DifferenceFinder (aka. humanreadablediff.py)

July 6, 2006
4 comments Python

I've just quickly put together a little script that computes the difference between two texts in a human readable format. The result when you run diff is a bit difficult to understand for a human being and I wanted something more "humane" that quickly summarises what's different on one simple line. Eg. "Added 2 lines, change 1 line".

This little script is going to be part an undo function in our new CMS that I'm working on. Instead of just pinpointing which revision date you want to go back to you'll also be able to see what the differences were between each revision in the undo history for the CMS.

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RememberYourFriends.com beta version

June 19, 2006
4 comments Web development

RememberYourFriends.com beta version Two years ago I had an idea of a web application that reminds you to keep up the contact with friends on a periodic basis. Now I've put together a new web application that does exactly that called RememberYourFriends.com and is fully working but might get a few more features added later.

RememberYourFriends allows you to tell which friends you want to be reminded about and how often. If it's a really close friend (eg. your own parent and you just moved away from home a week ago) you might set the reminders to be sent every week. If it's a old class mate who you just want to make sure you don't loose contact with completely you set it to remind you every 6 months instead.

The reminders are sent to you via email which makes it very easy for you to go from reading the reminder email to composing a new email to this friend. If you at the current time don't have time to send an email to this old friend, just click one of the "snooze links" and the reminder will be sent again in a day or a week depending on your choice.

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Brick Lane market

June 17, 2006
3 comments Misc. links

Brick Lane market Funny, if you search maps.google.co.uk for my postcode in satelite mode you notice that (if you zoom in an look below the arrow) the Brick Lane market is in full action. Obviously the picture is taken on a Sunday because Brick Lane market is only open on Sundays.

It looks really crowded and big from up here. Chapel market which is open almost all days of the week is covered in a big shadow and doesn't look crowded at all.

UPDATE Seems that Google Earth has updated its picture over the Brick Lane market and this time it's on a market Sunday too! This edition is later in the afternoon though judging from the shadows. latest copy

Tekken with Actual Humans

June 14, 2006
2 comments Kung Fu

Tekken with Actual Humans For all people who like Tekken or martial arts, it's a must that you have a look at this clip which is a faked Tekken match with actual humans. They've just added the sound effects and the fake blood and added some other sounds.

Although I haven't played Tekken 3 much (or whatever the latest version is these days) I recognized a lot of the stuff from the original Tekken that I played.

The moves they do are alright, especially the final double-hitting kick. Generally most of the moves are quite clear and crisp. I like the way one guy wipes of blood from his face or mouth and that that is animated too.


June 11, 2006
0 comments Misc. links

Pleonasm is one of the "hardest" words I know. I learnt it when I lived in France as a french word and then I took for granted that it was called the same in English. I couldn't find the word in the dictionary until today:

pleonasm \PLEE-uh-naz-uhm\, noun: 1. The use of more words than are necessary to express an idea; as, "I saw it with my own eyes."
2. An instance or example of pleonasm.
3. A superfluous word or expression.

So it does exist in English. Cool. Remember the word now :)

Animator vs. Animation

June 8, 2006
1 comment Misc. links

Animator vs. Animation This flash animation is a must-not-miss. It's absolutely hilarious.

Some of you might remember the old kung fu/matrix reanimations of simply drawn stickmen acting out fighting stunt moves. I think this site might work.

My favorite in this animation is probably when the animation uses a rubber to protect against the huge gun that the animator draws. A really unique animation all together. Don't miss it!

TinyMCE + Zope = ZTinyMCE

June 1, 2006
8 comments Zope

ZTinyMCE in action This is my first release of ZTinyMCE. ZTinyMCE makes it easy to use TinyMCE, the best Open Source WYSIWYG editor in my opinion.

We at Fry-IT use this a lot for our websites as shown in the screenshots. The ZTinyMCE product works only with Zope2. Once you have it installed and you have created a ZTinyMCE instance in your root plus a ZTinyMCE Configuration object called "tinymce.conf" all you have to do to convert a plain page of HTML with textareas to a plain page of HTML with WYSIWYG textareas is this:

<script tal:replace="structure here/tinymce.conf">

Weird spam? Or just a weird girl?

May 31, 2006
4 comments Wondering

This just arrived in my inbox:

From: Carmen <tkunpgdng@jumpy.it>
Subject: metting you

Hi there lovely,
This kind of oppcortunity comes ones in a life. I don't want
to miss it. Do you? I am coming to your palace in few days
and I though may be we can meet each other. If you don't mind
I ccan send you my picture. I am a girl.
You can correspond with me using my email eh@freemailserv.com

If that's just plain spam, how does the spammer intend to benefit from this? They're not going to sell any porn or dodgy medicine on an email address are they?

If the evil spammer intends to catch horny idiots who reply and so keep a list of people interested, aren't there easier ways than having to do it this way?

Or is this just a weird girl who tries to make contact. If so, I'm afraid that I don't live in a palace. I live in a flatshare in Shoreditch.

Geeking with tags file for Jed

May 29, 2006
0 comments Python, Linux

A little while ago I wrote about how I got Jed + TAGS to work thanks the ntags library. I've been using it now for a while and I love it! I doubt there are any IDEs that beats a swift combination of Ctrl+2 followed by Alt+. and you get the definition of a function or variable without losing any focus.

If you're not into programming stop reading now because it's going to get even more technical.

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