Filtered by JavaScript, Python

Page 17


hashin 0.12.0 is much much faster

March 20, 2018
0 comments Python

tl;dr; The new 0.12.0 version of hashin is between 6 and 30 times faster.

Version 0.12.0 is exciting because it switches from using<package>/json to<package>/json so it's using the new PyPI. I only last week found out about the JSON containing .digest.sha256 as part of the JSON even though apparently it's been there for almost a year!

Prior to version 0.12.0, what hashin used to do is download every tarball and .whl file and run pip on it, in Python, to get the checksum hash. Now, if you use the default sha256, that checksum value is immediately available right there in the JSON, for every file per release. This is especially important for binary packages (lxml for example) where it has to download a lot.

To test this, I cleared my temp directory of any previously downloaded Django-* and lxml-* files and used hashin 0.11.5 to fill a requirements.txt for Django and lxml:

▶ hashin --version
▶ time hashin Django
hashin Django  0.48s user 0.14s system 12% cpu 5.123 total
▶ time hashin lxml
hashin lxml  1.61s user 0.59s system 8% cpu 25.361 total

In other words, 5.1 seconds to get the hashes for Django and 25.4 seconds for lxml.
Now, let's do it with the new 0.12.0

▶ hashin --version
▶ mv requirements.txt 0.11.5-requirements.txt ; touch requirements.txt
▶ time hashin Django
hashin Django  0.34s user 0.06s system 46% cpu 0.860 total
▶ time hashin lxml
hashin lxml  0.35s user 0.06s system 44% cpu 0.909 total

So, instead of 5.1 seconds, now it only takes 0.9 seconds. And instead of 25.4 seconds, now it only takes 0.9 seconds.


Note, the old code that downloads and runs pip is still there. It kicks in when you request a digest checksum that is not included in the JSON. For example...:

▶ hashin --version
▶ time hashin --algorithm sha512 lxml
hashin --algorithm sha512 lxml  1.56s user 0.64s system 5% cpu 38.171 total

(The reason this took 38 seconds instead of 25 in the run above is because of the unpredictability of the speed of my home broadband)

Worlds simplest web scraper bot in Python

March 16, 2018
1 comment Python

I just needed a little script to click around a bunch of pages synchronously. It just needed to load the URLs. Not actually do much with the content. Here's what I hacked up:

import random
import requests
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
from urllib.parse import urljoin

session = requests.Session()
urls = []

def run(url):
    if len(urls) > 100:
    html = session.get(url).decode('utf-8')
        d = pq(html)
    except ValueError:
        # Possibly weird Unicode errors on OSX due to lxml.
    new_urls = []
    for a in d('a[href]').items():
        uri = a.attr('href')
        if uri.startswith('/') and not uri.startswith('//'):
            new_url = urljoin(url, uri)
            if new_url not in urls:
    [run(x) for x in new_urls]


If you want to do this when the user is signed in, go to the site in your browser, open the Network tab on your Web Console and copy the value of the Cookie request header.
Change that session.get(url) to something like:

html = session.get(url, headers={'Cookie': 'sessionid=i49q3o66anhvpdaxgldeftsul78bvrpk'}).decode('utf-8')

Now it can spider bot around on your site for a little while as if you're logged in.

Dirty. Simple. Fast.

filterToQueryString - JavaScript function to turn current filter into a query string

March 15, 2018
1 comment Web development, JavaScript, React

tl;dr; this function:

export const filterToQueryString = (filterObj, overrides) => {
  const copy = Object.assign(overrides || {}, filterObj)
  const searchParams = new URLSearchParams()
  Object.entries(copy).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length) {
      value.forEach(v => searchParams.append(key, v))
    } else if (value) {
      searchParams.set(key, value)
  return searchParams.toString()

I have a React project that used to use query-string to serialize and deserialize objects between React state and URL query strings. Yesterday version 6.0.0 came out and now I'm getting this error during yarn run build:

yarn run v1.5.1
$ react-scripts build
Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to compile.

