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Chad Mcchadson

I have a song stuck in my head it’s trap the only lyrics I know are this is my time I got one shot but I can’t find it on this

Is it lose yourself by Eminem lol


Please help me find this song:
In the video sits a guy with a bandana in front of a laptop an pulls out a cable of his neck.
The only text I remember is something like "can't get you of my head' or something like that.


nelly right ? can’t get you outta my head i think about you over and over again

Anie Lopez

Does anyone know this song? I am trying to find it.
At 1:50


I’m trying to look for a song like in the 1980s or 1990s and the lyrics kind of go like Trust in yourself and something with night but I forgot. Thanks




song possibly between 1980-1999 some lyrics "you see what I can't see" and chorus was mostly "someone" over and over sung slowly. Male singer. Search results show more popular songs that are nothing like that and are too new.


Does anyone know a song that says “I wanna know what’s on your mind…I wanna be the love you find” it sounds like a 90s girl group kinda. And there’s a male rapper before the chorus. It’s from holiday heart. You can hear it at 49:10

Briney Taylor

Omg i have been searching high and low! I cannot find it for anything in the world. Have you had any luck?


theres a song that im thinking of that sounds a lot like "zero" by smashing pumpkins but the riff is different and it goes like "staaaare at the reflection on my walll" it might just be "zero" and i remember it wrong

Miss Justina Kapacinskaite

hey all, can someone help me find a old song sang by female, pop dance song. Have few lyrics: '...come on and dance with me, oh baby dance with me..' '...what's wrong, what's right...' '... move aside, get on your feet, i wanna dance with me ...'

Leigh Booth

Peter Brown 'Dance with Me'

Justina Kapacinskaite

Not the one unfortunately :(


with you, my love the days seem so much brigther, with you my l feel alive, with you my love, the world seems so much kinder
(It's a song they play in the end of "Single's Inferno" on Netflix ep7)


With You My Love – Richard Llewellyn

Eva J

Hello, I am looking for a song, but I I already have a hard time remembering and describing the song :D
It's quite a slow song with a male singer. And almost throughout the whole song he sings sth (sadly can't remember any of the lyrics) and then he sings "ahhha" (with his voice going up a little at the end of the ahhha), and then this repeats.

I guess it's an older song and sth like stoner rock or alternative.

Almost sounds like it might be "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by Crash Test Dummies.


Pop/upbeat catchy song that says “Let’s lay low and run away don’t tell anybody, no, where we go and no one will know, we won’t tell them, let’s be selfish, let’s just lay low” it’s a guy singing and it sounds pretty recent


I have been searching for the name if this song. Its in the movie L.i.e when the boy broke into the house and stole things. I just want to know what that song is

Laura boyd

Open the Google app and tap the microphone while the song is playing and tap search for song (on iPhone)


I'm looking for a song
"rain on me"
 at the end of song
And in the middle the male singer says
"Are we not man,not robotic man"


I ok ¬ ilk I look like kil I look ok.I’ll look kjilo kilo ilk ok kill k,l look ukjoi ukjoi Kauai I’ll oilø oil kilo oil ilkjo kohl ilkjo jkloji kohl lok kohl k,oil k ok kjbinu oil kil


Paolo nutini iron sky

Simon Hams

Was it a Travis song from 1999 the words I remember we're Why does it always rain on me.

Allison Lee Johnson

Its on Netflix the lyrics, on the show Bella and the bulldogs, I really want the title please!!!!!!!!


Hi there !
I was looking for a song for years but failed. It should be an old song with some of the lyrics :
can't believe but this is true
I will always love you
and I always willing to..


trying to find a song but i can't remember the chorus
i can only remember a few random words and i know it's an old song

try to get out but the sun feels good

try to remember every single word

and it says 2 AM somewhere in there



The old song trying to make it through

Simon Hams

I wonder if it's the song I'm struggling to find one I remember back in the early 80s played on Radio 2 early evenings. Some of the words sounded like She says she's going to take her home and the end part someone takes her home. I don't know who sung it butknow it was a solo male singer. It started off with instrumental music. Someone pleased help me and say if you remember the song and who it was.

Trent Clasen

does anyone know the name of the song played on the jukebox in the movie Bloodmatch? it is in the beginning of the movie in the bar scene and is played by Hope Marie Carlton. driving me crazy as i have heard it before.

