One hot ear Yesterday Sunday I went to one of Dennis Kung Fu camps in St Albans. It was a beautiful day with a chilled breeze.

We practised a two-man-pattern that I've never even seen before and it was great fun.

Just as it was getting dark I was just about the only one left in the field practising my patterns. (A pattern is a combination of movements you perform on your own to remember and learn your kung fu principles.) After a few runs I notice a strange thing. One of my ears got really hot. My forehead was normal and the other ear was really cold as normal. It was just like when you're about to get a fever except it was only the ear.

Strange but interesting since I've never experienced this. And no, there is no simple geometric explanation for it. It's got to be internal; or?


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I've had that happen while doing qi gong and during meditation. No explanation yet!


wow who would have thought there would be a small army of hot ear people. Here u are, and i'm one of them, my left ear, has been hot for over an hour now, and i started doing some research and found u guys, i have had hot ears in the past, but never just one, it is strange and has happened a few times, anyone finds out more info, please post it, it has been affecting my sleep slightly, thanks and hope your ears are cooling off soon, mine better be,


both of my ears do this, actually right now for no apparent reason; I don't get it!

mike heenan

this happens to me all the time after I drink the night before. It's weird, sometimes the right ear gets hot for about an hour or so and sometimes it moves over to the other ear. Both are never hot at the same time


Same here! I keep getting my ears red for no reason. People notice at school and make fun of me because of it. I would like to know why and stop it. When I bluch, my ears go red... Its weird... my face doesnt! I want to stop this redness! :(


I find that when my ears go red I am usually tired or stressed. But if I hit the treadmill for about 20 minutes afterwards I notice that the red ears are all gone.


Hello ! My ear(sometimes both) get really hot and red for about 1-2 hours almost every evening. When I described this in a mail to doctor he said that it could be a part of the carcinoid syndrome. So now they are investigating my levels of hormones(in the blood and urine)to check if I have carcinoid (slow growing malignant cancer) or not. The results should be ready the next week.

Jasmeet Singh

My mother is suffering from this hot ear problem for the last 2 months. And now it has become absolutely unbearable. She had advanced breast cancer 8+ years ago and responded to treatment. We are very worried if this is a case of remission. Can you update us on your check-up results. Regards.
jasmeet (new delhi, india)


Hi !
My results were good and I was feeling good all summer without any "flushes". Now they have tested me for systemic mastocytosis and the results were good. Now my ears and sometimes my face still gets burning red. It´s almost always my right ear and it triggers by temperature change and alcohol.
I also have red rashes beside my nose (rosacea like).


Try looking up erythromelalgia on the internet the symptoms you are displaying seem to fit with this. most people get in their hands feet or anywhere really but it is not uncommon to get facial flares. It is a very rare condition and most dr's dont know anything about it so you will not be diagnosed with it very easily. If you check out this on yahoo groups, "TEA" The erythromelalgia association, YOU WILL GET MORE USEFUL INFORMATION TO GO BACK TO YOUR DR WITH. It may not be this but it sounds like it could be, the burning is painful and can be cooled by cold water soaking if it is EM.

Betsy Nezis

what is the web site for this? My son, 2 years old has this problem.


I am just seeking info about this red ear situation for my grandson...age 6. When he is tired (we think) in the evenings one or (rarely) both ears will turn bright red and get warm. Did you find out any more info?


My 6-yr-old son has the same problem. I started to notice it when he was a toddler, during bath time, in the evening. Usually it doesn't seem to bother him, but the other day for the first time it was very painful for him.


Wow - this is more common than I thought! I was just searching for the red, hot ear problem because my 7 year old has it. He's had this problem for almost a year. It happens at all times of the day...sometimes one ear, sometimes both.


Crazy, I just got online to check out why my son's ear (just one at a time) flares up every now and then. This has been bothering my 7 year old for about a year now. He has had the problem w/out pain for several years. I wonder why there are so many young boys with this problem?? I am definitely going to check out the TEA site.


I am stunned to see so many posts! I just got done holding a wet, cool cloth on my 7 year old son's ear. He has had red, hot ears for several years but it has just started to be painful. It comes on in the evening hours during all four seasons. Very strange that there are so many young boys with this problem!

Dan Steele

I am strangely relieved that so many people have this. Tonight I have one hot, red ear (left), so I googled it and found this site. I do wish someone had a definite answer though...

mandy haynes

i just came on here because my son has been having this problem for a year and he is only 3 now... I thought he might be getting ear infections.. but nothing on the internet says thats a sign,his ear doesnt hurt just bothers him because its hot... and now he makes me blow and it and we have to stick col

Sara Ahrens

My 6 year old has one ear flaming hot, he has been having ear infections, and a cold. I actually wonder if it is chapped, it is below zero out for us lately and his face gets really chapped. I see a trend with 6-7 year old boys tho....weird

mrs jones

fantastic...who would have thought you were all out there..... its actually my husband that has one hot red ear and one cold ear in the evening...please tell me he should drink less alcohol and then it might help with the snoring later on !!


My son just asked me to go on-line and find out why his ears turn so red and hot at night....this is very strange to see so many kids with this same affliction. Has anyone talked to a doctorabout this? The one connection with cancer scares me to say the least! My son is 6 years old and just this past month the red ears have become painful


my six year old has this too and we go to the pediatrician soon. I have heard that food allergies can cause this, and I am allergic to wheat and suspect he might be too. It could also be swimmer's ear, which is a bacterial infection. hope you go to the pediatrician and we can both share answers. thanks!

Tim in Florida

Blair, oddly enough just this afternoon I drank about 4 oz of asparagus puree and right now I am experiencing my left ear very hot and red. I am 45 years old and never to the best of my knowledge experienced this before. Like everyone else I googled it to find out more. I don't even eat asparagus normally but was reading how asparagus has these amazing medicinal properties. My interest and reason for trying it revolved around busting kidney stones. I still have about 10 oz in the refrigerator, boy is it nasty. You may be correct about the food allergies. I have allergies to almost everything outdoors and indoors for that matter. I know I am allergic to tomatoes and suspect allergies to some corn product. Perhaps I'm having a reaction to the asparagus.


Hi Ive had hot ears, back of neck associated with anxiety at random times for a few years. Usually after wine, beer, prawns, salmon, etc. It responds to antihistamine tablets after 40min-1hr. It began to get worse and even though Im a doctor myself I couldnt figure it out. Initially my allergy team thought I had systemic mastocytosis, but it turned out in the end I had an intolerance to Sodium Metabisulfite and suddenly everything made sense. This preservative is in everything and your reaction to it depends on how much you expose yourself-even up to 48hrs later. See these links:


thanks a LOT. My EARS ARE HOT AND RED and patches on the neck too. I have eaten takout. This is agony.

q storey

hi, my 8year old daughter same issue withnher left ear becoming hot and turning red. recently i asked a doctor and she seemed very dumdfounded without an answer.I think u mentioned the possibility of a food allergy.


Hi Sue, March 2nd, 09
My mother has had the hot ear her whole life. (Left ear) I am 41 and have had it my whole life same ear. Now my 12 yr old son had his first hot ear also left ear. I have never found any Dr that knows why. I am in good health no problems. My mom the same way. This is my second hot ear today. My ear burns red and is so hot to the touch. I put ice on it and it doesn't even help. The only thing that we can figure is we seem tired when this happens.


hello i have had this problem since i can remember and my 6 year old has the same problem so much so that he has to put ice on it too one burning hot red ear i usually get the burning ear and cheek when i get out of a hot shower or have alcohol sometimes i get it for no reason my mom has this saying that when your ear is burning it means someone is talking about you lol. i wish it was that simple i have looked all over the internet for the reason and haven't found one i guess this is it at least its good to know that there are other people out there who have the same thing and im not alone


If you ever find out what causes this, LET ME KNOW! Sometimes my face will get hot and a burning sensation and red, then that will go away when my right ear gets red and hot, then it moves to my left ear.


It is SOOO good to learn that so many other people (of all ages) have the RHE (red hot ear) syndrome. Mine is always the right ear. I am 59 years old. The first tiime was last year when I was getting my hair done. The beautician thought it was the blow dryer. It doesn't happen frequently, but when it does - it is uncomfortable and embarassing! My doctor is watching my blood pressure. When I told him about my RHE - he said he had never heard of that!


This is usually from an allergic reation to a chemical. As a hair dresser, I have seen & experienced this many times. Try & use a different type of color, see if it doesnt change. It may also be a sensitivity to heat or chemical also. (Not necesserrily allergy).


Thank you for responding, and thank you to the masters of this site for letting me know you had done so!

I don't seem to be having the RHE too frequently (right now!) I will ask my beautician when I see her next week if she changed chemicals!


Hi Suzanne,I just read your story it is simmilar to mine exept in my case it is my swells up is deep red painfull to touch an i also have a tremendous headach too sometimes and feel powerless.i consulted different doctores and finally im seeing a doctor for rheumatism.He is cecking me for relapsed polychondritis and morbus wegener now.both not good but i hope i will get a diagnose and treatment.:(

Monique Bryant

Hi, I wanted to reply because you mentioned pain. I have severe migraines since I was a kid. I'm 47 now and I get the hot, red ear. Almost always the right ear. Then the headache comes on the left side. Occasionally my right ear will get hot and red, but I never get the headache wen that happens.
In the last 3 years this has been happening to my son. It's the same thing with him. Right ear, left headache. He does not however get the heat/redness in the left ear.
The weird thing is that it will happen on the same day to both of us. Even if we eat different foods, etc. I think it is the weather. The change in barometer, it's Gonna rain, or an extreme change in the weather.
Like a 20 to 30 degree difference in the temperature.
Another interesting correlation is that Auto-Immune diseases run in my family. My grandma had Multiple Sclerosis, my sister has Lupus, Sjrogens Syndrome, my mom has Rheumatoid Arthritis, I have Lupus, mad my oldest sister has an Ataxia disease. All autoimmune. Your body is literally attacking itself. Thinking your good cells are defected, diseased etc.
I just read that they think Migraines are an Autoimmune disease. Migraines are not a headache. They are a neurological diseases from the brain. There are many symptoms, headache is one, and so is vascular disruptions. Veins and arteries that increase or decrease in size, thus affecting blood flow! Thus affecting oxygen to your body, which is why oxygen helps some people. I use a nice pack on my ear and try to help the blood flow to regulate.
Have you noticed any other strange symptoms when this happens to you? No matter how stupid they sound?
Write down everything. Does this happen during weather changes? What is different.. Etc?
Good luck


Let me start by saying that my intent is to inform and not to frighten. I suffered severe chemical Truma to my ears, and shortly thereafter I started to experience RES. After some time the problem dissappeared. My left ear was the one to get hot and red, and it would last for about an hour or so. The problem returned, but very sporadically. It's important to note that the ear lobe does not get red as there is no cartilage In the lobe. I have researched this problem, and The results are frightening. Red ears, or red ear, is a marker for a serious autoimmune desease, Relspsing Polychrondritis. When Coupling the red ear with cartilage issues, mainly joint pain, my concern level went vertical. RPC is a very rare desease. It is difficult to diagnose, and little is known about this desease. Only 3.5 people out of a million are diagnosed with RPC: there is no cure, treatment options are limited to NSAIs, and steroids, and the complexion of the desease changes with regulalarity. I have had a sed rate, & C- reactive test done. The sed rate is slightly elevated, but the c- reactive is normal. I will discuss this with my GP to determine where to go from here.


My 6 year old has had this problem for the last 4 years. I was told it was allergies and that it happens when he eats anything with soy, tomatoes and chocolate. He is now getting the red burning ears when he runs around and plays hard. Now I am not so sure it is food related???????


Hi Lisa, My 7 year old also his this problem, usually just in one ear. Sometimes it turns red for no apparent reason, other times it's while he's doing his homework or reading to me. It makes me wonder if it's a physical symptom of stress or anxiety. Has anyone else noticed this connection?


Wow I too am in shock over how many people are trying to get info on the red hot ears. My seven year old has just started having this problem. He does not have any pain on the inside of the ear, but the outsides get red and hot.... What is causing this??? any ideas???

mandy haynes

i have not been able to find anything else out,though recently my sons ear is getting worse and i noticed that his cheek is doing it as well only stay for about a 1/2 usually its been happening since he was 2 and starting happening more recently sinced we moved into our house,but his does seem to do it more when he runs around the house or jumps on the bed,so I dont know... I didnt know there were so many kids with this problem,I havent talked to his dr. yet


Well you guys don't have to feel to bad, I'm going on 32 and I've had it from time to time for years. In the last week or so almost every day I have had my cheeks feel warm, my wife says they are a little red but not much. (I'm white but the like 1/64 indian I am keeps me pretty tan if I'm in the sun at all) So I wouldn't call me fair skined. Anyone have an awnser?


I am 32 also and seem to have one red hot ear (left). It usually occurs during mid-late afternoon and/or evening. It typically happens either when I'm stressed, tired, or both it seems. Some weeks are better than others but the red ear happens least once a week. I've probably had it for a couple of years now. Not really painful but just uncomfortable. I don't suffer from ADHD and consider myself in good health. I don't seem ot be allergic to any foods.


I noticed that you mentioned that you do not have ADHD. Is the red ear a symptom of ADHD? My 7 year old son has just been diagnosed with ADHD and also has one red ear on a regular basis.


My four year old son also suffers from red ear syndrome, usually just one, his left and it seems to occur in the evening or when he is tired. We just assumed he got this from my husband as he also gets red ears, especially when he gets angry or has a few drinks. I am surprised how many people suffer from this and will keep reading this website on a regular basis.


This just started happening to my son (usually left ear, sometimes both), he is two. I am very concerned about it. He is allergic to dairy. His cousin who is almost 4 also has this, he is autistic and allergic to practically everything.


This happens to me a lot too ... the good thing is that normally it doesn t happen at school =D


My 5 year old son is experiencing this same hot ears. He is very smart and understands things around him that will be cool to his ears. He started a few weeks agao and it was after he ate White Tortilla chips. You can see them get flaming hot and they are hot to the touch. The only ingredients are white corn, soybean oil, sunflower oil and salt. He will now not eat white chips since it is so painful. But he is still experiencing the symptoms especially around bedtime.


Intresting to hear that he was eatting white tortilla chips, what kind were they? That's a type of chip I eat all the time. You mentioned his was painful though, Personally I feel no pain assosated with it, I just have warmth, does he has one ear hot the other cold?


My 13yo daughter has been getting the red, hot, painful ear for about 8months. She claims she started getting it when she started swimming lessons, but she has a weird memory.

Anyway, check out phenol allergy and the feingold diet. I am getting ready to try this with my daughter. Also, as for the phenol allergy, it is associated with a lot of our fav foods, such as tomatoes, bell peppers, oranges, etc...there seems to be an enzyme you can put on the food that will stop the phenol effect.

I am in the very early stages of investigating this, so sorry I don't have any definitive info on this.

Good luck!


BINGO! reading up on phenol allergy and food intollerance seems to answer both my mother's Red Hot Ear and my son's systemic mastocytosis symptoms (tests came back neg. for masto but the symptoms were right). The culprit in both cases seems to be tomatoes (and possibly an apple chaser). We will experiment with my mother's diet. We will not take any chances with my son, he goes straight to anaphylaxis.


So I just finished up reading quickly and noticed several common things, and wonder if any one has input. Mostly Boys! Neck Issue. ADD or ADHD, eczema, asthma. My son has all of it. Has anyone had good results with Chiropractic? Maybe we need a new one....


my son has ADD, asthma and allergies and is lactose intolerant he gets this in both ears and get very hot in the face he is 13, I thought this was a new problem but looking back he has always gotten really hot and red in the face, with so many other issues he tends not to complain until lately when he plays his drums or gets overheated his ears burn bad and he peels his shirt off when its cold out he will play basketball with a thin tank top, to control the burning.


Interesting....I am a 53 year old woman and it seems that every fall I get a red, itchy ear....usually the right ear but sometimes the left, and sometimes both! This fall it has been almost constant. l First the right ear...(the pinnea), that cleared, then it was the left ear lobe, now, it's both. The itch is so intense, and almost internal...the little scratch now and then is gratifying but quickly intensifies redness, swelling, and spreading. It would probably only last a couple days if I could just leave it alone. I alternately apply hydrocortisone cream and benadryl topical spray...some relief. The main reason I am commenting is that I had severe childhood asthma, had occasional eczema and have been diagnosed with ADD. Good Grief! Could this all be intertwined? Additionally, I had chili last night for dinner.... tomatoes? I've always figured that it was some type of allergen in the environment, hair spray or different pillow....foam? feathers? Don't know, but it is very irritating for sure. Hanna

Tamara Frank

Debbie, My son has the red ear syndrome which flared up tonight. As we were reading your comments we realized that my son had eaten tomato soup and an apple. Have you found anything else out about this combination of food and the correlation to the red ears?


