Too Cool For Me?

September 25, 2011
0 comments Tornado

Too Cool For Me? Too Cool For Me? is a fun little side-project I've been working on. It's all about and only for Twitter. You login, then install a bookmarklet then when browsing twitter you can see who follows you and who is too cool for you.

For me it's a chance to try some new tech and at the same time scratch an itch I had. The results can be quite funny but also sad too when you realise that someone uncool isn't following you even though you follow him/her.

The code is open source and available on Github and at least it might help people see how to do a web app in Tornado using MongoDB and asynchronous requests to the Twitter API

Goodies from tornado-utils - part 3: send_mail

September 24, 2011
0 comments Tornado

This is Part 3 in a series of blogs about various bits and pieces in the tornado-utils package. Part 1 is here and part 2 is here


Code is here

First of all, I should say: I didn't write much of this code. It's copied from Django and modified to work in any Tornado app. It hinges on the same idea as Django that you have to specify what backend you want to use. A backend is an importable string pointing to a class that has the send_messages method.

To begin, here's a sample use case inside a request handler:

class ContactUs(tornado.web.RequestHandler):

   def post(self):
       msg = self.get_argument('msg')
       # NB: you might want to set this once and for all in something 
       # like self.application.settings['email_backend']
       backend = 'tornado_utils.send_mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
                  "New contact form entry",
                  msg + '\n\n--\nFrom our contact form\n',

The problem is that SMTP is slow. Even though, in human terms, it's fast, it's still too slow for a non-blocking server that Tornado is. Taking 1-2 seconds to send a message over SMTP means it's blocking every other request to Tornado for 1-2 seconds. The solution is instead save the message on disk in pickled form and use a cron job to pick up the messages and send them by SMTP instead, outside the Tornado process. First do this re-write:

   def post(self):
       msg = self.get_argument('msg')
-       backend = 'tornado_utils.send_mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
+       backend = 'tornado_utils.send_mail.backends.pickle.EmailBackend'

Now, write a cron job script that looks something like this:

DRY_RUN = False

def main():
   from tornado_utils.send_mail import config
   filenames = glob(os.path.join(config.PICKLE_LOCATION, '*.pickle'))
   if not filenames:

   from tornado_utils.send_mail import backends
   import cPickle

   if DRY_RUN:
       EmailBackend = backends.console.EmailBackend
       EmailBackend = backends.smtp.EmailBackend
   max_count = 10
   filenames = filenames[:max_count]
   messages = [cPickle.load(open(x, 'rb')) for x in filenames]
   backend = EmailBackend()
   if not DRY_RUN:
       for filename in filenames:

That code just above is butchered from a more comprehensive script I have but you get the idea. Writing to a pickle file is so fast it's in the lower milliseconds region. However, it depends on disk IO so if you need more speed, write a simple backend that writes instead of saving pickles on disk, make it write to a fast in-memory database like Redis or Memcache.

The code isn't new and it's been battle tested but it's only really been battle tested in the way that my apps use it. So you might stumble across bugs if you use it in a way I haven't tested. However, the code is Open Source and happily available for you to help out and improve.

Goodies from tornado-utils - part 2: tornado_static

September 22, 2011
0 comments Tornado

This is Part 2 in a series of blogs about various bits and pieces in the tornado-utils package. Part 1 is here


Code is here

This code takes care of two things: 1) optimizing your static resources and 2) bundling and serving them with unique names so you can cache aggressively.

The trick is to make your development environment such that there's no need to do anything when in "debug mode" but when in "production mode" it needs to be perfect. Which files (e.g. jquery.js or style.css) you use and bundle is up to you and it's something you control from the templates in your Tornado app. Not a config setting because, almost always, which resources (aka. assets) you need is known and relevant only to the templates where you're working.

Using UI modules in Tornado requires a bit of Tornado-fu but here's one example and here is another (untested) example:


import tornado.web
from tornado_utils.tornado_static import (
  StaticURL, Static, PlainStaticURL, PlainStatic) 

class Application(tornado.web.Application):
   def __init__(self):
       ui_modules = {}
       if options.debug:
           ui_modules['Static'] = PlainStatic
           ui_modules['StaticURL'] = PlainStaticURL
           ui_modules['Static'] = Static
           ui_modules['StaticURL'] = StaticURL

       app_settings = dict(

       handlers = [
         (r"/", HomeHandler),
         (r"/entry/([0-9]+)", EntryHandler),
       super(Application, self).__init__(handlers, **app_settings)

def main(): # pragma: no cover
   http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(Application())

if __name__ == "__main__":

Note! If you're looking to optimize your static resources in a Tornado app you probably already have a "framework" for setting up UI modules into your app. The above code is just to wet your appetite and to show how easy it is to set up. The real magic starts to happen in the template code. Here's a sample implementation:

<!doctype html>
       <title>{% block title %}{{ page_title }}{% end %}</title>
       <meta charset="utf-8">
       {% module Static("css/ext/jquery.gritter.css", "css/style.css") %}
   {% block content %}
   {% end %}
   {% module Static("js/ext/head.load.min.js") %}
   var POST_LOAD = '{% module StaticURL("js/dojo.js", "js/dojo.async.js") %}';

What you get when run is a template that looks like this:

<!doctype html>
       <title>My title</title>
       <meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">

(Note that this will create a whitespace optimized filed called "" in "/tmp/combined")

Have a play and see if it makes sense in your app. I do believe this can do with some Open Source love but so far it works great for me on Kwissle, DoneCal and TooCoolFor.Me

Goodies from tornado-utils - part 1: TestClient

September 20, 2011
0 comments Tornado

This is Part 1 in a series of blogs about various bits and pieces in the tornado-utils package.

tornado-utils is the result of me working on numerous web apps in Tornado that after too much copy-and-paste from project to project eventually became a repo standing on its own two legs.