Failed to minify the code from this file: 


Read more here:

error An unexpected error occurred: "Command failed.
Exit code: 1

Perhaps this is the wake up call to switch to URLSearchParams (documentation here). Yes it is. Let's do it.

My use case is that I store a dictionary of filters in React this.state. The filter object is updated by submitting a form that looks like this:

Fitler form

Since the form inputs might be empty strings my filter dictionary in this.state might look like this:

  user: '', 
  created_at: 'yesterday', 
  size: '>= 1m, <300G', 
  uploaded_at: ''

What I want that to become is: created_at=yesterday&size=>%3D+1m%2C+<300G&
So it's important to be able to skip falsy values (empty strings or possibly empty arrays).

Sometimes there are other key-values that needs to be added that isn't part of what the user chose. So it needs to be easy to squeeze in additional key-values. Here's the function:

export const filterToQueryString = (filterObj, overrides) => {
  const copy = Object.assign(overrides || {}, filterObj)
  const searchParams = new URLSearchParams()
  Object.entries(copy).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length) {
      value.forEach(v => searchParams.append(key, v))
    } else if (value) {
      searchParams.set(key, value)
  return searchParams.toString()

I use it like this:

_fetchUploadsNewCountLoop = () => {
  const qs = filterToQueryString(this.state.filter, {
    created_at: '>' + this.state.latestUpload
  const url = '/api/uploads?' + qs

UPDATE - May 2018

In the original blog post (now edited and corrected) I copied the wrong code and didn't discover the subtle mistake until now.
What was wrong as the order of the arguments to Object.assign().


const copy = Object.assign(filterObj, overrides || {})


const copy = Object.assign(overrides || {}, filterObj)

The old version was dangerous because it mutated the filterObj passed in. So if you did something like

const qs = filterToQueryString(this.state.filter, {
  created_at: '>' + this.state.latestUpload

it would potentially mutate this.state.filter which isn't desirable.

Now using minimalcss

March 12, 2018
0 comments Python, Web development, JavaScript, Node

tl;dr; minimalcss is much better than mincss to slew out the minimal CSS your page needs to render. More accurate and more powerful features. This site now uses minimalcss in inline the minimum CSS needed to render the page.

I started minimalcss back in August 2017 and its goal was ultimately to replace mincss.

The major difference between minimalcss and mincss isn't that one is Node and one is Python, but that minimalcss is based on a full headless browser to handle all the CSS downloading and the proper rendering of the DOM. The other major difference is that mincss was based in regular expressions to analyze the CSS and minimalcss is based on proper abstract syntax tree ("AST") implemented by csso.

Because minimalcss is AST based, it can do a lot more. Smarter. For example, it's able to analyze the CSS to correctly and confidently figure out if any/which keyframe animations and font-face at-rules are actually needed.
Also, because minimalcss is based on csso, when it minifies the CSS it's able to restructure the CSS in a safe and smart way. I.e. p { color: blue; } h2 { color: blue; } becomes p,h2{color:blue}.

So, now I use minimalcss here on this blog. The pages are rendered in Django and a piece of middleware sniffs all outgoing HTML responses and depending on the right conditions it dumps the HTML as a file on disk as path/in/url/index.html. Then, that newly created file is sent to a background worker in Celery which starts post-processing it. Every index.html file is accompanied with the full absolute URL that it belongs to and that's the URL that gets sent to minimalcss which returns the absolute minimal CSS the page needs to load and lastly, a piece of Python script basically does something like this:


<!-- before -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/file.css"/>


<!-- after -->
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="/file.css"/></noscript>
<style> ... /* minimal CSS selectors for rendering from /file.css */ ... </style>

There is also a new JavaScript dependency which is the cssrelpreload.js from the loadCSS project. So all the full (original) CSS is still downloaded and inserted into the CSSOM but it happens much later which ultimately means the page can be rendered and useful much sooner than if we'd have to wait to download and parse all of the .css URLs.

