Newfound love of @staticmethod in Python

July 2, 2012
6 comments Python

The @staticmethod decorator is nothing new. In fact, it was added in version 2.2. However, it's not till now in 2012 that I have genuinely fallen in love with it.

First a quick recap to remind you how @staticmethod works.

class Printer(object):

    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text

    def newlines(s):
        return s.replace('\n','\r')

    def printer(self):
        return self.newlines(self.text)

p = Printer('\n\r')
assert p.printer() == '\r\r'

So, it's a function that has nothing to do with the instance but still belongs to the class. It belongs to the class from an structural point of view of the observer. Like, clearly the newlines function is related to the Printer class. The alternative is:

def newlines(s):
    return s.replace('\n','\r')

class Printer(object):

    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text

    def printer(self):
        return newlines(self.text)

p = Printer('\n\r')
assert p.printer() == '\r\r'

It's the exact same thing and one could argue that the function has nothing to do with the Printer class. But ask yourself (by looking at your code); how many times do you have classes with methods on them that take self as a parameter but never actually use it?

So, now for the trump card that makes it worth the effort of making it a staticmethod: object orientation. How would you do this neatly without OO?

class UNIXPrinter(Printer):

    def newlines(s):
        return s.replace('\n\r', '\n')

p = UNIXPrinter('\n\r')
assert p.printer() == '\n'  

Can you see it? It's ideal for little functions that should be domesticated by the class but have nothing to do with the instance (e.g. self). I used to think it looked like it's making a pure looking thing like something more complex that it needs to be. But now, I think it looks great!

Difference between $.data('foo') and $.attr('data-foo') in jQuery

June 10, 2012
9 comments JavaScript

I learned something today thanks to my colleague Axel Hecht; the difference between $'foo') and $element.attr('data-foo').

Basically, the .data() getter/setter is more powerful since it can do more things. For example:

<img id="image" data-number="42">

// numbers are turned to integers
assert($('#image').data('number') + 1 == 43);
// the more rudimentary way
assert($('#image').attr('data-number') + 1 == '421');

Integers is just one thing the .data() getter is able to parse. It can do other cool things too like booleans and JSON. Check out its docs

So, why would you NOT use .data()?

One reason is that with .data(name, value) the original DOM element is not actually modified. This can cause trouble if other pieces of Javascript depend on the value of a data- attribute further along in the page rendering process.

To see it in action check out: test.html

In conclusion: just be aware of it. Feel free to use the .data() getter/setter because it's way better but be aware of the potential risks.

How I deal with deferred image loading in Javascript

June 8, 2012
3 comments Web development, JavaScript

First of all, this technique is only really applicable to apps where there's only one big HTML template which is then shuffles, part hidden and part visible thanks to lots of Javascript. Those familiar with jQuery Mobile will have seen this.

On Around The World there are a lot of images. Majority of them you don't need to see immediately because only one screen is loaded at the time. The page structure looks like this:

<div class="section" id="page1">
  <h2>Page 1</h2>
  <img src="section-icon1.png">
<div class="section" id="page2" style="display:none">
  <h2>Page 2</h2>
  <img src="section-icon2.png">
<div class="section" id="page3" style="display:none">
  <h2>Page 3</h2>
  <img src="section-icon3.png">

So, if you load that you'll notice that your browser will download "section-icon1.png", "section-icon2.png" and "section-icon3.png" even though two of the images are not going to be displayed. Good for pre-loading the images when they're later needed but bad for the user experience since the browser will be busy downloading images rather than displaying the first visible section.

This is how I solve this; first I change the HTML to be this:

<div class="section" id="page1">
  <h2>Page 1</h2>
  <img src="." data-src="section-icon1.png" class="deferred">
<div class="section" id="page2" style="display:none">
  <h2>Page 2</h2>
  <img src="." data-src="section-icon2.png" class="deferred">
<div class="section" id="page3" style="display:none">
  <h2>Page 3</h2>
  <img src="." data-src="section-icon3.png" class="deferred">

And now for the magic that turns these img tags into real normal img tags. The truth is that the Javascript about loading individual sections is a bit more complicated but in its inner core it looks something like this:

// variable 'hash' is something like 'page2'
if ($(hash + '.section').size()) {
  $(hash + '.section').show();
  $('img.deferred', hash).each(function() {
    var el = $(this);

It makes the HTML slightly more complicated but the end result is great. It's not just useful for the first-time load but also applicable every time someone reloads the page.