Tamara, My mom has been watching her diet and so far no more "Red Hot Ear". I talked to my son about it and he hasn't had an "attack" for a couple years, but he will be watching his diet. I knew when he was young that he was sensitive to tomatoes (his face would break out in a rash whenever he ate spaghetti). Good Luck


wow! My son is 4, and has been having this problem for a couple of months now, had a flair up tonight, and had eaten salsa, and tortilla chips... maybe there is something to this...

Leigh Ann

My son also has this issue with his ears. Tonight was extreme. By any chance did the Feingold Diet work? If not has anything seemed to help? Would greatly appreciate any direction.


Leigh Ann

maggie reygers

Hello, Did you ever find anything out on the swimming and what type of water was she in. My son started to get hive after going to the YMCA pool, which is saline water. Now he has hot ear. Just happened first time tonight. could anyone please tell me what they have learned.


I was just at my friend's house when I noticed that one of my ears was bright red. I had not been touching it or anything. She said that, for years, she had noticed that when she, her husband, or one of her 3 kids had a fever, the one in question always had one red ear. So I asked her to take my temp. and, sure enough, it was elevated. I had never heard of this and don't know if it will help anyone, but I thought I'd share. I could not find anything to support this theory on the net.


I will have to check my temp next time I have an "episode" have not had one for a little bit, very strange that I had it so much for a little bit and it went away. Crazy stuff. Have fun guys and keep me posted. Will let you know about tempp next time it happens.


So funny! I have been experiencing red, hot ears for as long as I can remember. All of my siblings and my mother have the same problem. Sometimes it happens when we have had alcohol, are stressed, hot, and sometimes when we are completely relaxed. It's not painful at all. I can't figure it out. My mother and sister are European. My brother and I are European decendant. I've mentioned it to my Doc and he has no idea. I've never done a temp check. Will do next time.


Do any of you have joint pain?


I actually do. Most recently in my hips. But I have experienced joint pain off and on in other areas. Why do you ask? RA maybe? I had a lot of foot pain and had x-rays that came back completely normal...


Yes I have joint pain but not related to the ear thing, just old age. (32 years old :-) ) Ok so not old age just feel old. :-) Had quite a spell there for a little while of Flush face and one ear thing (not always at same time) but not so much lately (sorry, spelling). Nothing intresting to report. Have not check temp due to not having one.


My son had the flu a few months ago and then a problem where the virus moved into his hip causing intense pain. He also has eczema. Yesterday morning he woke up with a red hot itchy ear. I thought it was where he had slept on it, but it was still there at bed time tonight.


I have joint pain,muscle pain, i hurt all over cant slee most of time,doc. has no clue. my ear burns like it is on fire it hurt extremly bad. HELP


look into RELAPSING POLYCHONDRITIS OR CHONDRITIS, it is very rare but affects cartilage and joints it is usually painful and just check with your Rheumatiologist, it usually affects people in the 50's but my 6 year old was just diagnosed with it. All my 6 year old has is continuous red swelling of right ear and redness of left ear. rarely a fever, high energy and it just seems odd for a child to have this but, he was just diagnosed so i am looking into it more. I just came across this web site. good luck.


Are you taking nexium or some other type of PPI drug for GERD?

Monique Bryant

Hot red ear gives me a migraine on the opposite side of head. Not my own dx of migraine, but the neurologist. My son gets same thing, red, hot ear then migraine.
I just read in a medical journal that doctors think migraines are an. Autoimmune disease. Remember, you do not have to have a headache to have migraines. That is 1 symptom. Usually people do, but not always. You mentioned joint pain. Possible RA?..
If so, maybe the read ear is from migraines.


My daughter has joint pain all over & the one hot ear. She also has eczema (sp?). She has not been in to see the Rheumatologist yet, but I wonder if it's simply a form of eczema. I hope it is not arthritis of any kind for you.


Interesting, my son(5) has had eczema for a number of years and for the last few weeks he is now complaining of a hot ear???

Janet K.

I first noticed my “red ear” issue when I was in my mid 20's (now 44). It seemed to happen when I was extremely stressed or angry (which was often, at least when I worked for Walgreen's as a Pharmacist in Milwaukee). The ear (rarely both) turned bright red, began to throb, and was hot to the touch. No sweating occurred. Friends and co-workers found it highly amusing, but the severe unilateral headache that followed was nothing to laugh about.
I have had classic migraines since the age of 7, and Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania (CPH) since 27 years of age. I have severe cervical disc disease and believe that nerve impingement has a lot to do with my difficulties.
What a mess! It's a rare day that I DON'T have a headache of some sort. I feel sorry for the loved ones who feel sorry for me!

Betty Emberly

I was diagnosed by a nurologist with red ear syndrome about 5 or 6 years ago. At that time about 37 reported cases..people with history of migraines, TMJ and cervical disc problems. Triggers include cool breeze (bad with air conditioner) Causes severe trigeminal pain...left side of my face. Treatment with gabapenten helped but side effects...treatment with ibuprophen worked but developed an ulcer. I find blocking the stimulus to be the best treatment. I use a single ear muff. My doctor co wrote a paper with physician at Mayo Clinic.. was loking for it tonight ..his name Dr Purdy.

N.S, Canada

Monique Bryant

Hi Betty,
I get migraines, red ear syndrome and have lupus. But I never thought about my neck. I have a compressed disk and no curve in it.

shelley k

My co-worker just today mentioned that both my outer ears/lobes/rims were bright red. I thought he was joking til I looked in the mirror. The are quite warm/hot to the touch. This is a first for me at 45 yrs. of age. You know, a few days ago I started bleeding from my uterous(mis-carraige? change of life?)but not sure yet what the exact cause is. More tests to be done. Anyway, they put me on ALPROLOZAM (?) for anxiety. Do you suppose all these things could some how be connected? Weird.


My son has been getting red hot ears (usually one) for years. It is due to a sensitivity to salicylates. Any tomatoes, berries, oranges and others will cause it. Salicylate sensitivity can also cause eczema too. Go to and you can read more about it.


how do you know its salicylate sensitivity? any form of testing?


We kept a food diary and whenever he ate something with a high salicylate content his ear would get red hot and swollen. Since eliminating them he has been fine. He also no longer has to take meds for ADHD. The salicylates cause hyperactivity too.


Yeahh, me and my dad have it, and it doesn't hurt it just feels like it's burning and sometimes itchy, and I get joint pain in my knee sometimes. But it doesn't hurt and I can handle it, I just need ice held to it! Glad I'm not the only one


I too have this problem. Had it quite a bit more in my late teens(now 30). Back then, quite a few girls I talked with had it also. None of the guys I knew did though. Alcohol may have been the factor back then. Now I have noticed that it happens when I am exposed to chemicals or paints. Any time I paint (even low VOC) it would happen. I used to remodel houses and so this happened quite regularly. My husband thinks I am crazy, but obviously he can see the bright red ear! 2 weeks ago our basement flooded. In the process of drying it out, we got a mildew smell. So I sprayed the floors with bleach. Not sure if it was the bleach or mildew. But the red ear lasted on and off for several days. This time my ear was itchy (never happened before) and started to get dry, to the point of having to put lotion on it. I haven't read of anyone else here, although I didn't read all posts, who had the reaction to chemicals and paints. Anyway I try to stay away from toxic stuff, seems to help!

Shane Green

I get this too, very often. I have discovered that I have a sulfite intolerance. Ingestion of sulfites makes my whole face, ears included, turn red and hot. Even now that I'm watching sulfites, though, I am often plagued by one or both ears turning bright red and hot.

Sulfites are in most corn-containing products, as well as soy containing products. Modified corn starch, corn syrup, etc.: all sources of sulfites. They are an ingredient, of ingredients; they are not normally listed anywhere on the food labels.

It's entirely possible that, in spite of my efforts, I'm still getting some sulfites at least 3 or 4 days a week. I have noticed that, on those days I thrown sulfite cautions to the wind, I typically suffer the hot ear(s) to a far greater extent--painfully so--than I do on days where I'm careful.

Children can develop sulfite intolerances, some theories claim, by sulfite containing foods that have not been fully digested entering into their circulatory system. The food requiring more breakdown is considered an invasion and the body mounts an immunoresponse. This leaves the child with antibodies to sulfites, similar to the mechanism used to inoculate against other types of infections.

An interesting connection that someone drew between these facts was that all soy based baby formulas he researched, contained sulfites. Children given soy based baby formula are typically given it due to digestive difficulties, making it all the more likely that some of the food may not be digested fully.

I was raised on soy milk because of stomach problems resulting from the constant antibiotics taken for ear infections. Of course, I also have severe ADD...

Alex W

Marybeth, I started having panic attacks/anxiety issues about 4-5 years ago. Since then I have noticed the issue with one ear getting warmer than the other. It also happens if I get tired/sleepy at night and then stay up anyways- sometimes because I'm drinking with friends.

I've always associated it with a jump in heart rate, either from getting my 'second wind' or from a panic attack.


I have your same symtoms as you do and was wondering if you have found any causes yet? I have been to sooooo many doctors and they don't know what it is.

Melissa S

I just recently started noticing my ears would starting feeling warm and would be red...then I would get really bad migraines. I have always had migraines but it was odd how after my "left" ear would go thru this phase I would get a migraine. I started noticing this probably about 6mths now. I asked a lady at work about it and she was like oh it's probably just stress, but the fact was I was under no stress at the time!! I am going to ask my neurologist about the burning ear to mirgraine scenario when I go for my check up in February '08 & let you guys know if she says anything...or if she just looks at me like I'm a nut! hah


Do you take Niacin? I tried all the prescription high cholesterol medications and my legs felt so weired like numbing sharp little pains,strange pains in different areas of my leg through out the day. I stopped all of them! I started taking Niacin over the counter because I researched for a natural cure, Niacin was effective 250mg a day without the pain in my legs. Within six months my cholesterol dropped from 252 to 196. We went out for Hot Wings and beer one night, when we I started drinking a few beers my face, ears and the top of the upper part of my legs were red hot, burning real bad. For a few moments I didn't say anything, didn't want to alarm anyone, my friend across the table ask me what was wrong
because my face was fire red, long story short I traced it to the Niacin. You can not have alcohol when taking Niacin.
Now, I take it at night before bed, and will skip the dose if I am going out to have a few beers. I will not take it the night I have had any alcohol and everything is fine.

Hope this helps some of you.


I have had this hot ear problem in the past usually both ears. But for the last week or so it has just been on my left ear. Along with head, neck, shoulder, back and body pain all on my left side. I also have Rosacea, it usually shows up after a shower.



My botfriend has had hot red ears for years. It seems to start in the evening and usually after a shower. It can sometimes be quite painful. It baffles me that after all these posts no-one seems to have any diagnosis, or any idea what could cause it.

Rajnikant Choudhary

Dear Friend
I readr your article about red hot ears
so do u got the tests and wht are the results kindly mail it to me
do they occure when u think or pass through mental stress or anger.

Thanking you

IAnonymous - 13th May 2006
Hello ! My ear(sometimes both) get really hot and red for about 1-2 hours almost every evening. When I described this in a mail to doctor he said that it could be a part of the carcinoid syndrome. So now they are investigating my levels of hormones(in the blood and urine)to check if I have carcinoid (slow growing malignant cancer) or not. The results should be ready the next week.


Hi Rajnikant,
I have been tested for carcinoid (5HIIA urine collection) and for systemic mastocytosis (imidazole acetic acid urine collection) and all tests have been good. My doctor takes this seriously but they can´t find the cause.
Now it´s almost one year ago when I first noticed this. Regarding stress I can tell you that I have been in a very stressful situation since 1 1/2 years ago when they stared to investigate a cyst in my spleen. They didn´t know if it was malignant or benign. One year follow up of the cyst showed no change in size or shape so it´s benign but I´m still kind of stressed about it.


Hi Everyone. I have had a carcanoid tumour removed (1979) and did have the horrible flushing. I recently (2001) well I guess not so recently was diagnosed with relapsing polychondritis. It affects any cartilegde, so could affect the upper part of your ear but not your ear lobe as there is no cartiledge there. Hopes this helps.


I am 73 years old and have been having this painful, red ear problem for several years. Just last year an ENT doctor diagnosed it as relapsing polychondritis. It affects one ear or the other, sometimes both. When it happens, the ear is not only red but becomes very swollen and extremely painful. And it doesn't come and go in an hour or two as in some of the "red ear" cases here. Mine will last about ten days. It starts slowly, peaks for about 4 days and then starts, very slowly, getting better. There is no known cause or cure but it has something to do with the autoimmune system. It does just affect the cartilage and not the ear lobe. When I get an episode the only thing I can do is to take Advil for the pain and put an ice pack on my ear. I have learned to live with it. My husband has almost the same problem. But with him, the cartilage between the breast bone and the rib cage is affected and it is called Costochondritis.


Dear friend, It is possible that this apparent cyst is a Carcinoid tumor. This is a rare neurendocrine neoplasm. The test you should have done is a chromgranin-A, and an octeotide scan,
e-mail for more info.

Code Red

It's a blessing to connect with others who suffer from the "red ear syndrome". Years I have researched - spoke to medical professionals only to face road blocks time and time again. My first flare-up was many, many years ago in High School when the school beauty queen had choosen to share my text book in class - as the class erupted that we were "lovers" I blushed and someone in the class remarked I had red ears...years went by without even a hint of that until a few years after graduating from College - what started off as an occasional flare up turned out to be like a well timed event - each day, usually an hour or two after lunch one ear would first start off like a tinglely sting and quickly develop into a fire engine red display. (felt like I could as just strapped on a blue-flashing light on my head for the same attention getting effect). Never both ears - and the effect like everyone else has described in here - usually for me an hour - sometimes 2 - but after my red ears I had a serious calming effect. Not that I was overwhelmed before but I do seem to suffer from "low" hypertension. I felt food played a role as maybe a allergic reaction (blamed on milk or byproducts)...but changing eating habits had some effect at first but never was the cure.

However - red ears was a rare occurance during the weekends when I was not at work or it ususally was a lesser effect and later during the day.

My wife reassures me that its more in my head ... that red ears isn't so terrible but the truth that I have lost or bypassed promotions or career changes due to my burden. I dread hot days as it ususally ignites red ears - a hot car in the middle of the afternoon is a almost sure bet of another rush of hot blood hitting my ear. My ear usually is at its reddest at the upper part - usually the lower part (where woman have the ears pierced) stays somewhat unchanged. Cold water seems to do little to elevate the heat - but controlled breathing and chewing on gum has seemed to have some positive effects. I would chew gum ususally 2 hours before my timely occurance and it really seems to work.

I felt I had pinpointed the problem when years ago I read a article about red ears and those who suffer from "Fragile X"..those who suffer mild effects go through life never knowing they have this gene defect. There are obvious serious physical cases that are immediately diagnosed.

Red ears has played through much of my adult life - I have hoped it would be a passing fad - but even after nearly 15 years it makes it presence at the least opprotune time. Alcohol is a definate factor as during my wedding it flared like a 2 alarm blaze. I hope there will be a day I find out exactly what makes this happen - but it is comforting to know that I am not the only one who suffers from this. I Keep telling myself that only the truly blessed are actually given this "gifted" has major powers when using the energy correctly. I wonder if most who suffer from red ears are overly sensitive ( I am) to the environment - people -noise - and have a strong tendancy towards artsy things. So I sign-off thanking this site for being my comfort of luck to all!!


If you meant hypotension when you said low hypertension, you might ask your allergist to to test you for mastocystosis. The lab test that evaluates one for this is called total serum tryptase. Not that you have this, but some of the symptoms for mastocytosis can be flushing (redness episodes) as well as episodes of hypotension (of course, hypotension is a more severe allergic reaction). If you seemed calm after the redness left (not during) as you indicated but didn't feel faint it may be nothing. However, it probably would be a good idea to get it checked just to rule it out.

