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George k

Hi, looking for a early 00s house(y) song that goes
“a new day is coming
ooh ooh yeah yeah
and things will be better
ooh ooh yeah yeah
so keep your head up high
everything will be alright”

That’s all I remember unfortunately


Reminded me of No one by Alicia Keys, but I doubt that’s the one

George K

Found it, at last!


Can someone tell me the name of the song that plays in the background of this video from 5:00?

All I can hear is "myself". Thank you!!


I think it's Savage Love by Jason Derulo


Thank you, that's the song that plays just before the one I was looking for, which by the way is Never Be Like You by Flume.

Jeremiah Sarver

I'm trying to find a song. I'm guessing it's R&B since it's what black mom's listen to. It goes something like "you can even have it your way, or maybe you do, you can even call out my name, I still love you" no it's not by GQ or Billy I just need someone to give me the song cause it's driving me insane

captn pants

Hi i'm looking for a indie rock song I heard on a college radio station it's sung by a female singer I just remember the chorus

"forgive me my baby words seem to always fail me that's not what I meant to say so wont you please (come back to meee)(just come over)" the last part is one of the two can't remember


I’m looking for a song it’s a country song and it’s a male singer with a deep voice, with a slow beat to it and some lyrics are either “pulled into town on that…” or “rolled into town on that” and then the chorus includes something like “down that wes-tern coast..” or it could be “down that west dirt road” the way he sings it for the chorus there’s a lot of pauses, something like this “down that west. Dirt. Road…” but the rest of the song he sings it steady, it’s just kind of slow but it’s not a sad song.

Bobbi Springer

Could it be red dirt road by brooks and dunn


Too fast for a slow song.


Hey there! I know this might be a little vague, but I heard a song on spotify maybe one month ago that I now want to hear again but can't find.
The song is russian and therefore I don't have the lyrics in mind, but it was sung by a female singer and I think she had only a guitar playing, so an acoustic song. Also the picture on spotify was black and white I believe...

John Archivolt

I'm trying to find an old pop ballad from the 1980s that played on the radio. Single male vocalist.
"We are parachutes tonight, falling down against the sky
Like a candle burning bright … will you love me tonight"


Hi everyone looking for a song I heard on youtube shorts a while ago. It talks about she seeing him drive the car and feeling it's not the same anymore, that he doesn't look at her the way he did before and doesn't even look at her when she enters the car

Samuel willam doran

that is drivers license it's about having a crying instrumental to get over the emotional song by it's melody

Zack H

Looking for a song maybe from the 90s or early 2000s I think. Lyrics I remember go and it goes on and on and on and on. And I walk in the door and I go for a ride then I hop in the shower or something. I think it's a male voalist as well.

Bobbi Springer

The avett brothers???

Azrael ryan

Hi I need help. I have this one line from a song I think I heard on tiktok/instaReels, it's a rock song from what I remember and the lyrics are. "I wonder if you know, how it really feels." Or something like that

j swag
skip to 56 seconds and that should be it!


What it's like is the name of the song your probably looking for


Looking for the one that goes ’keeping us warm in the night’


We All Stand Together Paul McCartney and the Frog Chorus 🐸


I'm looking for the ending (credits) song in the new Netflix documentary "Kings of the scam" does anybody know?


Iam looking for a 90s song sung i think by a boy band which sounds like that of 112 or blackstreet or by a male artist with a voice like that of kevon edmonds
The chorus is like "if there is no you then there is no me cause if i cant be with you no no no then i dont wanna be"


Not any of those i thought it was blackstreet but they aint it


It was kinda wedding song in the 70's, with the words didn't deserve a treasure like you. PLEASE HELP ME :) Star's in the sky? UGH!


The keeper of stars- Tracy Byrd?


