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Corp Calendar 0.0.5

June 11, 2004
0 comments Zope

index_html-small.jpg Yesterday we at Fry-IT Ltd. released our little Corporate Calendar application. It's nothing spectacular but it works and does the job for us. We use it on our intranet. It's Open Source under the ZPL license.

Admittedly it's not as advanced as Yahoo! Calendar but at least it's free and simpler. There are some functions we might want to add such as setting the hour separately from the date and having a field for the location, but that's for the future.

This application also uses my CheckoutableTemplates which means that the templates can easily be modified on a instance basis.

Emacs html-mode for .zpt and .dtml

April 15, 2004
0 comments Zope

I've been using XEmacs on windows a lot lately to edit .zpt and .dtml files (template files for Zope) and to get automatic html-mode on these files you need this in your .emacs or 'custom.el':

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.zpt$" . html-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.dtml$" . html-mode))

This is not the first time I've had to add this. Better write it down so I've got it documented somewhere.

DOCTYPE in PageTemplates with METAL

February 9, 2004
1 comment Zope

For the record, this is how to include a "DOCTYPE declaration"n: in Zope when you use "PageTemplates with METAL"n:

In your standard template object (e.g. StandardLook.zpt):

<metal:block define-macro="standard">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <metal:block define-slot="doctype">
   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

This site is not XHTML valid (yet), but W3C has the validator to use. a good looking Plone site

January 31, 2004
0 comments Zope

Plone is an add-on to Zope that is growing very popular in the Zope community developers. Actually, on could say that Zope is the platform and Plone is its killer app.

I'm personally not happy with the default design of a Plone site. I think it's not user-friendly. However, it's relatively easy to change because it's skinnable.

Here's one such site that I must admit looks great: Andy McKay's website for his company ClearWind. Lovely!

A nice and simple article about Zope

December 21, 2003
0 comments Zope

My job is to put together web applications and web pages. The number one tool I use for this is something called an application server. The one of choice is Zope (Zope's community homepage). I don't doubt that this is the best choice of an application server on the market today. Some alternatives might be better suited, but for purposes I don't care for at the moment.

This article describes very plainly what Zope is and how it works. For a senior in the topic I find many technical faults in the article; but that's not so important.

So if you want to learn more about the technology I use, please read the article.

Nice date input

October 17, 2003
8 comments Zope

Inspired and copied from and

This I think is a very neat way of inputting dates on a web form. The server side code must thus be able to parse both 13 december 2003 and 13/12/2003 but that shouldn't be too hard with the DateTime module.

Look at the demo

If you have a browser with which this doesn't work let me know by posting a comment here.

UPDATE this demo had a little bug in the output that I have now fixed.

Wow! Latest Plone sprint

September 21, 2003
0 comments Zope

I read on about the latest sprint at an old castle outside Vienna in Austria. What amazes me is the effort these guys put in. Some 35 people from all over the world participated in the 5 day sprint all at their own cost. No one gets paid except those few lucky whose company encourage their employees to spend some Open Source time.

A sprint is when a bunch of top Open Source developers meet up for a conferencelike event and just sit and program code. I think the most common methodology is XP (eXtreme Programming) at these events.

Plone seems to be a winner. Good work all fellow Open Soure developers.

Squid now working in front of my Zope

July 30, 2003
0 comments Zope

My website has been offline for a couple of days because I've moved it to a new machine (my old laptop with Debain on it) and have it running behind a Squid server instead.

A Squid server is a superfast cache server that makes a temporary copy of the dynamic site requested and serves that instead. The disadvantage with this is that at least one request will spawn the cache to make a copy; then all consecutive requests will be run from Squid instead of Zope.

So if my site is ever slashdotted it should be able to handle the load (...better).

There are still some settings I need to tweak about with to get exactly the kind of caching I need and want. One problem is the laptop that is now my webserver. It is a weak Celeron 500 with 192Mb of RAM, so the performance will still be pretty poor no matter what I do.

Another advantage with having Squid set up like this is that I can easily define all the virtual hosts for my sites (I use pyredir) but also for stuff like images. One hope is to be able to have all photos run off the filesystem and by doing that I'll be able to serve the raw images from a different web server (something really fast like thttpd)