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Notes on porting a Next.js v14 app from Pages to App Router

March 2, 2024
0 comments React, JavaScript

Unfortunately, the app I ported from using the Pages Router to using App Router, is in a private repo. It's a Next.js static site SPA (Single Page App).

It's built with npm run build and then exported so that the out/ directory is the only thing I need to ship to the CDN and it just works. There's a home page and a few dynamic routes whose slugs depend on an SQL query. So the SQL (PostgreSQL) connection, using knex, has to be present when running npm run build.

In no particular order, let's look at some differences

Build times

With caching

After running next build a bunch of times, the rough averages are:

  • Pages Router: 20.5 seconds
  • App Router: 19.5 seconds

Without caching

After running rm -fr .next && next build a bunch of times, the rough averages are:

  • Pages Router: 28.5 seconds
  • App Router: 31 seconds


Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below.

Switching from Next.js to Vite + wouter

July 28, 2023
0 comments React, Node, JavaScript

Next.js is a full front-end web framework. Vite is a build tool so they don't easily compare. But if you're building a single-page app ("SPA"), the difference isn't that big, especially if you bolt on a routing library which is something that Next.js has built in.

My SPA is a relatively straight forward one. It's a React app that uses wonderful Mantine UI framework. The app is CRM for real-estate agents that I've been hacking on with my wife. SEO is not a concern because you can't do anything until you've signed in. So server-side rendering is not a requirement. In that sense, it's like loading Gmail. Yes, users might want a speedy first load when they open it in a fresh new browser tab, but the static assets are most likely going to be heavily (browser) cached by the few users it has.

With that out of the way, let's skim through some of the differences.

Build times

Immediately, this is a tricky one to compare because Next.js has the ability to cache. You get that .next/cache/ directory which is black magic to me, but it clearly speeds things up. And it's incremental so the caching can help partially when only some of the code has changed.

Running, npm run build && npm run export a couple of times yields:


Without no .next/cache/ directory

Total time to run npm run build && npm run export: 52 seconds

With the .next/cache/ left before each build

Total time to run npm run build && npm run export: 30 seconds


Total time to run npm run build: 12 seconds

A curious thing about Vite here is that its output contains a measurement of the time it took. But I ignored that and used /usr/bin/time -h ... instead. This gives me the total time.
I.e. the output of npm run build will say:

✓ built in 7.67s

...but it actually took 12.2 seconds with /usr/bin/time.

Build artifacts

Perhaps not very important because Next.js automatically code splits in its wonderfully clever way.


❯ du -sh out
1.8M    out
❯ tree out | rg '\.js|\.css' | wc -l


❯ du -sh dist
960K    dist


❯ tree dist/assets
├── index-1636ae43.css
└── index-d568dfbf.js

Again, it's probably unfair to compare at this point. Most of the weight of these static assets (particularly the .js files) is due to Mantine components being so heavy.


This isn't really a judgment in any way. More of a record how it differs in functionality.


In my app, that I'm switching from Next.js to Vite + wouter, I use the old way of using Next.js which is to use a src/pages/* directory. For example, to make a route to the /account/settings page I first create:

// src/pages/account/settings.tsx

import { Settings } from "../../components/account/settings"

const Page = () => {
  return <Settings />
export default Page

I'm glad I built it this way in the first place. When I now port to Vite + wouter, I don't really have to touch that src/components/account/settings.tsx code because that component kinda assumes it's been invoked by some routing.

Vite + wouter

First I installed the router in the src/App.tsx. Abbreviated code:

// src/App.tsx

import { Routes } from "./routes"

export default function App() {
  const { myTheme, colorScheme, toggleColorScheme } = useMyTheme()
  return (
      <MantineProvider withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS theme={myTheme}>
        <Routes />

By the way, the code for Next.js looks very similar in its src/pages/_app.tsx with all those contexts that Mantine make you wrap things in.

And here's the magic routing:

// src/routes.tsx

import { Router, Switch, Route } from "outer"

import { Home } from "./components/home"
import { Authenticate } from "./components/authenticate"
import { Settings } from "./components/account/settings"
import { Custom404 } from "./components/404"

export function Routes() {
  return (
        <Route path="/signin" component={Authenticate} />
        <Route path="/account/settings" component={Settings} />
        {/* many more lines like this ... */}

        <Route path="/" component={Home} />

          <Custom404 />

Redirecting with router

This is a made-up example, but it demonstrates the pattern with wouter compared to Next.js


const { push } = useRouter()

useEffect(() => {
  if (user) {
}, [user])


const [, setLocation] = useLocation()

useEffect(() => {
  if (user) {
}, [user])



import Link from 'next/link'

// ...

<Link href="/settings" passHref>


import { Link } from "wouter"

// ...

<Link href="/settings">

Getting a query string value


import { useRouter } from "next/router"

// ...

const { query } = useRouter()

if ( {
  const name = Array.isArray( ?[0] :
  // ...


import { useSearch } from "wouter/use-location"

// ...

const search = useSearch()
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(search)

if (searchParams.get('name')) {
  const name = searchParams.get('name')
  // ...