Hello I am looking for a remix song that used the words from a Pitbull song "The Truth". Last time I heard the song was like a 10 years ago, the song starts by some girl saying what i think is:" Dj m&K", then the beat starts and alongside with the beat came the lyrics:

Being overlooked
Being slept on
Been extorted
But I just keep going
Been up, been down, payed dues
Earned stripes, been in lawsuits
Welcome to my life
I'm too Latin for hip hop and too hip hop for Latin
'Til y'all figure it out I'ma keep rappin'
But that's okay (okay)
'Cause I'ma be on the top of the game one day
Con paciencia y vaselina, el elefante se la metió a la hormiga
And that's the slogan I live by (live by)
Me, I hang out in the hood, ya'll just ride by
Lights out (lights out) like a drive by
Me, my life's real, I ain't got nothing to lie about
You can ask anybody that's with me
How that little chico right here took over the city
Luke, trick, they was the start
But that little chico Pitbull, he was the spot
Now these niggas down here picking up rappers
Like Noah's Ark, two at a time
Nigga, who would have thought
The bottom on top
Tell these other rappers not to take it to heart
If you can't finish don't start, hey
If you can't finish don't start, hey
If you can't finish don't start, yah

Leila B

Song lyrics are something about writing a song, something about not doing it for fame and fortune "I do it for the love I can't be broken" "so sing this song for be sung by everyone" At one point the male singer says "should I leave or should I stay?"

E. J. Warner

The Clash "Should I stay or Should I go" 1981

Annoy Moose

Looking for a song, more of a heavier rock song that goes "I know you won't be the one for me"



1 last chance


I suddenly got the urge to find this one song from when I was a kid - has to be late 90's, early 2000s. I know it's either In /your/ head or in /my/ head. But all I can remember is the last bridge before the chorus.

A white girl with blonde braids is sitting in a movie theatre and the lyrics go "I was lying in my bedroom counting spiders on the wall I could hear the faucet running - my hair began to stand on end." and then a bit more, but I don't remember that part. I've looked through shazam, google music, and I can't find any proof of it anywhere, but I used to listen to this on repeat.


Zombie - The Cranberries?


He was my best friend now he's my X-Men, I'll stop the equation, Where did he go? I need a replacement. Give me a diamond in the rough


Hey! I'm looking for an older song (probably somewhere in the 60's-80's range) and All I remember is the line "So now I'm on my way" and then another line which is something like "and I'm losing all my sanity".


Looking for a country song that goes like words can’t describe how much that I love you, baby cause it’s more than the stars in the sky, more than the miles to the moon


Please I'm looking for a song that goes like this" I walk in the dark and all am trying to think about... Is the love I had with u" and another line that goes like this" Darling am still in love with you" I love the song so very much but I don't know the name neither the artist 😭😭. Please someone should please help me out 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Tom Bisase

Izax pro wants to make a song

Angel Wacker

Looking for a song with lyrics “ got a gift from god sitting in a back seat imma need to be a little better if he’s gonna wanna be like me

Timber Jordan

Good Ol man by Drew Green, but it’s not out yet, should be releasing in the next couple of weeks I think

Brittney Smith

The song is called “good ol man” by drew green but it hasn’t been released yet. Only a small preview was released.


I need a song
The lyrics says these demons ain't stronger than me


I also remember in the summer song , that it were like a parody. i cant say which year but it feels like 2010 or 2009.


Guys help, ive been saying to find a song after watching a youtube video with it, it wasnt credited in the description so i just assume its an indie song. Its kind of like your normal pop song about going out with a girl to a disco? The lyrics go like: “I’m saying let’s go, you’re saying maybe, lets find a disco, (couldnt hear clearly what the lyric between this was) , gimme some gimme some gimme some gimme some gimme some energy, wanna come wanna come wanna come wanna come wanna come dance with me”


Rendez Voodoo ft. Andy Delos Santos - Come Move Your Body


I originally heard this song on some very short yt video edit. The song had to do with the character being an angel. You know, "You're so f'ing precious when you smile" vibes. So I found the song back then. I found out it was actually sung by 2 people. One guy and a girl. The guy sang first, then I think the girl sang the chorus, and the angel part was in the chorus. It was pop, and not emotional. It was some "cool" type of song
please tell me if you have ANY ideas!