I can go into more details if there's interest and others want to do this too. Because this site is all Python and minimalcss is all Node, the integration is done over HTTP on localhost with minimalcss-server.

The results

Unfortunately, this change was mixed in with other smaller optimizations that makes the comparison unfair. (Hey! my personal blog is just a side-project after all). But I downloaded a file before and after the upgrade and compared:

ls -lh *.html
-rw-r--r--  1 peterbe  wheel    19K Mar  7 13:22 after.html
-rw-r--r--  1 peterbe  wheel    96K Mar  7 13:21 before.html

If I extract out the inline style block from both pages and compare it looks like this:

So, downloading the initial HTML document is now 19KB instead of previous 96KB. And visually there's absolutely no difference.

Granted, in the after.html version, a piece of JavaScript kicks in and downloads /static/css/base.min.91f6fc577a60.css and /static/css/base-dynamic.min.e335b9bfa0b1.css from the CDN. So you have to download these too:

ls -lh *.css.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 peterbe  wheel   5.0K Mar  7 10:24 base-dynamic.min.e335b9bfa0b1.css.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 peterbe  wheel    95K Mar  7 10:24 base.min.91f6fc577a60.css.gz

The reason the difference appears to be huge is because I changed a couple of other things around the same time. Sorry. For example, certain DOM nodes were rendered as HTML but made hidden until some jQuery script made it not hidden anymore. For example, the "dimmer" effect over a comment textarea after you hit the submit button. Now, I've changed the jQuery code to build up the DOM when it needs it rather than relying on it being there (hidden). This means that certain base64 embedded font-faces are no longer needed in the minimal CSS payload.

Why this approach is better

So the old approach was to run mincss on the HTML and inject that as an inline style block and throw away the original (relevant) <link rel="stylesheet" href="..."> tags.
That had the annoying drawback that there was CSS in the stylesheets that I knew was going to be needed by some XHR or JavaScript later. For example, if you post a comment some jQuery code changes the DOM and that new DOM needs these CSS selectors later. So I had to do things like this:

.project a.perm { /* no mincss */
    font-size: 0.7em;
    padding-left: 8px;
.project a.perm:link { /* no mincss */
    color: rgb(151,151,151);
.project a.perm:hover { /* no mincss */
    color: rgb(51,51,51);

This was to inform mincss to leave those untouched even though no DOM node uses them right now. With minimalcss this is no longer needed.

What's next?

Keep working on minimalcss and make it even better.

Also, the scripting I used to modify the HTML file is a hack and should probably be put into the minimalcss project.

Last but not least, every time I put in some effort to web performance optimize my blog pages my Google ranking goes up and I usually see an increase in Google referrals in my Google Analytics because it's pretty obvious that Google loves fast sites. So I'm optimistically waiting for that effect.

How to throttle AND debounce an autocomplete input in React

March 1, 2018
18 comments Web development, JavaScript, React

Let's start with some best practices for a good autocomplete input:

'f' - most common search term on Google

  • You want to start suggesting something as soon user starts typing. Apparently the most common search term on Google is f because people type that and Google's autocomplete starts suggesting Facebook (

  • If your autocomplete depends on a list of suggestions that is huge, such that you can't have all possible options preloaded in memory in JavaScript, starting a XHR request for every single input is not feasible. You have to throttle the XHR network requests.

  • Since networks are unreliable and results come back asynchronously in a possible different order from when they started, you should only populate your autocomplete list based on the latest XHR request.

  • If people type a lot in and keep ignoring autocomplete suggestions, you can calm your suggestions.

  • Unless you're Google or it might not make sense to suggest new words to autocomplete if what's been typed previously is not going to yield any results anyway. I.e. User's typed "Xjhfgxx1m 8cxxvkaspty efx8cnxq45jn Pet", there's often little value in suggesting "Peter" for that later term you're typing.

  • Users don't necessarily type one character at a time. On mobile, you might have some sort of autocomplete functionality with the device's keyboard. Bear that in mind.