The best thing about Next.js is its momentum. It gets lots of eyes on it. Lots of support opportunities and great chance of its libraries being maintained well into the future. Vite also has great momentum and adaptation. But wouter is less "common".

Comparing apples and oranges is often counter-productive if you don't take all constraints and angles into account and those are usually quite specific. In my case, I just want to build a single-page app. I don't want a Node server. In fact, my particular app is a Python backend that does all the API responses from a fetch in the JavaScript app. That Python app also serves the built static files, including the dist/index.html file. That's how my app can serve the app straight away if the current URL is something like /account/settings. A piece of Python code (more or less the only code that doesn't serve /api/* URLs) collapses all initial serving URLs to serve the dist/index.html file. It's a classic pattern and honestly feels a bit dated in 2023. But it works. And what's so great about all of this is that I have a multi-stage Dockerfile that first does the npm run build (and some COPY --from=frontend /home/node/app/dist ./server/out) and now I can "lump" together the API backend and the front-end code in just 1 server (which I host on Digital Ocean).

If you had to write a SPA in 2023 what would you use? In particular, if it has to be React. Remix is all about server-side rendering. Create-react-app is completely unsupported. Building it from scratch yourself rolling your own TypeScript + Eslint + Rollup/esbuild/Parcel/Webpack does not feel productive unless you have enough time and energy to really get it all right.

In terms of comparing the performance between Next.js and Vite + wouter, the time it takes to build the whole app is actually not that big a deal. It's a rare thing to do. It's something I do after a long coding/debugging session. What's more pressing is how npm run dev works.
With Vite, I type npm run dev and hit Enter. Faster than I can almost notice, after hitting Enter I see...

VITE v4.4.6  ready in 240 ms

  ➜  Local:   http://localhost:3000/
  ➜  Network: use --host to expose
  ➜  press h to show help

and I'm ready to open http://localhost:3000/ to play. With Next.js, after having typed npm run dev and Enter, there's this slight but annoying delay before it's ready.

The technology behind You Should Watch

January 28, 2023
0 comments You Should Watch, React, Firebase, JavaScript

I recently launched You Should Watch which is a mobile-friendly web app to have a to-watch list of movies and TV shows as well being able to quickly share the links if you want someone to "you should watch" it.

I'll be honest, much of the motivation of building that web app was to try a couple of newish technologies that I wanted to either improve on or just try for the first time. These are the interesting tech pillars that made it possible to launch this web app in what was maybe 20-30 hours of total time.

All the code for You Should Watch is here:

The Movie Database API

The cornerstone that made this app possible in the first place. The API is free for developers who don't intend to earn revenue on whatever project they build with it. More details in their FAQ.

The search functionality is important. The way it works is that you can do a "multisearch" which means it finds movies, TV shows, or people. Then, when you have each search result's id and media_type you can fetch a lot more information specifically. For example, that's how the page for a person displays things differently than the page for a movie.

Next.js and the new App dir

In Next.js 13 you have a choice between regular pages directory or an app directory where every page (which becomes a URL) has to be called page.tsx.

No judgment here. It was a bit cryptic to rewrap my brain on how this works. In particular, the head.tsx is now different from the page.tsx and since both, in server-side rendering, need some async data I have to duplicate the await getMediaData() instead of being able to fetch it once and share with drop-drilling or context.

Vercel deployment

Wow! This was the most pleasant experience I've experienced in years. So polished and so much "just works". You sign in, with your GitHub auth, click to select the GitHub repo (that has a next.config.js and package.json etc) and you're done. That's it! Now, not only does every merged PR automatically (and fast!) get deployed, but you also get a preview deployment for every PR (which I didn't use).

I'm still using the free hobby tier but god forbid this app gets serious traffic, I'd just bump it up to $20/month which is cheap. Besides, the app is almost entirely CDN cacheable so only the search XHR backend would linearly increase its load with traffic I think.

Well done Vercel!

Playwright and VS Code

Not the first time I used Playwright but it was nice to return and start afresh. It definitely has improved in developer experience.

Previously I used npx and the terminal to run tests, but this time I tried "Playwright Test for VSCode" which was just fantastic! There are some slightly annoying things in that I had to use the mouse cursor more than I'd hoped, but it genuinely helped me be productive. Playwright also has the ability to generate JS code based on me clicking around in a temporary incognito browser window. You do a couple of things in the browser then paste in the generated source code into tests/basics.spec.ts and do some manual tidying up. To run the debugger like that, one simply types pnpm dlx playwright codegen


It seems hip and a lot of people seem to recommend it. Kinda like yarn was hip and often recommended over npm (me included!).