Cara lang

its called "Mine" by bazzi

Chad Mcchadson

This is great


looking for this folk song (sorry don’t know many lyrics:
you say that i’ve been loved too much...
...go tell those lies about me
they’ll lie with the roses and tell you they know your pain
again and again


Hiii! I’m looking for a song that repeats ‘it makes me want to take you back, it makes you want to take you back’ a load of times lol. It’s sung by a girl and quite indie.

Marc Carruthers

Hi, the other day I heard a song on the radio that I hadn't heard in years. It is probably from the 80s, or possibly late 70s. Male voice. In the pop/easy listening genre. I think the first line of lyrics is 'one by one' but I can't recall the rest of it. There is also a repeated refrain that sounds a lot like "Co-pilot", which suggested that might be the title, but a google search yielded a 2011 song by a female singer--definitely not the song I was looking for. I have most likely mis-heard those lyrics. There is also an instrumental part of the song that sounds like a recorder or flute, which is not really used a great deal in pop music, so maybe that will help identify the song. Sorry, I know it's not much to go on, but appreciate any help as this is driving me nuts. Thanks.

Simon Hams

Interesting there's a song I'm trying to find I wonder if it's the same one you're also trying to find. It was sung by a male artist yes and some of the words sounded like he said he's going to take her home and the end part takes her home it sounded like that anyway. It was in the 80s I heard it played on Radio 2 sometimes. There was an instrumental part at the beginning of the song. I haven't heard it in years but would love to again as it's a nice sounded song.


Hall and Oats “One on One”


"Sitting in the cell", i'm not sure if it was like that, I heard it twice on tiktok.


What's the title of below Christian song?
I hear your voice like a tender whisper, it's God in my way
Each time i fall i know you'll be there to pull me through


looking for a song that was wrote about elk City Idaho called Ida and there's a little bitty town at the end of the line of Idaho 14 it's a doggone pity can't call out City mine all mine for the fish went by and elk run high and the tall tall tree for your son


Did you ever find the Elk City song? I remember, but can’t find it!

Help, help help. I've been searching for a song for decades. I have established that the words of the chorus (the only part of the song that stuck in my brain) are not the title of the song. It's from the eighties, I think and sung by a male. The chorus repeats these two words...American Dre-eam, American Dre-e-eam and is either preceded by or followed by a flute playing the same notes as the segmented syllables in the lyrics. 1234-12, 1234-123. If that explanation makes sense to anyone, maybe you can help.

Those two words you remember, "American Dream" is in fact the title of the song, by Crosby, Stills Nash & Young, from 1988. Neil Young is the lead singer on the song. I don't know if you are old enough to remember, but the band was hugely popular in the late 60s and early 70s and in fact were at Woodstock. They split up and reunited several times.

Dale J.

My friend, you have saved my sanity. Why that particular (and most obvious) song never surfaced during my searches is beyond me. Guess I was looking for a needle in a haystack instead of looking in a needlestack. Thank You and, by the way, I'm old enough to remember when they were only Crosby, Stills and Nash.

Marc Carruthers

You're welcome, Dale J. Then you are also old enough to remember 33 RPM vinyl records :) My brother had CSNY's album "Déjà Vu" and I know I put quite a few scratches in it.

Dale J.

I'll do you one better Marc. I still have most of my 33 RPMs from the 70s and have vivid memories of listening to my Moms' 78 RPMs. Now CDs are considered old tech. Few more years and I'll be able to call myself ancient. Don't get old!

Marc Carruthers

Dale, unfortunately I got rid of my 33 rpm albums when I made a big move about ten years ago, as I just didn't have the space in my car. I vaguely remember the 78 rpm records too from my parents and grandparents.