  • You should not have to make an XHR request for the same input as done before. I.e. user types "f" then types in "fa" then backspaces so it's back to "f" again. This should only be at most 2 lookups.

To demonstrate these best practises, I'm going to use React with a mocked-out network request and mocked out UI for actual drop-down of options that usually appears underneath the input widget.

The Most Basic Version

In this version we have an event listener on every onChange and send the value of the input to the autocomplete function (called _fetch in this example):

class App extends React.Component {
  state = { q: "" };

  changeQuery = event => {
    this.setState({ q: }, () => {

  autocompleteSearch = () => {

  _fetch = q => {
    const _searches = this.state._searches || [];
    this.setState({ _searches });

  render() {
    const _searches = this.state._searches || [];
    return (
          placeholder="Type something here"
        <hr />
          {, i) => {
            return <li key={s + i}>{s}</li>;

You can try it here: No Throttle or Debounce

Note, when use it that an autocomplete lookup is done for every single change to the input (characters typed in or whole words pasted in). Typing in "Alask" at a normal speed our make an autocomplete lookup for "a", "al", "ala", "alas", and "alask".

Also worth pointing out, if you're on a CPU limited device, even if the autocomplete lookups can be done without network requests (e.g. you have a local "database" in-memory) there's still expensive DOM updates for that needs to be done for every single character/word typed in.


What a throttle does is that it triggers predictably after a certain time. Every time. Basically, it prevents excessive or repeated calling of another function but doesn't get reset.

So if you type "t h r o t t l e" at a speed of 1 key press per 500ms the whole thing will take 8x500ms=3s and if you have a throttle on that, with a delay of 1s, it will fire 4 times.

I highly recommend using throttle-debounce to actually do the debounce. Let's rewrite our demo to use debounce:

import { throttle } from "throttle-debounce";

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { q: "" };
    this.autocompleteSearchThrottled = throttle(500, this.autocompleteSearch);

  changeQuery = event => {
    this.setState({ q: }, () => {

  autocompleteSearch = q => {

  _fetch = q => {
    const _searches = this.state._searches || [];
    this.setState({ _searches });

  render() {
    const _searches = this.state._searches || [];
    return (
        <p>½ second Throttle triggering the autocomplete on every input.</p>
          placeholder="Type something here"
        <hr />
        {_searches.length ? (
            onClick={event => this.setState({ _searches: [] })}
        ) : null}
          {, i) => {
            return <li key={s + i}>{s}</li>;

One thing to notice on the React side is that the autocompleteSearch method can no longer use this.state.q because the function gets executed by the throttle function so the this is different. That's why, in this version we pass the search term as an argument instead.

You can try it here: Throttle

If you type something reasonably fast you'll notice it fires a couple of times. It's quite possible that if you type a bunch of stuff, with your eyes on the keyboard, by the time you're done you'll see it made a bunch of (mocked) autocomplete lookups whilst you weren't paying attention. You should also notice that it fired on the very first character you typed.

A cool feature about this is that if you can afford the network lookups, the interface will feel snappy. Hopefully, if your server is fast to respond to the autocomplete lookups there are quickly some suggestions there. At least it's a great indicator that the autocomplete UX is a think the user can expect as she types more.


An alternative approach is to use a debounce. From the documentation of throttle-debounce:

"Debouncing, unlike throttling, guarantees that a function is only executed a single time, either at the very beginning of a series of calls, or at the very end."

Basically, ever time you "pile something on" it discards all the other delayed executions. Changing to this version is easy. just change import { throttle } from "throttle-debounce"; to import { debounce } from "throttle-debounce"; and change this.autocompleteSearchThrottled = throttle(1000, this.autocompleteSearch); to this.autocompleteSearchDebounced = debounce(1000, this.autocompleteSearch);

Here is the debounce version:

import { debounce } from "throttle-debounce";