Sure it works and it installs things fast but is it noticeable? Not really. Perhaps it's 4 seconds when it would have been 5 seconds with npm. Apparently pnpm does clever symlinking to avoid a disk-heavy node_modules/ but does it really matter ...much?
It's still large:

du -sh node_modules
468M    node_modules

A disadvantage with pnpm is that GitHub Dependabot currently doesn't support it :(
An advantage with pnpm is that pnpm up -i --latest is great interactive CLI which works like yarn upgrade-interactive --latest


just is like make but written in Rust. Now I have a justfile in the root of the repo and can type shortcut commands like just dev or just emu[TAB] (to tab autocomplete).

In hindsight, my justfile ended up being just a list of pnpm run ... commands but the idea is that just would be for all and any command under one roof.

End of the day, it becomes a nifty little file of "recipes" of useful commands and you can easily string them together. For example just lint is the combination of typing pnpm run prettier:check and pnpm run tsc and pnpm run lint.


A gorgeously simple looking pure-CSS framework. Yes, it's very limited in components and I don't know how well it "tree shakes" but it's so small and so neat that it had everything I needed.

My favorite React component library is Mantine but I definitely love the piece of mind that Pico.css is just CSS so you're not A) stuck with React forever, and B) not unnecessary JS code that slows things down.


Good old Firebase. The bestest and easiest way to get a reliable and realtime database that is dirt cheap, simple, and has great documentation. I do regret not trying Supabase but I knew that getting the OAuth stuff to work with Google on a custom domain would be tricky so I stayed with Firebase.


A port of Paul Irish's Lite YouTube Embed which makes it easy to display YouTube thumbnails in a web performant way. All you have to do is:

import LiteYouTubeEmbed from "react-lite-youtube-embed";

   title={youtubeVideo.title} />

In conclusion

It's amazing how much time these tools saved compared to just years ago. I could build a fully working side-project with automation and high quality entirely thanks to great open source or well-tuned proprietary components, in just about one day if you sum up the hours.

How to change the current query string URL in NextJS v13 with next/navigation

December 9, 2022
4 comments React, JavaScript

At the time of writing, I don't know if this is the optimal way, but after some trial and error, I got it working.

This example demonstrates a hook that gives you the current value of the ?view=... (or a default) and a function you can call to change it so that ?view=before becomes ?view=after.

In NextJS v13 with the pages directory:

import { useRouter } from "next/router";

export function useNamesView() {
    const KEY = "view";
    const DEFAULT_NAMES_VIEW = "buttons";
    const router = useRouter();

    let namesView: Options = DEFAULT_NAMES_VIEW;
    const raw = router.query[KEY];
    const value = Array.isArray(raw) ? raw[0] : raw;
    if (value === "buttons" || value === "table") {
        namesView = value;

    function setNamesView(value: Options) {
        const [asPathRoot, asPathQuery = ""] = router.asPath.split("?");
        const params = new URLSearchParams(asPathQuery);
        params.set(KEY, value);
        const asPath = `${asPathRoot}?${params.toString()}`;
        router.replace(asPath, asPath, { shallow: true });

    return { namesView, setNamesView };

In NextJS v13 with the app directory.

import { useRouter, useSearchParams, usePathname } from "next/navigation";

type Options = "buttons" | "table";

export function useNamesView() {
    const KEY = "view";
    const DEFAULT_NAMES_VIEW = "buttons";
    const router = useRouter();
    const searchParams = useSearchParams();
    const pathname = usePathname();

    let namesView: Options = DEFAULT_NAMES_VIEW;
    const value = searchParams.get(KEY);
    if (value === "buttons" || value === "table") {
        namesView = value;

    function setNamesView(value: Options) {
        const params = new URLSearchParams(searchParams);
        params.set(KEY, value);

    return { namesView, setNamesView };

The trick is that you only want to change 1 query string value and respect whatever was there before. So if the existing URL was /page?foo=bar and you want that to become /page?foo=bar&and=also you have to consume the existing query string and you do that with:

const searchParams = useSearchParams();
const params = new URLSearchParams(searchParams);
params.set('and', 'also')

Make your NextJS site 10-100x faster with Express caching

February 18, 2022
0 comments React, Node, Nginx, JavaScript

UPDATE: Feb 21, 2022: The original blog post didn't mention the caching of custom headers. So warm cache hits would lose Cache-Control from the cold cache misses. Code updated below.

I know I know. The title sounds ridiculous. But it's not untrue. I managed to make my NextJS 20x faster by allowing the Express server, which handles NextJS, to cache the output in memory. And cache invalidation is not a problem.


My personal blog is a stack of layers:

KeyCDN --> Nginx (on my server) -> Express (same server) -> NextJS (inside Express)

And inside the NextJS code, to get the actual data, it uses HTTP to talk to a local Django server to get JSON based on data stored in a PostgreSQL database.

The problems I have are as follows:

  • The CDN sometimes asks for the same URL more than once when in theory you'd think it should be cached by them for a week. And if the traffic is high, my backend might get a stamping herd of requests until the CDN has warmed up.
  • It's technically possible to bypass the CDN by going straight to the origin server.
  • NextJS is "slow" and the culprit is actually critters which computes the critical CSS inline and lazy-loads the rest.
  • Using Nginx to do in-memory caching (which is powerfully fast by the way) does not allow cache purging at all (unless you buy Nginx Plus)

I really like NextJS and it's a great developer experience. There are definitely many things I don't like about it, but that's more because my site isn't SPA'y enough to benefit from much of what NextJS has to offer. By the way, I blogged about rewriting my site in NextJS last year.

