Filtered by JavaScript

Page 10


A darn good search filter function in JavaScript

September 12, 2018
8 comments Web development, JavaScript

Demo here. The demo uses React and a list of blog post titles that get immediately filtered when you type in a search. I.e. you have the whole list but show less when a search term is entered.

That the demo uses React isn't important. What's important is the search function. It looks like this:

function filterList(q, list) {
  function escapeRegExp(s) {
    return s.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
  const words = q
    .map(s => s.trim())
    .filter(s => !!s);
  const hasTrailingSpace = q.endsWith(" ");
  const searchRegex = new RegExp(
      .map((word, i) => {
        if (i + 1 === words.length && !hasTrailingSpace) {
          // The last word - ok with the word being "startswith"-like
          return `(?=.*\\b${escapeRegExp(word)})`;
        } else {
          // Not the last word - expect the whole word exactly
          return `(?=.*\\b${escapeRegExp(word)}\\b)`;
      .join("") + ".+",
  return list.filter(item => {
    return searchRegex.test(item.title);

In action
I use this in a single-page content management app. There's a list of records and a search input. Every character you put into the search bar updates the list of records shown.

What it does is that it allows you to search texts based on multiple whole words. But the key feature is that the last word doesn't have to be whole. For example, it will positively match "This is a blog post about JavaScript" if the search is "post javascript" or "post javasc". But it won't match on "pos blog".

The idea is that if a user has typed in a full word followed by a space, all previous words needs to be matched fully. For example if the input is "java " it won't match on "This is a blog post about JavaScript" because the word java, alone, isn't in the search text.

Sure, there are different ways to write this but I think this functionality is good for this kind of filtering search. A different implementation would have a function that returns the regex and then it can be used both for filtering and for highlighting.

Hope it helps.

Replace an item in an array, by number, without mutation in JavaScript (ES6)

August 23, 2018
1 comment JavaScript

Suppose you have an array like this:

const items = ["B", "M", "X"];

And now you want to replace that second item ("J" instead of "M") and suppose that you already know its position as opposed to finding its position by doing an Array.prototype.find.

Here's how you do it:

const index = 1;
const replacementItem = "J";

const newArray = Object.assign([], items, {[index]: replacementItem});

console.log(items); // ["B", "M", "X"]
console.log(newArray); //  ["B", "J", "X"]

Wasn't immediately obvious to me but writing it down will help me remember.


There's a much faster way and that's to use slice and it actually looks nicer too:

function replaceAt(array, index, value) {
  const ret = array.slice(0);
  ret[index] = value;
  return ret;
const newArray = replaceAt(items, index, "J");

See this codepen.

UPDATE (Feb 2019)

Here's a more powerful solution that uses Immer. It looks like this:

const items = ["B", "M", "X"];
const index = 1;
const replacementItem = "J";

const newArray = immer.produce(items, draft => {
  draft[index] = "J";

console.log(items); // ["B", "M", "X"]
console.log(newArray); //  ["B", "J", "X"]


See this codepen.

It's more "powerful", because, if the original array (that you don't want to mutate) contains items that are mutable, you don't want to actually mutate them. This codepen demonstrates that subtlety. And this codepen demonstrates how to solve that with Immer.

HTMLMinifier in use on this blog now

August 7, 2018
3 comments Web development, JavaScript, Web Performance

Last week I enabled HTMLMinifier as a post-build step for server-rendered content here on this blog. Basically, after a page is rendered in Django, it's sent to a Celery queue that does things to the index.html file. The first thing it does its that it extracts the stylesheets and replaces them with a block of inline CSS. More details in this blog post. Secondly, what the background job does it that it sends the index.html file to node_modules/.bin/html-minifier. See the code here.