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { q: "" };
    this.autocompleteSearchDebounced = debounce(500, this.autocompleteSearch);

  changeQuery = event => {
    this.setState({ q: }, () => {

  autocompleteSearch = q => {

  _fetch = q => {
    const _searches = this.state._searches || [];
    this.setState({ _searches });

  render() {
    const _searches = this.state._searches || [];
    return (
          ½ second Debounce triggering the autocomplete on every input.
          placeholder="Type something here"
        <hr />
        {_searches.length ? (
            onClick={event => this.setState({ _searches: [] })}
        ) : null}
          {, i) => {
            return <li key={s + i}>{s}</li>;

You can try it here: Throttle

If you try it you'll notice that if you type at a steady pace (under 1 second for each input), it won't really trigger any autocomplete lookups at all. It basically triggers when you take your hands off the keyboard. But the silver lining with this approach is that if you typed "This is my long search input" it didn't bother looking things up for "this i", "this is my l", "this is my long s", "this is my long sear", "this is my long search in" since they are probably not very useful.

Best of Both World; Throttle and Debounce

The throttle works great in the beginning when you want the autocomplete widget to seem eager but if the user starts typing in a lot, you'll want to be more patient. It's quite human. If a friend is trying to remember something you're probably at first really quick to try to help with suggestions, but once you friend starts to remember and can start reciting, you patiently wait a bit more till they have said what they're going to say.

In this version we're going to use throttle (the eager one) in the beginning when the input is short and debounce (the patient one) when user has ignored the first autocomplete inputs and starting typing something longer.

Here is the version that uses both:

import { throttle, debounce } from "throttle-debounce";

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { q: ""};
    this.autocompleteSearchDebounced = debounce(500, this.autocompleteSearch);
    this.autocompleteSearchThrottled = throttle(500, this.autocompleteSearch);

  changeQuery = event => {
    this.setState({ q: }, () => {
      const q = this.state.q;
      if (q.length < 5) {
      } else {

  autocompleteSearch = q => {

  _fetch = q => {
    const _searches = this.state._searches || [];
    this.setState({ _searches });

  render() {
    const _searches = this.state._searches || [];
    return (
        <h2>Throttle and Debounce</h2>
          ½ second Throttle when input is small and ½ second Debounce when
          the input is longer.
          placeholder="Type something here"
        <hr />
        {_searches.length ? (
            onClick={event => this.setState({ _searches: [] })}
        ) : null}
          {, i) => {
            return <li key={s + i}>{s}</li>;

In this version I cheated a little bit. The delays are different. The throttle has a delay of 500ms and the debounce as a delay of 1000ms. That makes it feel little bit more snappy there in the beginning when you start typing but once you've typed more than 5 characters, it switches to the more patient debounce version.

You can try it here: Throttle and Debounce

With this version, if you, in a steady pace typed in "south carolina" you'd notice that it does autocomplete lookups for "s", "sout" and "south carolina".

Avoiding wrongly ordered async responses

Suppose the user slowly types in "p" then "pe" then "pet", it would trigger 3 XHR requests. I.e. something like this:




But because all of these are asynchronous and sometimes there's unpredictable slowdowns on the network, it's not guarantee that they'll all come back in the same exact order. The solution to this is to use a "global variable" of the latest search term and then compare that to the locally scoped search term in each fetch callback promise. That might sound harder than it is. The solution basically looks like this:

class App extends React.Component {

  makeAutocompleteLookup = q => {
    // Store the latest input here scoped in the App instance.
    this.waitingFor = q;
    fetch('/autocompletelookup?q=' + q)
    .then(response => {
      if (response.status === 200) {
        // Only bother with this XHR response
        // if this query term matches what we're waiting for.
        if (q === this.waitingFor) {
          .then(results => {
              this.setState({results: results});

Bonus feature; Caching

For caching the XHR requests, to avoid unnecessary network requests if the user uses backspace, the simplest solution is to maintain a dictionary of previous results as a component level instance. Let's assume you do the XHR autocomplete lookup like this initially:

class App extends React.Component {

  makeAutocompleteLookup = q => {
    const url = '/autocompletelookup?q=' + q;
    .then(response => {
      if (response.status === 200) {
        .then(results => {
            this.setState({ results });


