Blog archive

December, 2018
Concurrent download with hashin without --update-all Web development, Python
elapsed function in bash to print how long things take MacOSX, Linux
How I performance test PostgreSQL locally on macOS Web development, MacOSX, PostgreSQL
November, 2018
hashin 0.14.0 with --update-all and a bunch of other features Python, Linux
How to JSON schema validate 10x (or 100x) faster in Python Python
React.memo instead of React.PureComponent Javascript, ReactJS
October, 2018
React 16.6 with Suspense and lazy loading components with react-router-dom Web development, Javascript, ReactJS
How much HTML is too much for optimal web performance Web development, Web Performance
Switching from AWS S3 (boto3) to Google Cloud Storage (google-cloud-storage) in Python Python
Fancy linkifying of text with Bleach and domain checks (with Python) Python, Web development
The ideal number of workers in Jest Python, ReactJS
Inline scripts in create-react-app 2.0 and CSP hashes Web development, Javascript, ReactJS
An awesome snippet to web performance test a page programmatically Web development, Javascript, Web Performance
September, 2018
Comparing KeyCDN and DigitalOcean's new Spaces CDN Web development
Merge two arrays without duplicates in JavaScript Javascript
A darn good search filter function in JavaScript Web development, Javascript
August, 2018
Replace an item in an array, by number, without mutation in JavaScript (ES6) Javascript
django-pipeline and Zopfli Python, Web development, Django
Django lock decorator with django-redis Python, Web development, Django, Redis
django-html-validator now supports Django 2.x Python, Web development, Django
Quick dog-piling (aka stampeding herd) URL stresstest Python
HTMLMinifier in use on this blog now Web development, Javascript, Web Performance
June, 2018
To defer or to async JavaScript tags. That's the question. Web development, Javascript, Web Performance
A good Django view function cache decorator for http.JsonResponse Python, Web development, Django
The best grep tool in the world; ripgrep Linux, Web development, MacOSX
How to unset aliases set by Oh My Zsh Linux, MacOSX
How to NOT start two servers on the same port Linux, Web development
GeneratorExit - How to clean up after the last yield in Python Python
May, 2018
Writing a custom Datadog reporter using the Python API Python
To CDN assets or just HTTP/2 Web development, Javascript, Web Performance
Rust > Go > Python parse millions of dates in CSV files Python
Webpack Bundle Analyzer for create-react-app Javascript, ReactJS
Always return namespaces in Django REST Framework Python, Django
How I found out where a bash alias was set up Linux
Real minimal example of going from setState to MobX Javascript, ReactJS
gtop is best Linux, MacOSX, Javascript
Fastest Python datetime parser Python
April, 2018
The impressive first-meaningful-paint improvement of using minimalcss Web development, Javascript
Best EXPLAIN ANALYZE benchmark script Python, PostgreSQL
Efficient many-to-many field lookup in Django REST Framework Python, Django, PostgreSQL
March, 2018
hashin 0.12.0 is much much faster Python
Worlds simplest web scraper bot in Python Python
filterToQueryString - JavaScript function to turn current filter into a query string Web development, Javascript, ReactJS
Now using minimalcss Python, Web development, Javascript, Node
Docker gotcha with building a Dockerfile in sub directory Docker
How to throttle AND debounce an autocomplete input in React Web development, Javascript, ReactJS
February, 2018
csso and django-pipeline Python, Django, Javascript
Items function in JavaScript for looping over dictionaries like Python Javascript, ReactJS
Run something forever in bash until you want to stop it Linux
Be very careful with your add_header in Nginx! You might make your site insecure Linux, Web development, Nginx
Show size of every PostgreSQL database you have PostgreSQL
Component, component function or plain function in React ReactJS
Convert web page to PDF, nicely Misc. links, Web development
January, 2018
Fastest way to unzip a zip file in Python Python
Make .local domains NOT slow in macOS Linux, MacOSX
Even more aggressively trying to preload your next page load Web development, Javascript
minimalcss 0.6.2 now strips all unused font faces Web development, Javascript, Node
Conditional aggregation in Django 2.0 Python, Django, PostgreSQL
When Docker is too slow, use your host Web development, Django, MacOSX, Docker
Understanding Redis hash-max-ziplist-entries Python, Redis
Display current React version Javascript, ReactJS
Whatsdeployed facelift Python, Web development, Mozilla, Docker
How to rotate a video on OSX with ffmpeg Linux, MacOSX
December, 2017
Fastest way to uniquify a list in Python >=3.6 Python
CSS selector simplifier regular expression in JavaScript Web development, Javascript
Msgpack vs JSON (with gzip) Python, Web development
Another win for Tracking Protection in Firefox Web development, Mozilla
How's My WiFi? MacOSX, Javascript, Node
Really simple Django view function timer decorator Python, Django
Synonyms with elasticsearch-dsl Python, Web development, PostgreSQL
November, 2017
Unzip benchmark on AWS EC2 c3.large vs c4.large Python, Linux, Mozilla, Go
How to create-react-app with Docker Linux, Web development, Javascript, ReactJS, Docker
Yet another Docker 'A ha!' moment MacOSX, Docker
How to use django-cache-memoize Python, Django
To enable Tracking Protection for performance Web development, Mozilla
October, 2017
django-cache-memoize Python, Django
Concurrent Gzip in Python Python, Linux, Docker
Simple or fancy UPSERT in PostgreSQL with Django Python, Web development, Django, PostgreSQL
"No space left on device" on OSX Docker Web development, MacOSX, Docker
September, 2017
cache_memoize - a pretty decent cache decorator for Django Python, Web development, Django
Mozilla Symbol Server (aka. Tecken) load testing Python, Web development, Django, Mozilla
A neat trick to zip a git repo with a version number Linux, Web development
Ultrafast loading of CSS Web development, Javascript
August, 2017
Fastest way to match a filename's extension in Python Python
React lifecycle hooks must-have Web development, Javascript, ReactJS
Fastest *local* cache backend possible for Django Python, Web development, Django
July, 2017
Find static files defined in django-pipeline but not found Python, Django
Why I'm ditching AdBuff on Web development
Best YouTube Chefs of 2017 Misc. links
June, 2017
How to do performance micro benchmarks in Python Python
Fastest way to find out if a file exists in S3 (with boto3) Python, Web development
Why didn't I know about machma?! Linux, MacOSX, Go
May, 2017
Experimenting with Guetzli Linux, Web development, MacOSX
Fastest Redis configuration for Django Python, Linux, Web development, Django
April, 2017
Web Console trick to get all URLs into your clipboard Web development, Javascript
Best practice with retries with requests Python
Public Class Fields saves sooo many keystrokes in React code Javascript, ReactJS
A decent Elasticsearch search engine implementation Python, Web development, Django
Fastest cache backend possible for Django Python, Linux, Web development
March, 2017
Fastest way to download a file from S3 Python
More CSS load performance experiments (of a React app) Web development, Javascript, ReactJS
Web Performance Optimization of a Single-Page-App and web fonts Web development, Javascript, ReactJS
Don't forget your sets in Python! Python