Michael Phillips

Hello all, Wow there is sure alot of red earred people up in here :) Well I too suffer from this effect and it it usually one ear and sometimes both. I am 36 and have dealt with this problem most of my life. When I was a kid I would flush easy. Being a man it was rather embarrassing to have hot flashes the same time my mother was as she went through menapause lol.

It usually occurs after I get hot like after physical excercise or get in any kind of hot weather. I thought If I would tan indoors maybe it wouldn't be that noiceable. However, after hitting the tanning bed my ear would be ablaze for about 10 hours straight and is aggrivating. Sometimes for no apparent reason what so ever, I can be working in doors as I usually do in a medical office where its about 65 degrees with air conditioning and then all of a sudden my left ear just goes fire red. I can feel its on fire without even touching it. Could this be hormonal? I have not checked for cancer with special test, but my CBC and Basic metabolic panel is perfect. Once again I have been suffering from this for pretty much most of my life so I doubt its cancer. It has got to be a genetic thing is my thinking.

I also suffer from Vasomotor Rhinitis. If you do not know what this is, I would encourage you to look this up. I would like to make an educated guess here (been in the medical field for 13 years as a R.N. and Paramedic). I would probably guess that most of us have this condition (Vasomotor Rhinitis - hypersensitivity towards odors like perfume, cologne, candles, exhaust fumes, cold weather changes, cigarrete smoke etc.) You do not have to have all of these, as sometimes I can actually wear cologne and be around certain scents, but sometimes my body goes crazy. There is medication called Astelin that really helps with Vasomotor Rhinitis, but unfortunately I can't see how it could really help the entire body of a hypersensitive individual. Wish someone can help with this. Heck I would be willing to take an injection 5 times a day if it would help!

Jon Roberts

I have the same problem, almost everyday at about the same time. some days i get luck and nothing happens. I have had this problem for years. In my younger days I that it was the alcohol, but know I havent drink in 3 years. For a few years it didn't seem as bad but now it is back and seems worse in the winter months. I also hate a hot car or even worse my office at work is hot sometimes and it will just set it off. I wish there was a cure. I have been the the doctor 3 times this year and they don't know. Please keep me posted.


Could you solved this problem? i have EXACTLY your same condition, in my case only happens in winter

thanks in advance!


Try This!!!

I also suffered from this problem - I am SOOOO sick of people commenting on it - ANYWAY - I eat porridge - rolled oats - every morning and they stopped after a few weeks - Of they start to come back I just eat some more and they go - I am very relieved!!!


eatting how MUCH and for how long.....plz help./...hope you r not joking


I take 1000 mg of cinnamon per day after lunch, I cut down on the sugar & salt and my red ears were gone in 2 days and have not return.


so 1g would do the trick ??


Oh my, I didnt read further just yet to find your results, i had to first pick my mouth up off the floor...i never mentioned it to my doctor about my red hot ears....mine started about 2 yrs ago, it was always the right its either ear and occassionaly both....i thought it was a blood pressure symptom....until my ears or ears got hot when my blood pressure was right this minute.
I sure hope its nothing serious...I considered hot flashes, but it doesnt seem to be the hot flashes associated with menopause.


Hi !
My doctor (endocrinologist) is amazed about the fact that I get this red ear every afternoon/evening (never had it before lunchtime)and they can´t find the reason in spite of very thourogh investigations. It often appears when I lay down or when it´s hot in the room. What triggers your hot ears ?


I also had a red hot ear problem. It is always the left ear. It has been happening for almost an year. I tried to investigate the reason. I have concluded that I have a habit of turning to my left when I am sleeping & I sleep with my left ear touching my pillow. I tried to change my sleeping direction to my right side & it seems to work. I have not had this problem for a week now after changing my sleeping style.


I also get hot red ears most often in the afternoon and evening but I do get it in the morning just not as bad. The worst time is laying down on my pillow or if the blanket is on my face, on either side. I dont just get it on my ears though I get it on my cheeks and ears first and it spreads to my arms. I get it when its hot or cold there arent many consistencies with it. I have thought it was anxiety (I have anxiety really bad), but I get it whenever. I thought I was allergic to certain medicines, but I stopped them and its still there. I have thought it could be a thing with fair skin but I dont think so. I thought hot flashes like menopause, but im 16 so I dont think its that. I have looked up the symptoms of mastocytosis like someone said it could be (my cousin had it when he was a baby), but I dont fit that. I have read that skin mites can do it and I had scabies years ago but I doubt its that. I looked into all the things ive seen on here that it could be but I dont fit any and I know my doctor will say its anxiety or something. my doctors have given me a different diagnosis for everything that cant be from anxiety and now I have so many diagnosises I have to think im either a hyperchondriac or have something really wrong that they cant find. I am going to see her but she doesnt ever help. oh ya another thing thats been worse lately is that I have a headache constantly but ive had bad headaches for years and these arent bad just annoying.

If anyone has any ideas let me know it just might help.

john Jaszcz

I am 53 years old and have had this syndrome since as long as i can remember and finally just found out that it was a syndrome... I doubt that this has any relation to cancer since i have never been sick except for an occasional cold all my life. I wouldn't worry about it.

stephanie clakley

Please let me know when you find out. I also have the same problem. My left ear gets so red it hurts. Sometimes my heat rate speeds up.




why would you post a comment like this
everybody who reads this with "hot ears" is going to think they have cancer




did you find out why your ears were doing this? this has been happening to me and basically at the same time of of the doctors i work with said something about carcinoid syndrome. Just wondered what you found out




I have gotten red ears since I was a child.My mom use to tell me it mean someone is talking about me. Someone recently told me that it can be do to anxiety or adrinalin. If you exauhust your energy in a workout or a jog it will go away.


My situation is just the opposite at the moment. I've just gotten out of the shower (taken with warm/hot water), which I did right after eating, which I did after an hour of weight lifting.

What I ate was shrimp, if anybody's adding up common nutrients. Also had round crackers, ketchup, and a glass of water.

I've no known medical complications, although my nutrition lately has been poor.


Same thign happens to me... I have no idea why. I have to hide under a hat to cover my ears. Have you gotten any treatment for this? Any help is greatful

Help at hand


Help at hand

Hi - I also had this problem and found that if I eat rolled oats for breakfast every morning they stop - hope this helps you!

Sylvia F

Both of my ears turn red and are burning hot to the touch. It took me awhile to figure out. You know how when someone feels even slightly embarrased, the lucky ones blush with or have red hotness along the cheeks of their face. With me, when I get embarrassed or uncomfortable my ears are a neon sign especially since i am a short haired woman. I never seen or read anything about it being anything more than annoying.

Cameron ballew

That's exactly what happens to me! My ears go red and are hot for more than 2 hours and it drives me insane strangely only one ear is hot while the other one is freezing cold. I hope someone finds out why this happens!


Maybe we are just special people!!! ;)


this is so funny!! I had no Idea anyone else had this problem. I have a new job that is so so stressful and I am sure it must come from that! I can't wait to read all that is on this site!! my left ear will get bright red and hot as can be. I thought maybe my blood pressure was up but have never had trouble with it. I have had a lot of problms with my back and neck lately, wonder if it is connected somehow. Great site...


Wowo. I too thought I was the omly one with this problem I am a healthy 24 year old woman, never had any health problems,EVER. When this first started happening about 1 year ago I didnt htink anyhting of it. It seems to be happening more frequently now and always my right ear. It gets so hot tha tit feeld like it is goign to burst. It is comfoting to know that other people deal with this too. I am curious now about seeking medical advice for it. Anyone with more info please post.


WOW~I was reading this and thought it was me who wrote this for a second! I am 26 and the same thing, I just had all my bloodwork done, all came back great, went to the rheumetologist for extra bloodwork, that came back great. Going to an ENT now, he gave me antibiotics to try and that did not work. It has been more frequent lately...they did a CAT scan, nothing who knows! I go back in 3 months to check again...



Bob foghorn

It is happning to me right now do you like to put cold cheese on your warm ear?


my ears have been gettin red for several yrs now and it has spread to my face, i have noticed that during stressful times like during exams and finals week it is worse, and also when im get tired... i just relax and it seesm to go away till the next tme.


Hi, Ok- I hit the mother lode! I am not a lone hot red ear... I am 42 and this has been happening to me for the last few months. Sometimes both, or one at a time and one time only part of my left ear was glowing red. I also have a redness that pops up on my nose, cheeks, chest and sometimes a little on the chin.
I get sicker than a dog this summer and was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis in the fall.
I've got calls in to my rheumatologist and primary concerning the red hot ear stuff and face redness.
Hope we all get to the bottom of it and it's benign.

God bless!


That is what i have just done.
My right ear started burning so i did a search. I have had this many times in the past, its one or the other but mostly my right ear. It use to indicate coming illness and my left would indicate when i was intoxicated. Now it seems to be totally random


when you're ear goes hot it means someone is talking bad about you... suposably, so what you do Is do bite on you're tounge once really hard!! and what happens is the person talking bad about you is alking so much they accidently bite there tounge which makes them stop or stop for awhile.


My son gets hot red right ear as well.
A very distinquished chiropractor told us this: He needs his neck adjusted, as he has a pinched nerve. He specifically said the 2nd cervical needs adjustment, and that this chiropractor had treated numerous other patients for this problem and it alleviated their problem. I now have an appointment to take my son to a chiropractor. hope this helps.


This happens to my son as well, At school they call him Lava ears. He dosen"t act like it bothers him.... He says sometimes he is hot.Any answears?


I just read your "hot ear" post, and wander if you have had any good results from the chiropractor? My 5yr old son recently developed this strange symptom a couple of weeks back, and I can't put my finger on what is causing it! We have cool flannels at the ready each time it occurs, and I have tried homeopathic remedies, which haven't hit the spot. His ear, usually the right, heats up and gets slightly swollen in the early evening hours!
Anyway, if you have any info which might shed light on this, i would be very grateful to hear it.
Many thanks


My 9 year old son has the same deal going on, only at night though. He puts bags with ice on them. It's weird! About the Chiropractor, we go to one 3x a week to get adjusted. My son has been going for a year and it hasn't stopped his ears from getting fire hot.


Hi, any chance I could get the name of that chiropractor? Thanks,


After reading your post and remembering how long I have had this re painful red ear about 20 year ..I thought there may be something to this. 20 years ago my horse through me and I landed on my head and was very lucky. I have a pinched nerve at the neck where it meets the back from this fall. My ears have been doing this since that time.


My friend is also a member of the hot ear army!


Wow... i get tha hot ear syndrome too! I mostly get it mid-day. its always in ma right ear and last about an hour or so... i didnt realize so many people get it... it burns but it aint painful, jus a bothersome. i have kinda pain in tha back part of my head behind my right ear... im not sure if its associated with it or what... anyone else got that pain???


hey alex i know what your talking about. im sorry that i have no information on solving the problem but i read your comment and saw that we have the exact same problem. I used to only get the hot ear thing when i was a child but recently after 10 years of not having it, it came back the past five nights and has affected my sleep terribly. Its only my left ear but i have no idea what to do about it, it realy is just annoying. If you could have any info on what to do to stop the situation please help me out. Thanks


my ear always turns red. Always my left ear. It freaks me out but i know im ok. I wonder what causes it??


Food allergies can cause redness of the ears. Children can have red ears after drinking apple juice, milk , etc. It won't show up on allergy tests, just like lactose intolerance doesn't show up. Next time it happens make a note of what you have just eaten or drank. See if it happens again later.


its not just food allergies think what you use in your home , I have had MCS for over forty years and know what im on about here, the symptoms are too many to put on here, but its a very bad aversion to all this doesnt mean I dont like a smell, its how everything with petro chemicals in , makes me feel sick , dizzy, my skin thats exposed reddens, as I said too many to mention, but think about he cleaners you use in the home, even bleach, soap powders and particularly, fabric conditioners which are lethal as well as many dangerous chemcials they have chloroform in fabric conditioner too this is why, you feel light headed or take headaches with some smells there are many Green products now in the shops so no need to buy all these over perfumed soaps. soap powders , air fresheners etc, please all take notice here, Im coordinator for have a look and see how many illnesses are affected by what we use in the home. or workplace, think of photocopiers, ink markers, central heating or air conditioning in offices, new carpets, carpet cleaners.. they all affect our health. please have a look at that site or any other coming under the heading of multiple chemical sensitivity or environmental illness.. there is nothing in the UK on the NHS for help even after all the years I had this since age 17 when I worked in a Printing factory uses many chemicals. glues and inks without protection....


i am 17 years old and have had the red ear problem for a good 4/5 years, i get it frequently, it mainly ocurrs at night time and never in the mornings, its always annoying as i always seem to get it when i am at parties or out for meals etc. i try everything i can to get rid of it, staying outside to cool down, going to bathrooms to put water on my ears, but nothing ever seems to really work, and the more i think about it the worse it gets or the longer it stays. it tends not to happen in one ear more than the other, it tends to, however, start in one ear, and either moves to the other ear, or burn in both, it seriously ruins my confidence when i am out as when i dont have the burning sensation i am as confident as anything. it doesnt tend to follow a trend so much other than it only happens in the evenings and when i am in a hot stuffy room, with a high temperature. it also happens randomly when im in an airy place with a normal temperature, it has seriously affected my life and i would love nothing more than to get rid of it


yup i have 1 hot right ear and my inner drum makes a crackling noise when i hold my nose and push out!


Apparently there is something called a chill- o which is like a pillow that cools your ears down when they are hot. Apparently a lot of people get hot ears


I get extreme hot ears and cheeks when I drink alchol. It only happens when I drink Jagermeister and not everytime. Whats with this?


i always have one normal ear and a burning red hot one

Adrianne Ricci

I,too have only one hot ear...the left one


This has happened all my life randomly. Usually my left ear gets hot or warm to the touch while my right ear is ice cold

B k

Well here in meghalaya when this happens we believe it's because someone is thinking about you ,like really thinking about you ,if it's your right they're probably thinking about good things and left the opposite and most of the time I find this believe of very very true.


I guess misery loves company ...
I too have had this same problem! It has probably been going on for 2-3 years and seems to be getting worse!
Like clockwork my right ear gets red every evening between 8-10pm. It can and does occur throughout the day also!
I recently gave up drinking wine (due to what I have read here), and it seemed like the ear did not get red for a few days ... then it started again just like everyday, so back to the wine!
I note that heat (hot rooms) activates the redness as does sexual activity?
I get an aura, tinnitus, right jaw pain in association with the red ear?
Am presently being worked up for Relapsing Polychondritis ... don't know which is worse? My Rheumatologist did not seem to know about Red Ear Syndrome!
God bless you all ...


Interesting! Very Interesting! I have experienced the one red "hot" ear as long as I can remember. I am 38 yrs old. My 17 yr old daughter also has this happen and most recently my friends little guy who is almost 7 has this one red hot ear thtoday g... The interesting thing about all of us... we've bben diagnosed with ADHD. I have also been researching other possible disorders, i.e. sleep disorders and ODD in my daughter. Working with a therapists to look closer at a few things but was just on line and decided to start my research. The red hot ear definelety shows up at times of stress, tension, anger is in the midst.


You must have testing for Polychondritis Relapse. This disease is often ovelooked because it is so rare. My grandson has this syndrome. The potential life threatening results need to be addressed and treated if possible.



How is your grandson today? I am so scared my granddaughter has it.


hi! I am just stunned right now to read your email. I am "searching" today b/c of my 6 yr old son and his red ear! he has been suffering with this for his entire life! we've talked to drs. about it but it was passed off as no big deal (and it's really not a HUGE deal but very bothersome to him at times!) what is most interesting to me is that my son also has been considered to have ODD! i would love to know anything you find out about this! please pass it on if it is not an inconvenience. i will do the same. thank you in advance and have a great day. i feel better right now just knowing that there are others out there who experience this!!


My grandson is 3 1/2 years old and is experiencing this problem. His right ear turns red and hot 3 to 4 times a week. Have you found out what is causing your sons problem?

Thank you


Melissa, Did you ever find out anything that helped you understand the red ear in your son? My grandson has had it for years...he's six now. Comes on when he is tired....evenings. ???


this is all so strange, but did any of you ever think of the blood pressure thing?about a year ago, i was drinking alot of hard alcohol one night and all of the sudden my right ear started burning.i thought something had bit me, then my left ear started.i looked in the mirror and they were both bright red!it freaked me 28 my health is good but i am a single mom of 2 small kids.i cant say im the most relaxed person in the fact im really tired and stressed for the most part.anyways,everytime i drink this happens and when i get really mad/stressed.i dont know for sure but i would swear its linked to my blood pressure.if any one has heard of this please let me know.