James Abram

I am looking for a song pre 1969 with lyrics " and the king's daughter" could be from a musical


Christian song, maybe mid-2000s. Lyrics may not be exact, but something like this:

I’ve been a lot of places
And seen a lot of things
But nothing compares to the joy your presence brings


I’m looking for the lyrics of a song by Cottonwood Firing Squad called “Happy Death” & can’t find where they are, if anyone knows


I'm looking for a song about driving a girl home, but it's not "Drive" by The Cars. The only lyrics I remember go something like this: "I'm gonna drive and take you home, mmm".
The singer is male with a soft voice with a little hoarseness. The music is played on the guitar and it's slow & mellow.
The song is at least 4 years old.


Nightcall by London Grammar?


Unfortunately not, it was definitely a male singer :(


Omar, in the morning

Paddy S

Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros


Looking for 2 songs. The lyrics similar to these. They won't be 100% accurate but I know for a fact they're similar but I can't seem to find any matches similar.

The 1st: "Everyone seemed surprised, just last night he seemed just fine he was having a good time" (it may have "he was out of his mind") in it too.

The 2nd song: "Ever since my homie (or friend idk) went and killed himself, I lost more than that man it killed my health."

Again sorry this as close I got to knowing what it is but I'm sure someone's heard 1 of these 2 songs.


could someone tell the name of the band or singer


I'm looking for a 70s 80s pop rock song with a melody/rhythm like the song ''Part of the game - The Wynners'' with the ending lyrics: ... I can't stop loving you. Has anyone heard? Help me.


leo sayer can't stop loving you rerecorded by phil collins 2002


I cant find this one song that goes like "I'm just so tired I cant fight it , yeah, i just cant sleep feel like I'm drowning yeah. Its sang by a male and has some guitar and drums


Anyone know the name of the song in this video (or the artist)? Here are the lyrics: "perfect night, I feel pain, this holy light drifts away, I know that none of this was worth it, I just wanted to be perfect, hear my cries while I'm alone to kill my thoughts of suicide, I break myself so you feel better, I just wanted to be perfect"

joey jokes

sounds like juiceworld (the artist)


I looked up a bunch of his songs but none were it :( still looking for this song if anyone knows! I'm guessing it's a small indie artist given how the lyrics are not anywhere online.

It’s not juice trust me sounds nothing like him, I think the channels creator might have made it due to there not being any credits like the phora song he has up aswell I could be wrong but I have no idea who that is it don’t sound like juice, peep or anyone iv heard 🤔


The Sinner season 4 part 2. I need to know the song at the 43 min mark plzzzzzzzzzz


On and on by Omicron maybe


Found it:
It’s this probably

Laura Lea Smith

Hi,I'm searching for a song that's on a video making app...chorus is something like...your mind says your singing so clear I just csnt believe what I hear.


I'm looking for a 80s pop rock song with a melody/rhythm like Part of the game - The Wynners with the ending lyrics ...i can't stop loving you.
Has anyone heard of it? Help me


Van Halen - Can't Stop Loving You?

Thanks but not this song.




Tigercrane Kun Fu


Hey yo what's your name your fat like a pig uh huh your fat like a pig


leo sayer "can't stop loving you"


Hey everyone. I've been trying to find a song that has some lyrics like "he thinks/says i'm jealous of you, could/can it be true" and something along with "child/childrens name". I think I heard the song last week and it had 1.4M views on Youtube. The singer was a white male with blonde hair I think. Has anyone ever heard of this song?


Dustin lynch - I’d be jealous too??

Please help me find this song.I m looking for it few years now It's and old classic rnb or rap song.(60s 70s 80s or 90s) its sang by Black Female Artist with deep voice like lil Kim kind of voice. I don't know exact words but it's goes like this..
Feel na na na it is such a feeling,
Feel na na na it is such a feeling
Everyone put your hands up,
For the be or blind
Love get send back
You stay alive
I m not entirely sure about that "for the be or blind"
It my be something this in stead

Feel na na na
Love, is such a feeling
Feel na na na
Love is such a feeling
Everybody put your hands up
For the be.. .. ..
Love get set back
You stay alive
Or You stay in line instead of "you stay alive"
 please help,

Thank You all who try.....