Quick detour about critters

If you're reading my blog right now in a desktop browser, right-click and view source and you'll find this:

  ... about 19k of inline CSS...
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_next/static/css/fdcd47c7ff7e10df.css" data-n-g="" media="print" onload="'all'">
  <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="/_next/static/css/fdcd47c7ff7e10df.css"></noscript>  

It's great for web performance because a <link rel="stylesheet" href="css.css"> is a render-blocking thing and it makes the site feel slow on first load. I wish I didn't need this, but it comes from my lack of CSS styling skills to custom hand-code every bit of CSS and instead, I rely on a bloated CSS framework which comes as a massive kitchen sink.

To add critical CSS optimization in NextJS, you add:

experimental: { optimizeCss: true },

inside your next.config.js. Easy enough, but it slows down my site by a factor of ~80ms to ~230ms on my Intel Macbook per page rendered.
So see, if it wasn't for this need of critical CSS inlining, NextJS would be about ~80ms per page and that includes getting all the data via HTTP JSON for each page too.

Express caching middleware

My server.mjs looks like this (simplified):

import next from "next";

import renderCaching from "./middleware/render-caching.mjs";

const app = next({ dev });
const handle = app.getRequestHandler();

  .then(() => {
    const server = express();

    // For Gzip and Brotli compression



    // Use the rollbar error handler to send exceptions to your rollbar account
    if (rollbar) server.use(rollbar.errorHandler());

    server.listen(port, (err) => {
      if (err) throw err;
      console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`);

And the middleware/render-caching.mjs looks like this:

import express from "express";
import QuickLRU from "quick-lru";

const router = express.Router();

const cache = new QuickLRU({ maxSize: 1000 });

router.get("/*", async function renderCaching(req, res, next) {
  if (
    req.path.startsWith("/_next/image") ||
    req.path.startsWith("/_next/static") ||
  ) {
    return next();

  const key = req.url;
  if (cache.has(key)) {
    res.setHeader("x-middleware-cache", "hit");
    const [body, headers] = cache.get(key);
    Object.entries(headers).forEach(([key, value]) => {
      if (key !== "x-middleware-cache") res.setHeader(key, value);
    return res.status(200).send(body);
  } else {
    res.setHeader("x-middleware-cache", "miss");

  const originalEndFunc = res.end.bind(res);
  res.end = function (body) {
    if (body && res.statusCode === 200) {
      cache.set(key, [body, res.getHeaders()]);
      // console.log(
      //   `HEAP AFTER CACHING ${(
      //     process.memoryUsage().heapUsed /
      //     1024 /
      //     1024
      //   ).toFixed(1)}MB`
      // );
    return originalEndFunc(body);


export default router;

It's far from perfect and I only just coded this yesterday afternoon. My server runs a single Node process so the max heap memory would theoretically be 1,000 x the average size of those response bodies. If you're worried about bloating your memory, just adjust the QuickLRU to something smaller.

Let's talk about your keys

In my basic version, I chose this cache key:

const key = req.url;

but that means that http://localhost:3000/foo?a=1 is different from http://localhost:3000/foo?b=2 which might be a mistake if you're certain that no rendering ever depends on a query string.

But this is totally up to you! For example, suppose that you know your site depends on the darkmode cookie, you can do something like this:

const key = `${req.path} ${req.cookies['darkmode']==='dark'} ${rec.headers['accept-language']}`


const key = req.path.startsWith('/search') ? req.url : req.path


As soon as I launched this code, I watched the log files, and voila!:

::ffff: [18/Feb/2022:12:59:36 +0000] GET /about HTTP/1.1 200 - - 422.356 ms
::ffff: [18/Feb/2022:12:59:43 +0000] GET /about HTTP/1.1 200 - - 1.133 ms

Cool. It works. But the problem with a simple LRU cache is that it's sticky. And it's stored inside a running process's memory. How is the Express server middleware supposed to know that the content has changed and needs a cache purge? It doesn't. It can't know. The only one that knows is my Django server which accepts the various write operations that I know are reasons to purge the cache. For example, if I approve a blog post comment or an edit to the page, it triggers the following (simplified) Python code:

import requests

def cache_purge(url):
    if settings.PURGE_URL:
        print(requests.get(settings.PURGE_URL, json={
           pathnames: [url]
        }, headers={
           "Authorization": f"Bearer {settings.PURGE_SECRET}"

    if settings.KEYCDN_API_KEY:
        api = keycdn.Api(settings.KEYCDN_API_KEY)
            {"urls": [url]}