To add caching (also a form of memoization) you can simply do this:

class App extends React.Component {

  _autocompleteCache = {};

  makeAutocompleteLookup = q => {
    const url = '/autocompletelookup?q=' + q;

    const cached = this._autocompleteCache[url];
    if (cached) {
      return Promise.resolve(cached).then(results => {
        this.setState({ results });

    .then(response => {
      if (response.status === 200) {
        .then(results => {
            this.setState({ results });


In a more real app you might want to make that whole method always return a promise. And you might want to do something slightly smarter when response.status !== 200.

Bonus feature; Watch out for spaces

So the general gist of these above versions is that you debounce the XHR autocomplete lookups to only trigger sometimes. For short strings we trigger every, say, 300ms. When the input is longer, we only trigger when it appears the user has stopped typing. A more "advanced" approach is to trigger after a space. If I type "south carolina is a state" it's hard for a computer to know if "is", "a", or "state" is a complete word. Humans know and some English words can easily be recognized as stop words. However, what you can do is take advantage of the fact that a space almost always means the previous word was complete. It would be nice to trigger an autocomplete lookup after "south carolina" and "south carolina is" and "south carolina is a". These are also easier to deal with on the server side because, depending on your back-end, it's easier to search your database if you don't include "broken" words like "south carolina is a sta". To do that, here's one such implementation:

class App extends React.Component {

  // Just overriding the changeQuery method in this example.

  changeQuery = event => {
    const q =
    this.setState({ q }, () => {

      // If the query term is short or ends with a
      // space, trigger the more impatient version.
      if (q.length < 5 || q.endsWith(' ')) {
      } else {

  // Just overriding the changeQuery method in this example.


You can try it here: Throttle and Debounce with throttle on ending spaces.

Next level stuff

There is so much more that you can do for that ideal user experience. A lot depends on the context.

For example, when the input is small instead of doing a search on titles or names or whatever, you instead return a list of possible full search terms. So, if I have typed "sou" the back-end could return things like:

  "matches": [
     {"term": "South Carolina", "count": 123},
     {"term": "Southern", "count": 469},
     {"term": "South Dakota", "count": 98},

If the user selects one of these autocomplete suggestions, instead of triggering a full search you just append the selected match back into the search input widget. This is what Google does.

And if the input is longer you go ahead and actually search for the full documents. So if the input was "south caro" you return something like this:

  "matches": [
       "title": "South Carolina Is A State", 
       "url": "/permapage/x19v093d"
       "title": "Best of South Carolina Parks", 
       "url": "/permapage/9vqif3z"
       "title": "I Live In South Carolina", 
       "url": "/permapage/abc300a1y"

And when the XHR completes you look at what the user clicked and do something like this:

  return (<ul className="autocomplete">
    { => {
      return <li onClick={event => {
        if (result.url) {
          document.location.href = result.url;
        } else {
          this.setState({ q: result.term });
        {result.url ? (
          <p className="document">{result.title}</p>
        ) : (
            <p className="new-term">{result.term}</p>

This is an incomplete example and more pseudo-code than a real solution but the pattern is quite nice. You're either helping the user type the full search term or if it's already a good match you can go skip the actual searching and go to the result directly.

This is how SongSearch works for example:

Suggestions for full search terms
Suggestions for full search terms

Suggestions for actual documents
Suggestions for actual documents

csso and django-pipeline

February 28, 2018
0 comments Python, Django, JavaScript

This is a quick-and-dirty how-to on how to use csso to handle the minification/compression of CSS in django-pipeline.