What that does is that it removes quotation marks where not needed (e.g. <div id=foo> instead of <div id="foo">), removes HTML comments, and lastly removes whitespace that is not needed. The result is that the HTML now looks like this:

View source

I also added a line of logging that spits out a measurement of the size of the HTML size before, before with gzip, after, and after with gzip. Why? Because the optimization of HTML minification is usually insignificant after you gzip. See this blog post about how insignificant space optimization is in comparison to gzip. Look at the sample log lines:

Minified before: 38,249 bytes (11,150 gzipped), After: 36,098 bytes (10,875 gzipped), Shaving 2,151 bytes (275 gzipped)
Minified before: 37,698 bytes (10,534 gzipped), After: 35,622 bytes (10,243 gzipped), Shaving 2,076 bytes (291 gzipped)
Minified before: 58,846 bytes (14,623 gzipped), After: 55,540 bytes (14,313 gzipped), Shaving 3,306 bytes (310 gzipped)

So this last one saved 3.2KB of HTML document which isn't a sneeze, but since 99% of clients support gzip, it actually only saved 310 bytes. As a matter of fact, I parsed the log lines and calculated the average and it was saving 338 bytes per page.

Worth it? I doubt it. It's not without risks and now it's slightly harder and weirder to view the source. However 338 bytes multiplied by the total number of visitors per month, I estimate to save a total of 161 MB of data less to be sent.

To defer or to async JavaScript tags. That's the question.

June 29, 2018
0 comments Web development, JavaScript, Web Performance

tl;dr; async scores slightly better that defer (on script tags) in this experiment using Webpagetest.

Much has been written about the difference between <script defer src="..."> and <script async src="..."> but nothing beats seeing it visually in Webpagetest.

Here are some good articles/resources:

So I took a page off my own blog. Butchered it and cleaned up the 6 <script> tags. It uses HTTP/2 and some jQuery and some other vanilla JavaScript stuff. See the page here: neither.html
Then I copied that HTML file and replaced all <script src="..."> with <script defer src="...">: defer.html. And lastly, the same with: async.html.

First let's compare all three against each other:

Neither vs defer vs async
Neither vs defer vs async on Webpagetest.

Clearly, making the JavaScript non-blocking is critical for web performance. That's 1.7 seconds instead of 2.8 seconds.

Second, let's compare just defer vs. async on a 4G connection:

defer vs. async on 4G
defer vs. async on 4G Also, if you like here's defer vs. async on a desktop browser instead.


  1. Don't allow your JavaScript to block rendering unless it's OK to have your users staring at a white screen till everything has landed.

  2. There's not much difference between defer and async. async has a slight advantage as per these experiments. I'm only capable of guessing, but I suspect it's because it can "spread out" the work better and get some work done in parallel whilst defer has things that tell it to wait. In particular, since with defer the order of the <script> tags is respected. Suppose that the file some.jquery.plugin.js downloads before jquery.min.js, then that file has to be blocked and execution delayed whilst waiting for jquery.min.js to download, parse and execute. With async it's more of a wild west of executing whenever you can.

  3. The async.html is busted because of the unpredictable order of execution and these .js files depend on the order. Another reason to use defer if your scripts have that order-dependency problem.

  4. Consider using a mix of async and defer. async has the advantage that some parsing/execution can be done by the main thread whilst waiting for other blocking resources like images.

To CDN assets or just HTTP/2

May 17, 2018
3 comments Web development, JavaScript, Web Performance

tl;dr; I see little benefit in using a CDN at this point.

I took two random pages here on my blog. One and Another. Doesn't matter what they say but it's important to notice that they're extremely similar. No big pictures. Both have 1 banner ad each. Both served with HTTP/2. Neither have any blocking linked assets. I.e. there is no blocking <link ref="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> and the script tags are are either async or defer. Both pages reference one little .png that is not deliberately lazy loaded. That's the baseline.

The HTML document, in both URLs, is served with HTTP/2 but it references a the lazy loaded .css and (a bunch of) .js files, via a CDN. In other words, it looks like this:

▶ curl -v
> GET /plog/hashin-0.7.0 HTTP/2
< HTTP/2 200
<link rel="preload" href="/static/css/base.min.e8df96d84663.css" 
 as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'">
<script defer src="/static/js/blogitem-post.min.f6c0be691e73.js"></script>

So, is a an awesome CDN, but to a first-time visitor, that is going to require a DNS lookup and the creation of a new TCP connection that can be kept alive. The alternative to this is to not put any of the of the .png, .css or .js assets on a CDN. Basically, instead of <script src="">, just do <script src="/foo.js">.