Now, let's go back to the simplified middleware/render-caching.mjs and look at how we can purge from the LRU over HTTP POST:

const cache = new QuickLRU({ maxSize: 1000 })

router.get("/*", async function renderCaching(req, res, next) {
// ... Same as above
});"/__purge__", async function purgeCache(req, res, next) {
  const { body } = req;
  const { pathnames } = body;
  try {
  } catch (err) {
    return res.status(400).send(err.toString());

  const bearer = req.headers.authorization;
  const token = bearer.replace("Bearer", "").trim();
  if (token !== PURGE_SECRET) {
    return res.status(403).send("Forbidden");

  const purged = [];

  for (const pathname of pathnames) {
    for (const key of cache.keys()) {
      if (
        key === pathname ||
        (key.startsWith("/_next/data/") && key.includes(`${pathname}.json`))
      ) {
  res.json({ purged });

What's cool about that is that it can purge both the regular HTML URL and it can also purge those _next/data/ URLs. Because when NextJS can hijack the <a> click, it can just request the data in JSON form and use existing React components to re-render the page with the different data. So, in a sense, GET /_next/data/RzG7kh1I6ZEmOAPWpdA7g/en/plog/nextjs-faster-with-express-caching.json?oid=nextjs-faster-with-express-caching is the same as GET /plog/nextjs-faster-with-express-caching because of how NextJS works. But in terms of content, they're the same. But worth pointing out that the same piece of content can be represented in different URLs.

Another thing to point out is that this caching is specifically about individual pages. In my blog, for example, the homepage is a mix of the 10 latest entries. But I know this within my Django server so when a particular blog post has been updated, for some reason, I actually send out a bunch of different URLs to the purge where I know its content will be included. It's not perfect but it works pretty well.


The hardest part about caching is cache invalidation. It's usually the inner core of a crux. Sometimes, you're so desperate to survive a stampeding herd problem that you don't care about cache invalidation but as a compromise, you just set the caching time-to-live short.

But I think the most important tenant of good caching is: have full control over it. I.e. don't take it lightly. Build something where you can fully understand and change how it works exactly to your specific business needs.

This idea of letting Express cache responses in memory isn't new but I didn't find any decent third-party solution on NPMJS that I liked or felt fully comfortable with. And I needed to tailor exactly to my specific setup.

Go forth and try it out on your own site! Not all sites or apps need this at all, but if you do, I hope I have inspired a foundation of a solution.

Command-Enter to submit a form when focus is inside textarea with React (TypeScript)

February 4, 2022
1 comment React

So common now. You have focus inside a <textarea> and you want to submit the form. By default, your only choice is to reach for the mouse and click the "Submit" button below, or use Tab to tab to the submit button with the keyboard.
Many sites these days support Command-Enter as an option. Here's how you implement that in React:

const textareaElement = textareaRef.current;
useEffect(() => {
  const listener = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
    if (event.key === "Enter" && event.metaKey) {
  if (textareaElement) {
    textareaElement.addEventListener("keydown", listener);
  return () => {
    if (textareaElement) {
      textareaElement.removeEventListener("keydown", listener);
}, [textareaElement, formSubmit]);

Demo here

The important bit is the event.key === "Enter" && event.metaKey statement. I hope it helps.

My site's now NextJS - And I (almost) regret it already

December 17, 2021
8 comments React, Django, Node, JavaScript

My personal blog was a regular Django website with jQuery (later switched to Cash) for dynamic bits. In December 2021 I rewrote it in NextJS. It was a fun journey and NextJS is great but it's really not without some regrets.

Some flashpoints for note and comparison:

React SSR is awesome

The way infinitely nested comments are rendered is isomorphic now. Before I had to code it once as a Jinja2 template thing and once as a Cash (a fork of jQuery) thing. That's the nice and the promise of JavaScript React and server-side rendering.

JS bloat

The total JS payload is now ~111KB in 16 files. It used to be ~36KB in 7 files. :(





Data still comes from Django

Like any website, the web pages are made up from A) getting the raw data from a database, B) rendering that data in HTML.
I didn't want to rewrite all the database queries in Node (inside getServerSideProps).

What I did was I moved all the data gathering Django code and put them under a /api/v1/ prefix publishing simple JSON blobs. Then this is exposed on which the Node server fetches. And I wired up that that API endpoint so I can debug it via the web too. E.g. /api/v1/plog/sort-a-javascript-array-by-some-boolean-operation

Now, all I have to do is write some TypeScript interfaces that hopefully match the JSON that comes from Django. For example, here's the getServerSideProps code for getting the data to this page:

const url = `${API_BASE}/api/v1/plog/`;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
  throw new Error(`${response.status} on ${url}`);
const data: ServerData = await response.json();
const { groups } = data;

return {
  props: {

I like this pattern! Yes, there are overheads and Node could talk directly to PostgreSQL but the upside is decoupling. And with good outside caching, performance never matters.

Server + CDN > static site generation

I considered full-blown static generation, but it's not an option. My little blog only has about 1,400 blog posts but you can also filter by tags and combinations of tags and pagination of combinations of tags. E.g. /oc-JavaScript/oc-Python/p3 So the total number of pages is probably in the tens of thousands.