crontabber now supports locking, both high- and low-level Python, Mozilla, PostgreSQL
February, 2017 - How Much Time Do Your Podcasts Take To Listen To? Python, Web development, Django, Javascript, ReactJS
January, 2017
Autocompeter is Dead. Long live Autocompeter! Python, Web development, Go
ElasticSearch 5 in Travis-CI Python, Linux, Web development
10 Reasons I Love create-react-app Web development, Javascript
December, 2016
Using in Django Python, Web development, Django, Mozilla, Javascript
November, 2016
Cope with JSONDecodeError in requests.get().json() in Python 2 and 3 Python
How to deploy a create-react-app Web development, Javascript, ReactJS
Optimization of QuerySet.get() with or without select_related Python, Django, PostgreSQL
October, 2016
Django test optimization with no-op PIL engine Python, Django
August, 2016
hashin 0.7.0 and multiple packages Python
django-html-validator - now locally, fast! Python, Web development, Django
How to identify/classify what language a piece of text is Misc. links, Python
json-schema-reducer Python
June, 2016
Premailer 3.0.0 - classes kept by default Python, Web development
CSS Bloat Comparison Web development, Javascript
May, 2016
hashin 0.5.0 bug fix Python
Time to do concurrent CPU bound work Python, Linux, MacOSX
Decorated Concurrency - Python multiprocessing made really really easy Python
gg - A prototype to rule Git, GitHub and Bugzilla Python, Web development
How to track Google Analytics pageviews on non-web requests (with Python) Python, Web development, Django, Mozilla
April, 2016
.git/info/exclude, .gitignore and ~/.gitignore_global Linux, MacOSX
Don't that this or bind Javascript
4 different kinds of React component styles Javascript, ReactJS
March, 2016
Web performance optimization's dark side Web development
February, 2016
Ctags in Atom on OSX Web development, MacOSX
Whatsdeployed on only one site Python, Web development, Mozilla
How to no-mincss links with django-pipeline Python, Web development, Django
Bestest and securest way to handle Python dependencies Python
January, 2016
A quicksearch for Bugzilla using Autocompeter Python, Web development, Mozilla, Javascript
hashin - a replacement for peepin Python
How I installed letsencrypt for Nginx Linux, Web development
Best Atom packages of 2015 Web development, MacOSX
Advanced Closure Compiler vs UglifyJS2 Javascript
December, 2015
Select all relations in PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Python, Web development, Django, Javascript, ReactJS
Django forms and making datetime inputs localized Python, Django
November, 2015
Screenshot-sharing performance comparison Web development, MacOSX
Whatsdeployed Python, Web development, Mozilla
Chainable catches in a JavaScript promise Web development, Javascript
October, 2015
Weight of your PostgreSQL tables "lumped together" PostgreSQL
How to "onchange" in ReactJS Javascript, ReactJS
And bash basics Linux, MacOSX
mozjpeg installation and sample Linux, Web development, Mozilla
localStorage is not async, but it's FAST! Web development, AngularJS, Javascript
django-pipeline + django-jinja Django
September, 2015
Using Lovefield as an AJAX proxy maybe Web development, Javascript
Panasonic Lumix from 2008 or a iPhone 5S from 2014 Photos
ElasticSearch, snowball analyzer and stop words Python
django-semanticui-form Python, Django
peepin - a great companion to peep Python
Be careful with using dict() to create a copy Python
Examples of mozjpeg savings Web development, Mozilla
August, 2015
Crash-stats just became a whole lot faster Web development, Mozilla
How to test if gzip is working on your site or app Linux, Web development
Introducing optisorl Python
News sites suck in terms of performance Web development
Worst performing website of the year Web development
Some tips on learning React Javascript, ReactJS
July, 2015
How do log ALL PostgreSQL SQL happening MacOSX, PostgreSQL
Visual speed comparison of AngularJS and ReactJS Web development, AngularJS, Javascript Python, Web development, AngularJS, Javascript
Find what indentation your files use Python
June, 2015
How I git Python, Linux
May, 2015
Python slow-down of exception handling or condition checking Python
premailer 2.9.0 and new rules for `base_url` Python
Use closure for your Django context processors Python, Django
April, 2015
Using lazy loading images on Air Mozilla Mozilla, Javascript
AngularJS $q notify and resolve as a local GET proxy AngularJS, Javascript
Benchmarking Autocompeter Go
Match the whole word in auto complete maybe Web development, Javascript
gulp-header is the best! Javascript
Autocompeter 1.1.8 and smooth typing Go, Javascript Go, Javascript
March, 2015
Bye bye httpretty. Welcome back good old mock! Python
How to slice a rune in Go Go
Air Mozilla on Roku Mozilla
Newsletters I enjoy for work Misc. links
February, 2015
Median size of Javascript libs on jsDelivr Javascript
Best non-cryptographic hashing function in Python (size and speed) Python
January, 2015
My favorite Go multiplexer Go
Almost premature optimization Python, Web development, Django
December, 2014
AJAX or not Web development, AngularJS, Javascript
Fastest way to take screencaps out of videos Linux, Web development, Mozilla
One-way data bindings in AngularJS 1.3 AngularJS, Javascript
vipsthumbnail Linux
November, 2014
To then() or to success() in AngularJS AngularJS, Javascript
A "perma search" in AngularJS AngularJS, Javascript
Why is it important to escape & in href attributes in tags? Web development
God, No! by Penn Jillette Books
Bye bye AWS EC2, Hello Digital Ocean Linux
uwsgi and uid Python, Linux, Django
October, 2014
Shout-out to eventlog Django
Go vs. Python Python, Go
localForage vs. XHR Javascript
django-html-validator Python, Web development, Django
Premailer on Python 3 Python
September, 2014
Do you curl a lot to check headers? Linux
An AngularJS directive with itself as the attribute Javascript, AngularJS
August, 2014
set -ex - The most useful bash trick of the year Linux
Highlighted code syntax in Keynote MacOSX
How I back up all my photos on S3 via Dropbox Photos
premailer now with 100% test coverage Python
Aggressively prefetching everything you might click This site, Web development, Javascript
Gzip rules the world of optimization, often Python, Javascript
June, 2014
Common names amongst my Facebook friends Wondering
Crontabber Python, Mozilla, PostgreSQL
Optimizing MozTrap Web development, Javascript, Mozilla
May, 2014
HTML Tree on Hacker News Web development, Javascript
April, 2014
Migration of Postgres 9.2 to 9.3 with Homebrew and json_enhancements PostgreSQL
Do you like angular-classy? Javascript, AngularJS
GitHub PR triage across multiple projects Web development, Javascript, Mozilla
Wattvision - real-time energy monitoring This site
Grymt - because I didn't invent Grunt here Python, Web development, Javascript
COPYFILE_DISABLE and python distutils in python 2.6 Python
March, 2014
Buggy - A sexy Bugzilla offline webapp Web development, Mozilla, Javascript
My favorite YouTube channels Misc. links
Github Pull Request Triage tool Web development, AngularJS
February, 2014
Moby Dick (by Herman Melville) Books
What's the average number of domains a website depends on? Web development
Advanced live-search with AngularJS Javascript
January, 2014
Sorting mixed type lists in Python 3 Python
December, 2013
How I do deployments Linux, Web development
November, 2013
Wish List Granted on Hacker News report Web development
Welcome to the world, Wish List Granted Web development, Django
Credit Card formatter in Javascript Javascript