CDNs are really important since latency is a killer to web performance and remember that "Use a CDN" is rule number 2 in the, now dated, YSlow ruleset. However, we're entering an era where HTTP/2 is becoming more and more available in mainstream browsers (hint: nearly 100% of visitors to my site are HTTP/2 support). Buuuuuut, the latency (DNS, connection and SSL negotiation) doesn't matter that much if you have already paid those costs to get to the origin web server ( in this example).

The Experiment

What I'm interested in seeing if there is a way to gauge/measure when it's best to use a CDN and when it's best to use the origin web server to serve all assets. My friend @stereobooster suggested: " is all you need"

Ok. Let's measure that then with and see what we can learn.

Here's a visual comparison of the two URLs when they both use CDN for the static assets.

  • They load pretty equally.
  • The Waterfall View looks almost identical.
  • Confirmed, there are no render blocking resources as it starts to paint already at about 1.5s.

Here's a visual comparison of one using a CDN for static assets and one does not.

  • They load pretty equally (diff by 0.1s).
  • The Waterfall View looks very different.
  • The second one does not have a second "dns - connection - ssl - download" bar.
  • Almost all the .js are downloaded at about 1.8s when there's no CDN.
  • Almost all the .js are downloaded at about 3.0s when using a CDN.
  • Use the little "Waterfall opacity" widget to slide left and right to see the difference.

You can see their webpagetests individually here and here.

Assets over CDN
Two connection prices paid. Downloads individual assets faster but ultimately takes a longer time.

One HTTP/2 connection only
Only 1 connection price paid. ALL assets downloaded sooner, albeit individually slower.


My web server is served from a highly optimized Nginx server in New York, USA. The two Webpagetest visual comparisons above are both done from Virgina, USA. But the killer feature of a CDN is that latency can be so much better thanks to edge locations of the CDN. In particular, KeyCDN have an edge location in Stockholm, Sweden. So what happens when you run the URLs from a Webpagetest machine in Stockholm, Sweden?

The both start to render at the same time (expected since the HTML document is still in New York, USA) but the (rougly) total time to download all the .css and .js is (about) 2.6 seconds when a CDN and 1.9 seconds without a CDN. In other words, despite the CDN geographically so much closer, the static assets are still available sooner without a CDN.

It's pretty clear at this point that it's not a good idea to use a CDN for static assets. Even if they're not critical. The "First Meaningful Paint" and "Time To Interactive" are about the same but when HTTP/2 can download all the .js files faster, their useful JavaScript can start being useful sooner with HTTP/2.

What Else

So in my site, it's easiest to host the whole site on an Nginx server in a Digital Ocean server. It's easy to invalidate its cache (just delete the file from disk and wait for Django to regenerate it). Another advantage with using plain Nginx is that I serve the HTML with Cache-Control headers and then do some post-processing of the .html file and since Nginx is disk-based, I don't have to update a CDN.

An alternative would be to put the whole site behind a CDN. That way, the initial HTML document can be served from a CDN edge location, using HTTP/2 and send the rest of the static assets on the same HTTP/2 connection. But this means that every single dynamic URL (e.g. HTTP POSTs or some per-user XHR requests) has to go via a CDN rather than going straight to the Nginx that is connected to the Django web server.

Last but not least, even though my Nginx server is on a decent machine and pretty well tuned, I very much doubt it's as fast and powerful as a KeyCDN or CloudFront or Akamai or Google Cloud CDN. Those servers are beasts! Mind you, the DNS + connection + SSL negotiation, when requesting from Stockholm, Sweden was about 0.75s to my Nginx in New York, USA. For the KeyCDN edge location the DNS + connection + SSL negotiation was about 0.52s. So not a huge difference actually.

Another important aspect is Service Workers. Perhaps I don't know how to hack it, but it doesn't work when you use differnet domains for the service worker .js file and the URIs it references.

In conclusion; I see little benefit in using a CDN at this point. Perhaps for larger assets like videos, GIFs or high-res images. HTTP/2 changes one of the major web performance rules. End of an era(?)

Webpack Bundle Analyzer for create-react-app

May 14, 2018
0 comments JavaScript, React

webpack-bundle-analyzer is an awesome little program for understanding why and which parts of your bundled .js files are so big. It's a lot more advanced (and pretty) than source-map-explorer.