So, server-side rendering it is. To accomplish that I set up a very simple Express server. It proxies some stuff over to the Django server (e.g. /rss.xml) and then lets NextJS handle the rest.

import next from "next";
import express from "express";

const app = next();
const handle = app.getRequestHandler();

  .then(() => {
    const server = express();


    server.listen(port, (err) => {
      if (err) throw err;
      console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`);

Now, my site is behind a CDN. And technically, it's behind Nginx too where I do some proxy_pass in-memory caching as a second line of defense.
Requests come in like this:

  1. from user to CDN
  2. from CDN to Nginx
  3. from Nginx to Express (proxy_pass)
  4. from Express to next().getRequestHandler()

And I set Cache-Control in res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public,max-age=86400") from within the getServerSideProps functions in the src/pages/**/*.tsx files. And once that's set, the response will be cached both in Nginx and in the CDN.

Any caching is tricky when you need to do revalidation. Especially when you roll out a new central feature in the core bundle. But I quite like this pattern of a slow-rolling upgrade as individual pages eventually expire throughout the day.

This is a nasty bug with this and I don't yet know how to solve it. Client-side navigation is dependent of hashing. So loading this page, when done with client-side navigation, becomes /_next/data/2ps5rE-K6E39AoF4G6G-0/en/plog.json (no, I don't know how that hashed URL is determined). But if a new deployment happens, the new URL becomes /_next/data/UhK9ANa6t5p5oFg3LZ5dy/en/plog.json so you end up with a 404 because you started on a page based on an old JavaScript bundle, that is now invalid.

Thankfully, NextJS handles it quite gracefully by throwing an error on the 404 so it proceeds with a regular link redirect which takes you away from the old page.

Client-side navigation still sucks. Kinda.

Next has a built-in <Link> component that you use like this:

import Link from "next/link";


<Link href={"/plog/" + post.oid}>

Now, clicking any of those links will automatically enable client-side routing. Thankfully, it takes care of preloading the necessary JavaScript (and CSS) simply by hovering over the link, so that when you eventually click it just needs to do an XHR request to get the JSON necessary to be able to render the page within the loaded app (and then do the pushState stuff to change the URL accordingly).

It sounds good in theory but it kinda sucks because unless you have a really good Internet connection (or could be you hit upon a CDN-cold URL), nothing happens when you click. This isn't NextJS's fault, but I wonder if it's actually horribly for users.

Yes, it sucks that a user clicks something but nothing happens. (I think it would be better if it was a button-press and not a link because buttons feel more like an app whereas links have deeply ingrained UX expectations). But most of the time, it's honestly very fast and when it works it's a nice experience. It's a great piece of functionality for more app'y sites, but less good for websites whose most of the traffic comes from direct links or Google searches.

NextJS has built-in critical CSS optimization

Critical inline CSS is critical (pun intended) for web performance. Especially on my poor site where I depend on a bloated (and now ancient) CSS framework called Semantic-UI. Without inline CSS, the minified CSS file would become over 200KB.

In NextJS, to enable inline critical CSS loading you just need to add this to your next.config.js:

    experimental: { optimizeCss: true },

and you have to add critters to your package.json. I've found some bugs with it but nothing I can't work around.

Conclusion and what's next

I'm very familiar and experienced with React but NextJS is new to me. I've managed to miss it all these years. Until now. So there's still a lot to learn. With other frameworks, I've always been comfortable that I don't actually understand how Webpack and Babel work (internally) but at least I understood when and how I was calling/depending on it. Now, with NextJS there's a lot of abstracted magic that I don't quite understand. It's hard to let go of that. It's hard to get powerful tools that are complex and created by large groups of people and understand it all too. If you're desperate to understand exactly how something works, you inevitably have to scale back the amount of stuff you're leveraging. (Note, it might be different if it's absolute core to what you do for work and hack on for 8 hours a day)

The JavaScript bundles in NextJS lazy-load quite decently but it's definitely more bloat than it needs to be. It's up to me to fix it, partially, because much of the JS code on my site is for things that technically can wait such as the interactive commenting form and the auto-complete search.

But here's the rub; my site is not an app. Most traffic comes from people doing a Google search, clicking on my page, and then bugger off. It's quite static that way and who am I to assume that they'll stay and click around and reuse all that loaded JavaScript code.

With that said; I'm going to start an experiment to rewrite the site again in Remix.

How to simulate slow lazy chunk-loading in React

March 25, 2021
0 comments React, JavaScript

Suppose you have one of those React apps that lazy-load some chunk. It just basically means it injects a .js static asset URL into the DOM and once it's downloaded by the browser, it carries on the React rendering with the new code loaded. Well, what if the network is really slow? In local development, it can be hard to simulate this. You can mess with the browser's Devtools to try to slow down the network, but even that can be too fast sometimes.

What I often do is, I take this:

const SettingsApp = React.lazy(() => import("./app"));

...and change it to this:

const SettingsApp = React.lazy(() =>
  import("./app").then((module) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        resolve(module as any);
      }, 10000);

Now, it won't load that JS chunk until 10 seconds later. Only temporarily, in local development.

