Ugliest site of the month - CSDC

January 22, 2007
1 comment Misc. links

Ugliest logo of the year Maybe the design of is just as bad as any other website but what's really unique about this company brochure site is the logo. "We Develop Success" in quotation marks as well. Why? Is that not what you do? Or is it a quote from someone anonymous?

The HTML code stinks of Microsoft-only. There's loads and loads of code like this:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav14n=MSFPpreload("_derived/CSAS2 Budget 
Management.htm_cmp_ice174010_vbtn.gif"); MSFPnav14h=MSFPpreload(
"_derived/CSAS2 Budget Management.htm_cmp_ice174010_vbtn_a.gif"); }
// --></script><a href="CSAS2%20Budget%20Management.htm" 
language="JavaScript" onmouseover="if(MSFPhover) 
document['MSFPnav14'].src=MSFPnav14h.src" onmouseout="if(MSFPhover) 
width="147" height="31" border="0" alt="Budget Management" 

You'll get quite a shock when you visit the site with Firefox because the letters "csdc" is shown as <big> to the power of 20!! Here's a screenshot of it in Safari too

Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below. running jQuery

January 18, 2007
0 comments Web development

I've upgraded now to run jQuery now instead of tw-sack and my own home-brewed javascript code.

I've also joined the jQuery documentation team to be able to include my little baby site on Sites Using jQuery

Currently it's using jQuery 1.0.4 but I'll upgrade to 1.1 soon. I'm also working on a Swedish version of but I've only translated 60% of the strings so far.

Best clip of the year?

January 16, 2007
8 comments Politics

Best clip of the year? This has to be one of the best clip of the year. It's funny, scary and just outright amazing.

"What currency do they have in the United Kingdom" the report asks.
"I don know. American money?" answers the Texan man.

Sure, there are a lot of people in USA and not all of them are rednecks but those that are scare me more than insurgents in the middle east.

The scariest part of this clip is towards the end when they ask people if the support president Bush on Kyrgyzstan being a threat and whether the United States should invade it.

Disclaimer: I know a lot of Americans and they're lovely people. I do understand that this clip selects only few exceptional cases but that doesn't make the clip any less fun

Flash 9 on Ubuntu Edgy Eft

January 10, 2007
4 comments Linux

My Ubuntu Linux on my work laptop works great but since I've strayed far away from the default options (own kernel, own window manager etc) some things sometimes don't work as expected. Such as Flash9. The problem I had was that there some some package in there that was broken for some reason:

Here's what I did:

# cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
# rm
# wget\
# aunpack FP9_plugin_beta_101806.tar.gz
# mv flash-player-plugin- .
# chmod +x

Start firefox and enter about:plugins and this is what you should see

That worked for me. Hopefully this will help somebody. The help I got from this page which might also help people with a broken Java in Firefox but they don't say that you should delete the driver.


There's a slightly more recent beta now. The November 2006 beta


Now there's a final release on

setAttribute('style', ...) workaround for IE

January 8, 2007
41 comments JavaScript

I knew had I heard it before but I must have completely missed it anyway and forgotten to test my new Javascript widget in IE. None of the stylesheet worked in IE and it didn't make any sense. Here's how I did it first:

var closer = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('style', 'float:left; font-weight:bold');
a.onclick = function() { ...

That worked in Firefox of course but not in IE. The reason is that apparently IE doesn't support this. This brilliant page says that IE is "incomplete" on setAttribute(). Microsoft sucked again! Let's now focus on the workaround I put in place.

First I created a function to would take "font-weight:bold;..." as input and convert that to "'bold'" etc:

function rzCC(s){
  // thanks\
  // retrieving-css-styles-via-javascript/
  for(var exp=/-([a-z])/; 
  return s;

function _setStyle(element, declaration) {
  if (declaration.charAt(declaration.length-1)==';')
    declaration = declaration.slice(0, -1);
  var k, v;
  var splitted = declaration.split(';');
  for (var i=0, len=splitted.length; i<len; i++) {
     k = rzCC(splitted[i].split(':')[0]);
     v = splitted[i].split(':')[1];


I hate having to use eval() but I couldn't think of another way of doing it. Anybody?

Anyhow, now using it is done like this:

var closer = document.createElement('a');
//a.setAttribute('style', 'float:left; font-weight:bold');
_setStyle(a, 'float:left; font-weight:bold');
a.onclick = function() { ...

and it works in IE!

Thuas Trägubbar

January 4, 2007
1 comment Family

Thuas Trägubbar My sister, my mom and I just launched a new website for my mom and her wood carving hobby. It's called Thuas Trägubbar (which literally translates to "Thua's wood figurines". The site it unfortunately only in Swedish but hopefully people will appreciate the pictures anyway. Most of the faces done are of course only local or national celebrities but there are some international ones too.

There's even one of me.


It's now

Find largest directories with du -k

December 29, 2006
3 comments Linux

Here's a nifty little command I used today to find where my hard drive was being most used:

du -k /home/peterbe/Documents/ | sort -n | tail -10

I'm sure there are even fancier methods and programs but this works pretty damn well. Here's what the output can look like:

root@trillian:~ # du -k /home/peterbe/Documents/ | sort -n | tail -10
4240    /home/peterbe/Documents/Kalle
4852    /home/peterbe/Documents/ChartDirector/lib
7756    /home/peterbe/Documents/ChartDirector/doc/cdpydoc
7764    /home/peterbe/Documents/ChartDirector/doc
13044   /home/peterbe/Documents/*** FONT _ ***/- Font Applications -
14704   /home/peterbe/Documents/ChartDirector
547940  /home/peterbe/Documents/*** FONT _ ***
2171000 /home/peterbe/Documents/MacOSXSoftware/Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium
3262580 /home/peterbe/Documents/MacOSXSoftware
5694808 /home/peterbe/Documents/

ImageMagick conversion comparison

December 9, 2006
3 comments Linux

I have an application where I need to resize huge digital camera pictures down to 800x600 pixels. To do this I used ImageMagick's convert program which I feel gives much better quality than Python PIL. To reduce the file size I make sure I use the -strip option to convert but the really interesting question was what quality option should I use?

Goal: the image should be as small (in bytes) as possible without too reduced in picture quality.

To get the optimal picture quality of course the right option is -quality 100 and to get the smallest file size I should use -quality 10. To find out what quality setting to use I converted an original image with the following command 10 times:

convert vase.jpg -strip -quality <X> -resize 800x600 vase.quality-95.jpg

where <X> is the varying value between 10 to 100.

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