Hi! I am 32 years old - in good health. I have this red ear problem - in fact have done for a few years now - Yes! it's embarrasing - My blood pressure is excellent, I don't drink and I just don't know! I was very relieved to read that it's not just me with this problem. I have not been able to ascertain what triggers it - it can happen anytime. I am mostly a vegan vegetarian and am very careful about toxins & chemicals. I wonder if it is a hormonal problem??? Who has perfect hormones this day & age?
Have you had any luck finding anything more out?

Peter, sweden

Hi Louise !
I have had this problem for almost ayear now. Mostly my left ear turn red and hot but sometimes my left ear and cheeks also turn red and hot. The strange thing is that I always get this in the afternoon at 3 pm or in the evenig at 8 pm.
have you experienced this facial flush also ? I have been tested for carcinoid and mastocytosis but they haven´t found anything abnormal yet. My problem triggers by stress and temperature changes.

HI Peter

I think I have found the answer - eating lots of rolled oats seem to stop it - I think there is something in rolled oates for the nervous system???
let me know how you go - it only took 2 weeks for mine to stop


hi ,i am 45 years old ,i have high blood pressure but i take medecine and i keep it under control.however my ears turn red in the evening while my blood pressure is normal,specially my right ear for about an hour.then it goes back normal.i doono why but it is very embarassing.


Exactlythe same thing here. only in the afternnon or evening. Blood pressure fine. Aspirin proivdes some relief but I am not sure if it or time causes the redness and heat to be reduced. I am having back surgery In late December for pinched nerves and will be curious if the redness goes away or changes after that. I have seen some comments suggesting a link. Will keep all of you informed.

Greg Buttler

Your right! Blood pressure is one of the side effects. Reduceding your salt intake to 1,500mg would be nice but who can. Blood pressure and food intake of processed foods will tigger red ear. Read your labels their full with harmful chemicals. Kids eat what you eat so their effected too. Some children tolerate more then others because of their D,N.A make up. But be reasure that thousnds of people are having this its just they dont talk about it. Family Doctors will tell you they dont know what causes it. Just asked yours and he will say like maybe cold weather. This is something they dont deal with everyday. I know what you can try and it will work. Please e-mail for details, Have a Great Day.


Hi. My son (4) has started having this hot ear problem. It started I think last month and in June he was "unofficially" diagnoised w/Asperger Syndrome.


my cousin (3)has been diagnosed with aspergers and when he was a baby he had mastocytosis (he outgrew it). I dont know if he has hot red ears but I know his ears do get red but we dont pay much attention to it because he doesnt complain. He does get alot of ear infections so maybe he just doesnt notice anymore. If you didnt read it someone on here said mastocytosis can cause it. I dont know if this will help you but I wanted to let you know.

Mother of red ear

Currently researching the topic: google-red ear food sensitivity and ADHD


I am surprised to see so many people discussing about this, me and my wife discoverd this with my 4 yr old kid and today thought to research on it seems its not as uncommon as I thought. And yes my kid was also diagnosed with ADHD and his only one ear gets red when playing or partying.


Patrick again!!!
Just wanted to let you know that the Rheumatologist has ruled out Relapsing Polychondritis (thank goodness) and has now referred me to a Neurologist to work me up for Trigeminal Neuralgia! I don't have the severe pain that these people do, but there may be some relation to the symptoms?
Just saw my ENT MD and he thought it might be related to TMJ syndrome?
I'm getting sick of seeing specialists and no one has the correct answer!!!
While I wait on the appointment with the Neurologist I will set up a meeting with an Acupuncturist who also does massages!
MY ENT MD suggested that an epidemiological approach to this syndrome would be very beneficial for data collection! Any researchers out there?



I have the same symptoms like you ! However my Rheumatologist says there are no tests that will confirm Relapsing Polychondritis. How did your Rheumatologist rule out Relpasing Polychondrities for you ?


Patrick -
Let me know if you find anything out. My ears started doing the same thing a few weeks ago - like clockwork right at 815pm each night. Right ear way more red than the left but both glowing hot. I had gone on a fluoride free diet (no fluoride toothpaste and only bottled water)two weeks previously as it was suspected that fluoride negatively affects my thyroid gland. Its like my ears are trying to purge something each night. Your post caught me as I have been stunned at the timing of the event so exact each night.


Did you ever get any results back to see if you had relapsing polychondritis? My rheum. was thinking it was a possibility for me and I have the same symptoms as you...Really don't want to have a chunk of cartilage taken off if I don't have to...


Take your ears away from the heaters dumb asses!


dont be an ass this is a real thing and to the parents of kids with this we dont need your stupid remarks



Could you be more insensitive. Don't reply just to be a jerk!


do you have nothing better to do then to check blogs and make fun of people with an unknown symtom? i pitty you, as you must me a small human being.


DANI I hope you get this too. Then you would feel awful about what you posted.


Well I'm amazed to read all this. I'd seen someone being interviewed on TV and one of his ears was bright red. I remembered that I used to have this quite frequently, all my life. But recently after my third sinus operation I don't have this problem at all any more. I do think allergies may have something to do with it, but why it is just ONE ear is anybody's guess.


Why are you on this site anyways, for you to get to this page you must have some ailment or know someone who does. Please don't comment unless there is a point,as there are very many people suffering with this... I am one of them

Albert spears

Go play on the motorway danny boy!!


I also suffer from this condition. It is always the left ear. I seem to fit all the characteristics too - type o bllod, easily stressed, possible ADD (never diagnosed, frequent bowel movements etc.


I just (5/2/06) ran a search on this topic for the same reason. This only started happening for me about 2 months ago, and it's not an everyday thing. I am 30, mom, easily stressed, type O+, possible ADHD (never diagnosed)...this part of the page really caught my attention because of the fact that my son, who is now 9, has had this happen regularly for some time. He has been diagnosed ADHD and ODD (you want a bad combination? OMG!!! But that's a whole different story). He is also O+.

It just seems to me that there is a strong correllation being shown in the posters here regarding a potential link between ADD/ADHD/ODD and this Red Hot Ear crap. Mine occurs at varying times, but always after 4pm. The first episode hit several days in a row at 8pm, like clockwork. I work at a desk, day and night. I am training for a marathon, but I've been a runner since high school. It occurs when I am concentrating on work, driving, watching television...doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason.

Granted, those items mentioned could very easily be coincidental, but it really does seem interesting to me to see so many people with the same issues. I would be greatly interested in finding out if there really is a connection there.


Replying to my own post here. In a quick search, here is some interesting information that gives a good explanation:

As a migraine sufferer, and yes, there are migraines that can present all symptoms except pain--I get the whole gammut--this does make sense. Frankly, if a day goes by without a migraine, I end up with a bad headache. So, there could very well be a strong correlation there. My son gets headaches, too, but I work 9-14 hours a day and have to rely mostly on 2nd hand information to know his symptoms.

Thought you might want to check out that site.

OH from Sweden

A teacher I knew had a terrible migraine every day. When he rebuilt the garage in the basement of his house, it was full of mould. They repaired everything, and his migraine stopped immediately, after some 20 years! Personally I have this red-ear syndrome since about ten years. Always in the afternoons, around 2-5 pm, which has made me think it is food related (the metabolism process when the food reach the intestines). I have excluded red wine and coffee (drink green tea instead), and it has helped a little, but I have also tested to skip cheese and bread for a while, and it has also improved my condtion.

My mother had an allergy against cold temperatures, and was also very sensitive for different medicines. I have also some reactions against cold temperatures (as well as my twin brother). My ears does not turn red as much as usual if I eat less, and practice a lot. It is certainly also related to stress for me, and I have heard something about that the stress hormones, such as cortisol, can be a factor. I am slim, well trained person of 52 years of age, and I appriciate very much this homepage. Try to remove some of your usual foods, one by one, for a week or so, and note the results. And try to remove stressful situations, then perhaps, You can at least reduce the problem.


I'm sooo happy to find other people with the same thing. What I find intereting is that it seems red hot left ear people are in the type that are mostly 0+,possible ADHD, etc. and the red hot right ear people are more about a specific time (or timeframe). Would you agree?


I too have been dealing with my ear turning red and sometimes very hot for a few months now. I recently seen my doctor about this because my heart rate increases when my ear is red. Sometimes I feel drained afterwards. So far I've had blood work done and a ultrasound on my Thyroid to determine Thyroid diesease. And wore a holter to monitor my heart rate. Waiting for results. What's interesting after reading some of these comment. I too am O+. I hate the thoughts of going through all the tests to find out whats going on. My main concern is my heart racing like it does for the hour or so my ear is red. I experience nausea, headaches and I get very fatigued afterwards.


Have blood labs to rule out pheochromocytoma (plasma free metanephrines), mastocytosis (total serum tryptase), and carcinoid syndrome (chromogranin A). (I also replied to "Code Red" above.)


What if you have already been tested for pheochromocytoma, mastocytosis and carcinoid syndrome and the test results were fine everytime?? Symptoms for last year or so include red hot ears, face, arms, elevated BP and pulse when it occurs, nausea, sometimes headache, and very fatigued after a big episode of it. The symptoms come on any time of the day but usually later in the day. Have had the "million dollar workup" with no conclusions of what is wrong with me. Any suggestions would be appreciated!!


chris you seem to have more of the same systoms as I have. red hot ears, sometimes face, palms of the hands and sometimes through out my upper body. I also find i have and evevated BP when this occurs. These systoms do seem to occur more so at night but have had them all day before. I'm also making the round with Doctors to find out what is causing this. Have had a Brain scan with which show everything fine and am waiting on results from other tests. Please list any results you get and I'll do the same.


me too. always my left ear. People say things to me. It is happening for years.


Hi Anonymous. I was reading down through the post, and saw your comments.

I am type O, 2-3 BM's a day typically, stress easily, Type A personality. I have never considered myself ADD, never diagnosed.

I have noticed my hot ears for about a year or two. It seems that it is usually my right ear, as it is right this moment. I am a drinker, 3-4 times a week, but have slowed down the quantity since I hit my mid-thirties. Have high BP in family, although mine is usually OK, but leaning towards the high side more often than not.

I always assumed my ears were a symptom of high BP, but I am changing my mind. However, I have noticed that it usually occurs during stress or tired. I am tired at this moment, which could be the cause. Had four beers last night, which typically isn't alot for me.

My 4 year old son also experiences this phenomenon, always when he is tired and needs to go to sleep. I will keep an eye on him now for ADD symptoms.

Just wanted to add my traits to your summarization. I am sure I will see other people similar to us as I read further down.


I developed this "red ear syndrome" about 6 years ago, a month or so after returning from a mountain climbing trip to Mt.Rainier and Mt.Baker in August. It began as a hot, flushed, burning sensation on the left side of my face and forearm as I was driving home form work about 3-4pm. I thought it was just the sun shining through my car window. Next it would occur in the afternoon when I was at the gym and it was then that I noticed in the mirror how red my ear was. I am a nurse anesthetist so I immediately began to record my symptoms and when they occurred and I was also able to measure that the local skin temperature does increase when the flushing begins suggesting that this is some sort of neurovascular syndrome. I asked several surgeons about it and no one had a clue. I saw my Interal Med. MD who ran every test known to man. Then I saw a neurologist and a rhuematologist, both of which had no clue what this might be or any suggestions. The frequency of occurance and the intensity of my symptoms progressed over about 6 months to include burning along my left lateral thigh, calf and the sole of my foot. Eventually it spread to the right side but the flushing/ burning occurs only on one side at a time and only rarely on the right side. I can no longer wear socks or a hat because they are always burning to some degree and I feel as if I am overheating and might faint. The burning does not follow any nerve dermatone zones and does not appear to be linked to stress levels, alcohol intake, weather, but it does seem to occur more in the fall/winter for me and in the afternoon or night hours. But I live in SC so it might just be so hot that I don't actually notice the burning as much during the warmer months. After about a year my symptoms and flushing episodes sort of leveled off and have been stable ever since. The scary part is that I returned to Mt. Baker and Rainier the next fall with some friends and about a month after our return my climbing partner (Mark) and another friend (Pat) developed the same syndrome!!!!! We were all negative for Lyme's disease (which was every MD's 1st bet) Sojourns, Relapsing Polychondritis, fibromyalgia, carcinoid syndrome, an assortment of autoimmune disorders. You name it, we all got tested and were negative plus we are all pretty much healthy otherwise. Pat and I work at the same hopital but the mountain trips are the only common link that the 3 of us share. We all had mild flu like symptoms after we summited and then developed knee joint pain and then the flushing started. Now we all have very dry mucus membranes, just in the nose and have nose bleeds. Our MD's settled on either a chemical or biological toxic exposure (perhaps from melting snow for water) that produced some sort of neurological damage that also involves the vascular system and may involves the sympathetic nervous sytem. But if any of you out there have any thing similar to what we have then the Mountain trips can not be the causal link. Some one needs to start compiling a data base of symptoms and the onset and patterns of occurance. Pat (also a nurse with a PhD in Public Health) and I might be interested in developing a web site that would have persons with this syndrome complete a questionaire/assessment tool to be used to gather data and look for a common link. We are trying to pitch this idea to our Internal Med. Docs and maybe the local university public health department. It would be great to include a university that has a program in epideminology. If anybody out there has symptoms similar to ours or if you are interested in helping us try to launch this "data collection" project, please reply. Thanks


I've had this for so many years I thought I was used to it. Til today. It has ALWAYS been my right ear and today around 5 pm I went to the john and noticed it was my left ear! For what it's worth, I'm 53, female, on hormones, ADHD, AB+,and chubby. Sometimes my nose burns too, and gets red. My ear is not just red, it's PURPLE! I have been known to put ice on it, to no avail. It goes away in about an hour. I've never documented the time of day or my moods but maybe I will now.


When I read about problem occuring after your trip to Mt Rainer & Mt Baker It caught my attention. We live at base of Mt. Rainer and I have joked here that it's our water affecting so many pepole here with cancer in our town.... But I have had the red buring ear mostly the left for some time. My feet and stomach have been affected with the same burning sensation but its been a couple of years and I thought it was the start of menopaause. But this only started after moving here to Washington State I've been here 13 years. Also very dry mucas menbrane and tonight had another nose bleed.... So here to Data Collection


I would be very interested in this. My 11 year old son has suffered from red hot ears for several years. He has had a bad episode these past few weeks. His ears get so hot that he cannot sleep. He puts ice packs on his ears in order to get some relief. He wakes up during the night when the ice packs wear off. I have been making several trips a night to the freezer. I have mentioned this to my pediatrician in the past and they just say they have never heard of this. We went to an ENT once and he acted like I was crazy. We need help.

Linda Sykes


My son of 13 years old is having the same problem. He too puts ice on his ears. There does not seem to be a pattern of activity that trigers it. However I notice a few people mentioned they were ADHD/ADD and my son may be as well. We are in the process of having him tested.


I have recently noticed my 6 yr old son's right ear gets very hot and very red and the other one is normal and I am just online now researching this and he has been diagnosed with ADD. I wonder if there is any connection. I have not mentioned this to our Ped. yet but will.


I have a ten year old son with the same problem. He usually sleeps with wet/cold washcloths on his ears. Our ENT said he HAD heard of this condition. I don't remember what it was called, but he said it actually had to do with the cartilage or tendons in the ears becoming inflamed-not blood vessels like everyone assumes. The only relief is steroids, and since they can only be used temporarily, it's not really a solution. He also said it may never get worse, or it may be an indicator of some sort of tendon/cartilage disease he may get when he becomes an adult.
Hope this clears up the mystery. My son also has ADHD, but I don't think it has anything to do with it. I have another child with ADHD and he does not have this inflamed ear burning problem.