hey, i’m searching for this song that i really liked four years ago? all i can remember are the lyrics, which were something like this:
“i burned the rest,
i have you.
now i know.
i, i, still love
an (word i can’t remember) boy
an (word i can’t remember) boy”

i’ve tried typing in the lyrics, google searching them, but i can’t find it anywhere 😭


Hello guys!
I've spent literally hours trying to find this one song (the one on the first video)
I have no clue what the song is, I tried to listen carefully to what it might say, I heard "sit around....I'm on the couch... I want to sit... if you're running let me sing" I might be wrong (probably) because I couldn't find it with using these words. HELP I'm going insane, I literally read all the 13k comments on that instagram post to be able to find one comment that guesses the song, in vain lol
Save me from my demise

crow mackenzie

theres this song in watership down (2018) in the second episode when Hazel enters the farmer’s house that goes like
“save my from this slow
silent vertigo
when all these voices say i should let go
i only want you more”
sung by a male singer. i cant find it anywhere and it wasn’t in the credits i dont think. i really hope i can find it, it sounds so beautiful




Saw a big dark skinned male with gap between his teeth, on TV early hours Sunday morning 16th January 2022, sing a song with the words:
"We sing for Love; We live for Justice; We long for Freedom; We dream of Peace..." Don't remember what channel or program - may have been Rage or Volumz, but don't think I was on either of those channels. LOVE the song & really want to track it down. The lyrics are so meaningful at this time, with all the insanity we are going through.


Really, "big dark-skinned male" description...really? Much racist, huh. Anyway, could the singer be Seal.


First I'd like to say I am a dark skinned woman, and tell you no offense over here; this is how we describe each other.
Might you be speaking of:

Kutcha Edwards
‘We Sing’.



YES - thank you so much. That is him. Have looked up his site & found the song. Can't thank you enough. Big hugs X O X


Someone please help. The song i have in mind is a bit older, and it is in the same style as old lady gaga and stuff. I can vaguely remember a bit of the chorus and it goes like "you gonna give it my ha, tic tac tic tac tic tac"
Some lyrics are also "say the word and, i can give you what you want ha"
At the start of the song some dude is making frog sounds


Sounds like “4 minutes” by Madonna and Justin Timberlake :) I have no idea about the frog sounds though lol


Fabolous tit for tat


looking for a song sung by a male artist. i think its an alternative or rock genre? kinda fuzzy on what songs are what genre these days. found the song in a Spotify playlist a few days ago, but all the playlists i looked back at recently changed all their songs to keep the playlist fresh and non repetitive. trying google keeps referring me to Kesha or Red but neither of those are what i'm looking for.
the only phrase i can remember is something like..
"do you think we're x? no we're not!" x being i think it was either broken, helpless, weak, etc. he asks it about 2 or 3 times, ending with a different word each time before singing the next part. "because... we are who we are!"

Adam o rourke

I’m looking for the lyrics to a meme that goes one four all and all four one musklehungs are all ways ready

Some of it sounds like:Darctanian or dur Durham


Musketeers, sounds like something to do with the three Musketeers, one of them was named D'Artanian. The Three Musketeets is a book, there are actually four of them because one joins them. That's all I know, never heard of the meme, but maybe that helps?


It’s an old cartoon we watched when kids. About dogtanian ant the muskethounds

So it's a country song by a bloke, somewhere in the 2010s. The line stuck in my head is "She's got a tattoo in a place, let's say not everyone can see" it's the first line of a verse, maybe even the first of the song.

It's killing me that I know the song so well but just can't remember more than that line right now.

I've spent over a week Googling and I've got nothing. :(

Any help would be super appreciated.


Floatin by Uncle Kracker

Brittany Marillier

Hello, I'm looking for a deep tech/minimal tech track with a sample from a radio commercial in the US, a man is saying "call 1-800... all American gold... all American gold dot com". Thanks


The song is a single man singing to an acoustic guitar. Lyrics are like "You're standing there, and I could be drowning. It doesn't mean, it don't mean a thing." and then something like "Been too late to tie the knot. I'm never gonna smile again"


the song im looking for has not lyrics its jut a girl glitching song and its on tiktok and people do glitching to it i do remember the name of it has something like " lonely girl play with marbles" something like that

Help! This song has been stuck in my head all day and I first heard it 3 or 4 years ago. All I remember is that it's by an alternative rock band with 3 black kids, but I know it's not the band unlocking the truth. The song goes something like "I'm falling in love and I'm losing my mind under 21." I could've sworn it was called under 21 but YouTube & Google doesn't show it 😭 thanks! The video is also black and white I believe if that helps!