Postgres collation errors on CITEXT fields when upgrading to 9.1

May 21, 2012
1 comment Web development

Just in case this hits you too when you use CITEXT fields that were originally defined in a Postgres before version 9.1.

ProgrammingError: could not determine which collation to use for string comparison
HINT:  Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation explicitly.

This can happen if you use something like:

WHERE name='peter'

when field name is a case insensitive text field.

After some googling around and shooting in the dark I found the the only way to crack this is to run this command:

CREATE EXTENSION citext FROM unpackaged;

Hope that helps some poor schmuck with the same problem.


If you have problems applying this to new tables in Postgres 9.1 you might need to run this instead:


Secs sell! How I cache my entire pages (server-side)

May 10, 2012
1 comment Python, Django

I've blogged before about how this site can easily push out over 2,000 requests/second using only 6 WSGI workers excluding latency. The reason that's possible is because the whole page(s) can be cached server-side. What actually happens is that the whole rendered HTML blob is stored in the cache server (Redis in my case) so that no database queries are needed at all.

I wanted my site to still "feel" dynamic in the sense that once you post a comment (and it's published), the page automatically invalidates the cache and thus, the user doesn't have to refresh his browser when he knows it should have changed. To accomplish this I used a hacked cache_page decorator that makes the cache key depend on the content it depends on. Here's the code I actually use today for the home page:

def _home_key_prefixer(request):
    if request.method != 'GET':
        return None
    prefix = urllib.urlencode(request.GET)
    cache_key = 'latest_comment_add_date'
    latest_date = cache.get(cache_key)
    if latest_date is None:
        # when a blog comment is posted, the blog modify_date is incremented
        latest, = (BlogItem.objects
        latest_date = latest['modify_date'].strftime('%f')
        cache.set(cache_key, latest_date, 60 * 60)
    prefix += str(latest_date)

        redis_increment('homepage:hits', request)
    except Exception:
        logging.error('Unable to redis.zincrby', exc_info=True)

    return prefix

@cache_page_with_prefix(60 * 60, _home_key_prefixer)
def home(request, oc=None):
        redis_increment('homepage:misses', request)
    except Exception:
        logging.error('Unable to redis.zincrby', exc_info=True)

And in the models I then have this:

@receiver(post_save, sender=BlogComment)
@receiver(post_save, sender=BlogItem)
def invalidate_latest_comment_add_dates(sender, instance, **kwargs):
    cache_key = 'latest_comment_add_date'

So this means:

  • whole pages are cached for long time for fast access
  • updates immediately invalidates the cache for best user experience
  • no need to mess with ANY SQL caching

So, the next question is, if posting a comment means that the cache is invalidated and needs to be populated, what's the ratio of hits versus hits where the cache is cleared? Glad you asked. That's why I made this page:

It allows me to monitor how often a new blog comment or general time-out means poor django needs to re-create the HTML using SQL.

At the time of writing, one in every 25 hits to the homepage requires the server to re-generate the page. And still the content is always fresh and relevant.

The next level of optimization would be to figure out whether a particular page update (e.g. a blog comment posting on a page that isn't featured on the home page) should or should not invalidate the home page. esp

On the command line no one can hear you screen. Or can they?

May 3, 2012
2 comments Linux

This is how you check if a command (with or without any output) exited successfully or if it exited with something other than 0, in bash:

if [ "$WORKED" != 0 ]; then
  echo "FAILED"
  echo "WORKED"

But how do you inspect this on the command line? I actually don't know, until it hit me. The simplest possible solution:

$ ./someprogram && echo worked || echo failed

What a great low-tech solution. I just works. If you're on OSX, you can nerd it up a bit more:

$ ./someprogram && say worked || say failed

Are WebSockets faster than AJAX? ...with latency in mind?

April 22, 2012
25 comments Web development, JavaScript

The advantage with WebSockets (over AJAX) is basically that there's less HTTP overhead. Once the connection has been established, all future message passing is over a socket rather than new HTTP request/response calls. So, you'd assume that WebSockets can send and receive much more messages per unit time. Turns out that that's true. But there's a very bitter reality once you add latency into the mix.