I have had this problem with my ears for years now. It actually started with my cheeks and would normally occur when I was stressed, angry, or embarrassed. Then it started in my ears and has been happening everyday for a couple of weeks now. I noticed the other day that my daughter, who is only 18 months old, had the red hot ear problem, but it was only her right ear. That's when it started to bother me. I've never worried about it before, I just figured maybe my blood pressure was up. But when I saw that my baby had the same thing, that's what made me want to start to research this problem. She has now come down with pneumonia and I am just getting over bronchitis, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I've never really mentioned it to a doctor because I figured they would think I was just crazy. Now that I see that this is something that happens to a lot of people, I am definitely going to mention it to our doctors. I know that I am O+, I don't know what my daughter's blood type is. As far as I know I don't have ADD or ADHD or ODD. I am 24 years old and overweight but am currently taking Phentermine to lose weight. I've never really kept track of the time of day or anything because I just assumed it was something normal thing for me. Like I said, I've had it for years, as long as I can remember. And for me it gets worse in the summer. Once I go outside my cheeks will get burning hot, and now my ears do too. But the worse part about it is that even after I go inside, I can't cool down, sometimes for hours. If I'm in the car I have to have the air conditioner on full blast and pointed directly at my face, otherwise, it burns really bad and feels like my face is tightening up. I've noticed that the sun really plays a big part in it because sometimes, even during the winter, only my left ear and cheek will get red and hot while I'm driving. But if I can get out of the sun, sometimes that helps. I do not want my daughter to go through what I have gone through with this problem so if anyone finds out anything, please let me know. Thank you.


Have you seen your md? It sounds like sun sensitivity may be a problem.
I have a few friends who have Lupus. I'm not saying that's what it is but definitely worth checking out.
I have Psoriatic Arthritis and red, hot ears and facial redness. Sometimes the sun affects my skin like that too. So far I've tested negative for Lupus and have not tracked down the cause of the redness. Rosacea also can cause redness, burning etc.
Keep asking and researching. It might help to journal about it so you may expose a pattern.
God bless you and your little one.


Dear friend.
Mi name is Agustin.

Could you solved this problem? i have EXACTLY your same condition.

thanks in advance!



I have the same symptoms where its not just on ears. It also goes onto my arms and seems to be getting worse and more frequent. It also seems more often in the winter/spring for me. I live in AZ so I might just think its the heat but very often people tell me that im getting a sunburn but I can tell that its just the heat or something and that it will go away eventually (not a sunburn). I dont know if thats normal to seem to have a sunburn just from heat. I wrote more above. I have kept a small log of the symptoms as they develop, but I havent written any times because its so frequent. I have never been to that mountain or any where near it though. Im willing to help anyway I can to figure out what this is.


I would be interested as I have suffered from red burning ears on and off for many years. I am now 57. I find that I get them every evening now in the cooler months of the year. Sometimes just one, sometimes both burn at once. I find that putting hot water on them is better than cold, as when you remove the 'hot' sensation, the air around the ear feels colder, hence the ear starts to cool down. Also putting something on them like 'sunburn cream' helps. Cheers.

David McConomy

this is nearly a year after you posted this and i can only hope that you have started this web site, i am 22 and have been dealing with this for 2 years. my symtoms are never constante, and seem to fluxuate from better to worse. i have kept in mind adhd, odd etc. but of coarse drs. have no clue. the only thing i have been able to pin point is mild or severe back,neck pain and stress, anxiety, anger, or simply being un easy in your current sittuation. i ask all of you (red ear troops) to examin what exactly is going on in your lives while this burning sensation occurs. ihave found that anything from a new relationship to aggrivation at the work place may cause our problem. think about it has this ever happend when you are perfectly content with your life. my answer is no. anyways i am serious about this and the only way we can make something happen is if we work together! if there are this many of us it cannot be as rare as we all once thought it was. so i implore you to please make this web site and let us find or own answers.



I have noticed exactlythe same thing. I am in outside sales. During the day Iam driving and I am fine. If I make a sale, I am fine. WenI am confronted with a customer that is not buying, I my left ear gets red an hot. Please note that this is usually in the evenings. I had an episode the other day, I was watching football relaxing. In come the kids with a lot of noise and WHAM here it is again. There is no question in my self diagnosi that this is stress related. I am not sure how to handle this issue. It has only started with in the last six months. The first time it happened I freaked out and went to the hospital. The ran blood tests and heart test. All were fine. No doctors can diagnose. ihave been to a cardio doc. No clue. They just say, "It doesn't appear to be life threatening." What do you think?


Get re-tested for Lyme, there are a lot of people who get tested and get false negatives. Go to a Dr. who really knows Lyme. I saw a program on Discovery channel on this, and the guy was literally about to die when he found a Dr. who diagnosed him when he had been tested and they said he didn't have Lyme...he did.


Hi Wendy - I have the exact same situation. I drove up to Steven's Pass and on the way back, i felt my ears fume up. I would like to be involved in the investigation and would love to contribute. Please email me and we can take this forward.


Was wondering what even happened to your study idea. Its been a year or two since you posted about it. Happened upon it just today. Also was wondering about the washington thing. I am origionally from Gresham Or. Now live in Nebraska. But have had this issue for years. Let me know. Thanks.


Did you every have exposure to mold? Eye swelling/eye infection? Were you bitten by Black Fly in the Mountains?


I am a clinical director of a hospice in mass. I have a few ideas in regards to these symptoms. My 35 yo sister has been fighting similar symptoms, since moving to conecticut (the lyme state). they are treating her for RA but quite sure this is lyme ( if you do research doctors are not allowd/it is illegal to treat lyme past the 30 day corse of antibiotics. therefore they cannot admit to lyme as issue. My husband tested negative for all lyme test for 3 months then multiple red odd shaped rings showed on his body for all of 5 minutes they treated him the 30 day tx and would not treat for longer even though he still had symptoms. he is going to see a RA md so he can at leaste start minocyclin regiem "for RA" really lyme. My 7 yr old son with some of these symptoms especially dry mouth and red hot ears occasional aches and pains had been bit by a tick. But all three have somthing in common that needs attention they all have enormous tonsills. Most likely strep carrier etc. the corrilation with all of this is it is the tonsills that run the overproduction of lymph cells that would cause some of these auto immune symptoms. DO you happen to have huge tonsills. ?how many people who had there tonsills removed have any autoimmune issues? (I bet not many) all very interesting questions.

Carver Meyer

Please do. That would be wonderful.


I am in my fourties and have had this condition all of my life. I don't realize it is happening untill someone mentions how red my ear is. The problem is my 15 year old is bothered by this most of the time. Both of his ears get bright red. We have had many tests ran by various physicians and no one has come up with a solution. The skin on my son's earlobes is very smooth. It looks inflammed and swollen when it is red. His ears get so hot that it is painful to him. If anyone has any suggestions we are open to trying anything that will work. Thanks


I have had this for years. I have learned what help it go away is a deflammatory like Aleve or a prescription from your doctor. It has always worked for me.

Katherine Kapor

I get that too A LOT!!!!!!!!! It happens to both ears and it happens like, all the time. Why does it do that. People say that it's because of the uneven fluid in the ear. Is that true?


it is fluid in the ears. cuz i can hear it and feel it.
i swim alot. at first i thought it was cell phones. then
from noise pollution, but today i believe its fluid.
try ear candling.


My husband and 4 year old son, both randomly get what we call hot ear, cold ear. One is bright red and hot and the other is white and cold. We just recently noticed this in my son. How many of you have hot ear, cold ear as opposed to hot ears?


Suz... I can certainly relate to the hot ear/cold ear personally, and also for my son. Ours is generally brought on in the evening. It can easily be triggered by warm temperature, touch, or anxiety. My son is 7 and was diagnosed 2 years ago with ADHD. I too am probably a candidate as well, however this disorder wasn't around when I was his age. Anyway, it is rather bizarre and I have just lived with it. I would hope maybe though that there is some type of treatment for this condition in the future.


Look at the book Highly Sensitive Child page 20 and also the book Indigo Child. There are other explinations for ADHD.


I have had my right ear turn red and burn to the point that its really uncomfortable for as long as I can remember. It happensed almost once a day. Im almost 20 now and its really kind of embarressing.


my left ear turns red and hot every day or about every day between the hours of 2:30 and 4:00. It has been happening for at least three years now. I have spoke to my cardio doctor about it, he cannot find an aswer but said he never heard of it. I am a little more at ease that others have this thing going on. I am 38 yo white male. Does anyone know what this is or how to stop it. Sometimes it is very uncomfortable.


Hello, I'm studying this problem which is called the red ear syndrom for my thesis. I can send you some information but it's in french.If someone could send me a picture during a crisis it would be useful for me. Thanks a lot


Hi Shirel,

How is your thesis getting on? Is this a curable condition?


Hello. Lately I have been getting this red hot ear and it hurts when i bend it(not that you should go around bending ears). My mum suggested that it is because of teeth coming through usually molars. This make sense from all the 6 to 7yr old cases because that's when teeth usually start to come through.

Kris from Colorado

Hello, Funny I found this by looking up red, hot ear also. My right ear is red now. I've found some information that it might have to do with circulation. Maybe that's what's wrong with me. No circulation to the brain lol, jk. I smoked for 15 years I thought that might have something to do with it. I've been a non-smoker for 4 months now. I also have asked my physician, there's just no typical answer for this. I sure don't like the feeling though, it just doesn't feel natural. I hope we can get an answer to this?


Check out the book Highly Sensitive Child and read page 20.


Experiencing it as we speak! Right ear!


I had this problem for the last 2 years and I finally brought it up to my doctor. I was told it is the first stages in menopause. Men ALSO get it, but they DON'T like to come forward with it due to their manhood... But, I was told this by my doctor whom other people have been reporting the same symptoms...It is pre-menopause, if you don't believe it, ask your own doctor....

Why Ear!

I have trouble believing this since I'm only 26


My twelve year old son has been experiencing red hot ears for about the past six years. One ear or the other gets red and feels hot to the touch. It happens a few times a year. Maybe the TEA website is on the right track. It's worth checking out.


I hope this may help many of you. I recently asked my 7 year old's doctor about his having a hot red ear every now and then. Doc said - probably just better blood circulation on that side. This didn't make any sense to me until I started reading "The Highly Sensitive Child" by Elaine Aron. She says that babies with more electircal activity and blood flow on the right side of the brain are more likely to be Highly Sensative Children. The part of the brain that deals with sensativity is thought to be espcially strong or active in H.S.C.
It's only a couple sentances in her book but having heard this explenation from the doctor and then reading it in in the book - is has answered this question for me.
My son is a HSC.


Okay evry1...u all need to get a COMPLETE THYROID TEST..T3,T4 ECT..TESTED JUS IN CASE ITS A HORMONE INBALANCE GOIN ON!! the doctors should of immediately had that checked..child or adult who experiences the red hot ears and face!!!


I think we found our answer. My 5 year old son had red hot ears -they started occuring with greater frequency and duration (up to 2.5 hours one time!), several times a day. He saw and ENT, Allergist etc. and all of the tests came up negative. During this time he experienced an episode of thrush (yeast overgrowth in the mouth). He also was regularly constipated. We finally found a D.O. who practices "integrative medicine". He diagnosed him wiht an overgrowth of yeast in the gut. He has been on a restrictive diet for over a week and almost all of his symptoms are gone including NO RED, HOT EARS...I hope this helps someone - will be curious to see if anyone else has the reaction to treating a yeast overgrowth. By the way, regular doctors will not deal with this - everyone told us there was nothing they could do (regular pediatrician, ENT and allergist).


My sister's left ear is very hot right now. I don't think it is anything to worry about.


About a month ago, bot ears were burning and very red after taking my dog out at night when it had turned cool. Tonight it is cool again, and after walking the dog the left year is red and burning. Right ear is fine. Very strange, but interesting to know it has happened to others.


Well im glad im not the only one who has this happening to them. All I know is that usually just one of my ears has gotten really hot and red since the 8th grade. There is no way i know of how to get rid of it. I talked to my doctor once and he didnt know what caused it.


I am relieved to find so many red eared people. I visited my excellent GP and he has never encountered it. I will just have to grow my hair longer and as per my medicos advice stock the freezer with a bag of dry face clothes!



all these people saying otherwise are wrong. Even if you or your child has not directly come into contact with latex, think about it. Many food processing plants involve the use of latex gloves as a saftey measure when handling food. If you come along and touch that food that has been handled with latex gloves (prior to you purchasing it) then you have not only touched latex, if you put it in your mouth or around your mouth you will have a sensitive reaction.

Look up: LATEX ALLERGY. This is extremely dangerous and very serious. From now on you need to inform any medical facility that you or your child are allergic to latex so they will use an alternative glove to handle you with.

Eddie Chan

Yes me too. Sometimes my ears get very hot, especially at 10:30. I couldn't sleep at all.


This link actually has an answer to this and not just more peoples questions..

Ruth Rivera

This started recently happening to me too. And is only the right ear. It seems that is related to lack of sleep. But apparently beside sleeping more there's nothing much we can do about it.

Alice grace

It's a type of migraine. Ask your doctor. There's heaps of othe migraines besides light/sound sensitivity and nausea. You could have a migraine disorder. Go onto ""


It's also always only the right ear. How about yours?


This is strange for me also, it is my right ear, that even turns very red, this happens at least once a week.


this happens when you do what?


This is Pravin, yesterday one of my colleagues pointed that my left ear has turned red. This really put me off having no such info. that others also have such a thing, but now I feel much better having read about your experience

Harry Nygaard

I've been bothered by "Lots" of allergies most my life...Hint.Hint....but I saw today, that both ears are red, the left more than the right, and Both are hot..I like the date birthday..I think red ears mean your horny, ie the hormones are up...And probably there is a virus irritation.
I don't think it's anything else but a minor virus that loves the heat from allergic reactions to whatever....Yes, I'm concerned...But try finding a doctor who either knows or cares..I think there is also a very minor middle ear irritation..again a virus.

Aside..The body is FULL of viruses..we are carrying a galactic number and species of these little mothers..the essence of the true life form..Viri!!

If anyone KNOWS something, please send to me..Thanks. I don't like "The Red Hot Ear Syndrome."



I just told my friend this exact thing. What's wrong with us?


Some people say that that means (in that moment) other people are talking about you lol. Who knows? I wouldnt worry about it unless it starts to hurt. Mine is my right ear as well lol.


me too!!!! like seriously, twins!


I have experienced the same condition ever since I can remember, am 32 now
and had it happen today twice, which
was really weird, I always blew it off
and believed the old wives tale, that
someone is talking about me. Without
trying to sound nutty, I wonder
if it is a special gift or something,
because it doesn't itch, or anything,
all of a sudden it is just extremely hot. Kind of like if you happen to touch a hot pepper and not wash your
hands immediately. At least that is
the best way I can describe it. Oh,
and it happened around 1:00 p.m. and
I was at work, both times I was upset
at a situation that occurred.


I just noticed that my left ear gets red and hot. I noticed it right now at time that I am a bit upset. I know it has happened before, I thought it was an allergic reaction to an earring or something. I do believe it is related to being upset, possible hbp which I will check with my doctor. Or someone is just doing me wrong and I have six sense!


I have also considered if it may be a heightened sense of sorts.


My son Alex - who is 6 and mildly autistic suffers from red ears as well. Without a doubt, it stems from a food allergy. 2 hours after injesting foods with high phenolic contents, his ear or ears turn bright red and are hot. After an hour or so it passes.


Creepy my right ear started getting warm at 1am


i am writing a book and it has a charecter named angie :)

Sylvia Fray

I think It has some psychological connection,it always happen when I get anxious,frighten or upset

Mike C.

My ears - yes both - have gotten warm and red before with no real explanation. A couple days ago, they got so hot they were almost painful! And the shade of red was approaching a purple-ish color! This lasted for a little more than an hour and then my ears returned to a normal temperature and color. Wondering if anybody else has experienced similar traits? There is no pattern to how often the "red ear syndrome" strikes me, but it is a few times each month where it's very noticable.

Barbara Ford

my left ear got so hot and red that it was hot to the touch. It kept on grtting hotter until i couldn't stand. Once the burning stopped my ear coole down it was much darker than the other one. It appeared to have been burned. My other ear does it also, but not at the same time.


i have been getting hot ears only after 7pm for about a year. just wathing tv or cooking dinner. Some say its a hot flash others thyroid..who think i am crazy


My ears do this too but it seems to last much longer for me this is the only difference. If someone touches my skin when its like this they say it feels like im burning up and thats how I feel, like my blood is boiling. I have it everyday and it seems to be constantly now.


it happened to me also , i am meditating for a while . and its right ear


Also only happens in my right ear


happens in my right ear like almost every 3 weeks I have know idea why


It's weird cause mine happens in my left ear a lot, sometimes in my right but more in my left


Yes, for me it was the right ear too.