I’m looking for a trap song that goes like “you never noticed you don’t care” it’s a female artist I can’t remember if it remixed or not it might be in from 2019 or 2018

Amanda K Hartford

I'm looking for a song!
It's a old one, and one of the lyrics is "You got to scratch it and break it and remix the sound" or something to that
And it was in this animated lyric video with flying clowns in a white shirt and tie, and I can't remember who the song was by


The Young Punx - You've got to...

Souma smith

Hi there I'm looking for a dancing song with somthing like jazz music and i do remember some of the lyrics "hold me tight Never let me go treat like you never did before i can Never understand the flow why you should leave me brother dancing all alone, so if you want me standing by your side i'll bring the whole world into your (life or hand) ... Something like this it was around 2008 or 2007 hhhhh if you could find it i'll ne thankful


i was watching this edit and i really like the song in the background but i can’t really hear the lyrics since there’s someone talking over the song, but some of the lyrics i can make out is “ tell me what’s it feel so i can…” but i think it says “ tell me whats it feel so i can comprehend??? “ pls help


Maybe troublemaker by Olly Murs


That might be a tough one:

only memory in my head is the refrain - at least I think this was the refrain. mostyl girls singing (might be a girls band) and it was related to punk rock somehow regarding the style.

refrain went like: ' town where the music plays...'

heard it 27 years ago on a radio station, it was an hour dedicated to the history of punk rock and they played that song...


Aubree 119 🦷🦷💄👄

makenna (Ruby) Blanton


Reise Speller

Hello there!
I'm trying to find the name of this song I have not listened to after the 2nd grade.

Me and you (4x), never forever... always me and you (8x)


me and you


Searching for a rock pop punk-ish song , part of the chorus that i remember goes something like: 'And now where do you go? We are heree'
And another part there's a lyric that says: 'and i sorry if i broke your heaart' , then the chorus repeats after that part. It has Rex Orange County singer voice tone , almost the same.


Trying to find the song in this video but i'm getting nowhere when i search for the lyrics

Carol Serrao

Been looking for a song where it features a female singer and she has a bit (closer to the end of the song) that goes something like: look now me singing the main verse in this song (...).
Can anyone help please??


is it look me in the eye tell me what you see perfect [paradise taring at the seams


Hi. I'm trying to find a song that plays for about 10 seconds in Floribama Shore Season 1 Episode 6. About 15 minutes 30 seconds in a song plays with what I can hear is the following: " i'm lost and i can't see the world can't find my way....". Have tried Google and Shazam but cannot find anything. It's now giving me a headache!!!! Any help would be appreciated.


I'm been searching for the name of this song without success. If anyone can help me...


It just sounds oddly familiar, it's probably been made by the guy on the right.


I’ve been trying to find this song it starts off like

Mu mum mum maa ma ma -x3 then I think it says “I’ve been trying to realize what you mean” I think


Good be "Life in a Northern Town" by The Dream Academy 1985


im looking for a song, im pretty sure its a 2000s one and at some part of it there are multiple people singing somethinf that sounds like "let me know let me know let me know"????? or instead of know its go. whatever. anyways its kind of a pop song.

Gaby Munguia

might be Aaliyah’s “At your best (you are love)”

Bobby Bowens

Or it could be the Isley Brothers who made that song before Aaliyah.

Nikos Kemos

hi! im looking for a summer vibe song,i think its between 2010-2012 and the title have the words DESERT or MOON!The voice is sound like him

Sherry Ford

Pink Moon?

