I'm sure you've seen this React code:

  {users.map(user => <li key={user.id}>{user.name}</li>)}

The key prop is necessary so each element is identifiable.

But did you know you can pass key to a component even though there's no .map(...) or other array of React elements.

Consider this simplified app:

function Form({ user }: { user: User }) {
  const [comment, setComment] = useState("");
  return (
      <label htmlFor="comment">User comment for '{user.name}':</label>
        aria-label="User comment"
        onChange={(event) => setComment(event.target.value)}

And you use it like this:

<Form user={currentUser} />

The problem is; if that currentUser changes in consequent renders, it won't reset that const [comment, setComment] = useState("") state. Perhaps that's not desired, but it's not implausible that you'd want, as per this simple example, a different comment for different users.

To achieve that, add the magical prop key:

<Form user={currentUser} key={currentUser.id} />

Now, that const [comment, setComment] = useState("") state, inside the <Form> component, will "reset" as the currentUser.id changes.

Full Codesandbox example here

An alternative solution

In the above example, the <Form> component completely "starts over" when the key={...} prop changes. What if the <Form> component depends on a bunch of other props such as jokeOfTheDay={joke} writingStyle={style} {...etc}.

You might not want to reset the const [comment, setComment] = useState("") state just because the writingStyle={...} prop changes.

To accomplish this, you can keep the user prop as a piece of state. Like this:

const [previousUser, setPreviousUser] = useState(user);

And when it changes, you apply whatever resets (state updates) you need. Like this:

const [previousUser, setPreviousUser] = useState(user);
if (user !== previousUser) {

This pattern also has the advantage that, from within the component, you don't need to tell the caller of it what it should do.

Full Codesandbox example here


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