Are you a student of Fujian White Crane mr. P?


For me it was my left ear. It burned and I searched it up so I decided to read comments because the article didn't help.




I have had this ear problem(?)for a few years now, and my son age 11 also experiences it occasionally; a redness and hotness to it that's somewhat uncomfortable; usually one at a time. And I try to link it with lake of sleep or tiredness. Is it a symptom of high blood pressure? Help needed.


i think you may be right with the lack of sleep and possible syptom of high blood wondering the same thing.especially the high blood pressure.every time i get upset both my ears get really red,hot and just burn!its really scary.anyways if you find anything out let me know please ill do the same thanx!!!!!!1

coolcat Deb

hi mine are bright red & burning right now, the right more so...happens almost every day, most times the eveings. I do have high blood pressure, I just checked mine and it was perfect 120/74...I also get the headaches, but I dont have one today. I do however have a moderate sized bulging disc at C4-5 in my neck...maybe we all should compare meds? just a thought? Deb


My son Alex - who is 6 and mildly autistic suffers from red ears as well. The majority of his issues pertaining to the autism are food related. Without a doubt, it stems from a food allergy. 2 hours after injesting foods with high phenolic contents, his ear or ears turn bright red and are hot. After an hour or so it passes.
Try the IgG 96 panel food allery testing done by Great Plains Laboratories cost - $200. If you have Horizon blue cross, they should cover it. Good luck!

wrestling milf

I've just been sitting around not getting anything done. I've just been letting everything wash over me these days. My life's been basically unremarkable lately. Pretty much nothing seems important, but so it goes. I've pretty much been doing nothing to speak of.
Hallo! Es hat sich doch gezeigt, dass die 301 Umleitung einer minus-31 Domain nichts bringt weil die Seite auf die umgeleitet wird auch auf Platz 31 landet. Wenn nun jemand seine -31 Domain auf meine Domain umleiten wurde um mich als Konkurrenten zu argern, gabe es fur mich keine Moglichkeit diese Manipulation herauszufinden. Ich wurde ratseln was ich falsch gemacht hatte und dabei ist es nur ein Trick der Konkurrenz. Edit: Ich habe die Frage vergessen! Gibt es doch eine Moglichkeit herauszufinden ob jemand seine Domain auf meine umgeleitet hat?
I've just been letting everything wash over me. I've pretty much been doing nothing. I've just been sitting around not getting anything done.


an you are still getting nothing fact you are so good at doing nothing, you dont make sense with your milf self....get off the drugs and go somewhere else with your nonsense....this conversation is for adults....not weirdos who are so bored and idotic, that they type in another language completly off the topic...yes i understood every bit of it.
and jkeihtn hujano baha tilinm to u also.


Same exact thing for me. Ears get hot and red when I am exhausted. Most of my siblings have the same thing since childhood (I am now 49).


I agree that is true. PROMISE


My son of about 8 years age also gets this one ear getting hot frequently . Is it an anomaly. Please do let me know


My son is 9 and for the last week his right ear has gotten red and hot in the evening. What is this?


you should see an doctor


Hi Guys, I am writing to ask if you know of any QiQong classes in St Albans?

Maybe the ear thing is showing an imbalance of your left and right/ yin/yang male/female. It would explain the lack of sleep due to the imbalance.


I get red ear many times, but especially when I'm stressed or in an uncomfortable position. It's embarassing when I'm talking to someone and it starts up, but i know a lot of people that get the same thing so it's no big deal, it's just annoying. Sometimes it just happens though from touching it. Its wierd, and its always my left ear!


This started happening to me after a motorcycle accident and it also happens when I am anxious or stressed also. Actually, it's happening right now and that's how I found this site. I can't figure out what it is. I know that also now I get earaches and it sounds like the ocean in my ear - the blood rushing, of course. Not glad to hear you all have it but glad to know I'm not alone. Blood not flowing properly maybe - is the ear canal inflamed so it can't flow correctly? How do we fix it?


Meant to also say it's usually only one ear and it's my left ear.


your motorcycle accident cause, you can try accpunture tell them. it will work. for a while.


Same with me sometimes it's both ears and sometimes just one


Well I am 74 and for ever now I remember getting my left ear hot
I feel it is a result of some imbalance be it as result of stress or getting a cold. It is always my left ear and it comes up with various


I am so surprised to find that im not the only person with hot ears!!!! My friends think im nuts because sometimes i have to wet a rag and hold it on my ear for about an happy to know its not just me...but,what the freak is the reason for this?


Me to!! I am 50 now and it has happened off and on since at least my 20s. Im an x bartender of 15 years,20 years ago. I am an alcoholic, but it does not happen every time i drink.i never thought to what my mind state was at? It mite even be subconscious, mixed w liquor? I have told docs.through the years,lol "hey but it is happening now. I 1st time googled it.And i have taken pics.(didnt know my ears looked so funny)selfies! !

Ma.Sheryll B.Rodriguez

hi , same situation here. at this time , my ears suddenly gets hot , now both of my ears turns red. ,i just had a bad conversation ,and feels a little upset that's why i just cut the conversation and go to my room. Then in just a minute, i started to feel both of my ears are hot and turning red to very red.. i had this hot ears when i am 38 years old, .Also it's embarrasing and annoying too, when it starts to get hot, and gets visible that other people
 can notice it ,


same thing. always my left ear.

hunetr milf

Nothing notable going on. My life's been generally dull today. So it goes. Not much on my mind to speak of.
I haven't gotten much done recently. I don't care. My life's been basically boring these days. Whatever. More or less nothing exciting going on lately, but pfft.
I haven't been up to much , but I guess it doesn't bother me. Pfft. I just don't have much to say lately, but maybe tomorrow. Basically nothing seems worth doing.


GO AWAY Milfie's ...go post your crap in someone else;s board/thread. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


My mind is like a complete blank, but so it goes. Basically nothing seems important, but I guess it doesn't bother me. I've just been letting everything wash over me , but pfft. I haven't been up to anything. Such is life. I can't be bothered with anything.

Nayan Jain

It's the same with me. Have u got any solution for this?


Same case, left hot and right cold


Lisa, I don't know of any in St Albans.

Yeah it must be an imbalance but of what? Or more importantly, why?
If it had anything to with the left part (the estetic) of the brain is working excessivly hard, then why don't you get a hot left ear when you do lots of math?


I do math for a living, accounting and finance type stuff and I get hot left ear all of the time! Especially when I have been working extra hard!


I get hot left ear a lot, especially when I am working (I do math for a living as well). However, I get hot right ear when I am upset about something. Hmmm...interesting, isn't it?


I get it and asked my doctor about it; he says it is a form of migraine.


I also have this's nice to know I'm not the only one...I haven't found anything to fix the problem but as soon as I do, I'll post it....I think it's really important that we all just give tips that have helped them and maybe we'll find something that works for ourselves...I normally get the problem when I've been never happens during the day...only after going to try sleeping more and see if that helps


I have the same left ear problem also and mainly 10-15 mins after dinner sometimes with feelings of tightness in the neck and throbbing in my head weird!


You must get medical attention asap. Call a rheumatologist who is aware of Polychondritis Relaps. Your symptoms need immediate attention.


My son Alex - who is 6 and mildly autistic suffers from red ears as well. Without a doubt, it stems from a food allergy. 2 hours after injesting foods with high phenolic contents, his ear or ears turn bright red and are hot. After an hour or so it passes. You Can confirm testing thru Great Plain Labrotories with their IgG 96 food panel delayed reaction food test (simple blood draw). Cost of test $200.


my ear is annoying me.


How are you. Anger is never without Reason, but seldom with a good One.
I am from Suriname and also now am reading in English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "Our sexuality is not always obvious! Happily, we can now turn to the internet to find and meet up with other lesbians in our area."

Thanks for the help 8), Alban.


I really enjoyed it. You have done a great job.
I am from Indonesia and , too, and now am writing in English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "How require faces and activists develop ancient runway as it aims to cosmetic client?"

Waiting for a reply :), Miner.


Hello. What if this weren't a hypothetical question? Help me! Can not find sites on the: For some women their order may well be 3 men, though historically art women new for 1-2 companies - scented you look them in a uniform application.. I found only this - [URL=]beauty mature woman cosmetics[/URL]. Humanitarian advantages came to become their times with self-control formaldehyde, enterprise, victory and knowledge from hence 3000 bce. This eye will see conform my acrylics that cosmetics are established to foreign today and that n't though girls are temporary that also industry co-ordinates always cleanse them in all directors and newman added earlier, beauty cosmetics wholesale. With respect :mad:, Armon from Iceland.


im not sure but it sounds like you should get a second opinion on the whole migraine thing.Just a thought.good luck!


that cant be true because i get migrains even with strong meds to stop my migrains.
But only my left ear is red and my migrains always come from the center are in my head (more towards the right side). But i could feel some heat on my left ear and it didnt bother me much but eventualy my friend pointed out that my ear was red and so i went to the closest mirror and sure enough it was red so naturally i touched it and i could feel the heat. then I touched my right ear and it was cold. But you know what is funny my left ear is hot and red right as I was typing this. :)


Thanks for this info. I hope you're feeling better. For the past few weeks my right ear has been hot. I've also experienced heat/discomfort behind the ear. I have been very stressed and not sleeping well. I was wondering if it was a migraine. It has been difficult to find any real info on these symptoms.


I am so glad that I'm not the only person with this problem. I have found some discussions on the internet about Red Ear Syndrome which does seem to be connected with migraines (which I get) among other things. It often seems to happen when I'm feeling tired (as do the migraines) and can be either ear but not both at the same time. It's bizarre.


Hey all, i get hot ears to!!!! like sometime it can b right and sometimes it can be left, and i was always told it coz someone is talking bout U!!
And im not a very bright person so i dont use my brain alot.


i was told the same about its because someone is talking about you


This is my first time getting red ear and I don’t have any symptoms except me left ear being red and hot lol XD but I had a fever a week ago with a really bad migraine three days ago, I missed school and got really stressed so I am thinking it has something to do with that :0 and I’m glad to know I’m not alone!


I have episodes where both my ears will become burning hot and bright red. The rest of my body feels normal. I also notice that when this is happening my eyes feel tired and sensitive. I tried the tongue trick and it seemed to actually take most of the burning away. I was shocked that it helped. I have heard only that this is related to an increase in blood pressure in the head. If I only new more.....


i have this problem my right ear is red and hot. can u plz tell me what is tongue trick . i dont know about this. so plz can u tell me how can i use that . a s a p. thank u .Ali


my son is 14 and complains with hot red ears frequently please let me know about this tongue trick thanks


Could you please tell me the tongue trick. I have rhe same left ear sydrome

Mary collins

What is the tongue trick? My ears do this and it also happens when I eat salt? Any advice would be so appreciated. I have so many unexplained heath problems. This could help.


I get this on both ears pretty much everyday. Gets worse in the hotter weather. I am getting married soon and I dont want it to happen at my wedding. Any solutions to this embarassing problem???


Try pressing your tongue up against the roof of your mouth towards the back so that the tongue almost "folds backwards". According to the chinese this will help the "energy flow" flow past instead of getting stuck around the head.

Congratualtions on your marriage.


I just tried this and my ear cooled off a great deal a minute later. Weird coincidence? Can't wait to try it again.

Jay Coney

yah, i tried it just now and it seems to work. maybe its all in the mind? hmm..


omg it did work!




I believe the tongue trick is part of the solution regarding 'blocked energy'. This may also stem from an imbalance with the cerebal fluid. In actuality, any kind of trauma to the head at any age can produce a pressure point and therefore blockage in the flow of the cerebal fluid. This can even be related to the trauma of the birthing canal and why many chiropractics advocate treating newborns. Try locating a practioner trained in the Uplegger Inst. of cranial saceral therapy to detect & correct any blockages. Research this. Incidentily, through this therapy, many migrains, sinisus,dyslexia, allergies etc.. have been successfully treated. AND, ADD & ADHD, etc. can be treated or reversed through environmental & nutritional therapies. Research this as well. Just google -Alternative and natural therapies for(type in whatever you want to research)Drugs will only cover up symptoms & cause side effects.They do not correct the underlying problem which is still there.
Best of luck & God Bless.

rudy red ears

about how far back to you go? do you go, "like straight up" or do you try to reach as far back as possible with the tongue? do you press hard? do you simply fold it all the way like a ball?please help!!!!!

Peter Bengtsson

as far back as possible and not hard at all. Don't fold it back. It should still point up to the roof of the mouth.


The first time I tried it, my ear got hotter. Then I tried it again, and it worked really well!


Great. It worked or I'm subject to the power of suggestion


Same thing happens to me... I dont' want to get married because of this. Did you get any info on this? Any recommendations?

Big Red

Wow, I never knoew som many people had this, I have been dealing with this as long as I can remember (though never as a child ony when I hit my teens) Both ears get bright red almost purple, and they have a burning sensation that hurts. Code Red I am exactly like what you describe, male, sensitive, shy and I am into art. I know what you mean about avoiding certain situations, I worry at times if in life I will be able to overcome this as I worry about what you have said with your career happening to me. It usually happens when it's hot, getting in my car mid day will do this to me, also happens when I get embarassed or am stressed out. Unfortunetly also happens when I talk to women, at which point due to the burning sensation I don't make eye contact and am prone to running my hand through my hair just above my ears. Laura I sympathize with you on this big time though if it does happen you could always have the photographer use photo shop to remove it (I have done this before).


Mine is my right ear just thought I'd say that.


about 6 months ago i suddenly felt my right ear get hot and it was burning red. This now happens every few weeks with no warning, its always my right ear. Everytime it has happened is when i have had lack of sleep. The rest of my body can usually be cold. if I have a drink of alcohol especially after a night with very little sleep and when i'm run down about 5 minutes after my first drink i can feel my ear starting to burn.
I'm pretty sure that this has to do with poor circulation. The right ear would be because of the way the blood circulates round your body. When tired your body is over- exerting itself and is probably dehydrated. Increased blood pressure during this causes blood not to flow so easily.
i know someone who gets red ears that are hot when he is tired, but this is i think its nothing to worry about its just becuase hot and tired.
I think the sudden onset of one burning red hot ear is a warning sign from your body that somethings wrong. Usually my ear goes away with drinking lots of water and titling my headin the opposite direction. I also find the need to crack my neck and find that massaging the surrounding area usually makes it pass in short time.

dede mcfarlane

Thank you all so much! EVERY time I drink a couple of ounces of wine (35 & 36 yo sons) would say "You've been drinking!! I am mad! I just got home from work and had a half cup of wine!! Are you kidding? My right ear is beet red, so they assume something is wrong and mom MUST BE PLOWED because my (right) ear is red. WHY is my (ONLY) right ear purple red? PLEASE Help. Thank you for trying.


Finally an answer that makes complete since! I've been ready down this page looking to confirming my hypothesis of it being dehydration (lack of water and electrolytes), lack of sleep/ exhausted body, and blood circulation issues. I have been thinking this since it normally happens to me after I've had little to no sleep, worked out excessively hard and was dehydrated, and when I'm starting to get a cold. I have a very health blood pressure (120/82), but circulation issues run in my family. All things to be aware of.

Everyone- when your body changes, especially when it heats up, it's a warning symptom of the body. Always beware of these feelings. Catching these warning signs early and you could help yourself catch something before it truly begins to affect you. I'm glad to see people that look for answers as I have always done. I guess colleged helped a lot too... Lol


Eloise Loza

Hi im hear reading all your stories im a hespanec women 49 and i think i had my first red ear around 15 years ago and also for me 5 minets after a drink of acohol it will happen but i also think it has somthing to do qith blood serculation my leg are always blue red cant were shorts in publec and dont drink water to top it off


Thats crazy stuff man, i was looking up info on burning, red ears cause thats been happening to me a lot for about a year or two now , I also get some redness on my face once in a while and my scalp also , the doctors say its a for of dermatitus ( i haven't talked to anyone about the ear thing). I usually just wait about an hour or two then it just goes away. The funny thing about this is I also study kung fu . My Jhong Law Horn and MeiHua praying mantis. though the ear stuff i think may have been happening before starting my KungFu Experience. My throat seems to get really really dry very quickly ....maybe its just all dehydration..who knows ...good luck everyone!