A Django base class for all your Forms Django
From Postgres to JSON strings Python
All my apps are now running on one EC2 server Linux
October, 2013
Lazy loading below the fold Web development, Javascript
Fastest database for Tornado Python, Tornado
September, 2013
10 years of blogging This site
June, 2013
In Python you sort with a tuple Python
May, 2013
premailer now excludes pseudo selectors by default Python, Web development
What stumped me about AngularJS AngularJS, Javascript
April, 2013
Registration and sign-in by email verification Web development
The Poincaré Conjecture Mathematics, Books
Local jed settings Linux, MacOSX
Careful with your assertRaises() and inheritance of exceptions Python
Recruiters: if you're going to lie, do it properly Work, Web development
"Did you mean this domain?" Auto-correction for the browser's address bar Mozilla
Never put external Javascript in the <head> Web development
March, 2013
premailer now honours specificity Python
HTML whitespace "compression" - don't bother! Web development
django-fancy-cache with or without stats Python, Django
This site is now 100% inline CSS and no bytes are wasted Python, Web development, Django
Welcome to the world django-fancy-cache! Python, Django
February, 2013
mincss version 0.8 is much much faster Python
mincss now support PhantomJS Python
January, 2013
mincss in action - sample report from the wild Python, Web development
mincss "Clears the junk out of your CSS" Python, Web development
Free business idea: An app for figuring out the best car for you Wondering
All your images are belong to data uris Web development
December, 2012
Gamification for me as a software developer Web development
My new web marketing strategy: Begging Web development
November, 2012
Ability to embed HUGE pictures Web development
Introducing: HUGEpic - a web app for showing massive pictures Python
October, 2012
Fastest way to thousands-commafy large numbers in Python/PyPy Python
hastebinit - quickly paste snippets into Python, Linux
September, 2012
How I stopped worrying about IO blocking Tornado Tornado
Introducing: League of Friends on Around The World Web development
Real-timify Django with SockJS Django, Javascript, Tornado
August, 2012
django-mongokit now compatible with Django 1.4 Python
US License Plate Spotter (part 2) Javascript
Beach volleyball bums Misc. links
July, 2012
Is Nginx obsolete now that we have Amazon CloudFront? Web development
How to use premailer as a command line script Python
US License Plate Spotter (part 1) Javascript
Newfound love of @staticmethod in Python Python
June, 2012
Difference between $.data('foo') and $.attr('data-foo') in jQuery Javascript
How I deal with deferred image loading in Javascript Web development, Javascript
May, 2012
Postgres collation errors on CITEXT fields when upgrading to 9.1 Web development
Secs sell! How I cache my entire pages (server-side) Python, Django
On the command line no one can hear you screen. Or can they? Linux
April, 2012
Are WebSockets faster than AJAX? ...with latency in mind? Web development, Javascript
I'm running pgFouine right now on my server Linux
Secs sell! How frickin' fast this site is! (server side) Linux, Web development, Django
March, 2012
Secs sell! How frickin' fast this site is! (client side) Web development
IssueTrackerProduct now officially abandoned Zope, IssueTrackerProduct
How much faster is Nginx+gunicorn than Apache+mod_wsgi? Linux, Django
String length truncation optimization difference in Python Python
When to __deepcopy__ classes in Python Python
December, 2011
Persistent caching with fire-and-forget updates Python, Tornado
Cryptic errors when using django-nose Django
Python file with closing automatically Python
November, 2011
Integrate BrowserID in a Tornado web app Tornado, Mozilla
Trivial but powerful tips for nosetests Python
October, 2011
Going real simple on HTML5 audio Web development, Javascript
New feature on Too Cool For Me: Everyone I follow Web development
September, 2011
Cateechee golf pictures Misc. links
Too Cool For Me? Tornado
Goodies from tornado-utils - part 3: send_mail Tornado
Goodies from tornado-utils - part 2: tornado_static Tornado
Goodies from tornado-utils - part 1: TestClient Tornado
Reciprocal lesson about gender perspectives Wondering
August, 2011
Title - a javascript snippet to control the document title Javascript
EmailInput HTML5 friendly for Django Django
July, 2011
A blog comment spam solution: Retalition! Wondering
A taste of the Django on inside Mozilla, Sheriffs Duty Django
Comparing Google Closure with UglifyJS Javascript
Slides about Kwissle from yesterdays London Python Dojo Python
June, 2011
Chinese tea sampler pack now on sale Misc. links
Optimization story involving something silly I call "dict+" Python, MongoDB
Launching Tornado
Google teething problems still with duplicated content Misc. links
Test static resources in Django tests Django
May, 2011
A script tag's type in HTML5 Javascript
maxlength_countdown() - a useful jQuery plugin for showing characters left Javascript
April, 2011
Mocking DBRefs in Mongoose and nodeunit Javascript, MongoDB - launched and ready! Python, Tornado
Strange socket related error with supervisord Linux
Google's new Page Speed Online hard to beat Web development
March, 2011
Bash tip of the day: ff Linux
My AWS CloudFront bill This site
MongoUK 2011 - London conference all about MongoDB MongoDB
QUnit testing my jQuery Mobile site in full swing Javascript
More productive than Lisp? Really??! Python
To all Zope developers: Does this sound familiar? Zope
February, 2011
I just ordered tea from the Min River Tea Farm Misc. links
Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke Javascript
Connecting with psycopg2 without a username and password Python
Optimization of getting random rows out of a PostgreSQL in Django Django
Nice testimonial about django-static Django
How I profile my Nginx + proxy pass server Web development, Python
DoneCal homepage now able to do 10,000 requests/second DoneCal
EditDistanceMatcher - NodeJS script for doing edit distance 1 matching Javascript
DoneCal on MumbaiMirror DoneCal
January, 2011 international visitors DoneCal
Fastest "boolean SQL queries" possible with Django Django
django-static version 1.5 automatically taking care of imported CSS Django
RequireJS versus HeadJS Javascript
ToDo apps I gave up on in 2010 Wondering
December, 2010
ssl_session_cache in Nginx and the ab benchmark DoneCal, Linux
Speed of DoneCal API (over 1,400 request/sec) and HTTPS (less than 100 request/sec) DoneCal
To code or to pdb in Python Python
Page here about DoneCal DoneCal
November, 2010
DoneCal gets a grade A (92) DoneCal
Gmail tip: Searching only for attachments
Welcome to the world: Python, Tornado
jsonpprint - a Python script to format JSON data nicely Python
How to book a ticket on the Royal Academy of Music's website Web development
Worst Flash site of the year 2010 Misc. links
Javascript tip: nifty use of the console.log function in Firebug Javascript
October, 2010
In Django, how much faster is it to aggregate? Django
How I made my MongoDB based web app 10 times faster Python, MongoDB
Why I gave up on JQuery UI's autocomplete Javascript
Nasty JavaScript wart (or rather, don't take shortcuts) Javascript
My tricks for using AsyncHTTPClient in Tornado Python, Tornado
Local Django development with Nginx Django
September, 2010
In jQuery, using the :visible selector can be dangerous Javascript
wkhtmltopdf and font size shrinkage Web development
I just discovered wikiHow Misc. links