First create a file called somewhere in your project. Make it something like this:

import subprocess
from pipeline.compressors import CompressorBase
from django.conf import settings

class CSSOCompressor(CompressorBase):

    def compress_css(self, css):
        proc = subprocess.Popen(
        css_out = proc.communicate(
        # was_size = len(css)
        # new_size = len(css_out)
        # print('FROM {} to {} Saved {}  ({!r})'.format(
        #     was_size,
        #     new_size,
        #     was_size - new_size,
        #     css_out[:50]
        # ))
        return css_out

In your where you configure django-pipeline make it something like this:


    # These two important lines. 
    'CSSO_BINARY': path('node_modules/.bin/csso'),
    # Adjust the dotted path name to where you put your
    'CSS_COMPRESSOR': 'peterbecom.compressors.CSSOCompressor',

    'JS_COMPRESSOR': ...

Next, install csso-cli in your project root (where you have the package.json). It's a bit confusing. The main package is called csso but to have a command line app you need to install csso-cli and when that's been installed you'll have a command line app called csso.

$ yarn add csso-cli


$ npm i --save csso-cli

Check that it installed:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/csso --version

And that's it!


So csso has an advanced feature to restructure the CSS and not just remove whitespace and not needed semicolons. It costs a bit of time to do that so if you want to squeeze the extra milliseconds out, enable it. Trading time for space.
See this benchmark for a comparison with and without --restructure-off in csso.

Why csso you might ask

Check out the latest result from css-minification-benchmark. It's not super easy to read by it seems the best performing one in terms of space (bytes) is crass written by my friend and former colleague @mattbasta. However, by far the fastest is csso when using --restructre-off. Minifiying font-awesome.css with crass takes 326.52 ms versus 3.84 ms in csso.

But what's great about csso is Roman @lahmatiy Dvornov. I call him a friend too for all the help and work he's done on minimalcss (not a CSS minification tool by the way). Roman really understands CSS and csso is actively maintained by him and other smart people who actually get into the scary weeds of CSS browser hacks. That gives me more confidence to recommend csso. Also, squeezing a couple bytes extra out of your .min.css files isn't important when gzip comes into play. It's better that the minification tool is solid and stable.

Check out Roman's slides which, even if you don't read it all, goes to show that CSS minification is so much more than just regex replacing whitespace.
Also crass admits as one of its disadvantages: "Certain "CSS hacks" that use invalid syntax are unsupported".

Items function in JavaScript for looping over dictionaries like Python

February 23, 2018
1 comment JavaScript, React

Too many times I've written code like this:

class MyComponent extends React.PureComponent {
  render() {
    return <ul>
      {Object.keys(this.props.someDictionary).map(key => {
        return <li key={key}><b>{key}:</b> {this.props.someDictionary[key]}</li> 

The clunky thing about this is that you have to reference the dictionary twice. Makes it harder to refactor. In Python, you do this instead:

for key, value in some_dictionary.items():
    print(f'$key: $value')

To do the same in JavaScript make a function like this:

function items(dict, fn) {
  return Object.keys(dict).map((key, i) => {
    return fn(key, dict[key], i)

Now you can use it "more like Python":

class MyComponent extends React.PureComponent {
  render() {
    return <ul>
      {items(this.props.someDictionary, (key, value) => {
        return <li key={key}><b>{key}:</b> {value}</li> 

Example on CodeSandbox here


Thanks to @Osmose and @saltycrane for alerting me to Object.entries().

class MyComponent extends React.PureComponent {
  render() {
    return <ul>
      {Object.entries(this.props.someDictionary).map(([key, value]) => {
        return <li key={key}><b>{key}:</b> {value}</li> 

Updated CodeSandbox here

Fastest way to unzip a zip file in Python

January 31, 2018
15 comments Python

So the context is this; a zip file is uploaded into a web service and Python then needs extract that and analyze and deal with each file within. In this particular application what it does is that it looks at the file's individual name and size, compares that to what has already been uploaded in AWS S3 and if the file is believed to be different or new, it gets uploaded to AWS S3.

Uploads today
The challenge is that these zip files that come in are huuuge. The average is 560MB but some are as much as 1GB. Within them, there are mostly plain text files but there are some binary files in there too that are huge. It's not unusual that each zip file contains 100 files and 1-3 of those make up 95% of the zip file size.

