I often find myself Googling for this. Always a little bit embarrassed that I can't remember the incantation (syntax).

Suppose you have a string mystr that you want to fill with with spaces so it's 10 characters wide:

>>> mystr = 'peter'
>>> mystr.ljust(10)
'peter     '
>>> mystr.rjust(10)
'     peter'

Now, with "f-strings" you do:

>>> mystr = 'peter'
>>> f'{mystr:<10}'
'peter     '
>>> f'{mystr:>10}'
'     peter'

What also trips me up is, suppose that the number 10 is variable. I.e. it's not hardcoded into the f-string but a variable from somewhere else. Here's how you do it:

>>> width = 10
>>> f'{mystr:<{width}}'
'peter     '
>>> f'{mystr:>{width}}'
'     peter'

What I haven't figured out yet, is how you specify a different character than a simple single whitespace. I.e. does anybody know how to do this, but with f-strings:

>>> width = 10
>>> mystr.ljust(width, '*')


First of all, I left two questions unanswered. One was how do you make the filler something other than ' '. The answer is:

>>> f'{"peter":*<10}'

The question question was, what if you don't know what the filler character should be. In the above example, * was hardcoded inside the f-string. The solution is stunningly simple actually.

>>> width = 10
>>> filler = '*'
>>> f'{"peter":{filler}<{width}}'

But note, it has to be a single length string. This is what happens if you try to make it a longer string:

>>> filler = 'xxx'
>>> f'{"peter":{filler}<{width}}'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: Invalid format specifier


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I think I misunderstood. It doesn't appear to be possible do a dynamic fill with f-strings. E.g., `f'{name}:{filler}<{length}'` doesn't work, nor does `f'{name}:{filler}<10'` or `f'{name}:*>{length}'`. I've tried doing this before and gave up.


Okay, how about this:

    >>> name = 'peter'
    >>> filler = '*'
    >>> length = 10
    >>> f = f'{filler}<{length}'
    >>> f'{name:{f}}'


Fill character in f-String:



> I.e. does anybody know how to do this, but with f-strings:

The answer is simple:

>>> mystr = 'peter'
>>> f'{mystr:*<10}'

Glenn Hutchings

You put the fill character after the : but just before the < or >, like this: f"{mystr:*>{width}}".

Martin P.

Hi, at least it works with a different single char instead of a whitespace...

>>> mystr = "hello"

>>> f'{mystr:<10}'
'hello '

>>> f'{mystr:X<10}'

>>> foo = 'XYZ'

>>> f'{mystr:{foo}<10}'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: Invalid format specifier

Jonah Bishop

You can pad with a character by doing the following (the padding character must come before the direction and length): f"{mystr:*<10}" # Yields 'peter****'


Thank you so much, I've been searching for this for a while!

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