirements along with the hashes their downloaded archives actually 
had. Add lines like these to your requirements files to prevent tampering. (If you did not 
enable --require-hashes manually, note that it turns on automatically when any package has a hash.)
    Django==1.9.1 --hash=sha256:9f7ca04c6dbcf08b794f2ea5283c60156a37ebf2b8316d1027f594f34ff61101
    bgg==0.22.1 --hash=sha256:e5172c3fda0e8a42d1797fd1ff75245c3953d7c8574089a41a219204dbaad83d
    html2text==2016.1.8 --hash=sha256:088046f9b126761ff7e3380064d4792279766abaa5722d0dd765d011cf0bb079

But those are just the hashes for your particular environment (and your particular support for Python wheels). Instead, take each requirement and run it through hashin

$ hashin Django==1.9.1
$ hashin bgg==0.22.1
$ hashin html2text==2016.1.8

Now your requirements.txt will look like this:

Django==1.9.1 \
    --hash=sha256:9f7ca04c6dbcf08b794f2ea5283c60156a37ebf2b8316d1027f594f34ff61101 \
bgg==0.22.1 \
    --hash=sha256:e5172c3fda0e8a42d1797fd1ff75245c3953d7c8574089a41a219204dbaad83d \
html2text==2016.1.8 \

One Last Note

pip is smart enough to traverse the nested dependencies of packages that need to be installed. For example, suppose you do:

$ hashin premailer

It will only add...

premailer==2.9.7 \
    --hash=sha256:1516cbb972234446660bf7862b28521f0fc8b5e7f3087655f35ae5dd233013a3 \

...to your requirements.txt. But this package has a bunch of dependencies of its own. To find out what those are, let pip "fail for you".

$ pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt
Collecting premailer==2.9.7 (from -r r.txt (line 1))
  Downloading premailer-2.9.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting lxml (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))
Collecting cssutils (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))
Collecting cssselect (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))
In --require-hashes mode, all requirements must have their versions pinned with ==. These do not:
    lxml from https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/l/lxml/lxml-3.5.0.tar.gz#md5=9f0c5f1eb43ff44d5455dab4b4efbe73 (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))
    cssutils from https://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/c/cssutils/cssutils-1.0.1-py2-none-any.whl#md5=b173f51f1b87bcdc5e5e20fd39530cdc (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))
    cssselect from https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/c/cssselect/cssselect-0.9.1.tar.gz#md5=c74f45966277dc7a0f768b9b0f3522ac (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))

So apparently you need to hashin those three dependencies:

$ hashin lxml
$ hashin cssutils
$ hashin cssselect

Now your requirements.txt file will look something like this:

premailer==2.9.7 \
    --hash=sha256:1516cbb972234446660bf7862b28521f0fc8b5e7f3087655f35ae5dd233013a3 \
lxml==3.5.0 \
    --hash=sha256:349f93e3a4b09cc59418854ab8013d027d246757c51744bf20069bc89016f578 \
    --hash=sha256:8628cc82957c41be10abce889a1976ceb7b9e3f36ebffa4fcb1a80901bf77adc \
    --hash=sha256:1c9c26bb6c31c3d5b3c104e843211d9c105db60b4df6770ac42673263d55d494 \
    --hash=sha256:01e54511034333f18772c335ec0b33a76bba988135eaf727a075897866d19604 \
    --hash=sha256:2abf6cac9b7952047d8b7265384a9565e419a727dba675e83e4b7f5b7892b6bb \
cssutils==1.0.1 \
    --hash=sha256:78ac48006ac2336b9456e88a75ed35f6a31a030c65162503b7af01a60d78db5a \
cssselect==0.9.1 \

Ah... Now you feel confident.

Actually, One More Last Note

Sorry for repeating the obvious but it's so important it's worth making it loud and clear:

Use the same pip install procedure and requirements.txt file everywhere

I.e. Install the depdendencies the same way on your laptop, your continuous integration server, your staging server and production server. That really makes sure you're running the same process and the same dependencies everywhere.

A quicksearch for Bugzilla using Autocompeter

January 27, 2016
0 comments Python, Web development, Mozilla, JavaScript

Here's the final demo.

What I did was, I used the Bugzilla REST APIs to download all bugs for a specific product. Then I bulk-uploaded then to Autocompeter.com and lastly built a simply web front-end.

When you "download all" bugs with the Bugzilla REST API, it might be capped but I don't know what the limit is. The trick is to not download ALL bugs for the product in one big fat query, but to find out what all components are for that product and then download for each. The Python code is here.

Everyone's Invited to Play

So first you need to sign in on https://autocompeter.com using your GitHub account. Then you can generate a Auth-Key by picking a domain. The domain can be anything really. I picked bugzilla.mozilla.org but you can use whatever you like.

Then, when you have an Auth-Key you need to know the name of the product (or products) and run the script like this:

python download.py 7U4eFYH5cqR15m3ekuxkzaUR Socorro

Once you've done that, fork my codepen and replace the domain and any other references to the product.


To make this really useful, you'd have to run it more often. Perhaps you can hook it up to a cron job or something and make it so that you only download, from the REST API, things that have changed since the last time you did a big download. Then you can let the cron job run frequently.

If you want really hot results, you could hook up a server-side service that consumes the Bugzfeed websocket.

Last but not least; this will never list private/secure bugs. Only publically available stuff.

The Future

If people enjoy it perhaps we can change the front-end demo so it's not hardcoded to one specific product ("Socorro" in my case). And it can be made pretty.

And the data would need to be downloaded and re-submitted more frequently. A quick Heroku app mayhaps?

hashin - a replacement for peepin

January 26, 2016
0 comments Python

tl;dr Stop using peepin. Start using hashin

Today I proudly release hashin (on PyPI). It's a replacement of peepin (on PyPI). Yes, I know that's confusing.

