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4 different kinds of React component styles

April 7, 2016
4 comments JavaScript, React

I know I'm going to be laughed at for having misunderstood the latest React lingo and best practice. But guess, what I don't give a ...

I'm starting to like React more and more. There's a certain element of confidence about them since they only do what you ask them to do and even though there's state involved, if you do things right it feels like it's only one direction that state "flows". And events also only flow in one direction (backwards, sort of).

However, an ugly wart with React is the angle of it being hard to learn. All powerful things are hard to learn but it's certainly not made easier when there are multiple ways to do the same thing. What I'm referring to is how to write components.

Partly as a way of me learning and summorizing what I've come to understand and partly to jot it down so others can be helped by the same summary. Others who are in a similar situation as I am with learning React.

The default Component Class

This is what I grew up learning. This is code you most likely start with and then realize, there is no need for state here.

class Button extends React.Component {

  static propTypes = {
    day: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    increment: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.props.increment}>Today is {}</button>

The old style createClass component

I believe this is what you used before you had ES6 so readily available. And I heard a rumor from Facebook that this is going to be deprecated. Strange rumor considering that createClass is still used in the main documentation.

const Button = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    day: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    increment: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  render: function() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.props.increment}>Today is {}</button>

The Stateless Function component

Makes it possible to do some JavaScript right there before the return

const Button = ({
}) => {
  return (
      <button onClick={increment}>Today is {day}</button>

Button.propTypes = {
  day: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  increment: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

The Presentational Component

An ES6 shortcut trick whereby you express a onliner lambda function as if it's got a body of its own.

const Button = ({
}) => (
    <button onClick={increment}>Today is {day}</button>

Button.propTypes = {
  day: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  increment: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

Some thoughts and reactions

  • The advantage with the class is that you can write a shouldComponentUpdate hook method. That's applicable when you have an intimate knowledge of the props and state and you might know that deep inside the props or the state, there's differences you don't need to consider different enough to warrent a re-render of the component. Arguably, if you're in that rabbit hole and need some optimization hack like that, perhaps it's time to break things up.

  • The Stateless Function pattern and the Presentational Component are both functions. Here's what they look like converted to ES5: One and Two. Basically no difference.

  • The Stateless Function and the Presentational Component both suffer from the ugliness of that propTypes guard hanging outside the code. That makes it the opposite of encapsulated/bundled. You have to remember to copy two things.

  • A lot of smarter-than-me-people seem to indicate that classes in JavaScript is a bad thing and I haven't personally understood that argument yet. What I do know is that I kinda like the bundling. You have the whole component in a little package under one name and inside you can put little helper functions/methods that support the render function. Also, having a state in one of those classes is optional. Just because a component doesn't need state, doesn't mean you have to use a functional component. Also, the class is great for putting in side-effects in the componentWillMount and cancel side-effects in componentWillUnmount.

  • Supposedly with React.createClass() you can use mixins, but I've never used that. Is mixins something that's rapidly going out of fashion? I think I need to go back and properly read Mixins Are Dead. Long Live Composition.

  • Boy I wish there was only one way to do things and only one single name. In Django you used to only have view functions. Then class-based views came along and the diversion caused a lot of strain, anger and confusion. "Why should I use which?! I hate change!" was a common noise. However, JavaScript is what it is and React is newfangled stuff.

  • I kinda like the "statement" you make when you write a stateless/presentational function component. Just by seeing its signature you can tell that it won't mess with state inside. But if your needs grow over time and you realize you need a bit of state solely for that component, you have to rewrite it entirely, right?

  • I love plainly writing down the props I need as argument and not have to write this.props.myPropthing. Makes it easy to debug what the code does.

  • Is there not a way to put that Button.propTypes thing in the first React.Component style into the class?? UPDATE There is! Thanks Emiliano for showing me how.

  • If you're prepared to remember more terminology; the class component style is called a Container Component. I like that name!

Please Please Share your thoughts and reactions and I'll try to collect it and incorporate it into this blog post.

December 5, 2015
0 comments Python, Web development, Django, JavaScript, React

tl;dr is a free GitHub webhook service that emails people when commits have the configurable keyword "headsup" in it.

Introduction is great for when you have a GitHub project with multiple people working on it and when you make a commit you want to notify other people by email.