Local NodeJS development environment with Nginx Javascript
August, 2010
Musings about django.contrib.auth.models.User Python, Django
Where I live
July, 2010
Hosting Django static images with Amazon Cloudfront (CDN) using django-static Django
June, 2010
People's reactions to Gates and Buffet's $600 billion challenge Politics
TfL Traffic cameras on a Google map Web development
May, 2010
Correction: running Django tests with MongoDB is NOT slow Django, MongoDB
Muted conversations in Gmail Misc. links
"Using MongoDB in your Django app - implications and benefits" Django
mongoengine vs. django-mongokit Python, Django
More on What is "pythonic" Python
Review: Django 1.1 Testing and Debugging Django
Making output stay on stdout Linux
New IssueTrackerProduct release IssueTrackerProduct
Upgrading to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and downgrading to Python2.4 and Python2.5 Linux
Fish - most important Python package since distutils Python
April, 2010
My site on the iPad This site
GlobalExpense doesn't work in Firefox Misc. links
Spelling differences between British and American English Misc. links
OpenID, Attribute Exchange, SReg, python-openid and Google Web development, Python
Word Whomp solvers love Crosstips Misc. links
UPPER vs. ILIKE Web development
Who was logged in during a Django exception Django
fcgi vs. gunicorn vs. uWSGI Python, Django, Linux
Cycling across England on Orange Snapshot Photos
March, 2010
The awesomest way possible to serve your static stuff in Django with Nginx Django
Beautiful photos from the Katrina hurricane Misc. links
Speed test between django_mongokit and postgresql_psycopg2 Python, Django
How and why to use django-mongokit (aka. Django to MongoDB) Python, Django
Ubuntu Cola or Ubuntu Linux Linux
Importance of public URLs and how gets it wrong Web development
February, 2010
Massive improvement on sorting a fat list Python, Zope, IssueTrackerProduct
How girls/guys rate guys/girls Misc. links
Looking for icons? Web development Tube Tags Music
Haiti Earthquake: Who's given what? Politics
January, 2010
Healing Food Reference Misc. links
Guake, not Yakuake or Yeahconsole Linux
oplop - How Oplop works, explained in plain English and in technical detail Misc. links
Tip: creating a Xapian database in Python Python
Bookmarklet to replace the current domain with localhost:8000 Web development, Django
LastGraph - visualizing your usage Misc. links
December, 2009
China wrecked the Copenhagen deal Politics
Migrating with South on a field that uses auto_now_add=True Django
Homer Simpson playing Cry of the Black Birds by Amon Amarth Music
Orphaned Land - Jewish Muslim Metal Music
November, 2009
Comparing YUI Compressor and slimmer Python
Those Crazy Chinese Django
Mocking os.stat in Python Python
October, 2009
"Frank Zappa: The Biography" by Barry Miles Books
iPhone push notifications for Twitter with Prowl Web development
What makes my website slow? DNS This site, Linux
What I hate about PIL and Image in Python Python
Messed up columns in Django Admin Django
Automatically strip whitespace in Django forms Django
A user-friendly TinyMCE config Web development
September, 2009
Funnier than Fail Blog: Fail Dogs Misc. links
London Frock Exchange launched Work, Django
My first Twitter app - Python, Kung Fu
Comparing jsmin and slimmer Python
Python Code Dojo London - 17 Sep 2009 Python
"Hello John. It's Gordon Brown." Misc. links
7 of the World's Most Irresponsible Companies Misc. links
August, 2009
Cgunit - Online Gallery Misc. links
To sub-select or not sub-select in PostgreSQL Linux
Custom CacheMiddleware that tells Javascript a page is cached in Django Django
What a super user-friendly menu!
Table Of Countries Showing Drive Direction Misc. links
The Secret to SEO Search Engine Optimization Web development
Calling all kung fu people - Kung Fu, Django
Google Reverse Geocoding vs. GeoNames Python
gg - wrapping git-grep Linux
Public calendars on Google Calendar Misc. links
More optimization of - CSS sprites Web development
July, 2009
The 4-hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris Books
Battery life usage on an iPhone 3G(S) iPhone - Using (py)inotify to run commands when files change Python
Getting uploadify to work Web development
setuptools usability - not good, what can be done? Python - Transform CSS into line style attributes with lxml.html Python
My first iPhone web app - Crosstips iPhone interface iPhone
June, 2009
Custom Fields in IssueTrackerProduct documentation written Zope, IssueTrackerProduct
My dislike for booleans and that impact on the Django Admin Django
May, 2009
Introducing django-spellcorrector Django
Crossing the world - new feature on Crosstips Django
Sequences in PostgreSQL and rolling back transactions Linux
Most unusual letters in English language Python
To JSON, Pickle or Marshal in Python Python
Never seen before Google Server Error
April, 2009
Lizard walk charity for the Claremont project Kung Fu
Crosstips now has sparklines Web development
mailto: considered stupid, especially with ?subject Web development
Tux - lterally in Linux code Misc. links
Git + Twitter = Friedcode Python, Linux
Lesson learned: Unicodifying request variables in Zope Zope
Fujitsu FLEPia Books
TypeRacer Best online game in years Misc. links
Google Calendar, iCalendar Validator but not bloody Apple iCal Web development
Simple interface for Crosstips Web development
Shit trailer, awesome way to show it Web development
March, 2009
Head-to-head movie voting Film
British or American English or just English Web development
Nginx vs. Squid Linux
Too much Python makes Peter a shit Javascript developer Javascript
Sandisk SSD v/s HDD Misc. links
February, 2009
To $('#foo p') or to $('p', $('#foo')) Javascript
Propeller Island City Lodge Orange Room
Founder of Islamic TV station accused of beheading wife Politics
To assert or assertEqual in Python unit testing Python
Female body builder picture galore Django
Tough Guy Challenge 2009 -
The Albion, Shoreditch Web development
January, 2009
How I Made a 1,474-Megapixel Photo Misc. links
Acupuncture works for headaches Misc. links
Rock stars and their parents
Nasty surprise of Django and gettext Django
Formatting numeric amounts in Javascript Javascript
Earth, observed - The Big Picture -
Hellsongs Music
Does Semen Have Antidepressant Properties? Misc. links
Secrets of success from Google co-founder Larry Page
The Big Storm Picture: November 2008
The Jesus story - A serious case of plagiarism Misc. links
Ultimate Banksy Art & Graffiti Gallery | WebUrbanist
December, 2008
"Confused and scared"
Round trip with Endeavour - The Big Picture -
Obesity Not Just an American Problem Anymore | Newsweek Health | Misc. links
YouTube - Nigella's XXXmas Misc. links
Towel dog
My first YSlow Grade A (100)! Django
All My Internet Friends
Wing IDE versus Jed Linux
Nasty surprise of Django cache Django
bool is instance of int in Python Python
November, 2008
Finally got rid of the system beep Linux
domstripper - A lxml.html test project Python
How to unit test the innards of a Django view function Django
Why do you vote for the democrats? Politics
October, 2008
Comic-Con 2008 photos Misc. links
Django vs. Java Django
Flash advert hell Web development
World Plone Day here in London, England Plone
Why bother with MySQL... Linux
When '_properties' gets stuck as a persistent attribute Zope
September, 2008
V8 < TraceMonkey < SquirrelFish Web development
The importance of env (and how it works with virtualenv) Python
The stupidity of 'id' as a variable name (or stupidity of me) Python
