Here's my take on a function that determines if a variable is an integer or not before or after it's been recast to an int. The functionality is very similar to Python's 'isdigit()' function which works like this:
>>> assert "1".isdigit()
>>> assert not "1.0".isdigit()
However, my Javascript function should return true when the input is an integer or a string of an integer. Here it goes:
function isInt(x) {
var y = parseInt(x, 10);
return !isNaN(y) && x == y && x.toString() == y.toString();
You can see it in action here.
To be honest, I'm writing about this here just to not forget it the next time I need a similar function. Sorry to cause any interweb-noise.
Corrected whitespacing and made a jsFiddle link.