I know it's admittedly just a hack but it's nifty. Just don't forget to undo it when you're done simulating your snail-speed web app.

PS. That resolve(module as any); is for TypeScript. You can just change that to resolve(module); if it's regular JavaScript.

useSearchParams as a React global state manager

February 1, 2021
0 comments React, JavaScript

tl;dr; The useSearchParams hook from react-router is great as a hybrid state manager in React.

The wonderful react-router has a v6 release coming soon. At the time of writing, 6.0.0-beta.0 is the release to play with. It comes with a React hook called useSearchParams and it's fantastic. It's not a global state manager, but it can be used as one. It's not persistent, but it's semi-persistent in that state can be recovered/retained in browser refreshes.

Basically, instead of component state (e.g. React.useState()) you use:

import React from "react";
import { createSearchParams, useSearchParams } from "react-router-dom";
import "./styles.css";

export default function App() {
  const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams();

  const favoriteFruit = searchParams.get("fruit");
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Favorite fruit</h1>
      {favoriteFruit ? (
          Your favorite fruit is <b>{favoriteFruit}</b>
      ) : (
        <i>No favorite fruit selected yet.</i>

      {["🍒", "🍑", "🍎", "🍌"].map((fruit) => {
        return (
          <p key={fruit}>
            <label htmlFor={`id_${fruit}`}>{fruit}</label>
              checked={favoriteFruit === fruit}
              onChange={(event) => {
                  createSearchParams({ fruit: })

See Codesandbox demo here

To get a feel for it, try the demo page in Codesandbox and note has it basically sets ?fruit=🍌 in the URL and if you refresh the page, it just continues as if the state had been persistent.

Basically, that's it. You never have a local component state but instead, you use the current URL as your store, and useSearchParams is your conduit for it. The advantages are:

  1. It's dead simple to use
  2. You get "shared state" across components without needing to manually inform them through prop drilling
  3. At any time, the current URL is a shareable snapshot of the state

The disadvantages are:

  1. It needs to be realistic to serialize it through the URLSearchParams web API
  2. The keys used need to be globally reserved for each distinct component that uses it
  3. You might not want the URL to change

That's all you need to know to get started. But let's dig into some more advanced examples, with some abstractions, to "workaround" the limitations.

To append or to reset

Suppose you have many different components, it's very likely that they don't really know or care about each other. Suppose, the current URL is /page?food=🍔 and if one component does: setSearchParams(createSearchParams({fruit: "🍑"})) what will happen is that the URL will "start over" and become /page?fruit=🍑. In other words, the food=🍔 was lost. Well, this might be a desired effect, but let's assume it's not, so we'll have to make it "append" instead. Here's one such solution:

function appendSearchParams(obj) {
  const sp = createSearchParams(searchParams);
  Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
      value.forEach((v) => sp.append(key, v));
    } else if (value === undefined) {
    } else {
      sp.set(key, value);
  return sp;

Now, you can do things like this:

onChange={(event) => {
-    createSearchParams({ fruit: })
+    appendSearchParams({ fruit: })

See Codesandbox demo here

Now, the two keys work independently of each other. It has a nice "just works feeling".

Note that this appendSearchParams() function implementation solves the case of arrays. You could now call it like this:

{/* Untested, but hopefully the point is demonstrated */}
    {(searchParams.getAll("languages") || []).map((language) => (
      <li key={language}>{language}</li>
    onClick={() => {
        appendSearchParams({ languages: ["en-US", "sv-SE"] })
    Select 'both'

...and that will update the URL to become ?languages=en-US&languages=sv-SE.

Serialize it into links

The useSearchParams hook returns a callable setSearchParams() which is basically doing a redirect (uses the useNavigate() hook). But suppose you want to make a link that serializes a "future state". Here's a very basic example:

// Assumes 'import { Link } from "react-router-dom";'

<Link to={`?${appendSearchParams({fruit: "🍌"})}`}>Switch to 🍌</Link>

See Codesandbox demo here

Now, you get nice regular hyperlinks that uses can right-click and "Open in a new tab" and it'll just work.

Type conversion and protection

The above simple examples use strings and array of strings. But suppose you need to do more more advanced type conversions. For example: /tax-calculator?rate=3.14 where you might have something that needs to be deserialized and serialized as a floating point number. Basically, you have to wrap the deserializing in a more careful way. E.g.

function TaxYourImagination() {
  const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams();

  const taxRaw = searchParams.get("tax", DEFAULT_TAX_RATE);
  let tax;
  let taxError;
  try {
    tax = castAndCheck(taxRaw);
  } catch (err) {
    taxError = errl;

  if (taxError) {
    return (
      <div className="error-alert">
        The provided tax rate is invalid: <code>{taxError.toString()}</code>
  return <DisplayTax value={tax} onUpdate={(newValue) => { 
      createSearchParams({ tax: newValue.toFixed(2) })

A React vs. Preact case study for a widget

July 24, 2019
0 comments Web development, React, Web Performance, JavaScript

tl;dr; The previous (React) total JavaScript bundle size was: 36.2K Brotli compressed. The new (Preact) JavaScript bundle size was: 5.9K. I.e. 6 times smaller. Also, it appears to load faster in WebPageTest.