Riley Arthul

Your smile is as bright as the starts in the sky. It’s in an old Country/Polka song that I thought was called meant for me, but I can’t find it anywhere! It’s sung by a woman with a deep voice in the background


I’m looking for a song that sounds like “they say, love it (or ain’t) easy, the air.I like sad songs for a reason


is it
I saw love - forest blakk
its cause i am - callista clark

Dr. Strange

Hey! Anyone out there... Pls help me to find a song🥺
It goes like...
"Saying I am the moonlight.. girl isn't have the stars all night..."


hey i’m looking for a song !!
it’s quite slow and i’m pretty sure the voice sounds like billie eilish but idk
it goes something like ‘i’m sorry that I didn’t miss you. is that because we’re just… friends?’
arghh it’s really annoying me so if you know please lmk (:


i heard a song on the radio with he melody and most of the same lyrics as ace of base all that she wants.
but in stead of she they sing all that he wants is your money and your fame, or something like that. i cant find the number. the singer is a woman.does anybody know this number


Hey Guys,
im trying desperatly to find a song i heard before my relationship with my ex-girlfriend ended in 2015. It was a song about falling out of love, at least i think it was. The only thing i remember is a sentence about how the kisses doesn‘t feel the same they used to and why it changed. I remember it being a rock song but i could be wrong though. You guys would help me a lot as i cant think of anything else the last two days and im scared to get crazy.


Eh this is metal but
"There's a sting in the way you kiss me
Something within your eyes
Said it could be the last time
'Fore it's over!
Just wanna be
Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight
Just wanna be
I wanna bewitch you all night"

Song: Ghost dance macabre

Eva R

I don't know why I thought about "You've Lost that Loving Feeling" cover by Hall & Oates (originally Righteous Brothers) maybe?

You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips
And there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips
You're trying hard not to show it
But baby, baby I know it
You lost that lovin' feelin'
Whoa, that lovin' feelin'
You lost that lovin' feelin'
Now it's gone, gone, gone, whoa-oh
Now there's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach for you
And now you're starting to criticize little things I do
It makes me just feel like crying
'Cause baby, something beautiful's dyin'

Maximilian Frischknecht-Tremmel

i found it. It was For Reasons Unknown by the Killers

Shaeril McBrown

I used to listen to a song in the 2000s. I hear a r&b/soul song at Burger King. It begins with a piano playing and the voices starts to sing and gets higher when they sings ever. Please help me find a song


Not really a piano but it might be Love On Top by Beyoncé

Sash farre

Looking for a song! I know the title, which is falling down, but can’t find the artist for the life of me! The lyrics I can remember are;
I tried so hard to make you happy. And you, I know you tried your best as well…
I feel it deep inside, we will never work this out, we will never work this out…
We’re falling down, we’re falling down, it’s happening right now, I think we’re falling down.’
Anyone have any clue?

Mark Milne

'loving caliber' I think..anyway if it's not..good luck


I hear this song so often and can't get enough of it, but I can not find it anywhere. It has simple music (guitar?) to it and the man's voice is unique. They chorus is something like "hey eh eh eh, its (A beautiful day?)... " I this song is at least 10-15 years old I would say, I remember hearing it when I was younger. Any one know?


Bedouin Soundclash - When The Night Feels My Song :)


beautiful day- u2….?

John Archivolt

Hey guys. I'm looking for a ballad from the 1980s. Single male vocalist.
"We are parachutes tonight, falling down against the sky a candle burning bright ... will you love me tonight"


I’m also looking for this song. Have you found it yet?


Hi. I'm trying to find a song that plays for about 10 seconds in Floribama Shore Season 1 Episode 6. About 15 minutes 30 seconds in a song plays with what I can hear is the following: " i'm lost and i can't see the world can't find my way....". Have tried Google and Shazam but cannot find anything. It's now giving me a headache!!!! Any help would be appreciated.


look in the episode credits it will list the songs in the episode, hope this helps


I’m look for a song that has a female singer and it’s a slow song. I only remember the middle of it. It goes like but it’s two parts “ Don’t tell me you need me” and “Don’t tell me you love me.” I want to say the second part goes like Don’t tell me you love me “ I’ll take your hand and lead your there”


