Correction: running Django tests with MongoDB is NOT slow

May 30, 2010
1 comment Django, MongoDB

At Euro DjangoCon I met lots of people and talked a lot about MongoDB as the backend. I even did a presentation on the subject which led to a lot of people asking me more questions about MongoDB.

I did mention to some people that one of the drawbacks of using MongoDB which doesn't have transactions is that you have to create and destroy the collections (like SQL tables) each time for every single test runs. I thought this was slow. It's not

Today I've been doing some more profiling and testing and debugging and I can conclude that it's not a problem. Creating the database has a slight delay but it's something you only have to do once and actually it's very fast. Here's how I tear down the collections in between each test:

class BaseTest(TestCase):

   def tearDown(self):
       for name in self.database.collection_names():
           if name not in ('system.indexes',):

For example, running test of one of my apps looks like this:

$ ./ test myapp
Ran 55 tests in 3.024s

So, don't fear writing lots of individual unit tests. MongoDB will not slow you down.

Muted conversations in Gmail

May 29, 2010
0 comments Misc. links

Muted conversations in Gmail Having lived under a rock for a while I've managed to miss this great new feature in Gmail: Muting or ignoring conversions

From their help text:

"you've no doubt been subjected to the 'thread that just won't die!' If you're part of a long message conversation that isn't relevant, you can mute the conversation to keep all future additions out of your inbox."

That is such a smart feature. Interestingly I didn't even think there was a solution to that problem. I sure I have many times needed something like this. Now, let's hope I can remember to actually use this feature.

mongoengine vs. django-mongokit

May 24, 2010
3 comments Python, Django

django-mongokit is the project you want to use if you want to connect your Django project to your MongoDB database via the pymongo Python wrapper. An alternative (dare I say competing alternative) is MongoEngine which is bridge between Django and straight to pymongo. The immediate difference you notice is the syntax. django-mongokit looks like MongoKit syntax and MongoEngine looks like Django ORM. They both accomplish pretty much the same thing. So, which one is fastest?

First of all, remember this? where I showed how django-mongokit sped past the SQL ORM like a lightning bullet. Well appears MongoEngine is even faster.

mongoengine vs. django-mongokit

That's an average of 23% faster for all three operations!

More on What is "pythonic"

May 22, 2010
6 comments Python

About 5 years ago Martijn Faasen wrote the wonderful blog article What is Pythonic. One thing that I feel is extremely Pythonic is to not compare certain thing to other things when Python has built-in understanding of what false or true means.

Having reviewed/read a lot of beginner code or senior code but of people coming from lower-level languages I often see this:

if variable == False:
if variable == 0:
if variable == None:
if len(variable) == 0:
if variable == []:
if variable == {}:
if ORM.filter(user=variable).count == 0:
if not bool(variable):

To be Pythonic is to understand that Python evaluates all of these to false. All built in types have a perfectly sensible boolean operator which is automatically used in an if statement or an embedded if statement in a list comprehension. Keep it clean a pure just like this to check for true:

if not variable:
if not ORM.filter(user=variable):

And if you have your custom class such as the example just above with the pseudo "ORM" it's easy to extend it by writing your own custom __bool__ like this:

class MyCustomType(somebuiltintype):
   def __bool__(self):
       return self.somedate and self.somecondition

By playing along with Python just the way Guido indented it you can abstract yourself from being overly dependent of types. By doing the shorthand notation a variable that is otherwise a list can be None if it's not set and your code will continue to work.

All the above might not be true for more explicit lower-level languages like C++ but it sure is Pythonic in Python and that's a good thing.

Review: Django 1.1 Testing and Debugging

May 20, 2010
0 comments Django

The lovely people of Packt Publishing asked me to review Karen Tracey's latest book Django 1.1 Testing and Debugging.

I didn't actually read the book but rather skimmed it, apart from some selected parts and from what I read it's obvious that Karen has an ability to write to people who are not experts on the subject. Years of being a top contributor on the Django users mailing list must have something to do with it.

But here's the cracker. I didn't learn anything from this book (actually, I wasn't aware of the pp command in the pdb debugger). Is that a complaint about the book? No! It just means that the book was aimed at beginners and apparently I'm not a beginner any more. Great!

One thing I would have liked to see is more about testing strategy since this is something beginners often have problems with. I don't know if there even is such a word as "testing strategy" but I'm referring to the thinking behind what to test and more importantly sometimes what not to test. Beginners have a tendency to write tests for the most specific things and thus spending all their time assuring the most unrealistic scenarios are covered. Also, a lot of beginner tests I see check basic things like types which the semi-compiler will just automatically cover for you. Perhaps for a beginner, just getting some tests up and running this is a big step forward.