Thanks to this tip by @trevorwhealy you can now use webpack-bundle-analyzer on a create-react-app bundle. Yay!

Check out the report I made for the client side code of

Webpack bundle analyzed for

One thing I personally noticed from this is that the .png do take up quite a lot of kilobytes. And I'm quite that the whatwg-fetch polyfill uses 12KB before gzip.

Real minimal example of going from setState to MobX

May 4, 2018
0 comments JavaScript, React

This is not meant as a tutorial on MobX but hopefully it can be inspirational for people who have grokked how React's setState works but now feel they need to move the state management in their React app out of the components.

To jump right in, here is a changeset that demonstrates how to replace setState with a MobX store:

It's a really simple Todo list application based on create-react-app. Not much to read into at this point.

Here are some caveats to be aware if you look at the diff and wonder...

  • As part of this change, I moved the logic from the App component and created a new sub-component (that App renders) called TodoList. This was not necessary to add MobX.
  • There are a bunch of little unrelated edits in that such as deleting some commented out code.
  • store.items.sort((a, b) => -; doesn't actually work. You're supposed to do store.items.replace(store.items.sort((a, b) => -;.
  • Later I made the Item component also be an observer and not just the TodoList component.
  • The exported store is called store and, in this version, is an instance of the TodoStore class. The intention is to make store be an instance of combined different store classes, with TodoStore being just one of them.

Caveat last but not least... This diff does not much other than adding more library dependencies and fancy "observable arrays" that are hard to introspect with console.log debugging.
However, the intention is to...

  1. Add react-router to the mix so opening the Todo list is just one of many possible views.
  2. Now the Store.js file can be all about data. Data retrieval, storage, manipulation, mutation etc. The other components will be more simple since their only job is to render that's in the store and send events back to the store based on user actions.
  3. Note that the store is also put into window. That means I can open the web console and type store.items[2].text = "Test change" and simply by hitting enter the app re-renders to this change.

gtop is best

May 2, 2018
0 comments Linux, macOS, JavaScript

To me, using top inside a Linux server via SSH is all muscle-memory and it's definitely good enough. On my Macbook when working on some long-running code that is resource intensive the best tool I know of is: gtop

gtop in action
gtop in action

I like it because it has the graphs I want and need. It splits up the work of each CPU which is awesome. That's useful for understanding how well a program is able to leverage more than one CPU process.

And it's really nice to have the list of Processes there to be able to quickly compare which programs are running and how that might affect the use of the CPUs.

Instead of listing alternatives I've tried before, hopefully this Reddit discussion has good links to other alternatives

The impressive first-meaningful-paint improvement of using minimalcss

April 24, 2018
3 comments Web development, JavaScript

tl;dr; The critical CSS solution, using minimalcss, yields a 40% improvement in First Meaningful Paint and 90% improvement in the Time to Start Render.

About a month ago I enabled minimalcss here on my personal blog to properly test it in production. In that blog post I only looked at the difference in file size. This time, I'm testing the impact of it using I picked two blog posts (that don't have images), but both have some syntax highlighting of code CSS. One and Two. Doesn't matter what's in those two pages but they're relatively similar in shape and size.

In three experiments I compare, on 4G Chome...

  1. both optimized
  2. first one optimized only
  3. second one optimized only
  4. both not optimized

Note! In the following screenshots from Webpagetest the "Thumbnail interval" is set to 0.5 seconds.

Note2! These pages used HTTP/2 and the CSS stylesheets are loaded from a CDN.

BOTH pages optimized

Both pages optimized

Timings both optimized

They are about 0.3 seconds apart in their first meaningful paint.

This is the baseline comparison. It's not perfectly the same first-meaningful-paint but close enough. The point is what difference it makes later.

Only FIRST page optimized

First page optimized

Timings first page optimized

The optimized page is 0.7 seconds faster.

Only SECOND page optimized

Second page optimized

Timings second page optimized

The optimized page is 1.4 seconds faster.

Bonus! Both pages NOT optimized

Just to check that it all holds up. Here, both pages are compared with out the critical CSS optimization.

Both pages NOT optimized

Timings both NOT optimized

If we roughly average out the first paint on the sample where both were optimized (2.1 seconds), this time it's 2.8 seconds. So the optimization of the critical CSS with minimalcss roughly makes the first paint makes it 40% faster.