Paula abdul


I need this song asap it goes like
“And ill do it for you, if you do it for me”
And its a woman’s voice and its super soft and she keeps saying “ill do it for you” pls help;-;


Sounds like Busta Rhymes ft Mariah Carey ‘Baby If You Give It To Me’ but the lyrics are slightly different from above


definitely is

Caitlin Neilan

I’m looking for a song part of the lyrics I heard is when we come together and fall down it is sang by a male singer. Anyone know what it is


I finally figured out who sang the song it’s called hold on forever by rob thomas


rob thomas the goat


Maybe your the best, forget about the rest, we'll be together till the sun is in the west! Herd this one night & it Sounds like KATE BUSH!!! It has been bugging me ever since...........anyone know who this is????

Simon Hams

I'm looking for a song I heard long ago that used to be played on Radio 2 late afternoon early evening time. I think just one male singer and musician sung it don't know who it was and all the words to the song. It had music in it it started off with. Some words in the middle of it sounded like she says she's going to take her home. The last part sounded like Billie takes her home who ever.


maybe Take Me Home Tonight, by Eddie money and Cindy Lauper?

Simon Hams

I don't think that's the one I'm sorry to say a good guess though

Rocky Superstar

Rod Stewart Young Turks?

Simon Hams

It was played back in the 80s I've not heard that song for years now.

Simon Hams

Anyone have any idea what the song was. I would love to hear it again. It was a quite like pop record not so noisy and the male singer had a lovely singing voice. Started off with electronic sounding music. It was round about 40 years ago in the early 80s.

Maddison Bilodeau

High pitched (male, I believe) voice, chorus is like “you can take that little ___ ___ ___ right outta my life”. Pls help!

Simon Hams

Still trying to find this song. I think you're right it was a high pitched male singer that sung it.


The walk meyer somebody


pls help me, i'm stuck with a song that i can't find the name

I remember that the chorus i something like :
       I am what I am but i still ...
or I am what I hate ...

it's a solo male singer getting pretty high with this lyrics
and the music is a kind of smooth rock

thanks for help
(it's not U2 or gloria glaynor, i made a lot of research without sucess)


Whadda you want from me by Billy Squier


"Family Man?"

Rocky Superstar

Family Man by Fleetwood Mac or Hall & Oates

Dan less

There’s a song, think 80’s to 90’s era, that is a higher pitched man’s voice singing and says “fallen for a” then sound like “maaan” in a higher pitch. It’s slow ish for this part I can remember




Trying to find it sounds like a country song “ bye bye, don’t sugarcoat nothing when it comes to me, bye bye, save you the trouble” I think I also hear “fine by me”

Not sure if those are the lyrics but that’s what it sounds like


so this is bs and i wanna go home but da me teachers making me stay home

nat log

Im looking for a song I heard a few weeks ago in my discover weekly, it's a male singer, the song is something about being sad and at the end there's a voicemail from his mom that goes something like "hey baby it's me, mama, just wanted to check in .<many more sentences>... call me back" or maybe just wanted to call


Jay Allen “Blank Stares”

nat log

Ahh the voicemail is similar, but it's only at the end of the song (not the beginning), and the vibe is more indie

thank you for helping though!!!


Hate me by Blue October.


Panama - Quinn XCII. ???


Panama - Quinn XCII. ??


i cant find this one song??
i remember seeing it on a music tv channel when i was younger
the lyrics say something about one direction (not the band) and the music video is in black red and white and i remember the lead singer being at the front with the hand behind her and the words “one direction” outlined in red behind them.
it’s somewhere from the 2010s i believe or somewhere around there.

Paulette Palmer

Hi there
looking for a song that I can't get out of my mind. It was used on TV as background for a couple of seconds and an off voice was talking over it - hence no shazam...

It's an upbeat, happy song, male voice (not the strongest) and it goes something like this:

give me everything I want
I need you to see

sounded like something new, no oldie, no rap


Looking for one I used to hear every Christmas.