Why we like Obama, short answer: his speeches Politics
Accessible UK Train Timetable Misc. links
August, 2008
Kalle Kappner - Opeth and Pain of Salvation piano tribute Music
Weird Asia News Misc. links
Anti-McCain propaganda videos Politics
That should last a couple of weeks
July, 2008
Python new-style classes and the super() function Python
Use Javascript to prevent spambots Web development
The importance of checking in Firefox Web development
A great thing about Squid: Calamaris Linux
Interview with Varg Vikernes Music
June, 2008 launched Misc. links
Another brownie point for Django Django
Difference between Sweden and UK: renewable energy Sweden
Damn lies and benchmark comparing Apache and Nginx Linux
May, 2008
zope-memory-readings - Tracking Zope2's memory usage by URL Zope
split_search() - A Python functional for advanced search applications Python
April, 2008
Releasing IssueTrackerProduct 0.9 Python, Zope
The importance of the TITLE attribute Web development
What I like and dislike about Grok Zope
Mixing in new-style classes in Zope 2.7 Zope
pwdf - a mix of ls and pwd Linux
Lesson learnt with creating DOM element with jQuery Javascript
March, 2008
One thing I hate about Linux: cron Linux
How to uninstall nginx with apt Linux
Tip: Printer friendly pages with Page Templates in Zope Zope doesn't work in Firefox (on Linux) Web development
Mocking a Python standard library Zope
See you at PyCon 2008 Python
File check before delete Linux
"Confessions of a College Callgirl" is the new "My Secret Life As A Prostitute" Misc. links - Look up the location from an IP Linux
February, 2008
CommandLineApp by Doug Hellmann Python
If Americans knew - An interesting insight into the Israeli Palestine conflict Politics
Chinese New Year and the Persecution of Falun Gong in China Kung Fu
logrotating all my Zope event logs Zope, Linux
Ocado gets customer service right Misc. links
Why Django and Grok matters Web development
January, 2008
The Official Dilbert Widget Misc. links
"lost my phone :(" Mobile
Ugliest e-commerce site of the month - Comfy-Feet Misc. links
input/textarea switcher with jQuery Javascript
jQuery and Highslide JS Javascript
The Love Mattress Misc. links
EditArea vs. CodePress Web development
December, 2007
String comparison function in Python (alpha) Python
isArithmeticExpression() in Javascript Javascript
Calculator in Python for dummies Python
T-Mobile MMS collection Web development
WSSE Authentication and Apache Python
geopy distance calculation pitfall Python
Kill Ugly Radio - A Frank Zappa blog Misc. links
November, 2007
Photos from Fuzhou 2007 Photos
Futurama is back! Misc. links
Note to self about Jeditable Javascript
Back from Fuzhou, China
October, 2007
Now I'm on Music
DateIndex in Zope doesn't have indexed attributes Zope
Piteå, as experienced by Sam Dunstan Sweden
Islington Kungfu charity fund raiser 2007 Kung Fu
IssueTrackerProduct 0.8.0 Zope
Bicycle racing in NYC Misc. links
Silk icons Web development
Future of Web Apps (quick summary and thoughts) Web development
September, 2007
Linux tip: du --max-depth=1 Linux
Spellcorrector 0.2 Python
Ugliest site of the month - The Backyard Comedy Club Misc. links
Vertically expanding textarea input boxes Javascript
Nasty human error in Zope ZEO setup Zope
Fun Python error message Zope
What art is ...according to Don Van Vliet Art
August, 2007
Not just the bikini event Misc. links
Proud to be a Swedish atheist Sweden
Printer usability problem Linux
rfc822() vs. rfc1123_date() Zope
html2plaintext Python script to convert HTML emails to plain text Python
YSlow grade A (96) but not with doubts Web development
Interesting lesson learnt on shortcut taking in usability Plone
July, 2007
XML header and childNodes Web development
How did Google do that? Web development
Worst gigolo sales pitch ever
I'm not a hacker This site
Mac OS X's python binary icons MacOSX
June, 2007
iPhones review on WSJ Misc. links
Internet Radio - Day of Silence Misc. links
Optional input labels Web development
FacebookStatusUpdater Linux
<button> not supported on Pocket IE Web development
May, 2007
Playing with filestream_iterator Zope
American foreign policy Politics
Time in the Stone - Emily Young exhibition Art
Cutest server error message ever Misc. links
No, I'm not going to freeze your account This site
Miami Vice party photos Photos
What does $456 billion buy? Politics
I'm Prolog Python
April, 2007
Guess my age with MOBi Zope
Spellcorrector Python
Albert Einstein figurine head Family
What's the fattest Subway sandwich? Misc. links
March, 2007
ZYB - crap name, brilliant app Mobile
Is peanut butter the proof that evolution doesn't happen? Politics
Learning about ATFolder's security Plone
Associative arrays Web development
Zope Image to filesystem image Zope
Earl Grey or cheap tea, does it really matter? Wondering
Kung fu in Twickenham Kung Fu
Aussies in London - What are you doing here? Books
February, 2007
JetBlue a good and bad website Web development - any good?
favicon2dots Misc. links
Vista voice recognition and Perl Misc. links
Comparing REAL values in PostgreSQL Linux
A Flash interface that doesn't suck Web development
January, 2007
Gzip and Slimmer optimization anecdote Zope
Canon and Sony Ericsson rule Flickr Photos
New Google Groups design Misc. links
Ugliest site of the month - CSDC Misc. links running jQuery Web development
Best clip of the year? Politics
Mesmerizing pencil art Misc. links
Flash 9 on Ubuntu Edgy Eft Linux
setAttribute('style', ...) workaround for IE Javascript
Thuas Trägubbar Family
December, 2006
Find largest directories with du -k Linux
Happy Birthday to me!
ImageMagick conversion comparison Linux
CSS selector bug in IE? Web development
is is not the same as equal in Python Python
November, 2006
Solar power in the north African desert Politics
MUnderscorePatch - tired of typing manage_main? Zope
Entering multilanguage data in Zope
Bloggers not responsible for comment? Politics
Food File Online Misc. links
Crazy road in China Misc. links
Memory dump blog recovery Linux
October, 2006
Oxfordtube's website sucks
Sending HTML emails in Zope Zope
Catching a carriage return in bash Linux
New domain name This site
Ricardo Semler in London Misc. links
Lion + Tiger = Liger Misc. links
NES Quiz Misc. links
Zope 3 training blog Zope
September, 2006
Crazy Egg of Web development
Comparing Ruby and PHP Zope
I knew it! You don't have to drink that much water Misc. links
Bill O'Reilly nailed Politics
Why did RememberYourFriends fail? Web development
Google London Automation Test conference (part II) Work
Google London Automation Test conference Work
Steve Irwin (crocodile hunter) dead Misc. links
Redirect stderr into becoming dots in Bash Linux
August, 2006
Web 2.0 logo generator Misc. links
Madonna's birthday party at the Lounge Lover Photos
Fastest way to uniqify a list in Python Python
Unicode strings to ASCII ...nicely Python
More crappy album covers Misc. links
Sorting transform function in PostgreSQL Work
July, 2006
Exploding Dell laptops Misc. links
slim in ruby Linux
slim, a new free web service for white space optimisation Python
Spaceinvaders with real people Misc. links
Trout Mask Replica - Captain Beefheart Music
Nice stats added to Python
GMapEZ - Google Maps API too complicated for you? Web development
Oil, gas and stupidity Politics
Desired Firefox extension Web development
DifferenceFinder (aka. Python
June, 2006 beta version Web development
Brick Lane market Misc. links
Tekken with Actual Humans Kung Fu
Wanna be my flatmate?