Code is here

This makes it possible to write integration tests that executes GET and POST requests on your app similarly to how Django does it. Example implementation:

# tests/

from tornado_utils.http_test_client import TestClient, HTTPClientMixin
from tornado.testing import LogTrapTestCase, AsyncHTTPTestCase

class BaseAsyncTestCase(AsyncHTTPTestCase, LogTrapTestCase):

class BaseHTTPTestCase(BaseAsyncTestCase, HTTPClientMixin):

   def setUp(self):
       super(BaseHTTPTestCase, self).setUp()
       self.client = TestClient(self)

# tests/

from .base import BaseHTTPTestCase

class HandlersTestCase(BaseHTTPTestCase):

   def setUp(self):
       super(HandlersTestCase, self).setUp()
       self._create_user('peterbe', 'secret')  # use your imagination

   def test_homepage(self):
       response = self.client.get('/')
       self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
       self.assertTrue('stranger' in response.body)

       data = {'username': 'peterbe', 'password': 'secret'}
       response ='/login/', data)
       self.assertEqual(response.code, 302)

       response = self.client.get('/')
       self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
       self.assertTrue('stranger' not in response.body)
       self.assertTrue('hi peterbe' in response.body)

You can see a sample implementation of this here

Note that this was one of the first pieces of test code I wrote in my very first Tornado app and it's not unlikely that some assumptions and approaches are naive or even wrong but what we have here works and it makes the test code very easy to read. All it basically does is wraps the http_client.fetch(...) call and also maintains a bucket of cookies

I hope it can be useful to someone new to writing tests in Tornado.

Reciprocal lesson about gender perspectives

September 2, 2011
0 comments Wondering

Picked this up on a food blog in one of the comments; a female commenter wrote:

"Guys went for me all the time in my late teens and early twenties. I’m no great beauty, but they did anyway. I was slender.
I did not remain slender. No one looks at me now.
I'm the same person."

Err! Wrong! You're not the same person! If we assume that this "slender" versus "not slender" is the differentiating factor and ignore age for now then with beauty changes the person.

It's such a common misconception sometimes heard from women that the personality is one factor of attraction and that external beauty is another. In the opposite, women do play down the external beauty factor more when considering men's total attraction value. Take heed women, your beauty factor matters more than men's. No news there. The mistake here is to think the opposite sex thinks like you do.

So what's the reciprocal lesson in this? For a man. Quite simply: don't think that women think like men. Or in plain English, just because you're a stud, don't think that you can be an ass.

Title - a javascript snippet to control the document title

August 22, 2011
0 comments JavaScript

This is a piece of Javascript code I use on "Kwissle" to make the document title change temporarily. Other people might find it useful too.

Code looks like this:

var Title = (function() {
 var current_title = document.title
   , timer;

 return {
    showTemporarily: function (msg, msec) {
      msec = typeof(msec) !== 'undefined' ? msec : 3000;
      if (msec < 100) msec *= 1000;
      if (timer) {
      document.title = msg;
      timer = setTimeout(function() {
        document.title = current_title;
      }, msec);

Demo here

EmailInput HTML5 friendly for Django

August 2, 2011
6 comments Django

Suppose you have a Django app with a login where people can only log in with their email address. Then use this widget on your login form:

## The input widget class
class EmailInput(forms.widgets.Input):
   input_type = 'email'

   def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
       if attrs is None:
           attrs = {}
       return super(EmailInput, self).render(name, value, attrs=attrs)

## Example usage
class AuthenticationForm(django.contrib.auth.forms.AuthenticationForm):
   """override the authentication form because we use the email address as the
   key to authentication."""
   # allows for using email to log in
   username = forms.CharField(label="Username", max_length=75,
   rememberme = forms.BooleanField(label="Remember me", required=False)

EmailInput HTML5 friendly for Django This input field does some cool stuff in the browser such as automatic validation in the browser as seen in this screenshot here.

More importantly it fixes a very annoying problem when surfing on a smartphone or a tablet like the iPad. As I'm about to type "" it first wants to start capitalized and which might fail the login. Also if the email address contains a word that it wants to correct like ("mozilla" -> "Mozilla") you have to click the little correct tooltip to tell the input is correct in verbatim.

Note to Djangonauts who want to use this and have a dual authentication backend that takes both usernames and email addresses, this form will make it impossible to log in as something called "admin" for example.

A blog comment spam solution: Retalition!

July 31, 2011
0 comments Wondering

You know all those blog comments that slip through our blog commenting filters. The ones written by humans who pass the captcha tests. The ones who pretend to say something generic but really just want to put a link in to their viagra|laptops|watches|meds selling sites. Yes, those assholes.

What we do is to take their links and stick them on the worlds most spam full website which one of us set up. Access to edit it can be controlled by a ring of trust amongst web developers and tech savvy blog owners. Because being featured on a site like that is going to be noticed by Google as a terrible spam site and therefore flag those URLs as spam thus blocking them from searches and thus ruining it for their owners and thus them giving up on spamming our blogs.

Perhaps someone at Google like Matt Cutts could weigh in and tell us if it's feasible. Perhaps Google already have some tool where individuals can flag individual URLs but that wouldn't have the group-power of something like my idea.

For those familiar with how the Linux Kernal is developed with a distributed source code tool, this could work the same with github patches and layered layers of trust all the way up to Linus Torvalds.

Is it a completely bonkers idea?