In the "First Meaningful Paint" is just one of many ways of measuring "success". I put that last word in quotation marks because this stuff is not trivial. Just because you manage to show anything to the user doesn't necessarily mean the user is happy if the user can't do what they want to do. And if you front-load a bunch of things with every trick in the book, you might have a lot of load in the background that might affect the scrolling with yank or flashing content.

I never really know which one to live by as a measure of success but the visual comparison timeline from Webpagetest definitely is fruitful and easy to understand. There is also "First Contentful Paint" which shows a slightly bigger difference between the optimized and the not-optimized pages.

For now, I'm going to call this a success. Adding minimalcss was a mixed bag of challenges. The execution of the script, on a server, requires the right amount of tooling and safeguards. After all, it depends on real web browser running inside a web server spawned from a background asynchronous message queue task with retries, logging, and metrics.

For one thing, if you just look at the visual comparisons and focus only on the rendered title the difference is not 40% faster. It's about 100% faster. That difference is explained by the word "meaningful" in First Meaningful Paint. The rest of the content is at the mercy of the banner ad and the remote loaded web fonts. For example, if you instead compare the "Time to Start Render" average timings of the optimized pages was 1.6 seconds vs 3.1 seconds for the not optimized pages. In other words, the improvement of First Meaningul Paint was 40% and the improvement of Time to Start Render was 93%.

Lastly, remember that what minimalcss (and other critical path CSS optimization tools) does is that it copies CSS from the .css files and includes it in the HTML document. That copying means the HTML document weighs 27KB more and still it wins.

filterToQueryString - JavaScript function to turn current filter into a query string

March 15, 2018
1 comment Web development, JavaScript, React

tl;dr; this function:

export const filterToQueryString = (filterObj, overrides) => {
  const copy = Object.assign(overrides || {}, filterObj)
  const searchParams = new URLSearchParams()
  Object.entries(copy).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length) {
      value.forEach(v => searchParams.append(key, v))
    } else if (value) {
      searchParams.set(key, value)
  return searchParams.toString()

I have a React project that used to use query-string to serialize and deserialize objects between React state and URL query strings. Yesterday version 6.0.0 came out and now I'm getting this error during yarn run build:

yarn run v1.5.1
$ react-scripts build
Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to compile.

Failed to minify the code from this file: 


Read more here:

error An unexpected error occurred: "Command failed.
Exit code: 1

Perhaps this is the wake up call to switch to URLSearchParams (documentation here). Yes it is. Let's do it.

My use case is that I store a dictionary of filters in React this.state. The filter object is updated by submitting a form that looks like this:

Fitler form

Since the form inputs might be empty strings my filter dictionary in this.state might look like this:

  user: '', 
  created_at: 'yesterday', 
  size: '>= 1m, <300G', 
  uploaded_at: ''

What I want that to become is: created_at=yesterday&size=>%3D+1m%2C+<300G&
So it's important to be able to skip falsy values (empty strings or possibly empty arrays).

Sometimes there are other key-values that needs to be added that isn't part of what the user chose. So it needs to be easy to squeeze in additional key-values. Here's the function:

export const filterToQueryString = (filterObj, overrides) => {
  const copy = Object.assign(overrides || {}, filterObj)
  const searchParams = new URLSearchParams()
  Object.entries(copy).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length) {
      value.forEach(v => searchParams.append(key, v))
    } else if (value) {
      searchParams.set(key, value)
  return searchParams.toString()

I use it like this:

_fetchUploadsNewCountLoop = () => {
  const qs = filterToQueryString(this.state.filter, {
    created_at: '>' + this.state.latestUpload
  const url = '/api/uploads?' + qs

UPDATE - May 2018

In the original blog post (now edited and corrected) I copied the wrong code and didn't discover the subtle mistake until now.
What was wrong as the order of the arguments to Object.assign().


const copy = Object.assign(filterObj, overrides || {})


const copy = Object.assign(overrides || {}, filterObj)

The old version was dangerous because it mutated the filterObj passed in. So if you did something like

const qs = filterToQueryString(this.state.filter, {
  created_at: '>' + this.state.latestUpload

it would potentially mutate this.state.filter which isn't desirable.