Looking for a song I heard in face care video, the lyrics started out with “ ive felt the winter cold, lying next to you” another part of it goes “ but it wasn’t with you oh no oh no” , it was sung in a very feminine voice and I cannot figure out what song this is!! Plz help


JUST FOUND IT! I have been looking for weeks. It’s Reciol by Thomas McNeice and April Mackay


Hi! Please help me to find a song. I’ve heard it at McDonald’s today. It was an acoustic indie song with some piano chords and a cowbell. The singer is a female with a sweet voice. I’m russian and I’m not so good at spoken English so I didn’t understand most of the words, but a part of the chorus was “only on for me” and it was repeated a few times


Looking for a Christmas song I heard in Five Below. Upbeat and lyrics were something close to just because I love you. Male singer. Any idea.

Can’t find the song on this lg ad
Plz help


Sounds pretty. Thanks for asking. Try posting on their (LG) facebook or twitter to ask? Could always try an email to LG.

Daniel Arthur

Hi ive been looking for a song for years and its doing my head in...Last time I heard it was 2005. The instruments are just an acoustic guitar strumming and 1-2 men saying the words. The words sound something like "here we are, here we are, although again" or "liveah, liveah, although again". I live in Australia btw because it might be from that country and not widely known

Dale J.

Try "Rockin' All Over The World" by Status Quo.


i have been trying to remember this song, and its so bad i cant even remember the lyrics, but the song is sang by a skinny white guy sounds kind of gospel, either has storm, no , tomorrow, today, yesterday in the lyrics cant remember. song was popular, .
please help guys, hes also a good rapper. song was i think from 2013-2017in between those years.


sounds like dappy and no regrets

Karina ^°^

Hiii! I'm looking for a song that I heard playing in Walgreens. It was sung by a female and the only lyrics I seem to remember goes like "You make me (and then a guy exhales.) So it's like "You make me *exhales*
sorry for the bad explanation D:

Olivia Jean

Maybe make me cry by Noah Cyrus and labrinth?


This kiss faith hill?


agreed possibly “this kiss” 👍🏻


I once heard a song growing up, playing in the car that I’ve failed to ever find a trace of again (90s-2000s). It was a dance/techno song, male vocals and my lyric memory is so foggy and unreliable due to the time gap that all I remember is 1) The chorus was something like “love come down, love come down, love come down, love come down” in succession. 2) The verse I think started with “take me to a…” and 3) A piece of the prechorus sounded like “negativity just disappears, flying is so easy once you know how…”. My memory could be completely incorrect and trying to fill gaps.


The techno repeated love come down part sounds very much like it could be: Sandy B Make the World Go Round (Deep Dish Radio Edit) but not 100% sure


I heard this song from another phone and I can’t find it anywhere!!! The lyrics I heard were
Why don’t we go out?
We could be a thing this town would forever talk about
It was a girl singer and sounded very tswift but I don’t knowwww someone please help I need to know it

Kiki hunt

I have tried looking for this song for 7 years I'm not entirely sure on the lyrics exact but can explain. It is a song a dance song sung by a woman with a famous dj mixing the song I thought it was tiesto but cat find this song by them. It's very similar to clarity from zedd but what I can remember is the word home in it I'm sure one line says it feels like home and I'm sure parts of it talks about being on the dance floor in club obviously the lyrics are talking about someone and they feel like home to them when there with them is there any one that can help


Could be totally wrong but I searched this song so long a little while ago. It doesn‘t have the word home but sounds a little like it:
who wants to be alone - tiesto feat. Nelly Furtado.
Sorry if it isn’t the one you‘re searching.


Jesse Glynne - Take me home Tiesto remix
Maybe this one?


Madonna - Ray of light ;)


Madonna - Ray of light


Madonna - Ray of light


Looking for an r&b song, possibly 90s or early 2000s, female singer, and I think part of the lyrics go:
Ooo, ooo
Missing you
Each time I close my eyes
You're everywhere
And you're all around me or And your arms around me


Missing you, I think


By who? I've checked every song I can find called "Missing You", but none seem to fit. Probably the closest was the one by Diana Ross, but it didn't fit.