I'm a little bit disappointed that my lovely gorun wasn't mentioned in the book :) Perhaps the next version Karen?

Making output stay on stdout

May 18, 2010
0 comments Linux

This is fairly obvious stuff I guess but it has troubled me for a long time. Some programs on Linux don't spit out their results to stdout. Instead they start a little program similar to less. So what is a console nerd to do?

Pipe it cat! I don't know why I've never thought of this before:

$ psql -l | cat

Upgrading to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and downgrading to Python2.4 and Python2.5

May 11, 2010
5 comments Linux

So I upgraded to the latest Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 the other day and to my horror it removed Python 2.4 and Python 2.5. I rely more on those programs than I do on some silly Facebook connecting social widget crap. On my laptop I have lots of Zopes requiring Python 2.4 and I have about 10 active Django projects that rely on Python2.5. This fuckup by Ubuntu caused me to write this complaint.

So my estimeed colleague and Linux wiz Jan Kokoska helped me set things straight by showing me how to downgrade these packages to Karmic version and how to pin them in the apt preferences. First of all, make your /etc/apt/source.list look like this:

deb karmic main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src karmic main restricted universe multiverse

deb karmic-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src karmic-updates main restricted universe multiverse

deb karmic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src karmic-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb karmic-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src karmic-security main restricted universe multiverse

deb lucid main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src lucid main restricted universe multiverse

deb lucid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src lucid-updates main restricted universe multiverse

deb lucid-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src lucid-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb lucid-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src lucid-security main restricted universe multiverse

If you know what you're doing you might have other additional sources in there then keep those as is. Next thing to do is to update and upgrade:

# apt-get update
# apt-get dist-upgrade

You should now see that it's intending to upgrade a bunch of juicy packages like python2.4-dev for example. To check that python2.4 is now getting in from Karmic run this:

$ apt-cache madison python2.4

Now for the trick that really makes the difference:

# apt-get install python2.4=2.4.6-1ubuntu3. python2.4-dbg=2.4.6-1ubuntu3. \
python2.4-dev=2.4.6-1ubuntu3. python2.4-doc=2.4.6-1ubuntu3. \

The command is quite self-explanatory. You use the equal sign to basically say what version you want to install. If you now for example want to install something like python-profiler for your Python 2.4 since this isn't available as a PyPi package. First, find out what version you have to install:

$ apt-cache madison python-profiler | grep karmic

From that list you'll get a bunch of versions. Chose the one from karmic-updates or karmic-security. Then install it:

# apt-get install python-profiler=2.6.4-0ubuntu1

Now, to avoid this causing a conflict and thus be removed the next time you do an upgrade you need to pin it. Create a file called /etc/apt/preferences and put the following into it:

Package: python-profiler
Pin: version 2.6.4-0ubuntu1
Pin-Priority: 999

And that concludes it. A word of warning from Jan:

"he slight problem is that with this setup, suppose a big security flaw was found in python-imaging and got patched in karmic that is still supported... you wouldn't get the package update. That is because it's pinned and while asterisks can be used in the version number, we don't know in advance what the version will match and what the Lucid version that we don't want will match"

"so you basically lose security upgrades for affected packages"

"minor annoyance when you have one or two packages on a laptop, but a big deal if you have a dozen packages on 100 VMs on server"

Having written about this helps me remember it myself for the next time I need it. Also, hopefully it will help other people who get bitten by this. Hopefully this will shame the Canonical guys into action so that the next time they don't haste their deprecation process and actually think about who's using their products. I bet a majority of Ubuntu's users care more about programming or something like that than they do about the ability to buy music on Ubuntu One or whatever it's called.

Fish - most important Python package since distutils

May 7, 2010
0 comments Python

Fish - most important Python package since distutils Ludvig Ericson ("Sweden-based backend-centric super-programmer.") yesterday released the most important Python package you'll ever see this year. Sort of. It animates a little fish on your terminal that goes back and forth across the screen.

Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. This is the kind of superficial hype that made Rails successful at least. What the package is really useful for is a great start for those who want to do those fancy writes to the terminal without linebreaks. Spoiler alert:

sys.stderr.write("\x1b[2K\r" + fish + "\r")

My site on the iPad

April 30, 2010
0 comments This site

My site on the iPad It works. Sort of.

The screenshot attached here doesn't really show it but the nav at the bottom is supposed to stay at the bottom as you scroll but that doesn't seem to work on the iPad. Shows me up for not using solid basic (X)HTML.