My first Twitter app -

September 22, 2009
0 comments Python, Kung Fu

My first Twitter app - I've just finished my first Twitter app. It's basically a just a about using OAuth to allow people to sign up to without having to pick yet another password.

I simply took the module by Leah Culver and wrapped it with some useful functions taken from a similar Twitter app we've done at work.

Unlike other Twitter apps for this one I'm using Twitter solely for handling authorization and authentication. That means that it has to work with the existing user + profile functionality but just side-step the sign up and login.

Next goal: Google OAuth

Comparing jsmin and slimmer

September 17, 2009
3 comments Python

JSMIN - The Javascript Minifier is written in C and it does an excellent job of minifying Javascript code. After all, Douglas Crockford wrote it. I noticed there's a Python implementation of it so I wanted to see how it stacks up against my slimmer which is also written in Python.

For sake of argument I compiled the C version and ran that in my little benchmark and did so by using the subprocess module. Also, for the sake of comparison I threw in a run with YUI Compressor. Here are some quick results:

On js/signup-core.js
from 9708 to 6905 in 0.0245039463043 seconds
from 9708 to 6720 in 0.0850019454956 seconds
from 9708 to 6721 in 0.0026159286499 seconds
from 9708 to 6102 in 0.914173126221 seconds

On js/zoom.js 
from 5920 to 3712 in 0.0106379985809 seconds
from 5920 to 3582 in 0.0582370758057 seconds
from 5920 to 3583 in 0.00282216072083 seconds
from 5920 to 2771 in 0.839382171631 seconds

On js/diypack.js
from 21559 to 14059 in 0.0409741401672 seconds
from 21559 to 13655 in 0.177556037903 seconds
from 21559 to 13656 in 0.00346994400024 seconds
from 21559 to 11638 in 0.891603946686 seconds

So, roughly, slimmer is 4 times faster than but fails to minify a couple of bytes. jsmin.c is about 6 times faster than but is awkward since it's in C. I guess jsmin.c is the way forward when you want speed and the best result. slimmer has the advantage of being all in python and PyPi and contains functions for CSS, HTML and XHTML as well.

It's clear the YUI Compressor does a wicked job at minifying but by running a .jar file every time in a subprocess is crazily slow if that matters for you.

Python Code Dojo London - 17 Sep 2009

September 14, 2009
0 comments Python

If you're on the python-uk mailing list you will have already seen this but if you're not, here we go.

Fry-IT is hosting a Code Dojo in our offices. It's free and open to anyone. My colleague Nicholas has written up a little bit about what a Code Dojo is which should get you excited.

Details are available on this page which is also the place to go to secure your place. Currently there are 12 people who say they're coming and we've decided to cap the geek influx to 30 people.


7 of the World's Most Irresponsible Companies

September 9, 2009
1 comment Misc. links

7 of the World's Most Irresponsible Companies If you met someone from Nestle, Pfizer, Wal-Mart, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Dow Chemical or Monsanto in a suit and who is proud of her job, would you punch her in the face? No? But would you pretend that you don't know about the ways of her company?

Eco blogger Eco-Chick has written a great write-up on some of the worlds greediest and least irresponsible companies. A great read if you're one of the millions of people who understand that corporate ownership of the world is a bad thing but don't necessarily know any specific details or examples.

When you're desperate for money you can do crazy things like rob a bank or mug an innocent old lady. But decisions to mug an old lady is 100% yours whereas office workers for irresponsible corporations are usually just a cog in a wheel, and therefore they all blame their destructive practices aren't their own idea or initiative. That is was someone "in upper management who decided". Would you dare to confront those excuses at a dinner party if you met one?

To sub-select or not sub-select in PostgreSQL

August 31, 2009
0 comments Linux

I have a query that looks like this (simplified for the sake of brevity):

  miles_between_lat_long(46.519582, 6.632121,
                         gl.latitude::numeric, gl.longitude::numeric
                        ) AS distance
 kungfuperson gl
 miles_between_lat_long(46.519582, 6.632121,
                        gl.latitude::numeric, gl.longitude::numeric
                        ) < 5000

ORDER BY distance ASC;

It basically finds other entries in a table (which has columns for latitude and longitude) but only returns those that are within a certain distance (from a known latitude/longitude point). Running this query on my small table takes about 7 milliseconds. (I used EXPLAIN ANALYZE)

So I thought, how about if I wrap it in a sub-select so that the function miles_between_lat_long() is only used once per row. Surely that would make it a lot faster. I accept that it wouldn't be twice as fast because wrapping it in a sub-select would also add some extra computation. Here's the "improved" version:

  miles_between_lat_long(46.519582, 6.632121,
                         gl.latitude::numeric, gl.longitude::numeric
                        ) AS distance
 kungfuperson gl
) AS ss
WHERE ss.distance < 5000
ORDER BY ss.distance ASC;

To test it I wrote a little script that randomly runs these two versions many many times (about 50 times) each and then compare the averages.

Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below.

Custom CacheMiddleware that tells Javascript a page is cached in Django

August 24, 2009
1 comment Django

Here I'm going to explain a solution I had to make for a site I recently launched. Basically, I wanted to cache the whole page in memcache and set the appropriate Expires and Cache-Control headers so that my view was only rendered once an hour and parts of the page needs to be unique (i.e. "Hi, logged in as xxxx")

The advantages is great: The page loads fast, content is stored in memcache every hour, page still appears to be dynamic.

The disadvantages are not so great: the AJAX loads fast but causes a flicker

Basically, I wrote a custom decorator called custom_cache_page(<delay in seconds>) that works like the normal cache_page(<delay in seconds>) decorator available in stock Django. However, my decorator inserts a piece of HTML into the rendered HTML (before it's stored in memcache) that I later use to update certain elements of the page with AJAX instead of server side.

Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below.