Pleonasm Misc. links
Animator vs. Animation Misc. links
TinyMCE + Zope = ZTinyMCE Zope
May, 2006
Weird spam? Or just a weird girl? Wondering
Geeking with tags file for Jed Python, Linux
IssueTrackerProduct 0.7.2 released IssueTrackerProduct
isInt() JavaScript function Web development
SVN + ./todo + crontab Linux and Instant Domain Search Misc. links
Slimmer with --hardcore Python
Watford kung fu club Kung Fu Misc. links
April, 2006
Private functions in Javascript? Web development, Python
type - Writing shell scripts Linux
Helpdeskshow - a quick review IssueTrackerProduct
Interesting float/int casting in Python Python
Best bicycle locks Misc. links
Date formatting in Python or in PostgreSQL (part II) Python
Careful when dealing with options in IE Web development
Case insensitive list remove call (part II) Python
Case insensitive list remove call Python
Shark kayak Misc. links
March, 2006
Merrill Lynch's f**ked up website Web development
Teach me about OCR Linux
To br / or not to br/ Web development
Annoying Safari just ate my blog MacOSX
Kung fu in East London with Shkar Kung Fu
Carbon XEmacs installed MacOSX
Quick PostgreSQL optimization story Work
Squeezebox + Pandora Misc. links
parentElementsByTagName(doc, tagname, classname) Web development
tightVNC and Chicken of the VNC MacOSX
Why Linux is better Linux
February, 2006
Martial Arts by Pen Rance Kung Fu, Books
Apple Store or Micro Anvika
Dynamic image replacement technique Web development, Python
Google and Python code Python
CSSViewer - new promising Firefox Extension Web development
waiting for your guidance
Smooth anchor scrolling Javascript Web development
Angry arabs Politics
How to fold t-shirts, with a "machine" Misc. links
Jed Tags with ntags (for dummies) Linux
Geeking with Eterm and Tkinter Linux
tempfile in Python standard library Python
Sexy furniture Misc. links
Size comparison of Zope3, Django and TurboGears Python
Setting security declarations to Zope classes Python, Zope
January, 2006
ReCSS a tool to reload the CSS without reloading the whole page Web development
Northern light photos Photos
Photos from FWC China 2005 Photos, This site
IssueTrackerProduct featured on IssueTrackerProduct
Bad spelling a good thing? This site
Are you a web developer? Then VisiBone is for you Web development
Who do you ping? Linux
Hasselblad's 39 megapixel digital camera Misc. links
Strange language bug in Windows XP Misc. links
An idea for a better timesheet tracker Wondering, Work
My new years resolution 2006 Wondering
Don't put title in a <link> tag Web development
Ask Yahoo "What state do the Simpsons live in?" Misc. links
Back from China
December, 2005
Off to holiday in China
IssueTrackerProduct 0.7 released Zope, IssueTrackerProduct
Emacs on the Palm OS Mobile
Geek entrepreneurs' reading list Books
ALTER TABLE patch Work
iWipe - toilet paper and a Mac Misc. links
have or has? Wondering
DOM Scripting Books
IssueTrackerProduct feature list Web development, IssueTrackerProduct
November, 2005
"Groups" search on Google Politics
CSS code of Web development
Yahoo! Inbound Links API Python
The Search Engine Experiment Misc. links
Islington Knuckle Walk Kung Fu
Mvbackupfiles - a script to "delete" back autosaved backup files Linux
createElement('a') with a javascript href Web development
Major performance fix on file searches Zope, IssueTrackerProduct
Automatically refreshing issue Zope
Old School Kung Fu Kung Fu
Filename splitter Python, Zope
Pandora Update Music Kevin O'Connor's fast food diet Misc. links
"Clever" date formatting accessibility Python, Zope
Active Reactor watches Misc. links
Screencasting the unix way with Python Linux
Screencasting test IssueTrackerProduct
Whitelist blacklist logic Python
www aliases set up This site
October, 2005
Using MD5 to check equality between files Python
Shane's Bit Mountain Linux
Pandora (followup) Neat error messaging Misc. links
Pandora - a great Internet radio Music
"Increment numbers in a string" Python
Playing with Reverend Bayesian Python
Furious and deprived by 'rm *' Linux
table-layout: fixed Web development
Dream: python bindings for squidclient Python, This site
Best Image Replacement Technique guide Web development
Gmail catching up with the IssueTrackerProduct Web development
Wanted: good Javascript for handling key events Web development
Toggle Zope's debug mode Zope
September, 2005
Jed looking like Emacs Linux
R.I.P Palm Treo Politics
Pimp my COREBlog Zope
Ruby and Python benchmarked Python
Smurl from Python Python
Python regular expression tester Python
'Cache-Control' or Expires Zope
Misstake or hidden Nazi message? Politics
firstChild.nodeValue vs. innerHTML Web development
Announcing Smurl - a free URL compressor Zope
IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.12 released Zope, IssueTrackerProduct
Amazon bug in shopping basket Web development
Random ID generator for Zope Python
August, 2005
British English for Americans Misc. links
More street 3D drawings Misc. links
Insect photography Photos
An ideal company blog tool Work
Back from Djerba, Tunisia
Ricardo Semler's Semco English website Misc. links
Dream Theater - Octavarium Music
Button tag in bloody Internet Explorer Web development
Worst album covers (updated) Misc. links
Jealous of Google stemming Zope
AJAX seach on 404 error pages Web development
July, 2005
Just Oracle and IBM? Linux
Release package file size IssueTrackerProduct
\B in Python regular expressions Python
London bus 26 from Hackney
Interesting NHS error message Web development
Kung Fu in Clapham with Richard Kung Fu
SmartDict - a smart 'dict' wrapper Python
Rent a chest Misc. links
IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.11 released yesterday Zope
Drop down selects that learn Web development
Unaffected by the London blasts
Lisp compared to Python Python
Falling mannequin animation Misc. links
Module dependencies of IssueTrackerProduct
June, 2005
Porting IssueTrackerProduct to Zope 2.8.0 Zope
ztar - my wrapper on tar -z Python, Linux
Zope in DevelopmentMode Zope
AJAX accelerated web widgets IssueTrackerProduct
Zope compared to PHP Zope
Software Patents in the EU (Stallman's explaination) Politics
Authentic Locations Misc. links
More than 10,000 lines of Python IssueTrackerProduct
Regular Expressions in Javascript cheat sheet Web development
Scandinavian Airlines phone booking Misc. links
\b in Python regular expressions Python
My trade salary has gone down, apparently Work
chmod files differently to directories Linux
Good design examples for a non-blog IssueTrackerProduct
window.onload from before Web development
Autosaving web forms Zope
I'm back! has been renewed This site
May, 2005
Sound of different languages Misc. links
Kittenwar a clever way of voting Misc. links
Cheeky Explore (Dictionary of Everything) Politics
The Brick Testament Misc. links
IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.8 release Zope
MOBi phonebook into Excel Work
Autosaving textarea with AJAX Zope calls it Issue Tracker Zope
Susan Senator's book Misc. links
List of casts in PostgreSQL Linux
Kingdom of Crap Film
London Review of Personals Misc. links
Jacobian highlighter Python
IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.6 Zope
April, 2005
Better select boxes for issue tracker Web development