A couple of days ago my friend Erik Rose gloriously took his peep project and got it embedded in pip 8.0 proper so, as of that, the right thing to do is to upgrade to pip 8 and delete your peep.py.

With that change, it no longer makes sense to use peepin. It had a good run. Bye bye.

But much of the code lives on in hashin. It's basically a fork but with different logics on A) how it gets the hash and B) how it renders the automatic changes to your requirements file.

First, if you haven't already done so:

$ pip install -U peep pip
$ pip --version  # version 8 right?
$ peep port requirements.txt
$ pip uninstall peep
$ pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt

Check out Erik's guide.

Now, you can deal with the companion.

$ pip uninstall peepin
$ pip install hashin
$ touch /tmp/test.txt
$ hashin --verbose html2text simplejson /tmp/test.txt

What's Next?

If Erik managed to get peep into pip, surely I can get hashin into pip. Hoping for some encouragement from @dstufft and @jezdez :)

How I installed letsencrypt for Nginx

January 26, 2016
0 comments Linux, Web development

I have no problems admitting that I'm always finding SSL and certs and stuff like that confusing. And Let's Encrypt is no exception. However, with Let's Encrypt, apparently, all you need to do is download their software and run a command to get a couple of certificate files. No websites or forms to fill in. No need to create a .csr file. How hard can it be? After skimming some documentation and other blog posts I dug in. Turns out, it was quite doable.

To install it, I ran:

# pwd
# git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt
# cd letsencrypt
# pip install cryptography
# ./letsencrypt-auto

The reason I had to manually pip install cryptography was because the installer in ./letsencrypt-auto failed the first time.

Now it should be installed. To create the cert you have to temporarily stop Nginx. But I had to be quick because I don't want it to be down for long:

# /etc/init.d/nginx stop
# ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone -d autocompeter.com
# /etc/init.d/nginx start

The first time I ran this I got Error: urn:acme:error:badNonce :: The client sent an unacceptable anti-replay nonce :: JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce which, according to this discussion is easy to bypass; simply try again. So I tried again, and the second time it worked.

This time it worked! Now I have 4 new files:

# ls -l /etc/letsencrypt/live/autocompeter.com/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 Jan 25 08:04 cert.pem -> ../../archive/autocompeter.com/cert1.pem
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Jan 25 08:04 chain.pem -> ../../archive/autocompeter.com/chain1.pem
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 Jan 25 08:04 fullchain.pem -> ../../archive/autocompeter.com/fullchain1.pem
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Jan 25 08:04 privkey.pem -> ../../archive/autocompeter.com/privkey1.pem

Now add these lines to the Nginx config for that site:

listen 443;

ssl on;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/autocompeter.com/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/autocompeter.com/privkey.pem;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:50m;

The new cert I just created expires in about 2 months. I created an entry in my calendar with an alert. I think I just need to run:

# /etc/init.d/nginx stop
# ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone -d autocompeter.com
# /etc/init.d/nginx start

Best Atom packages of 2015

January 22, 2016
7 comments Web development, macOS

tl;dr last-cursor-position, advanced-open-file and highlight-line

Sorry, for the sensationalist headline on this blog post. Almost all of Atom, including the core functionality, is based on packages. For example, the autocomplete thing that pops up whilst you're typing is a package with its own git repo and README. However, it's not a community package. Let's focus on those instead.

Number 1


If you're in the midst of typing and for some reason you need to scroll somewhere else in the code to type something or to select to copy to the clipboard, how do you get back? You can either memorize which line you were on. Or you can split the windows so that when you're done, elsewhere, you just kill the newly created split-window. Or; you install last-cursor-position.

At any time you can press alt-- (that's alt and the minus character) and it'll go back to where the cursor was last.

It works across open tabs too. So if you switch tabs to edit index.html and want to go back to that app.py you were working on you can alt-- yourself back there. And suppose that you want to go back to index.html again, you hit shift-alt--.

Number 2


This was written by a friend of mine called Michael "Osmose" Kelly and this was his first package he wrote. It's apparently very popular and Michael's most popular Open Source project to date.

What it does is introduce a command-line looking prompt for opening files. By default, you start it with Ctrl-x Ctrl-f which is the Emacs command for opening files/buffers.

Don't get me wrong, I love using Cmd-t to fuzzy-find files and that's awesome too, but sometimes when you have eleventeen files called models.py and you want the one in the "current directory" it's much easier to just go directly to that file. I type Cmd-x Cmd-f m [TAB] [ENTER] and I'm there. Had I typed m on the fuzzy-finder it would certainly have yielded too many files.

Another really really useful thing about this package is that I can easily go to any other file outside the current directory. Suppose my Atom window is rooted in ~/dev/PYTHON/premailer/ and I want to open /tmp/hack.js I easily can, thanks to this package without reaching for the mouse.

Number 3


The name well describes what it does. But why do I need it? The answer is simple; it's when I jump around. When I'm in the midst of typing a function or snippet or something I don't need to know which line I'm on because things are settled. No, it's when I go somewhere else, for example using the last-cursor-position package, then it's hard to see where the cursor is. Especially relevant when you have a big screen with high resolution.

Why isn't this a core package?!

In Summary

I bet I've forgotten some package that I love and use every day that isn't a core package. If so, it's probably something subtle or something that I almost take for granted. For example, who doesn't use react or atom-beautify?! Also, those packages are already so popular they don't need a blog post to raise their attention and fame :)

What was your favorites that you like so much that they just need to be highlighted? Leave a comment or discuss here.