At work, we use Brotli (using the Node builtin zlib
) to compress these large .json
files to
files. When using zlib.brotliCompress
you can set options to override the quality number. Here's an example of it at quality 6:
import { promisify } from 'util'
import zlib from 'zlib'
const brotliCompress = promisify(zlib.brotliCompress)
const options = {
params: {
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_MODE]: zlib.constants.BROTLI_MODE_TEXT,
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: 6,
export async function compress(data) {
return brotliCompress(data, options)
But what if you mess with that number. Surely, the files will become smaller, but at what cost? Well, I wrote a Node script that measured how long it would take to compress 6 large (~25MB each) .json
file synchronously. Then, I put them into a Google spreadsheet and voila:
Miles away from rocket science but I thought it was cute to visualize as a way of understanding the quality option.