Basically, you set up a GitHub Webhook, on pushes, to push to and then it'll parse the incoming push and its commits and look for certain things in the commit message. By default, it'll look for the word "headsup". For example, a git commit message might look like this:

fixes #123 - more juice in the Saab headsup! will require updating

Or you can use the multi-line approach where the first line is short and sweat and after the break a bit more elaborate:

bug 1234567 - tea kettle upgrade 2.1

Headsup: Next time you git pull from master, remember to run 
peep install on the requirements.txt file since this commit 
introduces a bunch of crazt dependency changes.

Git commits that come through that don't have any match on this word will simply be ignored by Headsupper.

How you use it

Maybe paradoxically, you need to authenticate with your GitHub account but that's in read-only mode and does NOT set up the Webhook for you. The reason you have to authenticate to prepare a configuration on is to tie the configuration to a real user.

Once you've authenticated you get the option to create your first configuration, then you have to enter at least these three piece of information:

  1. The GitHub "full name". This is the org name, slash, repo name. E.g. peterbe/django-peterbecom or mozilla/socorro.
  2. Pick a secret. Remember what you typed, because you'll need to type in this same secret when you set up the Webhook on your GitHub project's Webhooks page. (This is used to checksum and verify the source of the Webhook push)
  3. Who to send to. A list of email addresses separated with a newline or a semi-colon.

Once you've set that up, you'll need to go to your GitHub project's Setting page and enter a new Webhook and the URL you need to type in is and for the "Secret" type in that secret you used earlier. That's it!

Rules and options

The word that triggers is configurable by you. The default is headsupper. And by default, it's case insensitive. You can change that so it's case sensitive. Also, the word has to be word delimited on the left (e.g. a space or a newline character) and on the right it needs to be a space, a : or a !. So this won't match: theheadsup: or headsupper.

Other optional things you can configure are:

  • Which git branch to trigger on (by default it's master)
  • Which emails to CC when it sends
  • Which emails to BCC when it sends
  • Only send when you make a tag

That last option, Only send when a new tag is created, is interesting. I added that option because at work, we make production server releases by pushing a git tag. When a tag is pushed, all those commits are sent to the continuous deployment service which makes a server upgrade. This means you get a chance to enter a heads up message to be emailed to the people who care about new deployments going out.

How it was built

It's a mix between Django and ReactJS. The whole client-side app it built statically with Webpack in ES6. It's served as static files through Nginx. But Nginx is making an exception on all URLs that start with /api or /accounts. The /api/* it used for loading and setting JSON. The /accounts/* is used for the GitHub OAuth endpoints.

What's interesting about this the architecture is that it's using HTTP cookies. Not API tokens. Cookies are quite good in that they're established and the browser does all the automated work of keeping it secure and making each request potentially authenticated.

Here's the relevant React code and here's the relevant Django code that processes the Webhook.

The whole project is available on:

Also, I made a demo at the November Mozilla Beer and Tell.

How to "onchange" in ReactJS

October 21, 2015
28 comments JavaScript, React

Normally, in vanilla Javascript, the onchange event is triggered after you have typed something into a field and then "exited out of it", e.g. click outside the field so the cursor isn't blinking in it any more. This for example

document.querySelector('input').onchange = function(event) {
  document.querySelector('code').textContent =;

First of all, let's talk about what this is useful for. One great example is a sign-up form where you have to pick a username or type in an email address or something. Before the user gets around to pressing the final submit button you might want to alert them early that their chosen username is available or already taken. Or you might want to alert early that the typed in email address is not a valid one. If you execute that kind of validation on every key stroke, it's unlikely to be a pleasant UI.

Problem is, you can't do that in ReactJS. It doesn't work like that. The explanation is quite non-trivial:

*"<input type="text" value="Untitled"> renders an input initialized with the value, Untitled. When the user updates the input, the node's value property will change. However, node.getAttribute('value') will still return the value used at initialization time, Untitled.

Unlike HTML, React components must represent the state of the view at any point in time and not only at initialization time."*

Basically, you can't easily rely on the input field because the state needs to come from the React app's state, not from the browser's idea of what the value should be.