The Geeks Revenge Misc. links
TAL here hack in Plone Plone
Gmail shortcuts Linux
Grep results expanded Python, Linux
Serious flaw in Bose headphones Music
pg_class to check if table exists Linux
Google blogs about their Maps Misc. links
"Can you help me about ZOPE?" Zope
Nanagram, anagram your name Misc. links
Noise reduction headphones Work
Interior Octopus Photos
Find print statements in Python code Python, Linux
Your webpage in Lynx Web development
Control comment spam Python
Python Cookbook arrived Books
callable Python objects Python
March, 2005
Ugly one-liner to debug an object in Zope Zope
Searching for the obvious Wondering
More amazing sidewalk art Misc. links
Read in passwords with bash Linux
Add links to a text (take III) Python
U.S. memory championship Misc. links
Fork Art, up yours Uri Geller Misc. links
Adminspotting t-shirts Misc. links
XMLHttpRequest Javascript usage example Web development
Best Hubbles Space Telescope Images Misc. links
Swedish holidays explained Sweden
IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.4 released today Python, Zope
All the Seinfeld quotes you can eat Misc. links
Good usage of drop-downs Web development
Suspend and resume output in terminal Linux
Encrypted files in Emacs Linux
February, 2005
File attachment widget with Javascript Web development
BaconWhores ha! Misc. links
Audioscrobbler indexes your MP3 usage Misc. links
Debian popular in Sweden Sweden
Optimize with Python
Python optimization anecdote Python
Gmail account giveaway Misc. links
Combining MOBi and EconoAccount Zope
How to deal with tele-marketing calls Misc. links
Good posture website Web development
January, 2005
"Snowy Tribute to Calvin & Hobbes" Misc. links
Top movie deaths Misc. links
Google Video (beta) Misc. links
Google is blind Web development
niceboolean() - converts what you say to what you mean Python
parametrize_url() adding parameters to URLs Python
Gmail spam filter
My favorite CSS Zen Garden design Web development
Running simple SQL commands on the command line Python is out! Zope
December, 2004
Valuble site: Commonly Confused Characters Web development
Infinitely deep illustration Misc. links
Merry Christmas
The problem with CSS Web development
__call__ folderish Zope objects Zope
Ugliest site of the month, Web development
Python package path when executed elsewhere Python
Happy Birthday to me! Wondering
Do you know what safe txt is? Misc. links
Kung fu competition photos from Sutton Photos
Graduation photos Photos
CorpCalendar review on Zope
November, 2004
HTML entity fixer Python
Hacking and martial arts Kung Fu
Ugliest site of the month, Web development
Make your settings in .Xdefaults come true Linux
Bad Santa Film
Indent text like email clients do Python
Add links to a text (take II) Python
XHTML Transitional versus Strict Web development
Add links to a text with URLs Web development
Do you know about Firefox?
October, 2004
City & Islington kung fu charity event Kung Fu
Urwid - curses-based UI/widget library for Python Python, Linux
Massrenaming with shell and python Python, Linux
Bush country Photos
Reindexing AVI films with mplayer Film
Time Machine Ballistics Photos
Disable Caps Lock in Linux Linux
I'm back and awake! This site
September, 2004
Findory Blogory, like Google News Alerts but for blogs Web development
Tell me your birthday Wondering
August, 2004
(Idea) A new anti-spam law Politics
Email-your-friends reminder web application Web development
Ugly footballers Misc. links
PixelField a game for pixel-lovers Misc. links
People who really can't think in numbers Mathematics
Changing the size of a textarea box Web development
Python inspect module Python
Film Music by Alfred Schnittke Music
Classic Movie Scripts Film
Obsolete Computer Museum Misc. links
Psychiatric med student Michelle's story Misc. links
Pretty print SQL script Python
Integer division in programming languages Python
Overcomplicated password requirements on Web development
July, 2004
Make your own 3-D pictures Misc. links
Most common English words Misc. links
Date plus years or months or weeks Python
World Oil Depletion and the Inevitable Crisis Politics
WYSIWYG inline HTML editors Web development incompatible to Mozilla Web development
University results Mathematics
Date formatting in python or in PostgreSQL Python
Honesty and advertising on Gizmodo Misc. links
Paper Wars Misc. links
On the amount of spam Misc. links
Göta Kanal 2004 holiday photos Photos
Company loyalty Work
Life of Pi Photos
The World's Top 100 Wonders Misc. links
June, 2004
Now I have a Gmail account Misc. links
Evil HTML frames Web development
Holiday for a week
TBODY tag in a XHTML table Web development
Dan's just been to Sweden Sweden
Underwater MP3 player Misc. links
Afghan national sport photos Photos
Ugliest site of the month, stradbally Web development
Kung fu photos from Varberg, Sweden Kung Fu
Impressive baby photos website Photos
SquareOneTV Mathematics
Corp Calendar 0.0.5 Zope
Different phone, same number Mobile
Test your computer secretary skills Misc. links
I hate Carphone Warehouse and Lifeline Mobile
Accessible Pop-Up script Web development
Washing sense of humour Politics
Nicking images from our website Web development
Lost my mobile phone Mobile
10 reasons for web standards Web development
"My Secret Life As A Prostitute" Misc. links
Find song by lyrics Misc. links
May, 2004
Experimenting with binoculars Photos
Can you add them all up? Mathematics
McDonalds Calories Misc. links
"I Am American"
Jaguar cars website Web development
No more university for me Mathematics
PlogRank - my own PageRank application This site, Web development
Google PageRank matrix calculator (graphically) Mathematics
Bush votes: inverse proportional to education and IQ Politics
Why should I use XHTML? Web development
Google hardware history Misc. links
Two done three to go Mathematics
Krispy Kreme doughnuts store opening Misc. links
Zurich tram service problem Mathematics
Distributed compiling with distcc Linux
Heil Jed and Dave Kuhlman Linux
Obfuscating C contest running now Misc. links
Outbreak - fight the viruses Misc. links
Molvania: A land untouched by modern dentistry Misc. links
Windows Noise Becomes Music Misc. links
April, 2004
Images Misc. links
Don't bogart that camera my friend Photos
A whole website about Shallots Misc. links
Food from Sweden Sweden
Throw the penguin Misc. links
Anna and Johan photo modelling Photos
About Ricardo Semler and Semco Misc. links
Proper wireless computing Misc. links
Kill Bill flash game Misc. links
Funny Plone quote Zope
Emacs html-mode for .zpt and .dtml Zope
The importance of being findable This site
LaTeX Word Counter Misc. links
My dissertation report Web development, Mathematics
The 5 most spectacular photos of 2003 Photos
How to fold clothes Misc. links
XHTML, HTML and CSS compressor Web development, Python
PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQLite Linux
Challenge Osama with scimitar or sword Politics
Anti-email-harvesting with JavaScript Web development
March, 2004
Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka Books
FWC November competition video Kung Fu
Fat food = fat kids? Misc. links
Pylets, more than just mod_python Python
EuroPython in Sweden, I should go Python