I have this page that is a Django server-side rendered page that has on it a form that looks something like this:

<div id="root">  
  <form action="">  
    <input type="search" name="term" placeholder="Type your search here..." />

It's a simple search form. But, to make it a bit better for users, I wrote a React widget that renders, into this document.querySelector('#root'), a near-identical <form> but with autocomplete functionality that displays suggestions as you type.

Anyway, I built that React bundle using create-react-app. I use the yarn run build command that generates...

  • css/main.83463791.chunk.css - 1.4K
  • js/main.ec6364ab.chunk.js - 9.0K (gzip 2.8K, br 2.5K)
  • js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js - 1.5K (gzip 754B, br 688B)
  • js/2.b944397d.chunk.js - 119K (gzip 36K, br 33K)

Then, in Python, a piece of post-processing code copies the files from the build/static/ directory and inserts it into the rendered HTML file. The CSS gets injected as an inline <style> tag.

It's a simple little widget. No need for any service-workers or react-router or any global state stuff. (Actually, it only has 1 single runtime dependency outside the framework) I thought, how about moving this to Preact?

In comes preact-cli

The app used a couple of React hooks but they were easy to transform into class components. Now I just needed to run:

npx preact create --yarn widget name-of-my-preact-project
cd name-of-my-preact-project
mkdir src
cp ../name-of-React-project/src/App.js src/
code src/App.js

Then, I slowly moved over the src/App.js from the create-react-app project and slowly by slowly I did the various little things that you need to do. For example, to learn to build with preact build --no-prerender --no-service-worker and how I can override the default template.

Long story short, the new built bundles look like this:

  • style.82edf.css - 1.4K
  • bundle.d91f9.js - 18K (gzip 6.4K, br 5.9K)
  • polyfills.9168d.js - 4.5K (gzip 1.8K, br 1.6K)

(The polyfills.9168d.js gets injected as a script tag if window.fetch is falsy)

Unfortunately, when I did the move from React to Preact I did make some small fixes. Doing the "migration" I noticed a block of code that was never used so that gives the build bundle from Preact a slight advantage. But I think it's nominal.

In conclusion: The previous total JavaScript bundle size was: 36.2K (Brotli compressed). The new JavaScript bundle size was: 5.9K (Brotli compressed). I.e. 6 times smaller. But if you worry about the total amount of JavaScript to parse and execute, the size difference uncompressed was 129K vs. 18K. I.e. 7 times smaller. I can only speculate but I do suspect you need less CPU/battery to process 18K instead of 129K if CPU/batter matters more (or closer to) than network I/O.

WebPageTest - Visual Comparison - Mobile Slow 3G

Rendering speed difference

Rendering speed is so darn hard to measure on the web because the app is so small. Plus, there's so much else going on that matters.

However, using WebPageTest I can do a visual comparison with the "Mobile - Slow 3G" preset. It'll be a somewhat decent measurement of the total time of downloading, parsing and executing. Thing is, the server-side rended HTML form has a button. But the React/Preact widget that takes over the DOM hides that submit button. So, using the screenshots that WebPageTest provides, I can deduce that the Preact widget completes 0.8 seconds faster than the React widget. (I.e. instead of 4.4s it became 3.9s)

Truth be told, I'm not sure how predictable or reproducible is. I ran that WebPageTest visual comparison more than once and the results can vary significantly. I'm not even sure which run I'm referring to here (in the screenshot) but the React widget version was never faster.

Conclusion and thoughts

Unsurprisingly, Preact is smaller because you simply get less from that framework. E.g. synthetic events. I was lucky. My app uses onChange which I could easily "migrate" to onInput and I managed to get it to work pretty easily. I'm glad the widget app was so small and that I don't depend on any React specific third-party dependencies.

But! In WebPageTest Visual Comparison it was on "Mobile - Slow 3G" which only represents a small portion of the traffic. Mobile is a huge portion of the traffic but "Slow 3G" is not. When you do a Desktop comparison the difference is roughtly 0.1s.

Also, in total, that page is made up of 3 major elements

  1. The server-side rendered HTML
  2. The progressive JavaScript widget (what this blog post is about)
  3. A piece of JavaScript initiated banner ad

That HTML controls the "First Meaningful Paint" which takes 3 seconds. And the whole shebang, including the banner ad, takes a total of about 9s. So, all this work of rewriting a React app to Preact saved me 0.8s out of the total of 9s.

Web performance is hard and complicated. Every little counts, but keep your eye on the big ticket items assuming there's something you can do about them.

At the time of writing, preact-cli uses Preact 8.2 and I'm eager to see how Preact X feels. Apparently, since April 2019, it's in beta. Looking forward to giving it a try!