So, I created a simple app that uses SockJS and an app that uses jQuery AJAX to see how they would perform under stress. Code is here. All it does is basically, send a simple data structure to the server which echos it back. As soon as the response comes back, it starts over. Over and over till it's done X number of iterations.

Here's the output when I ran this on localhost here on my laptop:

# /ajaxtest (localhost)
10 iterations in 0.128 seconds meaning 78.125 messages/second
100 iterations in 0.335 seconds meaning 298.507 messages/second
1000 iterations in 2.934 seconds meaning 340.832 messages/second

# /socktest (localhost)
10 iterations in 0.071 seconds meaning 140.845 messages/second
100 iterations in 0.071 seconds meaning 1408.451 messages/second
1000 iterations in 0.466 seconds meaning 2145.923 messages/second

Wow! It's so fast that the rate doesn't even settle down. Back-of-an-envelope calculation tells me the WebSocket version is 5 times faster roughly. Again; wow!

Now reality kicks in! It's obviously unrealistic to test against localhost because it doesn't take latency into account. I.e. it doesn't take into account the long distance the data has to travel from the client to the server.

So, I deployed this test application on my server in London, England and hit it from my Firefox here in California, USA. Same number of iterations and I ran it a number of times to make sure I don't get hit by sporadic hickups on the line. Here are the results:

# /ajaxtest (
10 iterations in 2.241 seconds meaning 4.462 messages/second
100 iterations in 28.006 seconds meaning 3.571 messages/second
1000 iterations in 263.785 seconds meaning 3.791 messages/second

# /socktest ( 
10 iterations in 5.705 seconds meaning 1.752 messages/second
100 iterations in 23.283 seconds meaning 4.295 messages/second
1000 iterations in 227.728 seconds meaning 4.391 messages/second

Hmm... Not so cool. WebSockets are still slightly faster but the difference is negligable. WebSockets are roughly 10-20% faster than AJAX. With that small a difference I'm sure the benchmark is going to vastly effected by other factors that make it unfair for one or the the other such as quirks in my particular browser or the slightest hickup on the line.

What can we learn from this? Well, latency kills all the fun. Also, it means that you don't necessarily need to re-write your already working AJAX heavy app just to gain speed because even though it's ever so slightly faster, the switch from AJAX to WebSocket comes with other risks and challenges such as authentication cookies, having to deal with channel concurrency, load balancing on the server etc.

Before you say it, yes I'm aware than WebSocket web apps comes with other advantages such as being able to hold on to sockets and push data at will from the server. Those are juicy benefits but massive performance boosts ain't one.

Also, I bet that writing this means that peeps will come along and punch hole in my code and my argument. Something I welcome with open arms!

I'm running pgFouine right now on my server

April 19, 2012
0 comments Linux

pgFouine in action on my server
pgFouine is a PostgreSQL log analyzer. You basically, configure your Postgres server to be very verbose about all statements. Then, you simply run the pgfouine.php command against the log file and it spits out a page like this:

Running all this verbose logging will obviously slow down the database server a bit so I'm only going to be running this temporarily. The overhead is actually pretty small but it's also piling on quite a few bytes in terms of the size of the log file.

So, at the time of writing, it's been about 1 day running and it has captured about 70,000 queries (by the time you look at the file it might have gone up significantly). I haven't started actually looking at it in detail yet but it's clear that there's some use of the LIKE operator that Postgres spends most of its time on.

You can configure your pgFouine to filter on specific databases. I have not done so because I'm at the moment just interested in what the whole database server is getting up to. Most of these guilty queries comes from the Crosstips site. Maybe it's time to optimize the worst performing queries there a bit.


After running for 24 hours, I did some low-hanging fruit optimization to the biggest culprits and reset the logs. The first 24 hours report is still here:


I've stopped logging all queries now. The results are still there. I'm quite pleased with the results so far.

Secs sell! How frickin' fast this site is! (server side)

April 5, 2012
2 comments Linux, Web development, Django

This is part 2. Part 1 is here about how I managed to make this site fast.