Pop rock, mid-'70s or so.

I only recall pieces of the lyric: "You can deck the halls with Holly if you want to" ("Holly", I think, is the title...) & "I think I'm woman enough to fill your nights" (& "...fill your life").

Melody's very melancholy.

I've Googled the lyrics; no joy. Not on the title, either.


lyrics "this empty feeling im feeling right now is gonna be the best thing you ever had"

hi, please help me find the song where a man and a woman sitting on a chair and singing on the street, the boy has a small guitar in his hand. The age of both of them I guess in their thirties. It's an English song. They are facing each other. It's a love song

Sometimes life goes easy, Sometimes life goes do do do do
Sometimes minds go crazy, Sometimes minds go do do do do

Never mind, I found the song. It's called Piggyback by Dan Pundak


Hey, does anyone know this song (I heard it in 2020):

You got me on your hitlist
and I may be slow, but I still can hide.
I saw your inhibition, hey
and I couldn't call cause you left too (something)
You put me on you (something)

I don't know how you broke my (something, possibly "shadow")
(inaudible line)
You told me in your tiny dress (or "bed")
How did you ever shine like this?
I don't know you show my (something)
You do it every time.
You told me in your tiny dress (or "bed")
How did you ever shine like this?
How did you ever..
*bass drops*


I heard this song in Superman and Lois S02E05. And I can't find it anywhere.
Song lyrics are
Oh replay this moment for mine...
Kindly find it....plz


Camila Cabello - Don't Go Yet


I heard a song in retro second hand Shop, I've heard it many times before, it had an 80s vibe and I think I heard a line in similarity to "she needs/wants a guy/man/boy with car" etc etc and something about that guy being mad or aggressive I can't rmbr. Right after the song played a Bruce Springsteen song was played and they had a similar vibe. Please help, Istg it's a famous song but I can't rmbr anymore lyrics, just that it sounded positive and light. I think there might ve been back up vocals of a woman but I am not sure.


Fast Car by Tracy Chapman?

Savannah Kink

I found this song years ago. All I remember is that the guy is Asian, him and this girl basically flip eachother on the dirt a lot in the music video, and the lyrics go SIMILARLY (I can’t remember the exact words) to this “got my heart on a silver platter” and something about calling her master? Really the only words I remember clearly are “silver platter” “heart” and “master”


Can’t find a Four Tops song where they start to riff that a “good woman is hard to find but you can find a good man anywhere “

Amy Morkel

Hi, I need help to find out the song and name. I remember the video - it’s a guy comes into his friends music studio and his friend is asking him to listen to a song but he’s busy texting a girl, asking where to find her? So he flies on a plane to find her.


It’s called tit dirt by pokerhard


Gives you hell- not sure the artist


All-American rejects


Hi, I’m looking for a catchy country song from the late 80’s or the 90’s. The video was of guys around a campfire, and their buddy went on a date and they are joking with him, asking him questions about what happened on the date. Some lyrics were, did she let you kiss her. Did you walk her to the door.


That’s Good, by Tim Mensy


Hey ok looking for this song I used to listen to alot on soundcloud around 2017-2018ish, it was sorta indie rock sounding, I think the title was 'cherry' something or 'peach' something (maybe 'lemon' something????).

BUT I remember part of the song where the singer (dude) goes something like "c'mon girl don't play games you know I won every game of connect four" and then you can hear the singer repeat the line again laughing at how goofy it is.

I can also sort of remember the album cover it was the singer looking at the camera with a plate of something (presumably the song title I SWEAR its gotta be a food) and I think I remember it being really orange/red looking? Also think the guy had light brown/ginger hair?

If it helps I was listening to alot of alfie templemen, steve lacy, mac demarco, omar apallo, and the drums (BUT I KNOW IT AIN'T ANY OF THEM already checked). Idk if anyone got any ideas PLEASE share this has been driving me nuts.

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