I'm looking for an almost identical song but I don't know if it's the same one. It's a late 90s or early 2000s R&B song where the chorus is something like "And when you're around me/put your arms around meeee/the hearts or our hearts will give way" but I think it was by a male. I'm pretty sure they played it nonstop in the movie theater like that one Usher song "you remind me of a girl" over and over.


I need help finding a song I heard inside FYE.
I think it was a Kpop group. It was definitely males singing. It wasn't a sad song, but upbeat and fast.
All I could understand was "need to stay" and then something "go"

Mila L

TXT - run away?




Like the rain I’m following for you
Something something
And I know just why


Like The Rain- Clint Black

i seen an ad on youtube and a song played but couldnt get a shazam on it, the lyrics went something like, for a while now, ive been all in my mind. it had a guy sitting on the hood of the car driving towards the camera alone. song looked like it was released recently.


Hello, right now ive got a song in my head, its a chill happy vibe song, sung by a lady, some of the lyrics sound like this "And a few os us said" "so you can open your eyes oh at the top of blah blah" and then the chorus is like "na na na naaa na na, na na na naa na na"
The song might be some tiktok something i dont know, its annoying me so much


Well the na na na naaa na na sounds like journey, lovin, touchin, and squeezin.....Don't know anything about the "and a few of us said"


It was backyard boy, i Got the lyrics completely wrong ahahah


Im looking for four songs actually. I dont know the lyrics but they sound like these lyrics

1. said Im and my bitch...we living notorious living notorious rious living notorious living notorious rious...ah let what you gonna do...thats the money on the other line calling

2. toss and turning lay up all night...until the morning light Cause you burning in a city...Ill be with you all i know o o o o ill be with you all I know Like I dont know Ill be with you all I know

3. Oow Oow we going no where
When I was a boy eating (I think this part was another Language)
The chorus; Oow Oow we going nowhere

4. She tells me my love you shouldnt do these things no no no thats not your job MAMA yeni ye a MAMA


I’ve been looking for a country song by a female that says “and baby I’m gonna miss you…” I can not find it anywhere


I'm looking for a song that was on my youtube playlist 10 years ago and has disappeared. It was by a black female artist I think, and had lot's of clapping and the screen was split into smaller screens, changing.
It had a very upbeat tune and was maybe named something like "Everybody" or something with "Ever". It had the lyrics "Everybody got (???) _______, we're not different, we're the same". Or something like it.
I have searched for it, but the lyrics don't show up, so maybe I got some parts wrong. Can someone help, please?

Mila L

this song I heard on the radio at home. It’s a country duet song with a guy & girl. All I know is one of the lyrics which stayed in my head. I heard a girl singing but no lyrics stuck with me during her part. The guy was singing with a deep country accent “I knew I loved you” over & over till the end of the song I think…it sounded recent too like 2020s either 2021 or 2020 maybe even this year idk but please help!! the song sounded chill & sweet! 😊


Jason Aldean and Carrie Underwood
If I Didn't Love You


What is the song played at the start of the movie What Lies Ahead? It's 1 minute in on the YouTube version. Lyrics are something like "who knew then it be forever i should have known better" but it's hard to understand.



Sunburn - the slow break


does anyone know the name of the song that plays in the original karate kid disco scene where daniel walks in in his shower costume? the lyrics go something like “looking for you as you do that hasn’t been easy for me i’ve been so afraid on my knees breathe into me ooh”


apparently it’s “Please Answer Me” by Broken Edge but there no recording for it


There’s a techno/electronic/dance song I heard a couple times on the radio sometime in the late 90s/ Early 2000s in all likeliness. The vocal was male. I was too young to catch the lyrics, but what I think I remember is a chorus that just repeated “live come down, love come down, love come down, love come down…” The pre chorus might’ve had the lyrics “…negativity just disappears, and flying is so easy once you know how…” A verse might have started with “Take me to a…”


looking for this song on this video 7:20 - 7:40


I guess Shazam didn’t help?


Comeback - lightmuzik, dj standout & evan ford


Hi its been so long im looking for a old song it has a rap in it and a woman sings at the chorus.. probably rnb and hip hop . it goes likes this.. Oh boy you make me so crazy ....and it hard for me to forget. that is the only line I can remember so far please help me out


I'm looking for a song that came out early 2000s I think and it goes like this "cuz, it's the end of the worllllld. Cuz, it's the end of the worlllld" the music video is a cartoon. The main character shoots himself in the end.