The web framework powering this site is Django and in front of that is Nginx which serves all the static content (once before Amazon CloudFront CDN takes over) and all non-static traffic is passed on to a uWSGI daemon which is running 6 worker processes. The database that stores the content is PostgreSQL and all caching is done in Redis. Actually another Redis database is used for other things such as maintaining a quick look-up index of keywords to primary keys so that I can quickly mesh together blog posts by keywords.

However, as we all know the deciding factor of a web sites server-side speed is effectively the speed of the database or any other disk-bound I/O device. To remedy this I've set up some practical caching strategies which I'm quite happy with.

So, how fast is it? Here's an ab stress test against home page with 10,000 requests spread across 10 concurrent users:

Document Path:          /
Document Length:        73272 bytes

Concurrency Level:      10
Time taken for tests:   4.426 seconds
Complete requests:      10000
Failed requests:        0
Write errors:           0
Total transferred:      734250000 bytes
HTML transferred:       732720000 bytes
Requests per second:    2259.59 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       4.426 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.443 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          162022.11 [Kbytes/sec] received

I could probably make that 2,300 requests/second to 3,000 or 4,000 if I just increase the number of workers. However, that costs memory and since I'm currently running 19 other uWSGI workers on this server that all (all 25) in total take up a steady 1.4 Gb I don't feel like increasing that number much more. Besides since this site doesn't really get any traffic, I'm not so concerned about massive throughput on concurrent benchmarks but more about serving each and every page as fast as possible the few times it's called.

Every single page on this site is behind some sort of internal cache. The only time the PostgreSQL is involved is in rendering a page is when it's first requested after a comment has been entered or I've added (or edited) a new post. Thing is, I don't want to be inconvenienced by a stupid cache that forces me to wait an hour every time I change something. No, instead lots of Django database model signals are put in place that fire off cache invalidation when certain pieces of data is changed. You can see the code for that here.

So, for the home page for example: For each request, a small piece of Python code checks the Redis for what the latest comment add-date is and based on that tells the Django page_cache decorator to either render the page as normal or to serve the whole HTML payload from Redis. In other words, on a successful cache "hit" it actually needs two Redis look-ups. Even that could be improved and blindly just spare these look-ups by serving from the workers allocated Python memory instead but that would make things fragile, hard to unit test and it would only make the benchmarks faster which is not necessary.

The most important thing to optimize on a web site is the static content. Well, there's little point in serving the static content fast if it takes 3 seconds to say what static content to serve. Also, a fast website is likely to appear more favorable on the Google bot which effectively makes the site appear higher on Google searches.

In the next part, I'll try to share more in-depth technical bits and pieces of what I actually did although they're no secrets I think some of them are best practice and even senior web developers sometimes get them wrong.

Secs sell! How frickin' fast this site is! (client side)

March 30, 2012
7 comments Web development

Secs sell: How frickin' fast this site is!
After a lot of optimization work on this website I finally now get a score of 98 on YSlow! Phew! Finally!

I've managed to get near perfect scores in the past but never on something as "big" and mixed and "multimedia" as this, ie. the home page. The home page on this site contains a lot of content. Lots of thumbnails and lots of code.

As always, it really helps if you can control the requirements. Meaning you can say "No, we don't want an embedded Flash widget with 30kb Javascript". In my case I didn't want content to be dynamic per each user request so the underlying HTML can be properly cached. Also, I don't need any Javascript for the home page because all it does is static content.

Secs sell: How frickin' fast this site is!
My individual blog pages are the only pages that require Javascript. What I did there was let Google host a copy of the latest jQuery and I just add some minified code to handle the AJAX of the comment posting. It's pretty cool that the individual blog post pages get a score of 99 on YSlow even though they contain a decent amount of Javascript.

What I've also done is moved every single image, css and javascript element to the Amazon CloudFront CDN. Yes, this costs money but certainly not much. My web server is located in London, England which is a good location but considering that 70% of my visitors are based in north America it's more fair that 90% of the web page content is served near them instead. This is clearly illustrated with this screenshot from Pingdom.
Secs sell: How frickin' fast this site is!

I'm quite aware that it's 100 times easier to build a fast website when you can simply disregard certain features such as fat picture galleries and massive blocks of Javascript stuff. But mind you, choosing not to add those features is a large part of making fast websites too. The number one rule of making a request fast is to not make it at all.

I'll soon blog more about how I made these things happen from a technical point of view.