I've started a new side project called PissueTracker. It's an issue tracker, but adding the "P" because my name is "Peter" and it makes the name a bit more unique. Also, the name isn't important. What this project can do is important.

In a sense, it's a competitor to GitHub Issues. An issue can be anything such as a feature or bug report or just something that needs to be addressed. In another sense, it's a competitor to a web product I built 24 years ago called IssueTrackerProduct. That was a huge success and it was so much fun to build.

What's special about this issue tracker is that it's all about offline data, with server sync. All the issues you create and edit are stored in your browser. And if you don't want to lose all your data if/when your browser resets, you can have all that data constantly synchronized to the server which will either store it in PostgreSQL or the file system of a server. Since there's a shared data store, you can also authorize yourself amongst others in the system and this way it can become a collaborative experience.

I'm building it by using a React framework called Mantine, which I'm a huge fan of. The browser storage is done with Dexie.js which uses IndexedDB and allows you to store data in relational ways.

So far, I've only spent 1 weekend day on it but I now have a foundation. It doesn't support comments or auth, yet. And I haven't even started on the server sync. But it supports creating multiple trackers, creating/editing issues, fast filtering, and safe Markdown rendering.

The front end is handled by Vite, React Router, and Bun, I don't know if that's important. Right now, the most important thing is to have fun and build something that feels intuitive and so fast that it feels instantly responsive.

More to come!

Listing issues
List of issues in a tracker

Viewing an issue
Viewing an issue

UPDATE (Mar 20, 2025)

Blogged about the client-to-server sync here: "Adding client-to-server sync to PissueTracker."



As a huge fan of IssueTrackerProduct and its user-friendliness, this is great news :D

Peter Bengtsson

That's so fun to hear!
I barely remember what it looked like.

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