Google PageRank algorithm in Python Python, Mathematics
What's so bad about HTML guys? Web development
He must really hate C Misc. links
Virtual feminization Misc. links
The Dead Zone Misc. links
Finished the bulk of my dissertation Mathematics
The meaning of "hacking" Misc. links
To readline() or readlines() Python
Python UnZipped Python
Deep sea fish, lots of pictures Misc. links
PSP - Python Server Pages Python
Funniest Volvo advert ever Sweden
How to uninstall LeakFinder in Zope Zope
Apostrophes in predictive text
Moving Image Contest for Creative Commons Misc. links
Optimized stylesheets This site
World Press Photo, the winners Photos
the knife: Pass This On Misc. links
Unusual job offer Misc. links
CPU info Linux
Lemon - Commodore 64 Heaven! Misc. links
February, 2004
StreetArt in London on Ploggle Misc. links
Lots of shit about shit Misc. links
Share Your OPML Misc. links
What will you not wear today? Misc. links
Anti-spamming email harvesting Web development
Bugknits Misc. links
Practical CSS Web development
Best water in the world Sweden
Neon-Brite, a 360 degree theatre play Misc. links
Future plan for IssueTrackerProduct Web development
Ploggle Web development
WEBoggle mind bogglingly addictive Misc. links
This site 7 months ago This site
Why Sun should Open up on Java Linux
C++ templates or not
Ugliest site of the month, Web development
MozillaZine Knowledge Base Web development
Afghan expressionism in a modern era Misc. links
RSS 1.0 feed now This site
Getting fired in 3 hours Misc. links
Memory Test on BBC Science Misc. links
Breaking usability principles for usability This site
DOCTYPE in PageTemplates with METAL Zope
Dan Heller's Photos of Italy Photos
Man mailed himself home Misc. links
Do you know about Wikipedia? Misc. links
Techie things I want to buy from Wondering
Adding a year in PostgreSQL Linux, can't be good for PayPal Web development, Photograph of the Week Gallery Misc. links
S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine Film
Photofusion in London Photos
January, 2004
The Chinese Martial Arts Film at BFI Film
I'm a computer nerd, but... Misc. links a good looking Plone site Zope
Julien Donkey-Boy Film
30 days solid McDonalds diet experiment Misc. links
What Yin-Yang is Kung Fu
George W. Bush and the $85.2 million ad campaign Politics
Grep in Jed Linux
Keybinding ALT-F in Jed Linux
Passed my grading! Kung Fu
Dabbrev in Jed Linux
Labels in HTML forms Web development
Robots.txt Validator Web development
MathML and displaying Math on the web Mathematics, Web development
Hit the penguin Misc. links
SimCity 4 and SimCity Classic Misc. links
Same but new keyboard, lovely change Mathematics
Photojournalism on the former Soviet block Misc. links
Effects of LSD on drawing Misc. links
Quick URLs for some pages This site
Ugliest site of the month Web development
China, being trained in prosecution by Sweden Sweden, Politics
Lost In Translation Film
Pholph's Scrabble Generator Misc. links
So vivid dreams I couldn't get out! Wondering
Recon - Regular Expression Test Console Python
Printer friendly and PDF version of every page This site
Crontab wizard Linux
About page finally written This site
"It's just a website" by Tom Smith Web development
eBay and freedom to sell whatever you like Misc. links
How old is Bettys dad? Mathematics
PythonPoint Python
Creating a user for postgresql Linux
Vivisimo - clustered searching Misc. links
Photos from Mars Photos
US Zip codes Misc. links
Yo-Yo Misc. links
Back in town and not so ready for exams
December, 2003
Two exams on the same day Mathematics
A jerk with a good website Politics
Off to Sweden! Sweden
A nice and simple article about Zope Zope
LOTR - Return of the King Film
Adaptation Film
ESI and Squid and Zope This site
International Snow Sculpture Championships Misc. links
Happy Birthday to me!
"Historisk Guide till England" Books
Man arrested for spamming Misc. links
Nintendo emulator online in Java Misc. links
Back online This site
The Linux Cookbook Linux Top Reviewers Misc. links
Bad news for Stockholm Politics
Mr. Picassohead Misc. links
Case study where Python was the final choice Python
Moscow Metro Misc. links
November, 2003
The Pentagon is big, very big Misc. links
Py2TeX Python
More terrible album covers Misc. links
London underground map in 3D Misc. links
Back from the competition Kung Fu
Kung Fu competition Kung Fu
New phone, same number Mobile
3D Sidewalk Paintings Misc. links
Google search terms This site
Old motel postcards in the US Misc. links
SpamBayes and SSL thanks to Stunnel
Happy Birthday Malin! Family
Matrix ASCII animated! Misc. links
Zolera SOAP Infrastructure 1.4 Python
Recipe of creating the best paper plane Misc. links
The worst jobs in science Misc. links
Amazon Marketplace - an odd update Misc. links
Amazon Marketplace - great web app Misc. links
Naughty but very happy
This Is Broken Misc. links
Worst Album Covers Ever Misc. links
Hubbell and Hubbell Misc. links
The Matrix Revolutions, naive but spectacular Film
Python for .NET Python
Parrot; CLR for the poor man Python
The end of the world, a scenario Politics
Ever wondered how much $87 Billion is? Politics
CSS Zen Garden Misc. links
October, 2003
PLEAC Misc. links
Kung Foo Misc. links
Tangram Mathematics
One hot ear Kung Fu
Sand java applet Misc. links
Search Inside the Book Misc. links
Programmers Block
Man jailed for smuggling eight snakes in trousers Sweden
Kill Bill vol. 1 Film
Sony Ericsson P900 Misc. links
Systembolaget under pressure
Nice date input Zope
My breakfast This site
New feature: RSS feed This site
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Books
Who's who in the 'axis of evil' Politics
Web design practices Misc. links
Loadtesting this site and compare with static Apache This site
2 Years later Kung Fu
Once upon a time in Mexico Film
Geography: The lost world Misc. links
"Sweden and Denmark top in quality of life" Misc. links
Trippy photo Misc. links
Cartoons on Misc. links
Why You Should Switch to the Mozilla Firebird browser Misc. links
Really really shitty webdesign Misc. links
First day back at university Mathematics
September, 2003
Google News Alerts (BETA) Misc. links
Crazy about Linux Misc. links
Wow! Latest Plone sprint Zope
MOHO at Restaurant show photo This site
Cheer for Swedish coders Misc. links
Funny Dilbert for mathematicians Mathematics
Best in Show, really funny Film
Good summary about Ricardo Semler Misc. links
New search feature on this site This site
City of God Film
Perfect parking formula Mathematics
Great article about writing games with Python Misc. links
Google as calculator Misc. links
August, 2003
Photos from Cornwall camp 2003 Kung Fu
On training camp for a week Kung Fu
Some new Kung Fu photos Kung Fu
The Seven-day Weekend Books
Whale Rider Film
Terminator 3 Rise of the machines Film
July, 2003
How to not get any spam
Squid now working in front of my Zope Zope
Back from my holidays Sweden
Fishing photos from last year Photos
On holiday for a week
Some new Kung Fu photos Kung Fu
Last grading result Kung Fu
Ang Lee slow motion but not Misc. links
Exam results arrived today Mathematics
Lots of little Agent Smiths Misc. links
The "omit-tag" tag Zope
IssueTrackerProduct and MassContainer Zope
Fry-IT people picture Work
June, 2003
First news item of the new webpage