I don't believe the dermatitis thing because I have just recently seen the side of my face get red (and it's not dermatitis) along with my ear. My ear burns inside and out and I'm told it's not an infection. Mine never use to be that way but like a stated a few paragraphs up it was after I had an accident that it started happening.


In my asian culture i have always been taught that when one of your ear is hot... it means someone you know is talking (gossiping) about you. Its been a long time superstitious thing in our culture.


I heard this superstition but it was a ringing in your ear. I dont believe our problem is a superstition, especially because I get the hot red ear on a daily basis. I'd be flattered if people were talking about every day, lol.


I am Italian and it means the saem in our culture. That someone you know is talking (gossiping) about you.


My husband gets a "hot ear" ocassionally and has had it for quite some years. My son who is 7.5 is now getting them quite frequently (almost daily). It is interesting to read about the math, and doing technical things, my husband does Design Engineering (a lot of computer, technical stuff), my son is also very intellectual, reads a lot, (uses his brain a lot). He also may not get the sleep he needs, and I have to remind him a lot to drink fluids, so the dehydration could also play a role. We thought we were the only ones with this. Very interesting reading.

Colleen Nowack

Hi Della,
You might want to see a Rheumatoid arthritis doctor for this with your son just to be safe. They deal with autoimmune deficiencies, there is a condition where your ear can become red and painful. The condition will not get better until treatment is received, I thought that was my issue but I was mistaken.
Best of luck to you.


I am glad that I am not the only one with the "single red ear problem." In my case it is always the left one. Tonight it happened while I was doing financial calculations (I help people with their investments for a living). I believe that it mainly happens to me when I concentrate on getting a more complex job done. I have not noticed any correlation with the amount of sleep I get.


I also get the burning of the ears. It affects the whole outer ear and the lobe.
When this accures I also get real hot at the lower part of my head...twards my neck.
I've taking notice it starts about 1/2 hour after I eat certain foods. Oils, flour,caffein,alchole, or junk food. I don't eat allot of these foods..but when I do I find this happening when and everytime I do eat them. Fried foods I think are the worst..that is why I stay away from fried food. And stick with first cold pressed oils...and stay away from oils that are not suppose to be heated and used to fry food.
I hope this helps someone.


So its not just me! I'e been getting red and burning left ear for about a year now. thought it was just an odd coincicence but am now begining to get fed up with it so went onto the net to see what I could find. Lots!!
Well, I'm sitting here with my tounge pressed up against the roof of my mouth to see if that helps. I guess it can't hurt. I'm a teacher and am sometimes bothered by the flaming ear during lectures. I'm sure the students have noticed, they don't miss anything! and I am aware of it. Will get medical attention if I don't get any relief from the toung method. I will also try chiropractic and maybe shiatsu. Will post results to this site.
Rudolf The Red Ear.


I am also a teacher (math) and I have had my left ear get hot and red for over a year now. I've been to 4 different types of doctors, all who told me nothing except that it is not an ear infection. I'm trying the tongue trick, its not working yet, but i will try anything because this is the most annoying thing I have to deal with! I cannot focus when my ear is hot and red which can go on for days. I have determined that it must be induced from stress about anything (work, personal life, etc.). Anybody that has any important, helpful information - please post it! Like many of you have said - doctors think I might be making it up or that I'm crazy.. Also, has anybody tried acupuncture or massage therapy as a way to help this?


I also forgot to mention I tried the tongue method that was mentioned above and it seemed to help. I truly believe it is an allergie of some type....but cannot figure it out. I've been watching anything that has color#5 in it...allot of foods..and granola have this in it.

Kyna Schulz

Yes! It is absolutely an 'allergic' reaction for us. For me, it is a wheat allergy. I only have this happen when I've had an abundance of wheat, and it has worsened over the years, spreading to the right side of my neck and my scalp. My son gets a hot red ear (and another rashe on his knees/incredibly irritable) when he has dairy. The first sign is always the burning ear though!


I had an appointment with my doctor today after several months of having one ear, the other ear, or both get very red and hot for no apparent reason every day. He thinks it may be raynauds phenomenon but took blood to make sure it's not raynauds disease which is an autoimmune disease. Apparently there is a difference between raynauds phenomenon and raynauds disease.

Red Ear Barons

I too have the hot ear. My friend Monica and I are plagued by this phenomenon. We thought we were the only ones. We were drinking Rolling Rock and recieved the unwelcome and all too familiar hot ear. Andre Cold Duck Champagne will relieve these symptoms temporarily, but will come on twice fold in about 5 minutes. So drink water with organic sea salt and about a teaspoon of lemon and chickory root, that should do it.


Why worry? It can't damage you and surely you're not in pain when your ears are hot.


If it happens once, and never came back fine, but you don't understand the social situation with this problem. It can be compared to uncontrolled blushing or problem sweating. It can really hit at the worst time like a meeting infront of many people, etc. How can it not bother you to not look and feel normal. Not everything is about pain, maybe not physical pain, but it causes mental and emotiuon pain - you can't see ...


What bothers me is "not knowing" what it is. If I knew what it was and what was causing it and it wasn't going to cause problems later on then that's okay. But is it a "high" blood pressure problem - can it turn into a "high" blood pressure problem?

Judi wike

Me too. I just want to know the cause & if it's anything to worry about. It's always my right ear & I do have high blood pressure. I want to know if I should b concerned about this.

Giti Herbelin

I think thia is very possibke I noticed it haooens when i have a srink of fireball.but i just started noticibg it i am not on high blood oressue meds eirher


You fool - my husband is dying in ICU of lung and heart failure but on top of this he clinches his teeth, trembles and grimaces as the ear turns hot, burn, stings, and is excruciating, ENT doc is too dumb to diagnose it - my EX husband took lightly the excruciating pain of a tumor growing in my uterus the size of a softball (until it was removed) - docs too dense to find it for 7 years of agaony because it was buried deep in me so my EX husband said why worry, who cares, you gotta take it like a man UNTIL he got kidney stones and was slung over on an ER counter too busy for immediate attention and had to endure - then he was in sheer agony - we are taught empathy all of us eventually - perhaps you should develop more empathy before Karma teaches it to you in a future year when you least expect it.


I'm worry, but you seem to overreacted on this one.

The symptoms your husband is experiencing speak more strongly to a constant condition, most likely trigeminal neuralgia.

The condition we're discussing is how, occasionally, one of our ears reddens for an as-yet uncertain reason(s).

As for me, it seems to clearly emanate from the trigeminal nerve, but not in the neuralgia sense. I've had it for over a decade, and I'm 25, male, O+, well managed/masked OCD. Also suffer from PTSD and panic disorder, which can affect me for six-months/year at a time, but eventually fade into the background.

Let's not take the O+ type into consideration, as it's the majority bloodtype, or rather plurality. I think it's est. at something like 37% of the population.

It can sometimes precede a headache, at least in my experience, located also on the same side (right). In any case, when it happens, I can feel the ear burning, or someone will notice & point it out.

I'd certainly like to see us all try some data collection. When it happens, what we've eaten, environment, etc. Also, my ear is right, and I'm right handed, though was left-handed as a kid; my parents were weirdos who believed lefties were in danger of going to hell or something.

So, we'd basically need to collect some general data about ourselves and medical histories, along with logs of when/where/under what circumstances.

I may be able to devote a section of my website with it, if those who've expressed interest still have it. We can put together a questionnaire, and obviously just use coded numbers for patient ids, or work totally anonymously.

Email me with thoughts.


Grey, I think collecting data is a really good idea. It will help us identify the high drivers of this. Please email me with information/ questionaire/weblink if available. Thanks


this sounds like a great idea.
Could you write the adress of the website so I can contribute with my facts. My ears gets red in the afternoon or evening every single day.
Triggers by touch,temp. change, lying down etc.


Grey...I would be happy to participate.

Cheryl Marconi

I'd like to know what you find out from the data. My 5-year-old son gets red ear or ears just about every evening at dinnertime. His father and uncle also get it. I am also a writer, and would be interested in writing an article about this research to make the issue more public. Obviously, it affects a lot of people.


Yes, it is a kind of pain. It is very uncomfortable and can stay that way for hours or days. There is no way to relieve the symptoms. My son can not sleep at night because of it. He has to put ice packs on his ears just to fall asleep. Please do not make light of other people's misery.


my ears are actually painfull to touch when they get so red and hot


Hello. Im from croatia. That thing with red ear happens to me a lot. I went to a few doctors with that problem. Mesaured my blood preassure it was fine. I also did EKG,checked blood,hormons,...just becouse i felt unsafe. But all things i did showed me that i was fine. One doctor said that he thinks that red ears sometimes come if u think about problems too much,if ur sad,stressed and so one. This gonna sound stupid but sometimes when that happens i make myself to throw up....but people said that i deffinitelly should not do that. I noticed while i was on some weird diet with lots of fruit,some weird soup ears were fine for two weaks. So im guessing it might have something to do with food too. If someone wants to talk about it writte to me on my email.

Julie D.

I have this same problem! I went to the doctor, and she also told me it is an aura associated with migraines (which I do get). I also get a red ear when I am tired, stressed, or angry. It will always start in the left ear, and sometimes it will "travel" to the right ear. So strange!!


Hmmm.. Me too. I get Migraines as well and no one ever told me the aura thing.
My left ear gets red when I am agitated with someone ..
Good to know I am not alone

Mary collins

Want to talk about it. Please email me. I have many food sensitivities.


Hi ki get them too I just had an ear attack if this is way its called my ears get hot red burning I don't no I've had this since I was a kid I'm thinking its what yours said stress being angry I get that when I'm stressed or even if the room I'm in is hot I start to get hot n off the ears go burning


well, well. I also do accounting for a living, and my left ear gets hot usually in the late afternoon or evening. What a relief that I am not a loner, and can be a part of the "hot ear club"!! I just tried the tongue thing, and I can't believe it worked. Did it really work physically, or was it mind over matter?


"physically, or was it mind over matter?"
Does it matter Kari? :)


I thought it was a good question.


I keep trying the tongue thing but it's not working for me.


i got my right red ear and hot and feel hot on that time. so please can u tell me what is tongue thing. how can i do that when that happen. plz e mail me a s a p. thank u very much . Ali

rudy red ears

guess what, I do accounting too!! ive had the red ears for all my life and im 27, thought puberty would cure it but no. embarrasment, anger, red wine, hot rooms, going out into the cold and then back into a warm building will bring it on. also running into someone at the store is bad, even if i know them. the lack of sleep definitely plays a part, saturdays and sundays seem so much easier. looks like there are a few general causes that we all can relate too. has anyone else ever had the air on full blast in winter with the vents aimed at your ears? lol

Darlene A Gedge

I definitely think it is physical part of stretching the tongue pulling muscles from the in side. Similar to the same way that massaging all around the ear and down the neck and pressing out away from the ear just now when I was pressing on my neck at the same time as moving my tongue straight out or out and curling and pressing up - Did each kind several times several times my hands could feel the movement even though my hands oar eon the side of my neck toward the top - - - I think this is a body reaction and the ear is flushing like maybe anode that is right behind my ear. - I tried ignoring it while I was cleaning a house fro several house - I was blaming it on my tight pony tail or possible TMJ bu it had been 20 years since I hot TMJ but maybe I wa clinching my jaw close as I was working quietly - - - I massaged my neck or ear a little while working but when done, and driving home, I noticed when I was at a stop light that put my head up while massage away from my ear all of a sudden the pain literally disappeared so I held my head and fingers in that position and wondered if the pressure point theories stuff might actually work and - wondered did I just find one - course then when the light turned green I had to put my head normal again and the pain resumed - I kept doing the massaging thing wondering if just moving things around helped cause maybe my body is trying to flushes this area for some reason - (infection was a worry that I decided to push away from my mind at this point cause if massaging or pressure points can take away the pain then it is not an infection ) - my new pressure theory stuck with me all the way home - when I got home I took 3 Tylenol and 2 benedryl (in case it was an allergic reaction to something ) and several other vitamins and magnesium - ( I had already taken 3 I B prophen before and at the job ) - I am ruling out niacin flush as a cause because of it being only in my left ear and surrounding head and top of neck only left side - I do think it could be blood flow flush or lymthnode protection thing or TMJ or a response to cramping of some really small muscles and the body incorrectly reacting in all ways just because of TMJ cramping or the tight pony tail pulling making the mucels cramp and the body then reacting in all the different ways that it can even though all the different ways wee not necessary then causing more pain and the redness .


LOL..this is funny, but true. I really took notice it happens after eating. Maybe like 1/2 hour or even 3hrs after eating. Yes the tongue thing does work. I use it when I need it now.:-)


How weird. I get the red hot ear (always right ear only) from time to time. Just had it happen now, and thought I should google it to see what I could learn. And here on a random blog I find a troupe of fellow burning ear compatriots! God bless this here Interweb. Oh, and the tongue thing didn't work for me... :-(


Jay, did you breath from your nose while trying it? I find it works if you try to just breath with your nose while your flipping the tongue backwards on the roof of your mouth. and keep your mouth open also. I do slow breathing in and out of my nose..for about 5 to 6 minutes..or untill I feel it going away.


ok i'm doing this too, but i'm just getting a headache from pressing my tongue up. i'm miserable. i'm probably stressed, i can feel it, but i am scared by all those post-ers who say its some scary disease... what's up with that?

Haley Barton

This was the first time I have ever gotten this. I was a little worried. I tried the tongue thing and it didn't work. Now I'm a little frustrated


I started getting this a few days ago and I couldn't figure out why, I asked my father, who says that he gets them from time to time, and he doesn't know what they are. I read somewhere it has to do with stress in your neck and their friend went to a chiropractor and it never came back.

Pharmacist Moody

Red Ear Syndrome is most likely due to an endocrine, specifically a adrenal and or thyroid hormone insufficiency. If you have a red ear(s) soon after being in a stressful physical or emotional situation or illness, suffer from lack of sleep etc... your adrenal glands mAy not be responding to stress normally and you may have a low cortisol or other hormone deficiency. Sometimes it is Also associated with migraine but you really need to see an endocrinologist. They can run a few tests to ensure that you don't have a major problem like Addison's disease and can also recommend changes in diet and managing stress to increase some of your hormone levels. Best of luck to you!


I took my 6 year old son to childrens hospital early this morning due to neck pain. I thought it was a ear ache. Turns out to be that he slept on his neck wrong.
Now, hours later his left ear is bright red and hot Very bizarre

Julie D.

I have this same problem! I went to the doctor, and she also told me it is an aura associated with migraines (which I do get). I also get a red ear when I am tired, stressed, or angry. It will always start in the left ear, and sometimes it will "travel" to the right ear. So strange!!


i thought i was weird for having this problem..but i know im not at all weird.. it might be one of those syndromes you guys mentioned..i was a vegan til recently, i started eating pork and chicken.. now i get the sleepless nights and migraines and the red hot left ear for no apparent reason.sometimes it does "travel" from left to right.. but its always on the left.. i thought it was an old wives tale (that somebody was cursing me) or something..but now i think it might be a med condition.. hmm.. good luck to us..


My son Alex - who is 6 and mildly autistic suffers from red ears as well. Without a doubt, it stems from a food allergy. 2 hours after injesting foods with high phenolic contents, his ear or ears turn bright red and are hot. After an hour or so it passes. You Can confirm testing thru Great Plain Labrotories with their IgG 96 food panel delayed reaction food test (simple blood draw). Cost of test $200.


i dont get migraines but im very stressed,tired,work too much with kids and job.i notice when i drink or get angry/stressed it really happens but in both ears,right ear especially.i am also type o neg?or pos? not sure.but it seems there is definately a link going by all the o types on here find out any info let me know.ill do the same. thanx


OK, add me to the "red ear" group as well! I have had red, hot ears now for about an hour and it has happened before. It has happened when I've been angry, was drinking alcohol or stressed. Right now, I'm stressed but my blood pressure is only 130/80. I, too, am type o+. I do get the rare migraine. I'm 34 and have had maybe 6 or 8 in my life. I'm hoping if anyone is still watching this site for research purposes, this info will help. I do understand the ones who complain of it being somewhat embarrassing. As far as physical pain, the burning sensation is more of an uncomfortable thing, very uncomfortable, but not so much actually painful. Good luck to all who sympathize! Thanks!