No way!



Mark Escorcia

It's the end of the world as we know it by R.E.M.

John Archivolt

Hi, I'm looking for a ballad from the 1980s which played on the radio. Single male vocalist. "We are parachutes tonight, falling down against the sky a candle burning bright ... will you love me tonight"


whats the end song of superstore


Looking for a song..only remember some lyrics..its a woman who sings goes:
I'll always be there for you
I thought our love was true, but now I'm not so sure if you feel the same way too....

This song probably comes out in the 80s maybe early 1990s..

Please help!!


Hi i am trying to find a electro club song from 2000 s. A woman singing "my first love broke my heart/head, I will never forget what it felt. I am dreaming of you, tell what can I do. I am so in love - baby you made this love, baby you made this love, baby you made this love..." and nice beats. Does anyone have an idea?


Title of the song in the movie "The Fable" in Netflix (Japanese movie). Around 1:49:30, the song started playing when Akira gave the drawings to Misaki. I was trying to type in the words which i can hear but won't come out of search engine. Even the movie credits doesn’t have it. Thanks


Old blues aesthetic. The general idea of the lyrics seems to be a theme of repentance -- of being willing to do whatever it takes to be back in the loved one's love (/life), even swimming across a river.

Samuel willam doran

try do the work as you can or being up front and consider of each others feelings and being appertain instead of being rude tell a story of your life could not defend you it seems of in a stable of the stuff in and out of when he gets overwhelmed easily for each of the in-pendently for each song


Im looking for a song that goes like «and i love you soooo» it sounds a bit like dido could write it


Is it “I love you so” by the walters?

Amelie Ferguson

could it possibly be yellow by Coldplay it says that in it


Could be also Cassius


I think it is I love you for infinity or maybe lost in love?


Don McLean?



I am searching song from the Netflix orginal The Kissing Booth 3. The song starts at 40:04 and ends at 41:04. It plays in the background so I can't fully understand what they singing. I tried everthing and I can't find it. The song is not on the soundtrack list.



Hey, im looking 4 a rnb song i Heard it like 12 years ago.
It was a Male rnb singer and i only Know a Part of the Refrain . He sings : ,,im looking 4 a Katie“

Maybe anyone can help.

Lacey Love

I’ve been looking for a song for awhile. I’m not sure how old it is as I heard it from my parents who are in their 50s, but it at least didn’t come out in the last 10 years or so.
(The lyrics I’ve given are probably really wrong, it’s just what I made out hearing the song awhile ago when I was about 10) Here’s some lyrics:

…scripts that are scriptures to those who believe
What are you running from?
You gave it away
You slept for a day
Sometimes we all break down
When there’s no friends around
We…in for …. of winter’s….
Until we …..
In your ……


the song im looking for goes "I think its bout time for me to go like I dive deep" then later in the song it says something about how I'm an infotainment station


That is Astronaut in the Ocean


I don't know the exact lyrics but it's a song that goes like this

(man singing)

people walking on (???)
people falling in love
people (something somethi-ing)
people having some fun(?)

(deep voice)

i got the (some-thing)

in my head it sounds like it could be in D major or minor im not sure, it's about 133 BPM from my head as well

Sounds like it might be "Under The Boardwalk".




Under the boardwalk

Suha Hussein

Hi guys I heard this song in an Instagram ad and I have lost the as and the song is stuck in my head. It sounds like an indie song: "you say you're sorry now but I've seen it all before" pls help

Samuel willam doran

try to listen listen when you have a chance on each song that you have interest in


I’m looking for a song I found on YouTube some years back on an amv mix. It was really high energy and the only part I can remember is “one two three four die” any help would be appreciated.


Calle Ocho by pitbull?

Robbi J

Mambo Number 5?


Please help me get this song out of my's sung by a woman it goes like this "loving you was never two ways all those years you try to love me but, I know it doesn't make any sense but you, you're the one I want, you're the one I hate"........


There's a song. I don't know. Something about K's journey. Something about recovery from heroin addiction. Can't find it anywhere. Please help.

Ana Nemis

Band: K’s Choice Song: Not An Addict


I’m looking for a Thai song that is mixed with little bit of English words, I don’t know the Thai lyric but the English part is like this

Alright you wanna do right here
Alright you wanna do it right now
Alright you want to do it by my side

Or something like that

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