You might try this

var Input = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {typed: ''};
  onChange: function(event) {
  render: function() {
    return <div>
        <input type="text" onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)}/>
        You typed: <code>{this.state.typed}</code>
React.render(<Input/>, document.querySelector('div'));

But what you notice is the the onChange handler is fired on every key stroke. Not just when the whole input field has changed.

So, what to do?

The trick is surprisingly simple. Use onBlur instead!

Same snippet but using onBlur instead

var Input = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {typed: ''};
  onBlur: function(event) {
  render: function() {
    return <div>
        <input type="text" onBlur={this.onBlur.bind(this)}/>
        You typed: <code>{this.state.typed}</code>
React.render(<Input/>, document.querySelector('div'));

Now, your handler is triggered after the user has finished with the field.

Some tips on learning React

August 4, 2015
0 comments JavaScript, React

In the last month I've been playing with React in my spare time. Said time is extremely limited so I'm unable to read the documentation or source code as a way to learn. Instead, I follow various tutorials and snippets on stackoverflow etc. to get going. I have something now that will soon be production ready and I'm excited about it even though it only scratches the surface of what React can do.

If you're learning React, starting from more or less scratch, here are some of my tips:

  1. Start with skimming the official tutorial or this little gem on Both start with a simple index.html in which you include JSXTransformer.js and you write your React/JSX code in a <script type="text/jsx"> block. Not a bad idea. That helps you appreciate what JSX is and how it relates to turning your code into production code.

  2. Don't fear jQuery! For those who've lept from jQuery based apps to AngularJS or Ember are often told to stay away from jQuery and learn to do it the "new way". But don't fear jQuery. Suppose you're working on a widget/component with React code; then you can continue to let your trusted jQuery code handle some other effect or widget on the page like a bootstrap modal window or something. Apparently, at Facebook, the first production use of React was just the little commenting widget underneath posts. They didn't rewrite the whole site in React when it all started. Also, even the official tutorial advocates using jQuery to do an AJAX fetch. (Personally I prefer the built-in fetch and this polyfill for doing AJAX fetches)

  3. Avoid "super-normalization" of components. A lot of React apps is about one master component rendering one or more other components that renders itself with other components. That's fine but can easily get messy when you're starting out. Don't fear writing extra rendering functions in your class instead of always relying on writing yet another deep component. For example, this is perfectly fine.
    It's good to split up distinct functionality into sub-components but don't go overboard. Ideal things for sub-components are things that have their own and different context. Just calling other local functions is for when your render function simply gets too many lines long.

  4. Avoid ES6 (aka Babel) unless you're comfortable with tooling like Webpack and Gulp. I personally jumped into the deep end straight away writing my first big React app in ES6 which has been fun but it's been hard sometimes to find matching resources. In particular around testing frameworks. A lot of stackoverflow posts and blog posts don't use ES6 so some things just don't work. I chose ES6 because I was curious about React and this project is not on any deadline so I was OK with getting stuck here and there.

  5. Remember, React is just Javascript. For someone who has done a lot of AngularJS I sometimes stop and have to think when I'm in AngularJS, "How do this the AngularJS way?". For example, in AngularJS you can't just use var timer = setTimeout(function() { ... because you're leaving "the way AngularJS works". React has its own state-awareness pitfalls but it's not nearly has precarious. Just write your code. It's just Javascript. Use React for what it's good at but don't be scared to just write code. Having said that, it might help to be aware of how binding this works. Here's a good example. (And here's a good counter-example to avoid too much function() {...}.bind(this) noise)

  6. Learn to distinguish between state and props. It's confusing at first. Especially in terms of which should I use when? My attempt of explaining it is that you can think of the state as the database and the props as that data being extracted and passed around to be shown and changed.

  7. Let render() just render. Every component has a render function. Its job is to render the current state and nothing else. It's tempting to do too much logic in there before it returns the JSX but you should avoid it. Suppose your render function renders a list of object. You might be tempted to apply filtering or sorting of that list using other queues, like the state, before displaying. Try to avoid that, it means you can't change the state without causing that whole filtering/sorting logic to run again. Basically, keep the render function short and simple if you can.

Note, I'm a beginner too. My hope is that by sharing these tips more people will get a chance to enjoy React too without being too intimidated by all the things you think you need to learn and understand to build something.

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