I've just released a new little project in Python for tracking memory usage in Zope2 applications with the added benefit that you can hopefully see what URL causes which memory usage "jumps". Hopefully this can help Zope2 developers find out what causes RAM bloat but can also help in helping you optimize your application by early in the development process find out what uses too much RAM.
I wouldn't be surprised that there is already a program that does something like this. I've just never seen one. Also by putting this out as an Open Source project and blogging about it hopefully more clever people than me will come forward and point out the right way to do things.
I've also used Google Code this time to manage the project. I've used it before but only for hosting a public SVN for the IssueTrackerProduct SVN. I have to say that I was quite impressed with Google Code this second time. I think it's still fundamentally wrong to confuse people with by offering both download and SVN checkout. I did both this time but I think I might give up on the downloads because who out there, who understands that he/she needs to debug RAM usage, doesn't know how to use SVN?
Finally a little disclaimer: By writing about this here, preparing it on Google Code and writing a README.txt file I've now spent more time "managing" the project than I have on coding it. It's an early test release which hopefully will stir up some ideas for genuine important improvements. I had fun coding it as well since this is my first attempt with Flot which has been great to work with. You get very quick and powerful results. Lastly, I haven't tested this in anything but 32-bit Ubuntu Linux and Firefox.
Here is a sample report: 2008-05-30_16.47.32__3.8_minutes