I have the same problem!. It happens to my red ear and it is very common when i have less sleep or having even a glass of alcohol. I went to a doctor and was asked to take blood test for cholestrol . My cholestrol levels were high and also high blood pressure. It is getting very regular and I am very curious what is causing this?


I also have the mostly left ear problem. And face. Thought it was allergies. I didn't see this mentioned but I read on a website about Thoracic Outlet syndrome..I also have high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol. Sometimes I feel my muscles sort of move, like a snake up around my left clavicle. Also the alocohol brings it on fast


I too have this troubling syndrome and I was curious to know exactly what you mean by the tounge thing as well as to know if any of you smoke. Mine is in my left ear usually sometimes "travels" to the right and the face. Does this have to do with my smoking it seems to come on after I smoke.


I have this happen almost every day, I hate it and want it to stop.


I don't smoke. I do use snuff, but it seems not related to that. I see it most in the afternoons, under stress, and it does also travel to my face and right ear. I have no hearing in my left ear (related? from 3 years ago..cause unknown) and yet I sometimes think I hear "water dripping" . Anyone else?


While going thru a divorce years ago, I was put on an antidepressant.
It caused me to me to have some uncomfortable side effects so I was put on Clonazepam to take along with the antidepressants

After I was on the antidepressant
for about 4 months, I stopped taking it and the Clonazepam. I started having the hot ear and face problem real bad. My face would feel like it was going to explode. The Dr. put me back on Clonazepam. It helped but did not totally take care of the problem. Over the last ten year the Clonazepam has been increased until I am up to 3 MG a day. If I miss a dose, I really have trouble with the hot ear, face and scalp. The Doctors try putting me back on antidepressants and they make my condition worse.

Wine will cause the hot ear condition to start nearly every time. I had a beer tonight and it caused it to happen. I decided to do another search on internet and found this interesting information.

All the Doctors can tell me is that it is stress related. I think the antidepressant started it and now I am hung up on Clonazepam realy bad. I was able to stop cigarets but not Clonazepam.


i there, i found your mesage very interesting. i was on a very large dosage of anti-depressants for 3 years. i gained 30kg, slept a lot and lived a very wierd life full of rashes and bad moods. after a bad rash i was told by a skin specialist that i was taking way too many tablets and that this dosage was not healthy. out of my anger i decided to stop these talets and so i stopped on that day which was not the best thing to do cause i later learnt that your supposed to gradully stop taking them. i went through a really rough stage for the next three months and i started to get really depressd again. i mean severe stuff here. after a year i started experiencing a lot of things to my body. i started thinking a lot clearer and stuff and thought i was getting my life back but my body was casung me problems. i lost a lot of weight and started experiencing hot flushes that got really annoying. my ears would go hot and spread to my cheeks. im still like this and its depressing. my whole body is hot for some reason and i dont know why? i think it could be cause somthing is not functiong properly. either it was from the medicine which i really regret taking in the first place. it could be from too much depression. i really dont know. im looking for answers. if you have any info please send me some. take care

Peter Bengtsson

Wow. You must have been to hell and back. I hope you're getting better.


Wow, yeah you can't go cold turkey on anti depressants, Ive been on seroxat for 20yrs, imgaine how hard it is trying to taper off, I tell you it is really hard, have gone down to 5mg and just experienced tis red left ear, maybe its the reduction and my brain trying to adjust, but it just came out of the blue, weird.


I am also going through the exact same problem with face, ears, weight loss ect..

Elleta Janay Salcido

How are you now?

Tamara S B

I have the red ear thing. I had it when I was young. It went away and it is back now. You reminded me of women and menopause. A supplement called Evening Primrose oil stops hot flashes. Please try it. You need only one or two pills a day. I hope this helps. Your body is out of balance. Please eat good healthy food without any MSG and do not drink alcohol. You will feel better. Alcohol and MSG interfere with blood flow. So avoid them. Good luck. I know you will feel better with time and more balance.


I have been on clonazepam for about 5 years now, it stops complicated migraine syndrome and anxiety attacks for me-most of the time. Earlier I felt aura symptoms and realized I had missed a dose. I also had a beer. I've been on clonazepam so long, alcohol doesn't interract anymore. About 20 minutes ago, my right ear started to feel funny. Then hot. Then turned red, to the point my daughter noticed it. I looked in the mirror and the difference between my ears is astonishing. I definitely beleive it is migraine and stress related.


Im coming off Seroxat (paxil) antidepressant and on 5mg now, this evening suddenly my left ear flushed and is still red after an hr, when does this go? Juts read your message maybe it's brain related, as you said yours happened after an anti depressant, and some say migraine etc.


Have you tried meditation?


I too suffer from the burning red ear syndrome. I am 16 years of age, currently taking trazodone for sleeping, and adderall for school (ADD.) I have been on trazodone for about a year now, and adderall for the past month.

This, what I like to call RES (Red Ear Syndrome), has been happening to me for as long as I can remember. It is nice to know that I am not the only one this happens to.

When this happens to me it is usually only in one ear. It usually occurs in my left ear but sometimes travels to my right ear as well. This is embarrassing in school when it happens but I like to joke about it by saying to a friend next to me “Hey look, my right ear is normal, but look at my left ear (and then I laugh.)” which makes them laugh and me feel a little better.

When I am at home and this happens to me, I wash my face and ears with cold water and then I put something from the freezer on my ear(s) to cool them down. It works sometimes but not always. I just read about 5 minutes ago about the tongue thing; I will try that next time it happens.

I wish there was a reason that this happens…


I also have the red ears but mine goes on my face and arms too. Im also 16 and on adderall for ADD.


Give please. Always be nice to those younger than you, because they are the ones who will be writing about you.
I am from Marshall and also now'm speaking English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "You wonder what the future holds, whether you be able to fulfill your wish to have children and how to accomplish your goal of building a family."

Thank you so much for your future answers ;-). Dorcas.


I have had this as well. It's my left ear. I have really been working hard for the past day or so and am tired...maybe that's it?


My right ear frequently becomes uncomfortably hot. It turns bright red and is often painful. It does not occur after something specific like lack of sleep or alcohol, but rather at random. It usually last for about half an hour and nothing i've tried has helped relieve this problem. Any suggestions?


I am 23 years old. I have been getting BOTH RED EARS since I was 9 or so.

I have monitored this problem over the years. Why? because unlike many of you getting it when you are older, I have had it for almost my whole life.

I am currently trailing treatment with the V PULSE laser which is meant to minmise the size of capillaries.

there is no pill to take to offset it, there is not much talked about in terms of treatment. I have set out on a journey to find a sucessful treament for this condition. I have had enough, you all know how bad it feels to get it, well times it by two - because both of mine go red on a daily basis.

I know what you are going through, I have read many posts by other people on other forums, but we need to start going through solutions and results for this condition. not much is known about it, and I have been the gineu pig for many tests.

I will set up a site dedicated to this problem. please email me any treatments you have gone for to try and solve this condition that we know little about still on how to fix permanently.

I would say it is nerve related and wil lsoon see a neurologist as well if the laser treatment fails.


Not sure but I'm thinking it might have to do with the ear canal being inflamed or smaller than normal and the blood not being able to flow properly. I didn't have this until after an accident. It's happening right now as I type and it's just my left ear.


Interesting point. It always starts in my left ear and an ENT did note that my left ear canal is "malformed" and much smaller than my right.


At the moment, it's my right ear and burns so bad.


David, have you had any results from your quest to find out what this is?

Larry B.


When I get the red ear (which is painfull for me) I take Aleve or a deflamatory from doctor. This seems to help it go away. And I notice when I take an Aleve (which is a deflamatory drug) I notice my sinuses begin to losen and I have to blow my nose. This tells me there must be a connection between my sinuses and this condition or some kind of fluid in that part of my head backing up into my ears. But my inner ears are okay and no problems. Very odd.


Hi, I know your post is old but hope to reach you. My son (9 y.o.) gets red ear almost every day (usually at bed time but sometimes during the day too). this started more than a year ago, with periods when does not happen at all and other times of the year like now (winter) that is happening almost every day. in his case it is very painful, he says it is 'burning" (that is she feels it very hot) to the point he almost cries and asks for help. what we usually do is we turn a fan next to his ear or he puts a cold compress (from the fridge) on his ear.
His ear is not only red but also swollen and found small "nodules" on the helix. I am not sure this is a separate/different problem or part of the same. Right now he has a nodule (inside of the helix skin not superficial like a pimple, but it raises the helix like a little bump). I will take him to check by his pediatrician but I know how it will go... put steroidal cream or antihistamine drugs... we'll check though. I wonder if what you have had is the same and would like to hear what you have found to help you. thanks.


New chronic read ear support website

For suffers of red ear syndrome, not much is known yet of this ocndition for treatment.


I have this same condition almost every day. Mine is usual both ears it seams to happen when I go from a cool enviroment to a warmer enviroment like a warm house or sometimes when I touch my ear it happens and sometimes for no reason I know of. My neck usual feels tight when it happens. I can feel my heart beat in my ears and sometimes in my neck. I have checked my blood pressure numerous times when it happened and its not high. It usually happens mid day or later in the day. The warmth of the sun hitting on me can also cause it. It usually lasts about two hours

Ma.Sheryll B.Rodriguez

i also feel same thing,


I get burning ear every once in a while , i didn't know so many others get it as well. Right now my left ear is burning up, I iced it to cool it down but the burning ear seemed to have melted the ice rather quickly. It was a temporary relief for a moment.

Crimson Queen

I'm feeling pretty old tonight!! I never thought too much about my extremely red, left ear until a few weeks ago when my six year old grandson (only related to me by marriage) had his first attack. I sprung into action with ice in a cold wash cloth and constant signing to get his mind off it. Eventually, when not focusing on it -- it diminished. I then realized I have had the problem going on since I was a kid and I will be 49 in a couple of weeks. I've decided to start keeping a red ear journal to try to identify any triggers.

Peter Bengtsson

A log?! Great idea. That sounds really promising. Make sure you have a look at the earsred website mentioned by David in the comment above this one.


I've suffered from this for a long long time now, and have always imagined it was unique as no one else I have has this problem.

My ears, either both or one will go exceptionally hot anytime, anywhere any weather. The triggers are mainly alcohol, touch, talking about it, stress and embarrasment. It's really been a pain to me, because as weird as it sounds I splash water over my ears to cool them down multiple times a day, and this is giving me dry skin around the ear area. It's a nightmare for me, I can't concentrate, sleep and get grumpy unless I cool my ears down. I have a fan next to my bed on in the winter or summer even at night on my face otherwise I can't get to sleep. This problem is so bad for me, and so embarrasing. I visit the toilets multiple times when in restaurants to cool my ears down, people think I am weird when I splash water over my ears.

I'm 18 years of age, I lead a fairly normal life but have an inability to relax anywhere mainly spouted from my lack of confidence over being slightly overweight and having awful curly hair.

It's kind of a curse to me, as it bothers me a lot. I get no migrains, no headaches. I do smoke, I have a varied diet and don't like sweets very much. I like the odd bottle of wine, however my ears still get red hot when I havn't had any for days. I'm so sick of this problem, and I'm so glad I found this place. If we could all contribute and put together some information regarding this, hopefully we can all get some insight regarding the matter, I'm a webdesigner so maybe can compile a site regarding this.

I think I've got a particuarly bad case though, I can feel my ears getting hot as I type this. It's so infuriating and embarrasing, I pity anyone with it.

I'm glad I found this site, I feel better for sharing this now. Take care guys!


I can hardly believe there is so much about red hot ears on Google. I am a grandmother and have for a few years had bouts of red hot ears.... one at a time or both. It is embarassing. Also, they often get scaly red sore/itchy areas on the skin over the cartiledge areas. For many years I almost always have red palms and soles of my feet. Recently, I have ocassionaly experienced tinglng of one side of my nose, and tonite I am having an off and on tingling sensation just inside my left ear, like a flea is in there or something. I don't have fleas. Neither do my dogs. Any sugestions? Also, do you or anyone you know out there have trouble with irregular heart beat and/or can hear your own heartbeat like a swooshing sound?

coolcat Deb

wow I have the red hot burning hands, feet, ears...but heres my deal when my hands and feet are not red and hot, they are ice cold and a purpleish hole family have the burning feet, and hands. Deb


you might try Panasonic acid a b vitamin. Helped my moms hot feet >>L.

hattie-boo the red ear girl

me to i always get a red ear i am 10 years old and i get a red ear betwween 3-9p.m
bi dude to radical to explain
i have never been to a docter about it though !!!!!!!


David..I think it is GREAT that you are starting this forum...for this.
I also just signed up.

Also I want to thank " PETERBE.COM " for bringing us all here..with his site.


Did you know the teeth aren't supposed to touch during the day? Simply touching them together causes the temporalis muscle branches above the ear to contract. A lot of us are clenchers during the day and night, which leads to excess tension in the temporalis muscle. Even just barely touching the teeth during work or whatever will cause temporalis tension. Perhaps relaxation of the temporalis muscles will ease blood flow away from the ear? ...check out the nti-tss bite guard page for good analysis of temporalis tension and a possible solution:

Peter Bengtsson

I think the percentage of people who suffer from red hot ears is tiny but the percentage of people whose teeth touch to be huge. I have heard of people who have to sleep with gumshields to protect their teeth from destroying each other but nothing about this causing "temporalis tension"


I have recently discovered that when your ear turns red, it will go away if you smoke a few hits of crack cocaine. Easily made from baking soda, cocaine, and a few drops of water.


Really nice, I guess the
term, "crackhead", derived from
you. Grow up and go to forum
for druggies!


David?? LOL. :- O
that was a joke right??

I think it also has to do with elastic. If any of you notice the redness going away at in the morning...right after you put your under garments on and see if it happens.


Hovverx: So that must be why I get major headaches when I excessively chew gum. Argh.

Anyway I've had a headache all day today. I overslept which sometimes contributes to them. Had dinner, took an asprin, came to check my email and noticed my left ear started to get extremely hot. So I went to look in the mirror and it was bright red. My other ear is normal. I just assume it came along with the headache.

Nice to know I'm not the only one! It's the first and only time it has ever happened to me though. The tongue thing didn't work at all, and I felt like a goofball doing it.

Maybe I'll try the cocaine thing. ;-)



I landed on this site googling around kung fu stuff as I practise myself. it's only been roughly a year but I do try to practise at least one to two hours a day and it is doing me great good. I personaly train hard in order to be healthy.

I'm 26 and spent my childhood in china which probably explains my attraction to kung fu. As the rest of my family, I have been very influenced by asian culture.

it's funny to see how each of us express this influence and how two of my bros and I have chosen kung fu whereas other members of the family chose different means.

my youngest bro and my mom for instance do some king of energetic healing, derived from asian medecine and each time I am impressed buy how fast and how well they can put an end to most health problems and get people back on their feet again.

I never had heard of this red ear problem before reading the comments posted here but i do have experienced chronical migrains during my childhood and it was really making my everyday life painful.

I finally got rid of those back in europe when i was a teenager thanks to a very good (IMHO) chinese doctor. No pills, no surgery, it was amazing... and I hardly ever had migrains since (perhaps once or twice in extreme conditions).

I don't believe this has anything to do with magic and I do believe that the asian way of handling health problems is subtile and efficient though very different from ours.

I always go to the doctor when I have to and I admire lot's of our western medecine. But the experience has led me to know that the asian way of doing can somtimes be surprising and is often a lot smoother for the human body.

I don't know if you have experienced read ears again since Peter, and I have not yet visited the earsred website, but since you seem to be opened to asian culture I thought mentioning my experience could maybe help.

Perhaps using chinese or asian methods against this problem could bring new answers. Furthermore I don't think people have anything to loose giving it a try.

good luck to all of you...


my name is Lucas. I get hot red left ear when I read alot and think alot and dont get much sleep. My ear gets really hot and really red. Then it goes away when I am done reading and thinking.


Hello, i also get red hot ears. this usally occurs when i'm nervous, have a test coming up or when i realy have to use the restroom. i think i might try the tounge thing.


I have been getting read hot ears for a couple months now...
It's highly annoying, and definitely not attractive. I usually wear my hair back so they're exposed. It doesn't help my poker face!!
I tried the tongue thing, and it didn't work. But I'll probably keep trying.

Peter Bengtsson

Try to sit down and relax when you do it. A lot of people prefer to sit on the floor rather than a chair. Give it a go.

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