At first I tried unzipping the file, in memory, and deal with one file at a time. That failed spectacularly with various memory explosions and EC2 running out of memory. I guess it makes sense. First you have the 1GB file in RAM, then you unzip each file and now you have possibly 2-3GB all in memory. So, the solution, after much testing, was to dump the zip file to disk (in a temporary directory in /tmp) and then iterate over the files. This worked much better but I still noticed the whole unzipping was taking up a huge amount of time. Is there perhaps a way to optimize that?

Baseline function

First it's these common functions that simulate actually doing something with the files in the zip file:

def _count_file(fn):
    with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
        return _count_file_object(f)

def _count_file_object(f):
    # Note that this iterates on 'f'.
    # You *could* do 'return len('
    # which would be faster but potentially memory 
    # inefficient and unrealistic in terms of this 
    # benchmark experiment. 
    total = 0
    for line in f:
        total += len(line)
    return total

Here's the simplest one possible:

def f1(fn, dest):
    with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(f)

    total = 0
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dest):
        for file_ in files:
            fn = os.path.join(root, file_)
            total += _count_file(fn)
    return total

If I analyze it a bit more carefully, I find that it spends about 40% doing the extractall and 60% doing the looping over files and reading their full length.

First attempt

My first attempt was to try to use threads. You create an instance of zipfile.ZipFile, extract every file name within and start a thread for each name. Each thread is given a function that does the "meat of the work" (in this benchmark, iterating over the file and getting its total size). In reality that function does a bunch of complicated S3, Redis and PostgreSQL stuff but in my benchmark I just made it a function that figures out the total length of file. The thread pool function:

def f2(fn, dest):

    def unzip_member(zf, member, dest):
        zf.extract(member, dest)
        fn = os.path.join(dest, member.filename)
        return _count_file(fn)

    with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(f)
        futures = []
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
            for member in zf.infolist():
            total = 0
            for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
                total += future.result()
    return total

Result: ~10% faster

Second attempt

So perhaps the GIL is blocking me. The natural inclination is to try to use multiprocessing to spread the work across multiple available CPUs. But doing so has the disadvantage that you can't pass around a non-pickleable object so you have to send just the filename to each future function:

def unzip_member_f3(zip_filepath, filename, dest):
    with open(zip_filepath, 'rb') as f:
        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(f)
        zf.extract(filename, dest)
    fn = os.path.join(dest, filename)
    return _count_file(fn)

def f3(fn, dest):
    with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(f)
        futures = []
        with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
            for member in zf.infolist():
            total = 0
            for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
                total += future.result()
    return total

Result: ~300% faster

That's cheating!

The problem with using a pool of processors is that it requires that the original .zip file exists on disk. So in my web server, to use this solution, I'd first have to save the in-memory ZIP file to disk, then invoke this function. Not sure what the cost of that it's not likely to be cheap.

Well, it doesn't hurt to poke around. Perhaps, it could be worth it if the extraction was significantly faster.

But remember! This optimization depends on using up as many CPUs as it possibly can. What if some of those other CPUs are needed for something else going on in gunicorn? Those other processes would have to patiently wait till there's a CPU available. Since there's other things going on in this server, I'm not sure I'm willing to let on process take over all the other CPUs.


Doing it serially turns out to be quite nice. You're bound to one CPU but the performance is still pretty good. Also, just look at the difference in the code between f1 and f2! With concurrent.futures pool classes you can cap the number of CPUs it's allowed to use but that doesn't feel great either. What if you get the number wrong in a virtual environment? Of if the number is too low and don't benefit any from spreading the workload and now you're just paying for overheads to move the work around?

I'm going to stick with zipfile.ZipFile(file_buffer).extractall(temp_dir). It's good enough for this.

Want to try your hands on it?

I did my benchmarking using a c5.4xlarge EC2 server. The files can be downloaded from:


The .zip file there is 34MB which is relatively small compared to what's happening on the server.

The is a hot mess. It contains a bunch of terrible hacks and ugly stuff but hopefully it's a start.